Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 314 Gap and Text

Chapter 314 Gap and Text

In the space of the real universe, Calvin is still making good use of his daily time nervously, busying himself with the construction of the legion and the affairs of the trial court.

The framework of the former has just begun, and Calvin is busy with the work of the Inquisition during the daytime of each battleship;

And during his personal dormancy time at night, he stepped up the transmission of information about the legion's will in the spiritual world:
The 283 "sons of Calvin" were the original members of the legion, and they were the seeds of the big tree that would block the sky and the sun in his eyes.

Naturally, Calvin did not devote himself to their cultivation.

Thanks to the psionic talents of all members, Calvin can share his memory with these newborn beings;

This zero-distance experience allows the "Sons of Calvin" to avoid any misinterpretation or error in the learning process.

But a large piece of memory is too heavy information after all, and Calvin himself spent a lot of time and experience integrating these memories.

Even if it is just a fleeting experience, what thousands of souls know, think, see, and hear in their lifetime is not the existence of the gray knights who are still in the mortal soul and can read efficiently in a short period of time.

Text, still text, but must be a special text.An inscription based on Calvin's bloodline was ultimately his choice again.

This kind of dynamic text containing this time axis, under the hierarchical system, each independent text has no upper limit of information storage.

A primary rune is enough to describe a momentary memory and feeling, while a secondary rune consists of a non-fixed number of runes.

As for the third-level runes, they are more three-dimensional.

As long as you can understand everything, the information about the time and space of a memory will be fully reflected in your consciousness the moment you see it.

What about level four runes?This is a brand new concept, and one that Calvin has only recently begun to dabble in after his last two soul-level make-ups.

Different from the previous accumulation of simple orders of magnitude, this kind of inscription has reached the fourth level, and the stored information is already enough to describe and store a human's life experience.

If the first-level rune is a point, the second-level rune is a line; the third-level rune begins to have a little three-dimensional dimension because it involves a complete description of time and space, and it is a plane.

The fourth-level rune is more complex, it is a complete, three-dimensional, dynamic sphere.And within this sphere are thousands of third-level runes, and only the most basic fourth-level runes can be barely constructed.

It is alive, and it also has a natural timing that is different from human writing.

As long as this three-dimensional text is completely written, it will be dynamically deduced and displayed all the information it contains in the repetition.

Reading this kind of text is not a happy thing, it requires both harsh prerequisites and a strong will:

The conditions required for the former are Calvin's blood, so that he can have the opportunity to learn basic runes; secondly, he must have the experience of putting his consciousness into the will of the Gray Knight's legion, because the information contained in a single soul is not enough after all. Integrity, otherwise it would be difficult for him to obtain the complete basic ciphertext;

In the end, he also needs to have a strong soul, otherwise this kind of text containing a huge amount of information will burst this poor soul with a huge flow of information at the moment of showing him all his information at once...

And what about the latter?The latter requires a strong, undistorted will.

Because this way of completely displaying the information of a person's life in an instant will make people whose souls are not strong enough lose the concept of time.

Even if he managed to escape from the huge information flow, as a side effect of looking at the long time span, his soul will be unstoppably twisted towards the fatalist...

Is it a little familiar?Calvin thought so too.

After he tentatively completed the first text describing Aidan's life, he was surprised to find that the text itself was like himself shrunk countless times.

And this unique text indeed began to dynamically interpret Aidan's life that he knew in the projection of the soul at the moment it was written.

"The echo of the soul..." Calvin murmured while looking at the text.The new cognition made his soul jump for joy, but the memory in front of him made him feel a little melancholy because of nostalgia.

The information it contains is still too rudimentary, so it can only be like a series of videos showing incomplete information stiffly.

But what if someone injects the entire memory himself?Can it truly reproduce all of the soul in a sense, thus challenging the uniqueness of the soul?

Maybe a fourth-level rune is enough for the soul of a mortal?

But what about yourself?

What about the immortal divine soul that he has gathered from thousands of his own souls on the timeline?

