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Chapter 558 1 family of 3

Chapter 558 A family of three

As the sun sets over the western mountains, the aroma of rice gradually fills Shuanggui Alley.

In the dimly lit alley, Ye Jingtang took a leisurely stroll, looking at the familiar alley, and his mind was filled with every detail of the time he spent with Ning'er here last year.

Luo Ning walked in front, being held by the hand, because she was chewed several times on the way, and she looked unhappy. She walked in silence along the way, but the things she recalled in her heart were no different from those in the Night Terror Hall.

When she reached the entrance of the courtyard, Luo Ning was afraid of being discovered by her nominal husband, so she took her hand out of her lover's hand, straightened her clothes a little, and returned to her upright appearance.

Ye Jingtang has long been used to this, with a smile on her brows. After Ning'er entered the courtyard, she followed her inside. When she looked up, she saw the maid Ping'er busy in the kitchen. When she saw him, she hurriedly greeted him:

"Young Master Ye~"

"Have you prepared so many dishes?"

"Hehe, you must be more generous when entertaining Young Master Ye..."

While Ye Jingtang was talking, he glanced towards the main room, and happened to see Bing Tuotuo looking at him, but he immediately closed his eyes and assumed the posture of meditating again.

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled to himself. He didn't go directly into the house. He went to the kitchen first and helped with cooking skillfully.

After Luo Ning arrived at the main room, she hesitated for a moment and closed the door first, then sat down in front of Bai Jin, with a complicated look on her face but hesitated to speak.

Seeing this, Xue Baijin opened his eyes and asked:

"What did Yunli say?"

Luo Ning got a little angry when she mentioned this matter. She leaned into her ear and told the story about pouring beans into the bamboo tube of Ye Jingtang, and then said;

"According to the little thief, Yunli doesn't hate me, but he didn't tell Yunli about you."

Seeing that Ye Jingtang was tight-lipped, Xue Baijin secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After thinking about it for a while, he said softly:

"I have nothing to do with him. You and I are just a couple in disguise, and it's normal for Yunli to understand. In that case, you accompany me back to Nanxiao Mountain first, and when the child is born, and you come here again, you can say that the child is yours." of……"

Luo Ning really wanted to stay, but she didn't have the nerve to spend time with Yunli again. After struggling for a moment, she said softly:

"You discuss it with the little thief. I will definitely accompany you back. If the little thief doesn't let you go, then let him find a way."

Xue Baijin knew that Ye Jingtang would definitely not let her go, so he sighed softly, closed his eyes again, and tried to calm down and concentrate.

After waiting for a while, Ye Jingtang's words came from outside the room:

"It's time to eat."

Seeing this, Luo Ning set up the square table in the main room, opened the door and prepared to go into the kitchen to serve food. But when she looked up, she saw Ye Jingtang secretly stuffing Ping'er with banknotes and saying something in her ear, which made Ping'er feel embarrassed. of.


Luo Ning frowned and came to the window:

"Night Terror Hall, what did you say?"

Ping'er hurriedly hid the banknote behind her back, a little timid:

"Young Master Ye asked me to go to Sifangzhai to eat jealous fish. Otherwise, I'd rather eat at home."

Sifangzhai's vinegar fish is quite famous in Yun'an. The chef inside is known as the "Chief Chef", also known as the cooking fairy. In Ping'er's former supervisor's diary, she could write in a row for half a month, one day she didn't eat anything and she still had to pay for it. Special mention, it can be said that this is very good.

Luo Ning obviously knew Ping'er's hobbies, because she had to talk about something later, so she nodded and said:

"You can go if you want. Yunli and the others are playing in Nanxun River. You can go there and take a look after eating."

"Good lady."

Ping'er's eyes were full of joy, she nodded and ran out quickly.

Luo Ning watched Ping'er go out without saying a word. Like a little daughter-in-law, Luo Ning entered the kitchen and took the plate to the main room.

Ye Jingtang filled three bowls of rice, put them down in the main room, and took out a jar of good Yuchun ware:

"Tuotuo, come to eat."

