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Chapter 555 Bai Jin, you? !

Chapter 555 Bai Jin, you? !

In the afternoon, the sun shines through the window and onto the floor on the top floor of Mingyu Building, dotting the two perfect full moons into pale gold.

In front of the soft couch, Dongfang Li and Qin Huaiyan lay side by side, in the same cat-cat stretching posture, as if they were practicing yoga together in their free time.

Ye Jingtang stood behind Benben, with his hand on the moon, admiring the delicate flowers and the full moon. From time to time, he would pat them, which elicited an annoyed murmur. Through the shadows cast by the sun, he also You can see the fat-headed dragon and phoenix hanging upside down, making waves tremble.

After being so intimate for an unknown amount of time, light footsteps suddenly sounded downstairs.

Boom, boom, boom...

Ye Jingtang didn't stop without Benben's order. He just picked up the blanket to cover it up a little, and looked back. He saw Hongyu probing his head from the outcrop. He glanced at it, turned red and retracted, and said:


The Queen Mother was already a little dizzy. Her shoulders shrank when she heard the sound, and she quickly turned over and sat up:

"Hongyu, you...what are you doing here?"

Dongfang Liren was stuck by the latch and couldn't move around. His eyes were anxious and he quickly covered his face and pretended to be an ostrich.

Hongyu knew that she had disturbed the elegance of the Queen Mother and Prince Jing, so she whispered at the bottom of the stairs:

"The palace has summoned His Highness Prince Jing to enter the palace to meet the Holy Spirit. Will His Highness go?"

Dongfang Liren was confused and confused. Only then did she remember that she had come all the way back without even paying homage to her sister. She gasped twice before trying her best to calmly say:

"I know, go right away. You can go down first."


Hongyu still seemed timid, so she quickly went downstairs without saying a word.

Dongfang Liren was a little unable to hold on anymore. Seeing this, she was about to get up and call it a day, but was restrained by her daring subordinate. She looked back and said:

"Night Terror Hall~!"

Ye Jingtang held Da Benben's waist and threatened:

"Give me the painting and I will let His Highness go."


Dongfang Liren was not one to be subdued. He snorted softly, then closed his eyes and bit his red lips to endure.

Perhaps because he was afraid that he would miss the time when entering the palace, Huaiyan sat up on his knees and helped hold Benben down:

"End it quickly, don't keep Yuhu waiting too long."

"it is good."

"Woo~ Slow down a little..."


Tianshui Bridge.

After the incident in Beiliang was over, the flow of people in Tianshui Bridge reached its peak, and the streets were crowded with wanderers who came here for their reputation. Although they did not dare to go to Prince Lang's Mansion to make noise, the alleys of the Pei family were overcrowded, so the Pei family had to Arrange a few Honghualou disciples to maintain order.

After Pei Xiangjun rested for a while in his new house, he took Xiuhe back to the alley of the Pei family where he grew up. Along the way, he could hear people chatting:

"It is said that the King of Hell, Ye Da, lived here before he became rich. His adoptive father is the second uncle of this family, the same one who used to snatch the young lady at Junshan Terrace, and the eldest brother is the son of the old gun leader..."

"Honghua Mansion is said to be as rich as any country. I thought the house was just like a palace. But now it seems that it is quite low-key..."

"The street outside is full of house signs with the word 'Pei' on them. Isn't this called rich and invincible?"

"Yes. I heard that there is a second young master in the Pei family, who is a cousin to the King of Hell, Ye Da. He doesn't know about martial arts..."

"Does this need to be said? My sworn brother is the King of Hell, my grandfather and father were both gun leaders, and my aunt is also the head of Honghua Tower. If I don't have the skills of a military leader, I will be embarrassed to say that my surname is Pei... …”


As the chief financial officer of Honghua House, Xiuhe felt naturally proud when she saw that Honghua House had such a high reputation in the world. However, after hearing this, she couldn't help but whisper:

"Master, do you want the second young master to learn some martial arts? If you don't have any skills in fists and feet, from now on..."

Pei Xiangjun was strolling in the courtyard with his hands folded on his waist, acting like a housewife. He shook his head and said:

"When practicing martial arts, you can only wait until you are three years old. You can't be sure whether you can reach the top, but you can't tell a young martial artist at a glance. Pei Luo is not the material for martial arts. If he doesn't learn, he can be said to be devoted to literature in the future. The real successor is also a white paper fan, and it is normal if he does not know martial arts. But if he learns martial arts, he will be an idiot unprecedented in ancient and modern times, and it will purely disgrace the family..."

