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Chapter 571: Keep the clouds clear and see the moonlight

Chapter 571: Keep the clouds clear and see the moonlight

In mid-October, a light snow fell in Yunzhou.

The large official ship heading south slowly sailed past Jiang'an Pier in the snow-covered river. Yun'an City, which had been away for many days, also reappeared in the field of vision.

Although Ye Jingtang was not afraid of the cold and heat, Sanniang felt that he was cold, so she put on a black mink fur and stood on the bow of the boat, looking at the river and fields.

Not far behind him, Yunli stepped on the pedal of the leading car, while Niaoniao sat in the car and walked around on the large deck.

The car was Huaiyan's childhood toy. It was built by Xiaoshan Castle and has been kept at home in Jiangzhou. Because Huaiyan wanted a baby very much. When we went south to Guancheng together this time, he sent a letter to his family. The Qin family stopped by on the way. Sent over.

Originally, the intention of conceiving Yan was to leave it to her own baby, but Bingtuotuo, who was already pregnant, saw such a big baby toy, and her eyes immediately lit up. She was too embarrassed to ask the three royal mothers and daughters for it, so she let it go. Yunli went to borrow it to play with, and she quietly thought about getting one herself.

But the faucet car may seem simple, but its internal structure is extremely sophisticated. Bingtuotuo figured it out somewhere, and Ning'er and I studied for several days, but couldn't figure out the way. In the end, Qinghe, who is good at mechanisms and hidden weapons, took over the important task. During this period of time, I have been working on it behind closed doors, preparing to customize one for everyone.

Ning'er, Qingzhi, Benben and other girls who want children are definitely grateful for this. In order to thank Qinghe, they also specially discussed to reward Qinghe, so that Qinghe can enjoy the feeling of being alone.

As a result, Qinghe had to make medicine and build cars during the day, and Ao Ye had to wait on men at night. He was so confused that he gave up the fight card the next day.

These days, Ye Jingtang is naturally a battlefield for a three-party battle of wits and courage. They are always inserting weapons at every opportunity from morning to night. If it were not for the support of the best physique in the world, it would probably have turned into dregs by now.

For this reason, seeing that he was about to return to Yun'an's home, Ye Jingtang still felt a bit like returning home, and even thought about what new tricks Shui'er could play for him.


Except for Qing He, the other girls are relatively free, because it is slower to return to Beijing upstream. They spend most of their time sleeping and practicing during the day, and only become active when the sky gets dark.

And just when Ye Jingtang looked into the distance and frowned in deep thought, the cart ran behind him unknowingly.

"Are you scared? You promised to listen to Master, but now you still want to disobey?"

Zhe Yunli obviously didn't mean this. After all, if she were to prepare when she got back, then with the master's character, she would probably choose a day rather than hit it. It is very likely that she would go to church with a hijab tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Ye Jingtang couldn't refute this. After all, he was the one who was enjoying the blessings of Shui'er. How could he take care of Shui'er. Seeing that Qing He was aggrieved, he said softly:

"Oh, this is such a big deal. I'll protect you next time, okay? If you find yourself in trouble, I'll help you out."

Fan Qinghe couldn't avoid being hugged, so he stopped hiding and continued to draw the drawings:

At this time, the windows of Qinghe's room were closed, there were a row of bottles and cans on the table, and there was a pipa brought from Xihai at the bedside.

Fan Qinghe's shoulders shook slightly, and he quickly pressed his hand on his chest. He turned around and looked around, and found that the person who came was not a witch but a night terror. Only then did his annoyed eyes dissipate, and his face turned red:

"Why are you here again? You're just watching me bully you, right?"