Xue Baijin had already stood up. When he heard this address, his face darkened:

"What did you call me?"

Luo Ning also narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the Night Terror Hall.

Ye Jingtang looked at the two daughters-in-law with unkind eyes and quickly changed his words:

"Bai Jin, come and sit."

Xue Baijin came to the table and saw Ye Jingtang sitting on the left hand side, so she sat on the right hand side.

Luo Ning was the daughter-in-law of two people, so she naturally sat in the center seat. She looked around with an embarrassed look on her face, picked up her rice bowl and began to eat in small bites.

Ye Jingtang raised his hand and poured a glass of wine for Ning'er. He originally wanted to pour it for Tuotuo, but thinking about being pregnant, he took it back and picked up a chopstick instead:

"Come, try the stir-fried pork I made."

Xue Baijin didn't know why, but when he sat with Ye Jingtang, he always felt like his wife was currently guilty. For this reason, he behaved very well and did not move his chopsticks directly:

"After this meal, Ning'er and I will go back to Nanxiao Mountain. Is there anything else you want to say?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head and sighed: "I won't stop you if you want to go back, but I will definitely have to follow you, and you can't stop me."

Xue Baijin frowned slightly: "You don't keep your word, right? I've agreed to send you back, and you won't bother me anymore..."

"I'm not pestering you, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear the pain of lovesickness."


Xue Baijin immediately sat up straighter when he heard this: "Whoever suffers from lovesickness, don't be sentimental."

Ye Jingtang raised his eyes and looked at Bingtuotuo: "Both Ning'er and I know your character. You are so talkative and talkative, but you and I both know what you think in your heart.

"It's okay for you to live in Nanxiao Mountain for two or three days, but how can you survive ten months? Not to mention ten months, just these half a month, I haven't woken up, how can you feel calm? Don't you admit it? , but everything must be done within one's ability..."


When Xue Baijin heard this, she naturally wanted to refute, but she was straightforward and understood that Ye Jingtang was telling the truth.

When she first left the island, she was very resolute, but she couldn't survive more than two or three days before she was overwhelmed by the messy emotions. She gave it to her again in vain, and then she got out of hand.

During the half month since Ye Jingtang was in coma, she barely had a good night's sleep. Every few hours, she would sneak into the new house to take a look, but she didn't let Yunli Qinghe and the others discover it.

She woke up from a fright the night before and came to the yard to spend the afternoon with her. She felt that all the hesitation and irritation she had felt during this period had disappeared.

From yesterday to today, Ye Jingtang did not practice with her. She was meditating on the bed, her mind was enveloped in anxiety and confusion, and she could not calm down. She was almost always thinking about what to do in the future.

She said she wanted to leave, but as soon as she left, she wouldn't see him again for ten months. She didn't dare to think about how miserable those days would be.

However, Xue Baijin has retreated again and again. If he continues to retreat, there will be no bottom line. After thinking about it, he still said:

"I can handle it, you don't have to worry."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang shook his head secretly, stepped back and asked for the next best thing:

"I just woke up and Ning'er just came back. How about staying here for a few days? At least we can have a good reunion. Can you think about it clearly in a few days before making a decision?"

Xue Baijin knew that Ye Jingtang would not let her leave, and wanted to be firmer, but Ning'er did just come back today, and she just took her away without giving her any time to reunite. Ning'er was afraid that she would have an opinion, so she didn't say anything more after thinking about it. He buried himself in his meal.

Seeing Tuo Tuo relent, Ye Jingtang laughed naturally. He noticed that the expressions of the two of them were cold, and he coughed slightly, put on a straight face, and went back and forth to help pick up the food:

"Come on, eat more..."

Ning'er and Bai Jin both have relatively calm personalities, and their situations are very complicated. There is no conversation at the dinner table. The only thing that is special is that no matter who is serving food in Ye Jingtang, the other person will glance at the other person, looking just like Mrs. Afraid. Or my husband was jealous, and the night terrors he ended up with were a bit weird.