Xiuhe thought about it, so he stopped mentioning it and asked instead:

"I've finished my business in Beiliang. When will the young lady plan to get married?"

Pei Xiangjun glanced at Xiuhe: "Are you anxious again?"

Xiuhe stood up straighter and made a cold look: "I was born as a lady, and died as a lady. I'm just worried about the lady's marriage. How can I be called anxious?"

"It's better not to be in a hurry. With so many girls in the family, it's bound to be a big event. How can we just rush into it? Let's wait for some time to rest and then discuss it."


While the two were chatting, they returned to the Pei family's mansion. Because the alley was full of people, the sister-in-law, Mrs. Zhang, was just waiting at the door and started to greet them when they met.

Pei Xiangjun returned to the teahouse and chatted for a while about the situation in the building in recent months. He found that the situation was very good, so he felt relieved and went back to his boudoir to wash up and dress up.

Before I finished cleaning up, I heard another noise coming from outside:


"Hey, the surprise is coming, hurry up... Mr. Xiang! Mr. Xiang?"

"No need to call Sanniang, I can just go in."

"Haha, then you guys chat, I'll go to the shop and have a look..."


When Pei Xiangjun heard the commotion in the Night Jing Hall, he quickly put the hairpin in place and looked in the mirror. After confirming that he was as beautiful as a flower, he quietly walked to the desk in the outer room and sat down. He picked up the account book and flipped through it... …

The Pei family is all female, because they have been fascinated by the Night Terror Hall for a long time. When they heard that he was coming back, all the maids ran out and greeted him warmly in the corridor:

"Young Master~"

"Young Master Ye..."


Ye Jingtang was a little too kind to refuse, but fortunately Xiuhe came out immediately, waved his hand and said:

"Go, go, go, there's nothing to do, right? Go get busy..."

A large number of warblers and swallows ran away angrily.

Ye Jingtang hadn't seen Xiu He for a long time. He waited until no one was around before asking:

"It must be quite boring to stay in Xihai during this period. Go out and relax for a few days. I can buy whatever jewelry you want. I'll pay for it."

When Xiuhe heard this, his eyes were naturally filled with smiles, and he held Ye Jingtang's arm:

"I'm not short of jewelry. I'll be satisfied if the young master has this intention. I have time to take Luzhu Ping'er and the others out for a walk. They will definitely like it..."

"Ha ha……"

Ye Jingtang smiled softly and accompanied them to Sanniang's courtyard. Xiuhe stopped consciously and ran down to make tea.

Ye Jingtang came to the outside of the boudoir alone. Seeing that Sanniang didn't come out to greet her, he took a look.

As a result, they found Sanniang sitting upright in front of the desk, holding a brush and lightly knitting her eyebrows. There was also a small golden abacus in her hand, and she seemed to be calculating accounts.

Although she is at home, Sanniang is dressed quite decently. She wears a warm yellow autumn skirt and a mature and beautiful bun. She looks like a well-educated young woman at home. Because she is not tall and her clothes are very plump, it may be for To save effort, I also put my clothes on the edge of the desk...


Although Ye Jingtang had just seen the stormy waves, he was still moved by this charming temperament. He quietly walked behind and passed his hands under his arms to help support the weight:

"What are you looking at?"

Pei Xiangjun's chest felt light and he sat up straighter:

"Let's settle the accounts. Your wages from last year to this year haven't been paid yet."

Ye Jingtang has been the young master of Honghua Mansion for so long, and most of the time he has been working outside. Because there are so many rewards, there is no shortage of money, and he has never been paid a few times. Seeing this, he said amusedly:

"It's useless for me to ask for money. You can just use it to buy rouge and gouache."

Pei Xiangjun shook his head at this: "You gave me all your wages, and the other sisters are not allowed to poke my spine? Now that the family business has grown, there must be some rules. The maids in the house need wages, Ning'er, Qinghe, Yunli They don’t have any income either, so you can’t let them run around to earn daily expenses. From now on, you can give them monthly payments.”

It’s not that Ye Jingtang doesn’t know how to give him pocket money, but Benben Yuhu gave him pocket money which is not enough. How can he value his three melons and two dates? Qinghe is the King of Dongming, and his family’s wealth is actually richer than that of Honghualou. Ning The son didn't want it.