Fan Qinghe crossed his arms across his chest to prevent Ye Jingtang from reaching in easily:

When Ye Jingtang heard this, his eyes naturally became serious, he hugged Qing He and sat on his lap, and put down his pen:

Because Shui'er and Yuhu were around, no matter what they did at the beginning, it would eventually turn into a big group. In the end, Ning'er, Qinghe and other thin-skinned girls all hid behind Sanniang and hugged her. The situation in the boudoir directly turned into three factions - the radical faction headed by Shui'er, who fanned the flames and stirred up trouble; the conservative faction headed by Sanniang, who was responsible for defense and counterattack; and the neutral faction composed of master and apprentice Tuotuo Yunli, Then don’t listen, ask, or interfere.

Ye Jingtang was a little confused at first, but he immediately understood the meaning and said with a smile:

The official ship is very big. Except for the Night Terror Hall, which does not have its own room, everyone else lives in single rooms, and the place is quite spacious.

Qing He must have just woken up. He was still wearing a warm yellow nightgown with soft texture. He was sitting on the round stool in front of the table and studying. His long black hair was spread on his back. The heavy moon and waist were drawn on the back. The curves with amazing tension, because the fabric is so close to the body, you can even faintly see the traces of the bow on the hip side.

Ye Jingtang recovered his mind instantly and sighed softly:

"Thinking about the war in the north, it's already October. The general attack on Tianlang Lake has begun. The news is probably coming back soon."


Seeing that his wife was so tired, Ye Jingtang naturally felt distressed. He immediately raised his hand and passed it under his arm to help support the heavy load.

Zhe Yunli was wearing a winter skirt, looked at it for a few moments, and came to Ye Jingtang's side:

It's nothing to go to the church, but you have to go to the bridal chamber at night, and she hasn't even been kissed on the lips...

"I don't know how to do this, it's not that I don't want to help."

"It's a wedding, right? I'll prepare it when I get back and pick a good day..."

"I didn't say that."

"Cousin Jing, what are you thinking about?"

After Zhe Yunli said a few words, he ignored Ye Jingtang and ran back to toss the car and run around the boat with birds and birds.

Ye Jingtang clasped his hands and said, "I'm just here to take a look. Why are you so busy as soon as you get up? As time goes by, even if you get pregnant, it will take ten months, so don't be so anxious."

"is it?"

Zhe Yunli didn't believe it at all, but there was nothing wrong with Ye Jingtang's expression. She didn't ask any more questions, but said slightly hesitantly:

"We'll be home soon, um... so what..."

"Why are you so cowardly? I am not disobeying orders, this is...it is a negotiation, alas..."

When Fan Qinghe heard this assurance, his expression softened and he loosened his arms:

"Why are you in such a hurry? The New Year is about to end, why don't we wait until the end of the New Year?"

Although the gentle countryside along the way makes it hard to extricate yourself, the space on the boat is relatively small and difficult to use, and you have to pay attention to the impact and you can't be unrestrained day and night. It's not fun enough.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled. After looking at it for a few times, he turned around and returned to the ship building.

Ye Jingtang walked along the corridor and noticed a slight noise in Qinghe's room, so he came to the door and opened it slightly to take a look.

"You are the head of the family, so you should be in charge of the back house, right? The enchantress is about to go to the house to uncover the tiles, and you don't say a word to her and still enjoy it, what can I do? If you don't find something to do, let me She's not easy to get started with. Do you believe she can push me down on the table and make you stuff me..."

It was noisy all night again last night, most of the girls were still resting, and there wasn't much movement in the boathouse.

"You're a man and don't care. What can I do?"

It was obviously difficult for Zhe Yunli to express such a complicated psychological journey, so he responded:

When Ye Jingtang saw this scene, he quietly entered the room and came behind Qing He. It could be seen that Qing He was carefully drawing the design of the car. Maybe it was because of the idea. He also frowned slightly and bit the brush, looking extremely focused.

"Keep your word. If you continue to follow the trend, I will stop doing it. From now on, I will be like her and go around making fire. You can find a way to refine the Tianlang Pearl by yourself."

If Ye Jingtang wanted to find someone to refine the medicine, he would naturally be able to find it, but how could he feel confident that his own daughter-in-law could do it with her own hands? He nodded to this, looked at the red lips so close at hand, and moved his lips, but stopped talking.

