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Chapter 545 Prison Break

Chapter 545 Prison Break

Hoof-clack, hoof-clack...

In the autumn, the mountains are green and yellow, and three fast horses are approaching the capital of the Northern Liang Dynasty along the banks of the Yan River.

Ye Jingtang wore a bamboo hat on his head and held a sword across his waist. As he galloped on his horse, he scanned the mountains and rivers he had traveled through before, and suddenly felt a sigh in his heart that time flies by.

Looking back, it wasn't that long ago that he left Liangzhou last spring, but for more than a year, he spent almost all of his time on the Jianghu Road - feeling the prosperity of the capitals of the two dynasties, climbing the high mountains of Hongshan and Wushan, and walking in the clouds. I wielded my sword like rain on Tianlang Lake in Mengze, and also rode the wind and waves in the East China Sea...

Along the way, he met many people and experienced many things. Some of them died, some left, and many beauties stayed with him.

While walking on the road, he didn't have time to carefully recall the past dynasties, but now when he came to the Yan River again, he was shocked to realize that he seemed to have gone through half a lifetime, or had walked all the roads that would be difficult for ordinary people to complete in a lifetime. Been through it again.

People in Jianghu have been wandering for a long time, and they all want to return home. However, by the time most people realize this, they are already a hundred years old. Things have changed in their hometowns, and they don’t even know where their home is when they want to go back.

The Night Terror Hall is obviously lucky. It has not yet reached its peak. For people of the same age, life has not really begun yet. If they return home, they can have a lifetime to look at the flowers in the garden and enjoy the beauty of the whole family.

But it's obviously a bit early to go home now. There are still two stops that have not yet been completed - one is Yanjing, which is very close at hand, and the other is Guancheng, which is far away in the south of the world.

After going to Guancheng, there will be no peaks in the future. Ordinary people may feel lonely, but Ye Jingtang will not. After all, he is devoted to martial arts, but the most important thing in his heart has never been martial arts.

After everything calms down, he can do whatever he wants to do, and he won't feel tired of it for the rest of the day.

Thinking of this, Ye Jingtang looked back. He actually wanted to go to Tiannan earlier. After all, wandering on the rivers and lakes, he really didn't have much time to have sex. Whether it was Nanxiaoshan or Little Apple, it took a long time. Have a look.

Not far behind him, two horses were riding behind him, with three people sitting on them.

Zhe Yunli was riding on horseback, holding Hua Qingzhi in his arms, and was much quieter than before.

The reason was naturally that the last time they drank together, she exposed herself and her master by talking nonsense. At that time, she didn't feel ashamed to drink to be brave. After she woke up in the morning, she didn't dare to see the night terror. She didn't say much these days.

In contrast, Hua Qingzhi changed from her usual soft and elegant look, with a bit of seriousness in her eyebrows, just like the young lady who was provoked by the foxy girl who just walked in.

After all, Xue Baijin was really not a human being. She peeled the orange for a long time and carefully picked off the white tangerine strips on it. As a result, she didn't even eat a bite. When she woke up, the plates were all taken away. Then she and her husband went to bed, waiting for Xue Baijin. Isn’t it unconscionable to only get what you want after you feel comfortable?

Hua Qingzhi has been looking for opportunities to retaliate these days, but unfortunately in order to rush to Yanjing as soon as possible to save people, she did not stop too much on the way, so she could only hold back the anger in her heart.

Xue Baijin walked alone at the end. Although he was coerced by Hua Qingzhi and had to be ruined by the Night Terror Hall, he was a little tangled in his heart; but he had to admit that after being forced to have sex, the despair he felt when he left the fairy island to draw a line was gone. .

At this time, Xue Baijin hugged Niaoniao and kept looking at the mountains by the river. He recalled the last time he escaped from Yanjing, the night when she escaped from the mountains and fields with Ye Jingtang on her back. The fate between the two seemed to be... That’s when it started…

No, when she was in Jiangzhou, Ye Jingtang saw her all. It should be all the fault of the empress who found trouble and smashed her clothes...


The four of them drove all the way to Yanjing with their own thoughts. After several days of running around, they gradually arrived at the boundary of Yanjing, and the Bishui Forest appeared in their sight again.

