Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 101 Reinforcements

Chapter 101 Reinforcements
On the edge of the asteroid belt, the sea battle between the black ship and the orc pirates is still going on.

The orc's assault ship was on the verge of disintegration under the continuous and powerful attack of the black ship.

The reinforced armor belt on the front of the hull has been completely lifted.

Under the baptism of the macro cannon, the already curved keel and weird equipment turned into a molten mass, and the original appearance could not be seen clearly.

Orcs kept being thrown out of the huge shattered wound on the ship.

Most of them were dead, and the few survivors of the bombardment were rapidly frozen from hypothermia after being sucked into space by atmospheric pressure.

At this point in the fierce artillery battle, the assault ship had no weapons that could work normally and counterattack the black ship.

The assault ship, which couldn't even maintain its internal gravity and air pressure, completely lost its active operation after the bridge was also hit.

The assault ship, which could not see any signs of life, could only prove that there were still survivors by the still jetting engine wake.

The situation on the black ship was equally tragic.

Only two of the seven macro cannons on the weapon array on the side are still pouring their anger on each other relentlessly.

As for the remaining five macro cannons, the fate of the gun crews working in them has already been announced with silence.

The starboard side of the entire black ship was wounded and scarred in many places.

Get rid of those Ork assault boats that were stuck waiting to die in their armor belts because they failed to activate their melta weapons in time.

At least seven more assault boats successfully broke through the black ship's outer armor and successfully landed.

And because the orcs never had a rated number of passengers, Calvin really didn't know how many orcs arrived on the ship.

In the middle of the hull, the Black Ship Guards and the Marine Corps are relying on fortifications and ammunition storage points scattered in advance to resist the spread of the orcs.

However, after the ammunition depot landed and found that the orcs were coming, how long they can persist is an unknown and not optimistic question.

On the huge elevator, Calvin was leading the gray knights under his command to the engine room under the bridge under the dim light.

The real-time information from the bridge showed that the armor on the outer layer of the black ship's engine room had at least two damaged points.

But there is only one company of mortal troops guarding there.

"Captain, report your situation." Calvin's calm voice in the communicator asked the other party.

In fact, there is no need for a reply from the other party. The battle roar and artillery fire from the communicator have already explained the distress and danger of the other party.

"There are too many orcs! Our first-line preset positions have all been lost! Company casualties are okay! Now we are resisting on the second-line positions! We have caused casualties to the other side! But we can't stop them! We need support! We need support!"

"Calm down, Captain. Our support will be here in five minutes."

Calvin turned off the communicator, and the captain's voice was also cut off.

But the sound of gunfire in the distance has already passed through the heavy corridors to the ears of the Gray Knights.

"They lack repelling weapons, and laser guns alone can't stop this group of lunatics." Golden's voice came from behind him.

"Speed ​​up, clean up here and we have to go to the fuel room."

The pace of the gray knights began to increase slowly, and accelerated to the speed of charging before the corner of the last passage separated from the orcs.

After turning the corner, Calvin's vision suddenly brightened.

At the end of a wide cargo passage, guns and artillery fire from the temporary position of the mortal troops was pouring fiercely on the orcs in front of them.

But as Golden said, the disadvantages of abandoning physical ammunition and choosing standard laser weapons are fully revealed in the context of the enemy.

Unless the individual laser gun without the ability to resist hits the head, it can't stop the wild charge of the orcs at all.

And a small number of logging guns and double-linked heavy laser guns also became the precise targets of the opponent's Boom Boy and Psy Boy while firing.

Only at the cost of a small number of downsizing, the charge wave of the orcs has already approached the front of the position.

And under Calvin's superhuman dynamic vision, he has already seen some mortal soldiers on the distant position who couldn't even retreat touched the grenade around his waist.

"Right!" Calvin shouted.After receiving the instruction, Golden immediately led his gray knights to fire a pouring firepower attack on the back of the orc on the right.

Under the fixed-point strike of the double-linked heavy bolter, the crew and energy core of the ancient giant who had just charged under the firepower of the mortal army were instantly detonated together.

The huge sacrificial explosion directly wiped out all the orc boys around it.

Even the hackers who had entered hand-to-hand combat in the distance looked back under the loud voice.

The momentum of the entire charge came to a halt.

Calvin on the left was not idle either. After he gave the command of free shooting in the communicator, he no longer cared about the sinners behind him.

The professional quality brought by the opponent's specialized training on long-range firepower is worthy of his trust.

Dragging the heavy power hammer with one hand, he strode forward to launch a death charge towards the bang bang boys who had turned around in front of him.

A psionic kid in the distance spots Calvin's threat.

Along with its strange jumping and screaming, bright electric arcs are shining in its brain sulcus exposed under the transparent crystal.

