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Chapter 563 Uninvited Guest

Chapter 563 Uninvited Guest

Behind the White Tiger Tower is the chariot and horse racing compound, and Song Chi's private residence is located in the deepest part.

The sky has completely darkened, and the battle in the arena outside is still continuing, but the person in charge has been replaced by Song Chi's son, who is chatting with the Sanjue Immortal; Song Chi and Zhang Henggu are gathered in the building, discussing and selecting each other. Qualified persons.

In the Song family mansion, Zhe Yunli stood on the roof holding an umbrella, looking at the fighting situation outside, and at the same time paying attention to the movements on the dock.

In an elegant house not far away, the Song Mansion's servants and maids had been sent away so as not to disturb the Night Terror Hall's rest.

Ye Jingtang sat in the room arranged by Uncle Song, secretly thinking whether there was anything missing in today's reasoning. After all, the matter was too long ago, and he could not guarantee that his deduction was completely correct.

Although Dongfang Liren is usually very arrogant, every time he sees Ye Jingtang's powerful appearance, he becomes much more well-behaved. At this time, he was sitting in front of him as gently as his little girlfriend, and helped Ye Jingtang pour a cup of tea. Hand it to you:

"Come, have a sip of tea."

It was rare for Ye Jingtang to see Benben be so virtuous, so he temporarily stopped his thoughts and took the tea cup:

"Want to learn kung fu?"

"I didn't mean to disturb you and the Queen."

"How can this be."

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled: "Why don't you want to teach me? But there is a saying that 'a gentleman's words are hard to chase', and what His Highness promised when he went out..."

"Brother Jingtang, you secretly taught me the skills, but you didn't teach the Queen. If she..."

Zhe Yunli sat upright, trying to brush away distracting thoughts, but was obviously reminded of the topic. After thinking about it, he asked again:

"Cousin Jing, do you think I'm a little in the way?"

Dongfang Liren didn't let go when he saw the night terror hall. He had no choice but to grit his teeth secretly for a moment, then got up and walked out the door.

Dongfang Liren knew that Ye Jingtang would mention this. Now that he had something to ask for, he couldn't be stubborn anymore. After thinking about it, he stood up, sat sideways in Ye Jingtang's arms, stepped forward and squirted hard on his face. Down:

"You're such a pervert, why do you insist on tormenting me?"

Night Terror Hall stopped cleanly:

Master’s father?

Ye Jingtang felt that this title was quite outrageous. Looking at Yunli's eyes, he pondered for a moment:

"That's definitely not the case. Well...Shui'er and Benben get along very well."

"Okay, it's just a joke. Come on, calm down and I'll teach you the technique."

Zhe Yunli quickly pulled Ye Jingtang's hand back and placed it on his waist.

Ye Jingtang didn't expect Yunli to return the words. It was hard to answer, so he said seriously:

Ye Jingtang's arms were empty, but Benben was angry and asked:

"where have you been?"

For this reason, Zheyunli's eyes moved, and she suddenly said:

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang asked: "Benben will be back soon. What should I do if I see you and beat me?"

"That's right. Then I'll teach you tomorrow."

"Did you make the Queen angry again?"

Dongfang Liren definitely wanted to learn, otherwise he wouldn't secretly practice flying birds in the house. Especially after seeing it today, he felt that he and Ye Jingtang were already different from mortals, and he couldn't wait to learn it right away.

Ye Jingtang knew Yunli's purpose and put the stool next to him:

"Come and sit down."

"Don't think blindly, why would I dislike it? If you leave, your wife will say that I am not. It would be great if the whole family could be happy..."

As he spoke, he took out his handkerchief and helped Ye Jingtang wipe away the red lip marks on his face.

After realizing that the Queen had gone out, Zhe Yunli came in through the window and turned around to look at her:

Zhe Yunli sat a few minutes closer and asked:

"Since I told you about Master's Wife last time, I haven't seen Master's Wife a few times. This time when I came out, everyone was here, except Master and Master's Wife, who didn't come, so Aunt Fan didn't come either. If I continue to pretend I don’t know if Master’s Wife will follow Cousin Jing?”