Ye Jingtang went deep into the enemy's hinterland, so he naturally became cautious. After leading the three of them to a small town near Xixia Temple, he warned:

"Master Xiang Han and Sun Jin should all be in Yanjing. You guys rest here first. I'll go find the people from the Qinglong Society to get information. I'll take action later in the evening depending on the situation. Let's make a quick decision and leave as soon as possible."

When Xue Baijin arrived at Longtan Tiger's Den, he naturally calmed down the chaos in his mind. He dismounted in front of the inn and went in to get a room.

Although Zhe Yunli was a little embarrassed, he couldn't hide when he went out to do errands. After helping Hua Qingzhi come down from the inn, he said:

"Cousin Jing, how about I go with you?"

There was no risk in Ye Jingtang going to inquire about the information. He thought about it and nodded:

"it is good."


Seeing this, Zhe Yunli quickly helped Hua Qingzhi in.

After more than half a year of conditioning, Hua Qingzhi's legs have recovered more than half. Although it is still a little difficult to run fast and bear weight, walking normally is no longer a problem. She smiled and said:

"I'll just go in by myself. You guys can get down to business first."

Seeing this, Zhe Yunli didn't insist. After Ye Jingtang brought the horses into the stable, he and Ye Jingtang took Niaoniao towards Yanjing.

Hua Qingzhi watched at the door of the inn. After the two left, she turned around. Rou Ya's expression became a little more serious. She came to the stairs and did not go directly upstairs. Instead, she raised her left hand.

Xue Baijin was waiting at the stairs at this time, preparing to take Hua Qingzhi up with him. When he noticed Hua Qingzhi's mistress-like movements, he frowned:

"Is your leg lame again?"


Facing the explosive questioning, Hua Qingzhi narrowed her eyes slightly:

"Last time you knocked me out and took away the oranges I peeled. I haven't settled the score with you yet. Do you really think that I, Hua Qingzhi, am a little girl who can be manipulated... eh?"

Before he finished speaking, Xue Baijin raised his hand like a chicken, tucked the light and soft Hua Qingzhi under his arm, and walked quickly upstairs.

dong dong dong~

Hua Qingzhi is a scholarly lady who doesn't even have the strength to kill a chicken. How can she resist this female bandit?

"You fierce bitch, let me down..."


Xue Baijin opened the door and threw Hua Qingzhi onto the bed:

"In my eyes, you are just an embroidered pillow that anyone can manipulate. This is a place of right and wrong. If you dare to cause trouble again, I will stun you every night from now on, so that you won't even be able to see me in the night. "

Hua Qingzhi was anxious to have a child and felt that the threat was quite serious, but she was still confident:

"Is it useful to stun me? Mr. Ye will not care about one thing and lose the other..."

Xue Baijin knew that Ye Jingtang would not care about one thing or the other, but she had a hundred ways to let Ye Jingtang accompany her to practice until dawn without giving Ye Jingtang a chance to take care of Hua Qingzhi. She just snorted softly and turned around. Out of the room.

Hua Qingzhi was very annoyed when she was treated like this, but as Luzhu said, Xue Baijin could make her stagger with just a breath of her breath. She really couldn't beat her. At the moment, she could only think about the fact that it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years. After Xue Baijin went out, she fell on the pillow, closed her eyes and continued to think about ways to take revenge...

At night, Suijin Street.

As the most famous romantic place in Yanjing, Suijin Street was already overcrowded just after nightfall, and libertines who came to have fun could be seen everywhere.

In the back alley of Chunman Building, Night Terror Hall is waiting quietly behind the wall as before, while listening to the conversations in the building:

"The twelve servants suffered heavy casualties. Even the only surviving Eunuch Yin and Gongxu were implicated in the Southern Dynasty's hidden stakes. The Twelve Regiments have now fallen directly..."

"With the current momentum, I guess the aristocratic families on Hudong Road have begun to secretly bet on both ends."

"Hey, this is not enough. As long as the Hua family is still loyal to the country, the Hudong family will not be in chaos. If the Hua family has second thoughts, then the country will really be unstable and something big will happen."

"Yes, Hua Junchen, Hua Jianxian, is indeed loyal and courageous. Li Shilang from the Ministry of Rites accompanied him for a trip, and now he praises Hua Jianxian for his righteousness when he meets everyone..."