Calvin, who was on the way to charge, also sensed the rapid accumulation of this extremely unstable psionic energy.

The eyes he looked at each other lit up with blue light in the next instant.

"In the name of the Emperor!" he shouted loudly, pointing towards him with his free right hand along the violent power in his body.

A bright flash of lightning instantly crossed half of the battlefield, crushing and vaporizing all the unlucky orcs between Calvin and this psychic boy, detonating the dangerous power of the opponent who was on the verge of death first.

For a moment, the eyes of the entire battlefield were attracted by this powerful blow, and the mortal officers in the distance finally noticed the arrival of reinforcements.

"Bless the Emperor!" He murmured, his whole body relaxed after the intense adrenaline.

It was almost, he was about to detonate the melta bomb allocated in advance on his waist when he was red-eyed.

And this situation is not just him alone, the morale of the mortal soldiers on the entire position was re-inspired by the news of the arrival of the reinforcements.

With renewed hope, they focused their attention on how to cleanse the heresy before them, rather than thinking about how to die together in order to offer their last loyalty to the Emperor.

The non-stop Calvin had reached the end of his charge at this time.

The holy shield force field on his right shoulder blocked him from the fire on the last part of the charge.

When his huge body, which can be regarded as a big guy among the orcs, rushed in front of these bang bang boys at a speed of [-] meters and [-] seconds.

Rao was as heartless as an orc, and was stunned by the huge kinetic energy and the visual impact he brought.

Calvin would not pay attention to their thoughts, let alone give them any mercy.

With his own strange strength and the full output of his electromagnetic muscles, his left hand swung the warhammer dragged behind him towards the front of him.

Poof~ hiss!
A scarlet rain of blood descended from Calvin's body, and the thin blood sprayed out in a radial shape in front of his body.

Under the swing of his war hammer, all the bang bang boys in the front half circle centered on him were shattered to the upper body by this powerful blow.

Under the double blessing of disintegrating force field and psionic energy, the upper body of these Boom Boys couldn't even save parts, and all of them became components of this blood line.

And until this time, the leader of this group of invading orcs - a dirty gun boss wearing a navy cap from who knows where he came from - just came back to his senses.

He is not one of those idiots who only know Waaaaahh from the Ermoon clan. The glowing metal shards dangled all over his body proves his combat effectiveness and also shows his rich experience.

He understood his situation immediately.

The boys under him are almost dead, and the silver cans of shrimps have just arrived.

The new canned dried shrimps are obviously very good at punching, and the large canned opposite looks very difficult to mess with...

He decided to run away!The second brother is on top!An orc who can run is a cunning orc!
There are still so many hidden teeth at home!Still haven't got the new pom pom back from the tech boy next door!

New clothes that haven't been worn are still hidden on the roof of his tent, and no one knows except his own farts!

It can't be so cheap for other orcs!Dirty Gun Boss is coming home!No one can stop it!

But that's not going to work, he'd have to make a really big Waaaahh!

He instantly turned his attention to the huge pipeline at the door of the engine room next to him. If the big bomb in his hand can destroy this thing, the shrimps will definitely not have the energy to take care of him!
The dirty gun boss who figured it out looked at the few boys around him, and pointed the gun in his hand in the direction of the gray knights.

"Hold it! Hold it up! Brothers follow me!"

Then, after the group of boys yelled and charged towards the Gray Knights and left, they stretched out the big Bengbeng in their hands towards the pipe that was deliberately painted red...

"After clicking this once, I won't come out again when I go home. The technician boy next door has good skills, and he can be taken over as a younger brother. He invests, and the boy makes bang bang. Then you need as many back teeth as you want..."

The boss of the dirty gun looked at the bomb in his hand with a smile on his face, thinking about his future life.

A big silver hand suddenly reached out from the side and grabbed the boss's wrist, and at the same time woke up the dirty gun boss from his imagination.

He raised his head and looked at Calvin who didn't know when he was teleported from a distance, and continued to stretch his hand towards the pipe that was close at hand.

Unfortunately, under Calvin's restraint, his hand did not move at all.


At this moment, the boss of Dirty Gun suddenly remembered many things:
From when it was born struggling to climb out of the strain that bred him, to when it had its own teeth for the first time;

From the first time he got his own bang bang, to when he was kicked out of the clan for being too stingy and wandered all the way on the rust belt pirate ship.

"Are you going to die? I really don't know what it's like to mess with Brother Mao, my teeth, I don't know that kid who is cheap..."

With the sound of a warhammer clashing against a skull, this happy Waaaaahh old orc was finally sent by Calvin to meet their second brother.

 Ask for votes! ! !What kind of tickets are needed...

(End of this chapter)

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