Ye Jingtang didn't pay attention to this. Seeing this, he felt a little embarrassed. He raised his hand to wipe it himself, and then put his hand on Yunli's back:

"It's just a normal fight. Practice hard."

When Zhe Yunli heard this, his eyes moved and asked:

"I would like to be a family together, but what identity should I have in the future? I can't change my name and call my cousin Jing the master father, right?"

Ye Jingtang felt that Benben didn't look angry, so he didn't bother him. Just as he was about to continue thinking about things, he found a figure falling from the window.

Zhe Yunli was not stupid. When he saw the Queen, who was always arrogant and martial, took the initiative to kiss Ye Jingtang on the face and ran out again, he guessed that Ye Jingtang must have gone too far and hadn't taught the Queen the skills yet.

His tone was unusually coquettish.

Zhe Yunli, like Dongfang Liren, really wanted to learn the magical skills just now, but when she came back from the Night Terror Hall, she was pulled into the house by the queen. It was not easy for her to come in and make out together, so she ran to the roof to watch the fun.

"No, I'll be back later."

Ye Jingtang and Yun Li have known each other for such a long time, and they really didn't think about it at first, but now, it's impossible to say that they don't have any feelings. When Yunli asked, he looked like he was joking:

However, seeing the tone of Ye Jingtang's questioning, Dongfang Liren still knew there was a trap and frowned slightly:

"Aren't you willing to teach me how to do it?"

Zhe Yunli blinked his eyes, turned his back on guests, and said with a hint of jealousy:

"I can't bear to beat Cousin Jing, so Cousin Jing just puts me behind, right?"

Ye Jingtang felt that if Yunli continued to act stupid, Ning'er would definitely come with him, but if he didn't come, he naturally couldn't blame Yunli, so he said:

"This is my problem. I left in a hurry this time and didn't make it clear. When she figures it out later, she won't hide anymore."

Ye Jingtang shook his head and said seriously: "Why do you call me a pervert? His Highness took the initiative to bring this up, but I didn't say a word. Your Highness has already made a promise. If he doesn't fulfill it, I won't take it seriously, but I will definitely do it in the future." There’s no motivation left…”

"That's because Cousin Jing brought trouble to them all."

"Eh? I was just joking, why did Cousin Jing take it seriously?"

"Practice, don't follow me."

Zhe Yunli shook his head and said: "I know the temperament of Master's Wife and she is thin-skinned. If you expect her to figure it out, you might as well expect me to figure it out. Alas~ If I am around in the future, Master's Wife will not dare to come over. As time goes by, Cousin Jing will definitely dislike me."

Zhe Yunli came closer and looked at Ye Jingtang carefully:

"Cousin Jing, you don't have any thoughts about me, do you?"

Zhe Yunli sat down in front of him and was about to speak when he suddenly looked at Ye Jingtang's cheek again, and then said with disgust:

"Hey~ I don't even know how to rub it."

"If so, what would you do?"


Zhe Yunli sat up a little straighter, thought for a moment, and seemed to joke:

"What's the use of asking me about this? You have to ask the master, and then make an appointment, propose marriage, etc. If the master agrees, can I still disobey the master's orders? If the master doesn't agree, it doesn't count if I agree. Don't you think so? ?”

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled: "That's right. Okay, practice hard and we'll talk about this later."

Zhe Yunli took a gentle breath, suppressed the messy thoughts, and began to follow the breath carefully to memorize the context of the technique.


At night, the temperature dropped and the sound of drizzle came from outside the window.

The men and women sat upright in the lighted room, teaching the exercises seriously, and two quarters of an hour passed before they knew it.

Zhe Yunli was extremely talented and could remember very quickly, but before he could fully memorize the context of a picture, footsteps sounded again in the yard.