Zhe Yunli was standing next to him, originally observing what was going on around him. When he saw that Ye Jingtang had been listening attentively, he followed suit, and what he heard was:


"So tight..."


Zheyun Lixia's feminine cheeks were obviously a little red. Seeing that Ye Jingtang was still listening seriously, he couldn't help but bumped her gently with his shoulder:

"Cousin Jing, what are you listening to?"

Ye Jingtang retracted his thoughts and saw Yunli's strange eyes, and said helplessly:

"I'm listening to the news, what do you think I'm listening to?"

Zhe Yunli didn't believe it, but since there was no evidence, he didn't say much on this issue. He thought about it and asked:

"Cousin Jing, I was drunk a few days ago, so I didn't say anything, right?"

Ye Jingtang saw that Yunli pretended not to remember anything and did not continue to talk about Maomao to embarrass her:

"I drank too much that day, so I can't remember clearly."

Zhe Yunli knew that Ye Jingtang remembered everything, but they understood each other tacitly and did not mention it. She was still relieved and said with a smile:

"Are you joking after drinking? You can't take it seriously. I actually can't remember clearly..."

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled, said nothing, and continued to listen to the random words in the building.

The two of them waited for a while, but before Old Liu from the Qinglong Club came over, they unexpectedly discovered that a carriage was parked outside Chunman Building.

The carriage was quite luxurious, and a young man in rich clothes got off the carriage. He went upstairs amidst the attentive greetings of the old madam:

"Oh, Mr. Wang, you came to Chunmanlou to have fun yourself, why don't you just send a servant over..."


"Oh, no, if you have a girl you like, just say hello and I will send it to the young master's house. Come here in person. If the imperial concubine knew about it, she would have to demolish my store..."

"I'm here to drink, not to go whore. I'm not afraid of you worrying about anything..."


After hearing a few words, Zhe Yunli's eyes showed a strange look, and he turned his head and asked, "Cousin Jing, is this the smart Wang?"

Ye Jingtang still remembered this stupid criticism of the exhaustive plan and responded:

"Yes, it was him last time who secretly paid three thousand taels of silver to hire me to kidnap Qingzhi to prevent Qingzhi from becoming the crown princess and threatening his cousin, the third prince."

"Tsk tsk..."

Zhe Yunli shook his head secretly and commented:

"Through this, the Hua family and Da Wei were connected, and it was considered that they gave away a lot of wealth to their bitter rivals. However, the plan of arranging for someone to abduct Miss Hua was really smart. Not smart..."

"Later, he also arranged for the killers of the Five Monsters of Snake Peak, and by the way, he promoted Uncle Hua to be the Sword Master. Anyway, the process was wrong no matter how I thought about it, but there was nothing wrong with the result..."


While chatting, footsteps sounded in the alley.

Ye Jingtang turned around and saw Lao Liu carrying a bookcase walking from the darkness. After finding him standing under the wall, he quickly came to him and bowed:

"I just saw Brick. I kept you waiting for a long time."

Ye Jingtang raised his hand and responded with a Jianghu salute:

"It doesn't matter. Did Mr. Liu find out the information we inquired about last time?"

Old Liu took out a piece of paper from his sleeve and handed it to Ye Jingtang:

"This is a drawing of the death row in the suburbs of Beijing. The rotation times and patrol routes of the three shifts of guards are included in it. However, the personnel are all experts. It is difficult to find out the specific identities. You have to be careful.

"Zhongsun Jin has been in the imperial city recently, and he seems to have become the inner door god. Master Xiang Han is doing everything as usual, handling affairs in the Imperial Prefecture. Did he go to the palace to meet Emperor Liang? Because his Taoism is too high, I will wait. I really can't figure it out.

"In addition, since the incident in Shuofeng City, many families and sects have secretly contacted the Qinglong Society, with the purpose of leaving a way out to avoid being affected by the Southern Dynasty's invasion of Yanjing in the future.

"The current situation is extremely beneficial to the Southern Dynasty. According to what I said above, as long as there are no mistakes, there will be no chance for Beiliang to come back. In fact, we should not take risks and come here..."