Fan Qinghe has been together for so long, how could he not understand the meaning:

"What? You promised to protect me, do you want me to repay you?"

"Uh...that's not what I meant."

"That's not what you mean?"

Fan Qinghe looked around and saw that no one else was there, so he turned to sit face to face on Ye Jingtang's lap, hugged his neck and moved closer.


Ye Jingtang leaned on the table, hugging the proud figure Qing He. He said he didn't mean it, but his hands were not honest at all. He slid into the nightgown along the hem and touched under the bow fabric...


Fan Qinghe noticed something was wrong, and quickly moved away, holding down the hand he was rubbing:

"Why do you take advantage of everything you can? Later, if you act recklessly again, how can I see anyone if you are overheard?"

"I just touch it casually..."

Ye Jingtang withdrew his hand angrily, and even naughtily brought it to the tip of Qinghe's nose and scratched it. As a result, the angry Qinghe gave him a slap, and then took out a handkerchief to wipe his fingers:

"Are you really...can you go out? How can I do anything like this?"


Ye Jingtang hugged his waist and bowed his head twice more before letting go of Qing He, stood up, and walked out of the door. Before he could turn around, the door was closed.


Ye Jingtang's eyes were full of smiles, and he didn't interrupt anymore, walking along the aisle to the back of the ship building.

Xue Baijin never joins tour groups at night, so he doesn't need to catch up on sleep during the day because there is nothing on the ship and he basically stays in the room meditating. As for Ye Jingtang, he has to be a faint king at night and make up for Bai Jin during the day. In fact, he has not stopped practicing these days.

At this time, Ye Jingtang came outside the room. As soon as he showed up, he found Bai Jin sitting cross-legged on the bed. He opened his powerful fox eyes and looked out:

"What are you here for?"

Ye Jingtang must have come here a few days ago to practice martial arts, but he got off the ship immediately. It was obviously too late to seize the time to practice again. Seeing that Tuo Tuo was still quite wary, he said slightly helplessly:

"I'm not a pervert with a mind full of cultivation. I just came here to take a look."

How could Xue Baijin believe this, but he didn't send Ye Jingtang away, he just said:

"We are about to arrive in the capital. How are you going to arrange the wedding?"

Ye Jingtang came and sat down in front of him, held his wrist and took his pulse:

"Yunli was still asking this just now. I'll go back and check the situation. Such a big matter must be carefully considered..."

While talking, Ye Jingtang lowered his head to Xue Baijin's waist and listened.

Xue Baijin looked helpless and pushed Ye Jingtang up:

"Why are you acting like Ning'er? It's only been so long, can there be any movement?"

Ye Jingtang really didn't hear anything and said with a smile:

"I'm a father for the first time, so I'm curious. Ning'er has heard of this too?"

"She comes here basically every day. Don't just drink all the time in the evening, and take care of Ning'er more. It's not like you don't know her temperament that she wants but is embarrassed to talk about. If you let her coy about it, when can you get pregnant? " Ye Jingtang knew that Ning'er was not being coy, but really couldn't bear it, so he said:

"Ning'er has been preparing for pregnancy during this period, and it should be soon..."

dong dong dong~

While the two were talking, rapid footsteps suddenly sounded in the corridor.

Ye Jingtang stopped talking when he saw this, and turned to look at the door with Bai Jin, only to see Qingzhi dressed as Miss Scholar, showing a rare reckless look, and ran in directly from the door:


And then, Luzhu also hurriedly chased from behind, saying nervously along the way:

"Miss, don't run around..."

Xue Baijin was talking to her lover. When she found Miss Hua, who had always been at odds with her, rushing in, she was inevitably a little wary:

"Miss Hua, what are you doing here?"

Ye Jingtang stood up and asked with concern:

"Is something going wrong?"