After finishing the meal, Ye Jingtang put away the dishes and chopsticks, and the moon hung on the branches.

After Luo Ning helped clean up, because she had nothing to do at night and was not afraid of being bullied by the thieves, she admired the flowers and plants she planted in the yard.

Xue Baijin came under the eaves, looked at the moonlight in the sky, and saw Ye Jingtang approaching. He wanted to hold her wrist and feel her pulse. He quickly put his hand behind her back and asked:

"You're not going back?"

"I haven't been back for a long time. Let's rest here for a day. Don't worry, I live in my own room and won't disturb you."

Ye Jingtang said that he still pulled his wrist and took the pulse carefully.

Xue Baijin couldn't do anything about Ye Jingtang, so he stopped breaking away and looked at Ning'er who was admiring the flowers and the moon.

Luo Ning wandered around for a while, and since there was nothing to talk about, she asked:

"Little thief, is it difficult to learn the Nine Phoenix Chaoyang Kung Fu?"

"It's not difficult. I can definitely teach it. How about now..."

Before Ye Jingtang finished speaking, Xue Baijin, who was next to him, looked nervous. Seeing Ning'er's stupidity, he said coldly:

"Don't even think about it!"


Ning'er originally wanted Ye Jingtang to teach her, but when she heard Bai Jin's words, she naturally misunderstood. Her lips moved, but she hesitated to speak, feeling a little aggrieved.

Seeing this, Xue Baijin explained: "I didn't say anything about you. When he taught the exercises, he had to take off his clothes, and then..."

When Luo Ning heard this, she naturally understood the meaning, and her eyes suddenly became wary:

"Little thief, what do you mean?"

Ye Jingtang was a little innocent: "What can I mean? You just want to learn from me and teach you. In the past, only low-level people had to take off their clothes. They are old people. Now I can teach the skills through clothes."

Luo Ning was dubious and asked, "Are you sure you don't need to take off your clothes?"

Xue Baijin had nothing to do if he stayed in the yard. He asked Ning'er to learn the Nine Phoenix Chaoyang Kung Fu as soon as possible so that it would be easier to walk in the future. He immediately entered the house, sat down on the stool, and acted like he was supervising:

"Let him teach you. If he dares to take off your clothes, I will help you deal with him."

Luo Ning would rather believe that Shui'er can quit drinking and sex than believe that Ye Jingtang doesn't have evil intentions for her. However, Bai Jin was supervising her, so she always had to feel more at ease, so she walked over slowly and sat down.

Candlesticks have been lit in the room, and the dim light fills every corner of the room, just like when Night Terror Hall enters this room for the first time.

But what is different from that day is that the room no longer has only one person, one bird and one bed frame. There is a lot more furniture, the roof is neatly arranged, and there are two more flowers and jade in front of the exquisitely carved canopy bed. daughter-in-law.

Bai Jin was wearing a plain dress, sitting upright next to the dressing table. Her cold cheeks seemed repulsive, but her flat belly had already given birth to two children, so that her temperament only seemed close and could not be felt. Half chilly.

Ning'er was still wearing a long blue dress that outlined her perfect waist. She sat upright beside the bed. The candlelight shone on Qingcheng's peerless profile. Her eyes lost the hostility they had when they first met. She just didn't know if they would be there later. The nervousness of being bullied and the slight flicker in his eyes are something that people will never forget once they see him.

Ye Jingtang entered the house and faced the gazes of his two daughters-in-law. Naturally, his heart felt a little wandering. However, if he dared to show it at this time, he would be beaten out. For this reason, he still put on a stern look, closed the door, and came to the bed. :

"Ning'er, just lie down."

Luo Ning glanced at Bai Jin, then took off her embroidered shoes and slowly lay down. Maybe because she felt the atmosphere was awkward, she gestured to the patched palm prints on the wall and said a few words:

"We just met last year, and Ye Jingtang doesn't know martial arts yet. I taught him Zhanyun Fourteen Hands, and he just learned how to shoot this one."