The Qinglong Club puts all its treasures on Ye Jingtang, which is equivalent to Stud. As long as the two countries are unified, the Qinglong Club can go ashore with a clear conscience. By then, I dare not say that it is the best in the world, but it will definitely be the most powerful family in the north. For this reason The most fearful thing is that something happens in the Night Terror Hall, causing the bamboo basket to fetch water.

But Night Terror Hall has its own rules for how to act. Everything has risks. You can't just do it because you are afraid of death. After picking up the drawing and looking at it for a few times, he responded:

"I have my own sense of discretion. It's hard work, but I have other news."

Lao Liu thought about it carefully and responded:

"There is no important news, but there is something irrelevant. The old Queen Mother seems to have found a new face-sitter. Two days ago, someone secretly went to the Queen Mother's Palace. The Queen Mother also sent away all the internal servants, but the face-shou's The specific identity has not been found out and is very mysterious.”


Faced with this news, Ye Jingtang didn't know how to evaluate it for a while.

Zhe Yunli was extremely interested in this kind of gossip, so he thought about it and asked:

"Does the Qinglong Society know where the flower-faced fox has gone?"

"After the incident in Shuofeng City, the flower-faced fox disappeared. He is probably seeking refuge. If you want to find him..."

Ye Jingtang waved his hand and said: "No, just ask. If nothing happens, we will leave and contact Mr. Liu if necessary."

"Sir, walk slowly."


Two quarters of an hour later, on the outskirts of Yanjing.

At night, everything along the Yan River calmed down, and only an occasional ship could be seen passing by the river.

Ye Jingtang stood in the forest on a hill across from Yushan River, using a telescope to observe the situation in the prison and the Imperial Master's Mansion. Yunli stood beside him with a black scarf and a mask on his face.

The last time we came here, it was because the enemy was overt and we were covert. The Beiliang court had no idea that Ye Jingtang would come over.

But this time, the Night Terror Hall has been filled with hatred, and Beiliang may be asking you to enter the urn, waiting for him to fall into the trap, which is much more dangerous.

For the sake of safety, Ye Jingtang did not dare to stay in Yanjing for a long time to give Beiliang time to react. The best decision at the moment is to find out the situation, go directly to fish for people, and escape thousands of miles before Beiliang finds out.

After the two waited for a while, the bird fell silently into the forest and stopped on the treetops above their heads.

Then Xue Baijin, who was wearing jade armor, hugged Hua Qingzhi, quietly fell behind him, and asked:

"How's it going?"

Night Terror Hall put down the telescope:

"I don't know if there are any lurking masters, but I definitely don't have thousands of troops ambushed. The distance here is too far, and I can't figure it out. I have to get closer and take a look. If there is a chance, just sneak in. You stay here, and if there is any situation, go directly Take them away, and even if we are surrounded and suppressed, I will be sure to break through."

Xue Baijin knew what Ye Jingtang was capable of. One person could be the king of hell with just one sword. If he had people around him, he would be restricted. He nodded lightly at the moment:

"be careful."

Hua Qingzhi couldn't help at all with this kind of thing, so she warned softly:

"You must be careful not to get hurt again."

Zhe Yunli really wanted to go together, but Master Xiang Han might be in the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion across the river. She, a little novice, probably couldn't stop someone from attacking her. After thinking about it, she said:

"If the situation is not right, we will run away by ourselves. Cousin Jing doesn't have to worry."

Ye Jingtang nodded, scanned the surrounding area, and after confirming that there was no risk here, he quietly disappeared into the night. The birds rose into the sky silently and entered a state of alert.

The Imperial Prefect's Mansion is to the east of the Yan River, and the Death Row is on an island between two bifurcated rivers, connected by a stone bridge. The river on the west side is very empty. No matter how good your physical skills are, as long as you are not invisible, you may be hidden. Discovered by experts.

However, this kind of terrain can only restrict warriors, not half-immortals.

Wearing a black robe, Ye Jingtang silently came to the west bank of the river and hid in a bush. Then he closed his eyes and carefully sensed the surrounding world.

Ye Jingtang does not have magical powers such as clairvoyance, but after studying the Nine Phoenix Chaoyang Kung Fu, he can clearly feel the 'qi' between heaven and earth. He can find Bing Tuo Tuo on the isolated island, and naturally he can also find other people.