Is that an existence that can be described by a mere fourth-level rune?If not, is there a higher level of text?
This derivation made Calvin pay more attention to this kind of text, but the research on this aspect has just begun, and the training of the legion is the current focus.

In the end, Calvin could only regretfully give up the work of derivation, and instead devoted his energy to the work of transcribing memory.

And in the days when the fleet started sailing towards the Feldman galaxy, while the Gray Knights were also learning this kind of writing, they inevitably had their own application of this knowledge.

"I salute you! The guardian of the royal court and the envoy of Lord Terra!"

On the lower part of the bridge of the Retribution Angel, on the only way to Calvin's bedroom, Otto, the emissary of the Imperial Army, and the accompanying gray knight were standing at the gate at the end of the passage, reviewing the mortals who came to submit documents.

"The throne is upon you! Mortals, you can call me Otto and tell me why you are here." The guards of the Imperial Army wore armor and held halberds, looking down at the mortals in front of them with a terrifying height.

Symmetrical to the position of the Forbidden Army, the gray knight Wu who was standing on the other side of the hall happened to be on paperwork today, and was responsible for following and learning the work experience of the Forbidden Army.

"Your Majesty the Throne, I am here to deliver the documents by order of the High Inquisitor, His Excellency Nathaniel." The mortal in the red robe of the trial court sorted out the order of his words and spoke.

Even though he had heard that the specifications here were ridiculously high before he came here, but seeing two giants guarding here, he still couldn't help feeling a little thirsty.

"Secret level? Initiator? Briefly describe the content, and then give it to me." Otto stretched out his unarmed golden hand to the judge in front of him, and the latter also hurriedly handed over the document on his body in astonishment.

"Ah? Oh! Secret-level δ, the initiator Nathaniel, the first-level judge, the content is——Below the Ulysses star area, there are signs of subspace storms near the world of the Holy See of Jindalia, within two sections The star field fleet is rushing to observe, my fleet lacks the necessary support force within the voyage, please Your Excellency Calvin to review."

"Understood, mortal, you can step back." Otto put the document in his hand, and then said to the judge in front of him in a cold voice.

The junior judge, Slyer, breathed a sigh of relief, and left quietly after hugging his hands respectfully.

Gray Knight Wu watched the interaction between the two, and did not say a word until the mortal judge left.Most of his eyes were still cruising over the neck and breastplate of the power armor on Otto's body.

Otto also noticed this gaze, and felt that Wu might have misunderstood him, so he patiently explained to the gray knight after the surroundings were quiet.

"It is difficult enough for mortals just to survive. There is no need to add unexpected weight to their lives. It is a good thing for him not to see His Royal Highness Calvin. A mortal with this qualification cannot withstand the storms around adults."

"Honestly, be taught." Wu blinked and bowed slightly to express his thanks.

Otto's kindness towards mortals under his seemingly cold and arrogant attitude surprised him, but if we ignore their toughness and refer to the original positioning of the guards of the imperial guards, all this seems extremely normal.

"They are not soldiers, they are different from us. Apart from the same powerful force, civilian officials, scientists, and artists are the direction they should be able to go..."

Calvin's evaluation of the imperial guards within the legion, recalled again in Wu's mind.As a result, his eyes were slightly absent-minded, stagnating above Otto's bright nails.

"Oh? Did you notice them? That's my name, I can tell you about their history..."

Regarding the origin of his name, Otto obviously has an unexpected desire to express.He began to tell the gray knight how he had obtained these names during the trials and battles in the tower of supremacy.

"They are so long that no one but ourselves cares what they mean. And we ourselves need to be equally vigilant, because these names are as much a source of our wealth as our arrogance..."

Otto was able to explain to the gray knight regretfully, without noticing Wu Zai's strange behavior after hearing his words.

"You're right, sometimes, too long a name is indeed a burden..." Wu responded gently to Otto's remarks.

And from the psychic perspective that the imperial guards cannot see, at the end of his eyes looking at his own palm, there is a group of runes that are so complex that they are struggling to maintain the word "Wu"...


(End of this chapter)

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