Xue Baijin looked at the not-too-distant traces on the wall. It was really hard to imagine that in just the past two years, Night Terror Hall could progress to where it is now. However, Xue Baijin had no intention of praising the Nightmare in the Night, and focused on his wife and lover:

"Hurry up and teach him the skills. Let him go back as soon as possible after passing on the skills."

Luo Ning leaned her head on the pillow, put her hands on her waist and closed her eyes. Maybe she was a little embarrassed by being watched by the two people. After thinking about it, she turned her cheek to the inside, closed her eyes and waited for Ye Jingtang to teach her skills.

Ye Jingtang first opened his folded hands, then put his hands on his lower abdomen, and began to close his eyes and concentrate on guiding his breath.

Xue Baijin was sitting next to him. Seeing this familiar scene, he couldn't help but recall the time on the island and wanted to look away.

But after waiting for a while, she found that Ning'er was breathing unsteadily, biting her lower lip, and arching her feet slightly, looking like a deer waiting to be tortured.

Xue Baijin knew the key points of passing on the Kung Fu, so he turned his head again, frowned and said:

"Ning'er, what are you thinking about?"


Luo Ning was thinking about how the little thief would harm her, and when she heard the sound, she quickly suppressed her thoughts:

"what happened?"

"To learn the exercises, you need to be calm and focused, and your mind is as still as water. If your breath is unstable because of your random thoughts, how can he teach it?"

Luo Ning had tried hard to restrain herself, but a long separation was better than a wedding. How could she hold back when Ye Jingtang touched her like this? Seeing Bai Jin training her, she said innocently:

"Why is my heart so calm when his hands are all over my body?"

Xue Baijin followed the method taught to her by Ye Jingtang and carefully guided:

"Just keep your mind clear of distractions, adapt to the touch of your hands, and don't think about irrelevant things..."

Luo Ning was a little unbelievable: "How can I adapt to him touching me? Can you adapt to it?"

Xue Baijin can definitely do it, but she will be stuck on the slope after adapting. She couldn't say this clearly, so she could only say unexpectedly:

"You and he have been together for so long, and you still can't let go?"

Luo Ning was very loyal and looked slightly unhappy when she heard these words:

"I'm a woman, how can I let him go when he does this to me? If you can let go, come and show me, what's the use of just talking about me..."

Seeing the two of them arguing, Ye Jingtang naturally added fuel to the fire and encouraged:

"How about you help Ning'er demonstrate? I promise not to do anything without your permission."

Xue Baijin is not stupid and feels that things are not going the right way. However, Ning'er has always been like this. Her talent lies in beauty. If she doesn't teach her step by step, she may not be able to understand it even if she is touched by Ye Jingtang for months. Hesitate a little but still He got up and lay down in front of Ning'er:

"I will demonstrate to Ning'er, and you should concentrate on teaching the skills. If you have evil intentions and I find out, you know the consequences."

Ye Jingtang looked at the two daughters-in-law lying side by side on the bed. He was a little distracted, but his expression was still very decent. He put his hand on his belly with a smile and slowly moved:

"Watch carefully, it will look like Tuo Tuo..."

Luo Ning looked at the two husbands next to her, and her heart was full of weirdness. However, in order to learn the exercises, she still pretended to study seriously and raised her upper body to look at them carefully.

After just a few glances, she noticed that Bai Jin's face turned crimson, and as the little thief's hand moved to Nanxiao Mountain, his body trembled slightly, and he let out a faint cry:


Then the room fell silent.

? ?

Luo Ning's serious look suddenly turned into bewilderment, and the look in her eyes probably meant - you call this feeling like stillness? You're not even as good as Shui'er, but you're still trying to show me mercy?

Xue Baijin also realized that he had overreacted, and turned to look at the culprit coldly:

"Who asked you to touch here? When you touched Ning'er, your hand didn't move..."

Ye Jingtang looked serious: "You are pregnant. How can I be careless? I can only touch you carefully. Didn't you feel calm before? Why are you today..."

With Ning'er here today, can it be the same?