Ye Jingtang opened his eyes and looked around, and saw that Benben had come to the door again.

However, what is different from just now is that Benben's chivalrous attire has been replaced by an elegant long dress sent by Uncle Song. She has just washed her face, her cheeks are still moist and lustrous, and her hair is only tied behind her head, gracefully. Intellectual, it seems that it lacks the domineering power of the queen, but it adds a bit of femininity.

Discovering that he was teaching Yunli Kung Fu, Benben suddenly felt unbalanced. His eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't bother him. He just crossed his arms across his chest and stood outside the door looking at the night.

After teaching a picture, Zhe Yunli opened his eyes and found the Queen standing outside, so he quickly stood up:

"I'm going out to see if the ship has arrived. Sister Liren, you guys go to work first."

Dongfang Liren heard the voice of Liren's sister and responded with a smile. After Yunli ran out of the yard, she walked into the house with a cold look in her eyes:

"Yejingtang, you don't want anything to teach Yunli, but you have to go out of your way to ask for conditions if you teach me?"

When Ye Jingtang saw Benben getting ready to go to bed, his attitude was naturally very good:

"How could it be? I didn't say I wouldn't teach His Highness, I just mentioned the promise I made last time. If Your Highness doesn't take it seriously, I won't mention it again."


Dongfang Liren closed the door and window, came to Ye Jingtang, held his head high and said:

"I have always been true to my word. Since I have promised before, how can I break my promise? But after you, a pervert, took advantage of me, you must teach me all nine pictures, and you are not allowed to raise other conditions."

Ye Jingtang pulled Benben over and sat on his lap, nodding seriously:

"it is good."

Dongfang Liren received the promise and didn't say anything more. He allowed Ye Jingtang to pick up the princess and put her on the bed in the room. He looked around and said slightly nervously:

"This king...how can I cooperate with you?"

"Just relax, I don't eat people."

Ye Jingtang's eyes were full of smiles, and he put Benben into a stretching posture like a cat, and then untied his skirt.


Soon the perfectly curved snowy waist appeared in the candlelight.

Dongfang Liren was lying on his back with a pillow in his arms. The curve of his waist was full of tension, like a ripe peach. The fat-headed dragon in front of him was pressed on the quilt. His profile was breathtakingly beautiful.

Ye Jingtang is not in a hurry, he just sits in front of him and carefully appreciates the perfect work of art in front of him.

When they first met in Canyang Pond, he was frightened and felt the impact was amazing. But after knowing each other for so long, he still felt the same now. The impact was even stronger because he could admire the moon and flowers without restraint.


Dongfang Liren noticed the burning gaze and looked randomly at places he shouldn't look at. His face turned completely red and he looked back slightly:

"If I want to kill you or chop you into pieces, hurry up. What's there to see?"


Ye Jingtang pinched the moon, which was as white and tender as a shelled egg. When Benben bit his lower lip and said nothing, he fell in front of him and looked at each other:

"I still like His Highness's unruly demeanor. I'm not used to it even if he's not aggressive."


This was the first time Dongfang Liren had seen such an outrageous request. His eyes turned cold. He stood up slightly and used the fat-headed dragon to hold Ye Jingtang down: "If you keep lingering, believe it or not, I will suffocate you to death?"


Ye Jingtang couldn't breathe, and naturally couldn't speak, but his eyebrows were curved and he looked quite satisfied.

"You are simply..."

Dongfang Liren had no choice but to take the lascivious thing, so he turned over and sat on his waist, used the fat-headed dragon to help wash his face, and then lowered his head and pressed their lips together.


Ye Jingtang felt Benben's gentle care, and his hands were gently stroking to help him relax. Gradually, both of them became confused and immersed in the warmth...

The night was getting darker, the arena outside the building had dispersed, and the Sanjue Immortal and other elders in the world also left.