Hua Qingzhi changed from her usual polite demeanor and looked obviously a little excited. After taking a look at the female bandit, she no longer dared to contradict her as before. She straightened her chest slightly and stretched out her hand:

"Ms. sir, take a look."


When Ye Jingtang saw Qingzhi's uncharacteristic expression, his expression became serious. He held his wrist and looked at it carefully, and then his eyes showed surprise:

"Hey! Are you pregnant?"


For several months, Hua Qingzhi missed her day and night. She was filled to the brim countless times before she finally saw the moonlight after the clouds cleared. At this time, she was very excited and even a little arrogant. The strange Xue Baijin:

"Master Xue, I'm pregnant too!"

The meaning of this statement is obviously - when you were pregnant before, I had to give you three points, and I didn't dare to settle old scores with you; but now that I am pregnant too, you want to touch me?

Xue Baijin understood what Hua Qingzhi meant and said:

"Congratulations, Miss Hua, for adding a 'second child' to the Ye family."


Hua Qingzhi was obviously a little angry when she heard the word 'secondary', but the fact was before her eyes and she couldn't refute it.

And Ye Jingtang knew about the grudge between the two, and Qingzhi was no match for them in a real fight. Qingzhi's body was already weak, and now that the Hua family finally had a grandson, how dare he let Qingzhi be wronged, so he quickly acted as peacemaker to comfort her:

"The boss and the second child are all my babies. Don't think too much and have a good rest. Does Uncle Hua know about this?"

Because Hua Qingzhi wanted to have a baby and couldn't find Qinghe every day to take her pulse, she learned how to take her pulse in the past few months, and then she figured it out on her own.

Although her father was on the boat, as a young lady who was not yet married, she had no nerve to tell her father that I was pregnant with a fat boy. When she heard this, she quickly said:

"Don't tell dad yet. Wait until the wedding is completed. If you tell me now, dad will laugh to death..."

"This is a big happy event, how could it be a joke..."

Ye Jingtang originally wanted to announce the good news to Uncle Hua, but seeing Qingzhi's shy appearance, he gave up the idea and comforted her softly: "It's okay, then let's get married first..." He helped Qingzhi support him. Sit down next to the bed.

While the three of them were talking, the girls who heard the noise also walked out of the room one after another.

Dongfang Liren walked out of the room in her nightgown and came to the door with sleepy eyes. Because she was a little sleepy, she rubbed her eyes and looked into the room:

"what happened?"

Luzhu stood at the door and watched, seeing this he responded:

"Miss, you are happy."

"Huh? Really?!"

When Dongfang Liren heard this, his eyes suddenly sobered up, and he ran into the house with a surprised look on his face. He originally wanted to check his pulse, but suddenly remembered something, frowned, and then raised his hand to get Xue Baijin's mace.


Ye Jingtang was just happy when he noticed that Da Benben was suddenly filled with murderous intent. He secretly thought that something was wrong. He quickly stood up and held his hand, saying with a pleasant expression:

"Why am I so angry when I wake up? I didn't do anything..."

Dongfang Liren was obviously not angry after getting up. She looked at the Night Terror Hall with her head held high and said in a deep voice:

"Not to mention that I have forgotten that I gave you seven days to think of a solution. What did you do?"


Ye Jingtang remembered that this was the case, and immediately held Benben's wrist to check his pulse. When he found that there was indeed no movement, he couldn't help but look embarrassed:

"I tried my best. It does depend on luck. You can't blame me entirely. His Highness must have been too impatient..."

"You still blame me? You do all these evil things every day..."

When Dongfang Liren found Xue Baijin beside him, his words suddenly stopped and he said coldly:

"Tell yourself what to do now!"

Hua Qingzhi felt that the Queen was jealous, so she helped out softly:

"Why don't you, sir, try it with Your Highness again?"

When Ye Jingtang saw that Benben really wanted to beat him, he must have had to be coaxed, so he leaned over and gave him a princess hug:

"Okay, I'll try again."