At this time, Ye Jingtang closed his eyes and concentrated on perception. The surrounding night scenery of mountains and rivers suddenly turned into boundless flying catkins in his mind, outlining various shapes. He could clearly see the rhythm of the wind, the flow of water, and the people walking on the city wall. Jailers, figures moving within the walls.

If a warrior's moral skills are too low, he will not be able to hide his breath or steps, and will be unable to hide in front of the Night Terror Hall.

After entering the unity of heaven and man, he began to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. He could suppress his own aura, but he could not suppress the impact on heaven and earth.

If you want to completely hide the traces and make the Night Terror Hall unable to detect it, you must first have the foundation of the eight pictures, that is, reach the great perfection state of 'Refining God and Returning the Void', and be able to accurately control the energy in the surrounding heaven and earth. , otherwise the higher the skill, the more conspicuous it will be, just like a bright light in the night sky.

As for the people in this world who could completely master the eight pictures, except for Fengguancheng and Ye Jingtang himself, he couldn't think of the third one. Beiyun Bian was just getting a glimpse of it.

Even if Master Xiang Han could deduce the context of the nine pictures, he would never use his magical powers before seeing him, because after practicing, the countdown to sudden death would begin, leaving no room for maneuver.

For this reason, as soon as Ye Jingtang began to sense it, he discovered that the invisible energy between heaven and earth was gathering at the Imperial Master's Mansion across the river, and there were obviously masters among them.

Although Ye Jingtang could 'see' it and was in a higher realm than the other party, he was still quite surprised in his heart.

After all, under his perception, the entire area around the Imperial Master's Mansion turned into a whirlpool, and there seemed to be a demonic dragon swallowing rivers and seas in the center of the whirlpool.

The stronger the martial arts skills, the more powerful the body will be, and the more powerful the body, the stronger the endurance will naturally be. Although the realm is not enough to accurately control the energy between heaven and earth, you can swallow it wholeheartedly.

To be able to show the current situation, it can only be said that the opponent's physique is extremely powerful, and his skill is naturally bottomless. It seems that he is only one level away.

The "realm" thing can be understood suddenly. For example, Ye Jingtang only spent two quarters of an hour pondering the eighth picture; but the skill must be practiced hard, and the difference is far away. The Feng Shui treasure land can speed up the pursuit, but still You have to practice on your own, there are no shortcuts to make up for it.

In addition to the movement in the Imperial Prefect's Mansion, Ye Jingtang also unexpectedly discovered that there was also a very conspicuous aura in the prison turret. Although the movement was much smaller than that in the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion, the aura flowed more delicately and could obviously pull it on its own. The situation is that the realm is slightly higher than that of Master Xiang Han, but the physical strength is inferior.

There are too few people in the world who can reach the level of Martial Saint. Ye Jingtang can be sure that the man in the corner tower is not Zhong Sunjin, so he is a little puzzled. This is another unknown strong man appearing out of nowhere.

However, as long as the person coming is not Fengguan City, Ye Jingtang will not be able to retreat despite the difficulties. He can see the other party, but the other party cannot see him, so no matter how many experts are there, they are useless. He can completely get stuck in the blind corner and walk in with swagger. , carry Cao Aning out again.

For this reason, after getting to know the situation around the prison, Ye Jingtang completely concealed his presence, quietly slipped into the water, and slowly swam towards the isolated island in the river.

And above the nine heavens, birds were hovering quietly almost under the cover of night, observing the situation in the entire Yanjing countryside in order to give timely warning when a powerful enemy appeared.

But after careful investigation for a moment, Niaoniao suddenly turned his head and looked at a hill seven or eight miles away from the prison.

Although the distance is very far, the bird's eyesight is far beyond that of ordinary people. It can search for snakes and rats on the grass at an altitude of several thousand meters at night. At this time, under the moonlight, it clearly saw the grass pile on the top of the hill move. Carefully Looking, I discovered two rather familiar figures lying in the grass.


The bird was startled and wanted to fly over and say hello, but the Night Terror Hall had already begun to sneak in. If it ran away or made a sharp crackling sound, something big might happen, so it could only continue to hover and wait for the night terror. Come out of the hall and then go over...

(End of this chapter)

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