In a three-story building, Song Chi and Zhang Henggu sat on either side of the tea table, with a booklet in front of them. Zhang Henggu was writing while Song Chi frowned and recalled:

"By the way, Lang Dongwen from White Crane Valley is half an inch taller than Jingtang said, but the rest is about the same. He is low-key and has a pretty good reputation..."

"Lang Dongwen looks a bit similar, but sixteen years ago, he traveled in Yanzhou and worked as a retainer for King Yan for a period of time. He probably didn't have time to commit murder."


Zhe Yunli knew that Cousin Jing was doing bad things and didn't want Tingfang to be the one to blame, so he ran to the teahouse and listened to the discussion between the two elders while looking at the pier.

Song Chi and Zhang Henggu have been walking around in the world for half their lives. They have basically seen everyone who is somewhat famous, whether in Tiannan or the Central Plains.

But at this time, the two of them basically counted all the masters from Grandmaster to Grandmaster. Even the age range was expanded, but they couldn't find anyone who completely matched the Ye Jingtang's speculation, and they were confused for a while.

While the two seniors were slowly analyzing, Zhe Yunli, who was casually looking at the window, suddenly noticed from the corner of his eye that there was a shadow peeking out from the distant house above the house, and then quickly disappeared.


Zhe Yunli, who was very experienced in Jianghu, saw this and did not look in that direction. Instead, he turned around calmly, came to the tea table, and raised his hand to signal to Zhang Henggu.

Song Chi and Zhang Henggu were both veterans. When they saw Yunli's movements, they knew someone was spying on them secretly. They immediately became alert, but they said as usual:

"The night is already dark. Protector Zhang and Miss Zhe should go back and rest first. We will discuss this matter tomorrow."

Zhang Henggu nodded in agreement and then took Yunli downstairs to the street. He walked towards a nearby inn, asking some gossip along the way:

"How are you considering your marriage?"


Zhe Yunli was cooperating in the acting, but she really didn't expect Grandpa Zhang to ask this question. Her eyes flickered and she responded:

"Master has to make the decision on this matter. What can I consider..."

"Hey, I have taught you my master. If you have any ideas, just tell me and I can still make the decision for you..."

While Zhang Henggu was speaking, he looked around both sides of the street with his peripheral vision, but did not find any movement in the direction Yun Li was pointing.

After seeing off the guests at the door, Song Chi seemed to have returned to the house, but he hid quietly in the dark, silently jumped onto the roof from the darkness, and surrounded the target's location from behind.

But a moment later, Song Chi came to the back of the building complex. With the help of the faint firelight on the street, he quickly discovered a figure, crawling behind the roof of the house. His breath was covered by the sound of rain, and he could hardly feel it. It seemed that his martial arts skills were still there. good.

Song Chi looked carefully in secret and saw that the other party was wearing an ordinary robe and had a long weapon on his waist. Because it was dark and he couldn't see much details, he leaned forward and approached quietly.

But I never thought that the figure lying on the roof, still seven or eight feet away, became alert. His figure jumped up almost instantly, and he flicked his right hand back:

Whispering rustling——

Song Chi reacted very quickly. Just by the sound of his voice, he knew that several hidden weapons were coming. He immediately sank with the force of a thousand catties and fell into the house in an instant.


As for Zhang Henggu on the street, his strength was definitely lower than that of the Eight Great Masters, but he was still at the level of a top master in his family. The moment there was movement, he had already risen without wind, like an eagle spreading its wings and falling to the roof.

The figure on the roof was pretty good at martial arts, but he was obviously no match for Zhang Henggu and Song Chi. While he was throwing out his hidden weapon to force Song Chi back, he was already flying to the side, and his speed instantly exploded to the extreme.


But he obviously doesn't know that the little girl who is well-behaved and cute on the street has far more terrifying explosive power than these two elders.

Zhe Yunli himself is extremely talented and has almost reached the rank of mid-level grandmaster. With the blessing of heavenly materials and earthly treasures such as the Minglong Diagram, his combat power cannot be underestimated.