Dongfang Li just got up and didn't even take a sip of water, but he didn't mean to waste it. Seeing this, he became nervous again:

"What are you in a hurry for?"

"I'm not in a hurry, His Highness is, let's go, let's go..."

"Hey, I'm not in a hurry, I'll just tell you that we will arrive in the capital soon..."


stomping on...

During the fight, the girls all ran to the door and heard the conversation.

Shui'er and Yuhu were quite surprised and came forward to express their greetings and congratulations. Ning'er agreed to give birth to Ye Jingtang's child, but her husband-in-law was pregnant. She had not made any move. At this time, she felt useless and a little disappointed.

The Queen Mother, whose back teeth were so sore that her molars were chewed to bits, was stroking her belly and looking at the door. Her eyes were filled with envy. She even stopped Qing He who was about to enter the house and asked Qing He to help take his pulse.

Pei Xiangjun was very concerned about the children of Ye Jingtang. When he saw a group of people surrounding the two of them, chattering non-stop, he opened his mouth and said:

"Okay, let's go out and talk. Let them rest well. What's the point of being around here?"

Yuhu also ordered: "Hongyu, send someone to Wende Bridge and invite Mrs. Wang over. After returning home, let Mrs. Wang live in Yejingtang's house and take turns taking care of her with Qinghe. From now on There must be a lot to take care of at home.”


Dongfang Liren was still being held, but when he saw this, he moved his legs:

"You still won't let me down?"

Ye Jingtang was as happy as a bird and had forgotten about this incident. After hearing the sound, he put Benben down and comforted:

"Don't worry, I will do my best when I get back and try to make His Highness have a son as soon as possible."

The Queen Mother hugged Li Ren's arm and murmured:

"Yes, get down to business after you go back. If Li Ren's children inherit your talent in martial arts and Li Ren's literary talents, they will definitely be better than their predecessors, even better than you as their father."

When Dongfang Liren heard this, he naturally became more anxious, but after thinking about it, he hesitated and said;

"What if the inheritance is reversed like my sister and I?"


Everyone was silent at the same time, and their expressions looked a little strange.

Master Xuanji is the master after all, so he comforted him:

"It doesn't matter if it's the other way around. Ye Jingtang's literary talent is not bad, and she will at least be a talented girl in the future. It doesn't matter whether she is good at martial arts. If you have to worry, you should also worry about Yu Hu."

The empress was watching her sister's joke, and when she heard this, she obviously realized the problem - Li Ren had an extraordinary literary talent, and if her child inherited her literary talent and Ye Jingtang's martial arts talent, he would not become I don’t have any brains, but I just want to play that kind of invincible stupid guy?

It's okay to give birth to a boy, but he can't be the king of a country, and he is also the most fierce prince in the Wei Dynasty. If he gives birth to a girl, won't Ye Jingtang and her be worried to death?

Thinking of this, the empress became obviously confused.

It was a little funny to see the girls in the Night Terror Hall thinking about what will happen twenty years from now:

"How the baby will grow up does not depend on what kind of education his parents will teach him. We will talk about this later. Let's go back first."

"That's right. Witch, did you hear that there will be a new member of the family in the future? If you behave like a monster again, don't blame our family for handling it..."

"I brought out Liren Yuhu, and they are all successful. How dare you, a new wife who has never raised a child, say this to me?"

"I have no chance. If the royal court is not destroyed and Jingtang remains in Xihai, see if I can take care of it..."

"How to take care of it? You haven't been weaned since you were a teenager, right?"

"You... are shocked! Do you care?"

"Ha ha……"


At the beginning of the year, I visited various relatives, visited my family, or went to relatives’ homes. I didn’t show my face and just coded in my old house. It was a bit inappropriate. If there are no updates occasionally, please understand or2

I guess there are only about ten chapters. Let’s all have a good time eating, drinking and having fun during the New Year. It will actually be more comfortable to watch it at the end of the month.

(End of this chapter)

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