Xue Baijin felt that he had been tricked and wanted to get up, but as soon as he praised Haikou for teaching Ning'er, it was obviously not appropriate to turn around and give in. He thought about it and closed his eyes again:

"It was unexpected just now, just keep going."

Ye Jingtang nodded slightly when he saw this, and continued to hold Nanxiaoshan, rounding and flattening it to help Tuotuo relax.

Luo Ning lay on her side in front of her, feeling that this was not a transfer of skills, it was just flirting and foreplay.

However, Bai Jin was still pretending to be calm, so she naturally didn't say anything, just waiting to see what happened with her face slightly red.

Xue Baijin had been seduced by Ye Jingtang many times and had developed muscle memory. After adapting for a moment, he temporarily forgot about everything outside him, gradually relaxed and no longer resisted Ye Jingtang's hand.

Luo Ningguang watched from the side and saw that Bai Jin was obviously aroused. He couldn't help but frown secretly. He felt that the little thief was going too far and used this method to deceive the simple and conservative Bai Jin.

However, the atmosphere was almost complete, and Bai Jin didn't resist. Naturally, she couldn't interrupt the spell casting. Seeing that Ye Jingtang was still pretending to be serious about teaching the spell, she raised her eyes, took a look, and then looked away.

When Ye Jingtang saw Ning'er's eyes, he knew that she was getting bored, so he naturally leaned over and got in front of Ning'er.

Luo Ning glanced at Bai Jin from the corner of her eye. Seeing that Bai Jin had no objection, she took her lips and put her hand on Ye Jingtang's shoulder, rubbing it gently.


The lights in the room with closed doors and windows were dim, a slight sound came from between the curtains, and then a few pieces of clothing slipped from the curtains.

Although Xue Baijin was confused and confused, he was not unable to sense the changes in the outside world. When he found out that Ning'er was secretly kissing her, he originally wanted to stop it.

But Ning'er's separation was better than her wedding, so she had thousands of thoughts hidden in her heart. She finally relaxed her mind and body, and felt a little reluctant to return to the chaotic situation just now.

For this reason, Xue Baijin just saw through it without telling her, pretending to be dazed, and allowed Ye Jingtang to untie her skirt, without resisting their lips.

However, as Ning'er's green shirt faded away, Xue Baijin still found something was wrong. He recovered from his confusion and looked at Ning'er's light blue hollow top and bow-knot pants:

"Ning'er, why are you dressed like this?"


Luo Ning, who was trying to endure the humiliation, stiffened slightly. She was obviously embarrassed by these words and quickly pulled off her sexy clothes. After all, wearing this kind of thing is more embarrassing than not wearing it.


Seeing this, Xue Baijin had nothing to say. As they were honest with each other, all the messy thoughts were completely put aside, and he said softly;

"You should also teach Ning'er the technique that men and women practice together."


"Why are you laughing when I ask you to teach me martial arts?"

"Hey, it's nothing, I just remembered some happy things."

"What happy thing?"

"My wife is pregnant."


Ye Jing Tang had already relaxed, but when he saw Bing Tuo Tuo's face turned cold and was about to get up to get down, he quickly held her down:

"Okay, okay, I'll teach you seriously, relax..."

Luo Ning leaned forward and suddenly noticed from the corner of her eye that there was a small pendant between Bai Jin's astonishingly sized tuan'er, so she wanted to raise her hand to pick it up and compare it with her own jade pendant.

As a result, Xue Baijin thought Ning'er wanted to touch her like Qingzhi, so she quickly grabbed her hand:

"what are you doing?"

"I'm just touching it."

"Touch it?! Don't you have one yourself?"

"Ning'er is touching the pendant, not..."

"Don't talk..."


The moonlight was faint, the small courtyard was silent, and the room became completely quiet, but soon there was a soft gasp again...

On the other side, inside the imperial city.

In the Fushou Palace, the ginkgo tree planted by Wu Taizu stood facing the wind on top of the palace pavilion, and its leaves had turned golden yellow.