The moment the two elders were surrounded, Zhe Yunli started running to the east to block the road without any command. After all, the Night Terror Hall was to the west, and his opponent was seeking death by running that way.

Seeing that the opponent was indeed escaping towards the east, Zhe Yunli took long strides like a dragon and suddenly jumped up halfway, bringing out a crisp sword cry:


The five-foot-long knife cut through the rain curtain, flashing a ray of silver in the afterglow of the lights, and it was already in front of the figure in the blink of an eye!


The next moment, there was an explosion of gold and iron clashing in the night sky.

Although the figure reacted in time and drew out his sword to block, the difference in physical strength was too great. Even if Yunli did not kill him in order to survive, he was still thrown away by the powerful and heavy sword. He was followed closely before he hit the roof. Afterwards, Zhang Henggu grabbed the back of his neck.

"Keep it!"

Song Chi just flew out of the hole and was obviously startled when he heard the other party's voice:

"Shopkeeper Wu?"

Zhe Yunli's flowing water fell on the roof, holding a long knife about the same height in both hands. Seeing this, his eyes were full of surprise:

"Uncle Song knows this person?"

Zhang Henggu also felt that the voice sounded familiar and he clasped the back of his neck to prevent him from exerting any force. He turned around and looked at the other person. It could be seen that the other person was a middle-aged man, wearing ordinary robes and dressed like a businessman. He looked familiar. He was the shopkeeper Wu of the weapons shop in the town. .

Shopkeeper Wu, who was caught, turned completely pale when he saw that he was being held by three people, and he quickly explained:

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I just listened to the chatter of Jianghu people, saying that Ye Daxia might be here. Come and see if it is true. Hall Master Song and Protector Zhang, please don't misunderstand..."

This explanation was quite reasonable, but Song Chi and Zhang Henggu frowned in unison, as if they had thought of something.

Zhe Yunli was a little confused when he saw this and asked:

"what happened?"

Song Chi came closer and said with furrowed brows:

"The weapons shop in the town is the property of Qixuanmen. The head of Fu Tonghua is about the same height as the murderer. He is low-key and humble, and has a good reputation..."

"Purple Cloud Sword Fu Tonghua? Isn't he a fat man of over 200 kilograms?"

"When Fu Tonghua first became the leader, he was not as fat as he is now. No wonder he feels familiar and can't remember who it is..."

Zhang Henggu was concerned about his apprentice's great hatred. At this time, he also understood the whole story and continued:

"Half a month before the incident, the deceased went to Qixuanmen to visit Mr. Fu, and he must have met Fu Tonghua. With Mr. Fu's reputation, it is reasonable to be unwary of Fu Tonghua's visit..."

Mr. Fu, the head of the Qixuan Sect, is the senior figure in the world who was assassinated by Blood Bodhi for nearly a year more than ten years ago.

Although Mr. Fu's martial arts skills are not very high, he is kind-hearted and has good medical skills. He often helps the younger generations in the martial arts world and has a good reputation in Tiannan. Even Song Chi has to call him "senior" when he meets him.

When his apprentice comes to visit, it is equivalent to the disciple of Divine Doctor Wang suddenly coming to visit someone. Considering the reputation of Divine Doctor Wang, normal people will not be wary.

Zhe Yunli had heard about the assassination of Mr. Fu, and also knew that Ye Jingtang had killed Blood Bodhi. She had no idea that what happened at the beginning of last year could be ended here. She thought for a while and said:

"No one knows who hired Blood Bodhi. Now it seems that it was Zhao Hongnu who fled to Tiannan, hid in Qixuanmen under the pseudonym Fu Tonghua, and hired the murderer Jiu to occupy the magpie nest. But why did he want to Kill people from my Pingtian Sect?"

Zhang Henggu couldn't figure this out either, so he set his sights on Shopkeeper Wu.