Sanniang suggested this, and Ye Jingtang naturally had nothing to say:

"I don't know much about housekeeping either. Sanniang can just make arrangements."

Although Pei Xiangjun felt that the accountant could not control his younger sister at home, he still looked like a big woman with the financial power in his hands. He pursed his lips and smiled, got up, turned around, and pulled Ye Jingtang to the embroidery bed. .

Ye Jingtang knew that Sanniang dotes on him, so he understood this and started to untie his belt, but before he could finish untying it, he noticed that Sanniang turned around with a strange look in his eyes:

"what are you doing?"


Ye Jingtang thought about it for a moment, then suddenly reacted, tied up his belt, opened the secret door under the embroidery bed, and fell into it with Sanniang.

The tunnel under the boudoir leads directly to the entrance of Qinglong Hall, where are the tablets of the ancestors of the Pei family, including the adoptive father's.

After waking up from the night terror, he actually wanted to come and offer incense, but his aunt was alone at home. It was not appropriate for him to come alone without saying hello, and it was not very polite to say hello, so he kept waiting for Sanniang to come back.

At this time, the two of them followed the tunnel and came to the entrance of the underground hall. It could be seen that the Overlord Gun had been put back in front of the spiritual case.

Ye Jingtang took out the incense and worshiped respectfully with Sanniang.

At the beginning of last year, Pei Xiangjun's life was still gloomy, and he didn't know how to survive such a big business. But now he has become the leader of the most powerful family in the world, and has successfully turned Honghualou into an imperial merchant. He no longer has to worry about the intrigues in the world. It can be said that I am filled with emotions.

After looking at the master's spiritual tablet for a moment, Pei Xiangjun said:

"The Pei family and even the ancestors of Honghua Tower have never even been a Martial Saint. If we can really get the 'No. 1 in the World' sign, I'm afraid we won't have to worry about being out of business for hundreds of years. Just like Xiaoshan Castle, even if we don't carry it The characters in Daliang have such historical origins that no one dares to underestimate them."

Ye Jingtang knew that his adoptive father's wish was only for him to get the position of Sword Chief. Now his achievement has far exceeded his expectations. However, Wu Wu Er, as long as he can still climb, he will definitely fight for the No. 1 position in the world. Regarding this, road:

"I'll try my best. If I get first place in the world, how will Sanniang plan to reward me?"

Pei Xiangjun blinked his eyes. It was not easy to talk nonsense in such a solemn place, so he took Ye Jingtang with him and left the hall. When he returned to the boudoir, he whispered:

"Partiality, I've given you everything, what else can I reward you with? The other girls are still intact and you don't want to harm them. If I had known this, I shouldn't have given up on Ning'er last year. Look at her, because the first one Get on the boat, now you have nothing to fear..."

Ye Jingtang hugged Sanniang, asked her to sit down on his lap, and said helplessly:

"How can this be called a disaster? This is called a favor."

"You are still your only favorite, so why are you harming Shui'er Qinghe?"

"Sanniang asked me to treat everyone equally, I must find a way..."


Pei Xiangjun also couldn't explain why he was shocked at night. After being apart for a long time, he finally had some free time alone. He didn't think about it anymore and said instead, "You're not in a hurry to leave, are you?"

Ye Jingtang had only been reunited for so long. How could they be in a hurry to leave? He leaned his head on the quilt and let Sanniang hold him down:

"There's nothing wrong now. I can run wherever I want."

When Pei Xiangjun reunited after a long absence, he was obviously a little shy. He stood up and put down the curtain first, and then unbuttoned his warm yellow clothes, revealing a very decent black hollow coat:

"This is a new style from Fan's shop, what do you think?"

Ye Jingtang looked at the heavy weight coming towards his face and felt great. He held the back of his head with both hands:

"Not bad, what about next?"


Pei Xiangjun bit her red lips lightly without any hesitation, took off her skirt completely, then leaned over and kissed Ye Jingtang, slowly moved up to help wash her face with a big watermelon, straddled her chest, and pushed the watermelon upside down.

Ye Jingtang looked at the full moon swaying gently in front of him. After a little patience, he pulled away the bow and began to appreciate it carefully...

Shuanggui Lane.

The alley is still the same, with whitewashed walls and neat blue bricks on the ground, but it gives people a sense of the passage of time.