In the garden below, an incense table was placed, and several palace maids carrying palace lanterns were waiting respectfully around it.

The Queen Mother in a gorgeous phoenix skirt and Dongfang Liren in a silver python skirt, holding incense, stood in front of the thousand-year-old ginkgo tree, with solemn expressions. They seemed to be praying for good weather in the Wei Dynasty, but deep down they must be. I am begging Master Shu to bless them and help them conceive babies as soon as possible.

The empress was wearing a red dress and standing in the corridor of Fushou Palace. Although she began to worry about her children under the pressure of Xue Baijin, she acted pragmatically and knew that praying to gods and worshiping Buddhas was useless. The more hard work and the more rewards, the better. This person did not go to worship together, but looked at him casually from a distance.

After waiting for a while, before the Empress Dowager and Li Ren finished praying, Meng Jiao, who was listening attentively with white hair, silently jumped in from outside the palace, landed beside the empress, holding a letter in her hand, cupped her hands and said:

"Your Majesty, there is news from Tiannan."

Seeing this, the empress retracted her thoughts, took the envelope from Meng Jiao's hand, opened it and glanced at it for a few times, and then her naturally soft eyebrows frowned slightly.

Meng Jiao has been working in the imperial court all her life. When she was young, she was the six-door goddess who fascinated countless knights. Now she is also the de facto leader of the black government. She knows a lot about the affairs of the imperial court and said:

"According to the records, Zhao Hongnu committed suicide in fear of crime, but Cao Gong speculated that he was not dead, that is, he was not dead. Zhao Hongnu was a martyr in the border army. He was raised by the imperial court since he was a child. He was highly regarded by the late emperor and his talent was not bad. , if you have grown up smoothly so far, your strength should be above the humble position. Who should handle this case? "

Zhao Hongnu is a master trained by the imperial court. Like Heiya Liusha, Eunuch Cao and others, although he does not seem to be among the top in the world, he is from the national team and has solid quality without exception. His strengths include strategy, knowledge, reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance, and ordinary people cannot deal with him at all.

However, today's Wei Dynasty has the aspiration of the people and is full of talents. It is too easy to find someone who can be used. The empress thought for a moment:

"I met Zhao Hongnu when I was young. As expected, I should have entered into the unity of heaven and man now. You will definitely not be able to control it if you go. Going to the Night Terror Hall makes a fuss. Let Xu Tianying and Hua Junchen go. They have just come here and have to accumulate experience. With a little merit and fame, this job is just right."

Meng Jiao knew that Hua Junchen and Xu Tianying were indeed qualified on paper and needed to arrange some errands to gain fame and merit, but their ability to do things was really questionable. She thought for a while:

"Xu Tianying is too young, and all decisions basically depend on Cao Aning, and he is not good at fighting head-on. Hua Junchen has high skills, but he has no achievements in his life, so he must have insufficient experience. He is in a low position and estimates that he can at best deal with a mid-level grandmaster. When he meets Qiu Tianhe Liu, can’t take a knife..."

The empress actually noticed that Hua Junchen's swordsmanship was a bit eye-catching, and said:

"Masters are all trained. If two Wu Kui go out together, it's fine if they can't catch anyone. If they can't run away, then we can only say..."

The empress wanted to say that she was "unworthy of walking in the world," but Hua Junchen was Qingzhi's father and the head of a family in Hudong Road. If he accidentally caused trouble, it would obviously be hard to explain.

Meng Jiao hesitated for a moment and asked, "How about we inform Mr. Ye and see how he arranges it?"

Ye Jingtang had just come back. The empress didn't want him to worry about trivial matters, but she sent Ye Jingtang's father-in-law out for training. It was obviously not possible without saying hello. After thinking about it for a while, she turned and walked outside the palace:

"I asked him to come and discuss it. You can go down first."

Meng Jiao looked at the sky and felt that the empress had gone to the Night Jing Hall to discuss it at this point. The discussion could be held until tomorrow morning, so she resigned without saying a word and left the palace silently...

(End of this chapter)

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