Shopkeeper Wu heard the words of the three people, his eyes were full of confusion, and he quickly explained:

"This matter really has nothing to do with me. I don't know what happened back then. I came here just to tell the boss in private that I should pay attention. If the Ye Daxia comes, send a message to the door so that the boss can go to Guancheng to watch the excitement. .

"I just heard people chatting that Hero Ye might be here. Hall Master Song even ran to pick him up, so I came over to take a look... Hall Master Song, we have been dealing with each other for more than ten years. You know my temper..."


Before he finished speaking, Zhang Henggu knocked the person unconscious and then scanned the town to see if there were any other informants.

Zhe Yunli thought about it carefully: "It seems that this matter is inseparable from the Qixuan Sect. Fu Tonghua must have heard about Cousin Jing's close relationship with the Pingtian Sect. Knowing that Cousin Jing was passing by here, he would definitely investigate. That’s why he was allowed to be an informant here.”

Song Chi nodded, but said puzzledly:

"Then why didn't he secretly destroy the traces in the inn?"

Zhang Henggu said: "The incident occurred more than ten years ago, and the leader has not found any clues. Fu Tonghua may have thought that the incident was over, and now he has gone to destroy the traces. Isn't it possible that there is no three hundred taels of silver here, so he clearly told us the murderer?" Still alive in the world.

"Besides, I have specially arranged the inn. Now he comes here to destroy the corpses and eliminate traces. If he leaves traces, it will be easier to trace than more than ten years ago, and it will be self-defeating."

Song Chi thought about it and looked at the house in the distance:

"With such a big movement, why hasn't Jingtang come over yet? Could it be that you didn't hear it?"

With Ye Jingtang's Taoism, how could he not hear such obvious fighting sounds.

Zhe Yunli estimated that Ye Jingtang was getting dressed, so he helped cover it up and said:

"Maybe it's because I'm afraid of being seen by people in the world and making too much noise while walking. Let's take the people back first and then talk about it."

Zhang Henggu saw the people in the town coming towards him when they heard the commotion, so he left Song Chi to deal with it, while he quickly returned to the White Tiger Tower with Yunli and Shopkeeper Wu...

A moment ago, in the wing of the house.

The lights in the room were dim, the curtains had been lowered, and two figures could be vaguely seen moving.

Dongfang Liren was lying on the quilt, his face turned red and he bit his lower lip. He put his legs together and hugged his legs, with a pillow under his waist, so that the perfect full moon appeared completely in his lover's eyes. The delicate flowers were blooming, and it was indescribable. A sense of shame filled his mind, and he occasionally moaned softly:


Ye Jingtang was admiring the delicate flowers as he advanced and retreated. Then he leaned closer and kissed her red cheek. Just as he was about to say a few words of love, he suddenly frowned and turned his head to look outside.

Dongfang Liren stopped moving when he saw Ye Jingtang, and finally took a breath. The fat-headed dragon rose and fell a few times before he lectured in a low voice:

"You pervert, are you satisfied now?"

Ding Ding Dang Dang~

Before he finished speaking, there was the sound of hidden weapons breaking through the air, gold and iron clashing with each other.

Dongfang Liren's eyes narrowed in confusion, and he turned around to look. Maybe he was afraid that Ye Jingtang would suddenly run away, so he subconsciously grabbed Ye Jingtang's wrist, but when he regained his sense, he quickly let go.

Ye Jingtang naturally noticed Benben's little moves and found that he was just a low-level trash fish. Uncle Song and the others could handle it completely, so they were not in a hurry to go out and continued to lean into Benben's ear:

"Can't bear to let me go?"

"Sigh~ Who can't bear it?"

Dongfang Liren said a few words and found out that Ye Jingtang was causing trouble and was still staring at her. He was a little embarrassed, so he raised his hand to cover Ye Jingtang's eyes.

"Ha ha……"

"Don't laugh! Ugh~..."



(End of this chapter)

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