Luo Ning led the white horse and walked slowly, her mind flashing back to every afternoon she had spent with the little thief.

Zhe Yunli helped carry the package and walked forward. Maybe he was thinking of the early and late days at the beginning of last year. When he was about to arrive at the small courtyard, he sighed softly:

"Time flies so fast. If we didn't hide here last year and went to other places to settle down, wouldn't we have met Cousin Jing?"

Luo Ning thought about it carefully, but she remembered the chat with the little thief under the eaves, and said:

"We must save Qiu Tianhe. Ye Jingtang has been spotted by the Hei Yamen, and he will definitely become the leader of the Hei Yamen. We will probably run into him by then, and then be caught by him or catch him..."

Zhe Yunli blinked: "With our abilities, I'm afraid we won't be able to catch Cousin Jing. If we are caught by him, Cousin Jing is very sensible and understands that we just want to save Qiu Daxia, so he might not treat us badly." I'll kill you, but Master, you're afraid..."


Luo Ning felt that if she was really caught by Ye Jingtang, it would probably be a serious dog officer and a female rebel. She didn't know how she was bullied, but it was hard to say these words clearly, so she just frowned:

"What are you talking about? Your cousin is not a traitor. How could he use his position to abuse a woman?"

"Hee~ I'm just telling you."

The two of them chatted for only a few words before entering the courtyard. Ping'er just walked out of it, holding a basket in her hand.

Luo Ning saw this and asked, "Ping'er, do you want to go out?"


Ping'er nodded to Luo Ning and said:

"The leader asked me to buy some food and come back to cook."

Luo Ning nodded slightly and thought about taking the things in Yunli's hand:

"You and Ping'er go together and buy two jars of good wine. Your cousin might come over."

Zhe Yunli didn't say anything when he saw this, and went out to the street with Ping'er.

Luo Ning walked into the courtyard, glanced at the flowers and plants she had bought, then walked slowly to the main house, opened the door and took a look.

Everything in the house remained as usual. The palm prints he once taught Ye Jingtang to practice martial arts were still left on the wall near the head of the bed.

Bai Jin, who was wearing a white skirt, was sitting upright on the bed, looking like she was practicing kung fu.

Luo Ning entered the room and put down her things. Just as she was about to speak, she found a tiger head hat placed by the bedside. The embroidery was exquisite and very cute. It was obviously for the baby.

Luo Ning agreed to help the little thief give birth to a child. She had been dreaming about being a mother during this period. When she saw this kind of object, she was naturally interested. She came to the bed and sat down, picking up the tiger head hat and looking at it:

"Yunli bought this?"

When Xue Baijin saw Ning'er again, he was inevitably a little nervous. He calmly opened his eyes and hesitated for a moment before saying:

"I bought it."


Luo Ning blinked, obviously a little confused, and turned to look at Bai Jin, who couldn't even joke:

"Why did you buy this?"

Xue Baijin wanted to show off as a leader, but at this time he really couldn't hold it up. After hesitating for a moment, he still said in a low voice:

"I...I have it."

Luo Ning probably didn't expect that Bai Jin would get married and become pregnant one day, but she still said blankly:

"What's up?"

Xue Baijin really couldn't explain clearly, so he took Ning'er's hand and put it on his wrist:

"On an overseas island, Ye Jingtang was seriously injured. I was just like you, in order to help him, so..."


Luo Ning's stunningly calm face turned into stunned expression after she realized something was wrong.

She turned around and looked at Bai Jin next to her in disbelief. Her expression was quite complicated, ranging from shock to doubt. He even wanted to touch Bai Jin's forehead to see if she was talking nonsense.

Xue Baijin knew this and was ashamed to say it, but as a sibling like Ning'er, she couldn't hide it, so she still said seriously:

"I'm indeed pregnant. Now that it's over, there's nothing I can do..."


Luo Ning's head was buzzing and she could no longer hear what Bai Jin was saying.

What do you mean?

When did Bai Jin and Xiao Thief get along?

No, that's fine. How could Bai Jin get pregnant? !

I've been with Xiao Thief for so long, and I was the first one to agree to having a baby with Little Thief, but in the end nothing happened. Bai Jin, who hadn't divorced her yet, was already pregnant in just a few days. Isn't this weird?

Luo Ning was obviously having a hard time accepting this, her eyes kept changing, and she didn't know how long it took before she recovered. She held her wrist and checked her pulse carefully, and then frowned:

"You...when did you and Night Terror Hall..."

Xue Baijin knew that it was difficult for Ning'er to accept the news, so he sighed helplessly:

"I have nothing to do with Ye Jingtang. It was because he was too uncomfortable at the time and used force on me..."

"This little thief!"

Luo Ning and Xue Baijin had shared the joys and sorrows together for many years, and they were still very concerned. When they heard this, they immediately raised their eyebrows, stood up, pulled out the soft sword from their waist, and walked out.

"Eh?" Xue Baijin quickly pulled Ning'er back: "What are you doing?"

Luo Ning turned around and said seriously: "He used force on you? What can I do?"

"He was injured and unconscious at the time. In order to help him survive..."

"Does that mean you volunteered?"

Xue Baijin was stunned by this question. After holding it in for a long time, he asked:

"Have you volunteered before?"


Luo Ning did do it voluntarily, but she still hasn't admitted it to this day. She always said that she would endure the humiliation and help Ye Jingtang get well.

Hearing Bai Jin's words, Luo Ning naturally understood and put away her angry eyes. She sat in front of her again, her eyes a little complicated:

"Then...then that's the case, that's all. I can still kick you out."

Drive me out?

Am I asking for your consent to this marriage?

Xue Baijin felt that Ning'er was a little distracted and had forgotten who was the head of the family. However, she didn't want to fight over these things and just said:

"You can't protect yourself. What difference does it make if you drive me out or not? What you should be thinking about now is what Yunli should do."

When Luo Ning heard this, she remembered the problem and frowned:

"Yes, you are already pregnant. It will take two or three months at most before your belly becomes... How are you going to confess to Yunli?"

I confess?

Xue Baijin took a breath and looked seriously:

"It's impossible between Ye Jingtang and I. After a few days, we will go back to Nanxiao Mountain to give birth to the child. Then you will bring him to the capital and raise him as your own child. As for how you explain to Yunli, you can figure it out yourself. "


When Luo Ning saw that Bai Jin was pregnant unexpectedly, she was naturally reluctant to ask her to carry the thunder. But she made the mistake first and let Bai Jin bear everything. It was indeed unloyal. After thinking about it, she still said:

"How can I rest assured that you are going back to Nanxiao Mountain alone to raise your baby..."

"You go back with me."

"With me?"

Luo Ning opened her mouth, then thought that this was what she should do, and asked softly:

"Are you going to the Night Terror Hall?"

"What is he going to do? I have already drawn a clear line with him."


When Luo Ning heard this, she was naturally unhappy - she also wanted a child, but she didn't have any at the moment. It was fine with Bai Jin first, and she was asked to go back and serve him for ten months without seeing anyone in the Night Jing Hall. I'm afraid it's a bit...

But after so many years of sisterly friendship, Luo Ning couldn't let Bai Jin feel cold because of a man. She could only advise at the moment:

"Now that things have come to this, how can you draw a clear line? Do you know how much more suffering it will be for the child to have no mother in the future?"

Xue Baijin has actually been struggling with this since she found out she was pregnant. She sighed softly:

"I know, but I can't make Yunli sad, so I have to leave. When one day Yunli finally gets married, he won't hold grudges against me anymore, and I might come back to see him."

Luo Ning felt that escaping was obviously not an option. Thinking about it, she could only say:

"How about I test Yunli's tone first?"

Xue Baijin frowned: "What are you trying to say?"

"I'm just trying to find out what's going on. I'm not clarifying the matter, but I'm just looking at Yunli's intentions. Then I'll use Master Shui'er and his apprentice as an example, and make insinuations to see what Yunli thinks about this kind of thing. When the time comes, you can consider whether to go back to Nanxiao Mountain or confess. ,how?"

Xue Baijin knew that these things couldn't be kept secret for a lifetime, and he didn't dare to bear it all looking at Ning'er's appearance. She had always been daring, but now she nodded nonchalantly and closed her eyes again.

Luo Ning was in a state of confusion, secretly brewing words. After sitting for a moment, she put her cheek against Bai Jin's belly and listened.

"Why is there no movement?"



I got up at eight in the morning, and the update is expected to be in the afternoon tomorrow. I wanted to go to bed early yesterday, but I got up at three or four in the morning, and lay down from eight to twelve in the evening before falling asleep or2.

(End of this chapter)

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