Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 327 Come, fight.

One thought per day: cognition is ignorance, what you ask for may not be what you get.

"Is it here? The Prophet."

When the nearby Eldar dispersed, the Phoenix Lord who returned to the camp tent raised the strange-shaped weapon in his hand, looked at the Prophet Alice in front of him and asked.

"Well... yes, it's here."

Elise endured the abnormality of perception and responded to the Phoenix Lord's question.In her instinctive psionic touch, there was no soul in the body that stood before her.

This existence named Phoenix Lord, its reality on the physical level and nothingness on the soul level caused a huge tear in Elise's cognition.

Even though she had been exposed to relevant knowledge of Phoenix Lords on the path of the Prophet long ago, when she was lucky enough to face a Phoenix Lord directly, the confusion caused by this sensory imbalance still made her feel strongly uncomfortable.

No, not just discomfort.

After experiencing the departure of her best friend in a short period of time, Elise's mental defense has been flawed unconsciously.

And when the shock of sensory imbalance threatened her spiritual defense again, the unprotected Eldar prophet in the subspace obviously fell into a more dangerous situation.

Huge chaos and negative emotions were like mudslides, rushing towards her spiritual defense line with continuous and unstoppable force; and she was in a very poor mental state without defense in a hurry, but she had no chance to break free and advance to a higher level. Be defensive.

Fortunately, Anna Sur had enough experience. After she noticed Elise's abnormality, she immediately intervened with her own strength.

Her icy soul is like a cursed blade, keeping the whispering filth out of reach.

And taking advantage of this precious window, she reminded the young prophet in a soul-level way:


Suppress your instinct of perception and stop trying to understand me!
Or give myself a psychological hint, marking my form of existence as something like a spiritual bone structure. "

"Yes, it is."

Embarrassed, Alice withdrew her psionic perception from her former best friend's body.

She quickly lifted her spirit to a higher level, and gradually returned to rationality and calmness as her soul floated up, and the disgusting whispers in her ears gradually moved away amidst the unwilling cursing and cursing.

"Huh..." Alice took three deep breaths before slowly opening her tired eyes.

After she dealt with the great mental pain according to the advice of its source, the danger of mental defense collapse was finally temporarily eliminated.

After the young prophet struggled from the crisis of losing his soul, his physical pain was also reduced to an acceptable level.

But Elise still didn't want to look at the Phoenix Lord in front of her, even though she knew that the soul of the other party actually existed by relying on that suit of armor.

The opponent's empty body does not have the slightest wave of soul, and when compared with reality, she has a psychological effect similar to the "uncanny valley" of human beings.

The rational panic and sensory imbalance made her extremely embarrassed.

In this situation, the closer Anna Suel behaved to ordinary people, the more intense the panic she caused to Elise, a psychically sensitive crowd.

"Don't worry about it, kid.

Ignoring that I occupy your friend's body, theoretically speaking, my current state is indeed a constructed life. "

The Phoenix Lord explained to the young prophet with the familiar voice of Alice, while raising his arm covered in bone armor to move silently.

Like every gladiator who is told which weapon to use when she is on stage, she is seizing every precious minute and second to get acquainted with the flexibility and vitality of this young body.

In the senses of Prophet Elis, this body is now like a highly sophisticated puppet.

Because of its structure, it imitates its friend's posture and movements similar enough.

But precisely because of this, when Alice stood in front of this monster, she seemed to feel that every pore of the other party was exuding a sense of terror called inhumanity.

"Where are your other colleagues? Are they ready?"

Anna Sur's calm tone reminded the young prophet, saving her from endless negative emotions again.

She belatedly breathed in the stale air on the hulk, just now her consciousness was only a few centimeters away from the fingers of the Desperate Lady.

"Yes, they are ready."

Alice looked at Anna Sur gratefully, but her soft neck stiffened in the next second because of fear.


After getting the information she wanted, the Phoenix Lord had no reason to stay, she left the small tent with a chuckle, and began to warm up with dance steps full of fighting rhythm.

Alice stood there with a complicated expression, without speaking for a long time.

This is probably the last battle of Anna Sur. According to the fate prophesied when the altar was created, this is her last resurrection.

"She will die at the hands of the enemy in the cold tomb of endless steel, fighting to save the fate of the Ark."

This fate predicted thousands of years ago was known not only to Alice, but also to Anna Suel.

Alice couldn't imagine how the young daughter of the first leader of the Ark, that pure child known for her musical and literary talents in history, put on a helmet to seal the conscience and sensibility in her soul, and became the most innocent of all the tribes of the Ark. The cold blade.

She is the most special one, everyone knows that.

Different from the Phoenix Lords of all other tribes, every awakening of Annasur, who has a special mission, is the result of the careful guidance of the prophets.

Because her resurrection is different from other Phoenix Lords, the number of times is limited.Her recovery is too precious to be used only in the most critical moment of the Ark.

Every time she returns and fights, it means the death of an archenemy.And with the death of the enemy, the next resurrection of Anna Sur will be even stronger.

But these have limits after all, and this resurrection is Anna Sule's last elegy:

It had been prophesied when she first built the Nightblade Altar, and this battle would be her last contribution to Ark Ixalan.

"Where is the enemy?" The dancer who was about to take the stage made a final confirmation to the announcer.The costumes are ready, and all she is waiting for is the bright lights and the attention.

"Just ahead, on the stage of fate."

Alice said to Anna Sur.
"what is that?"

A certain Astartes veteran passed through the dust-settled gap after the explosion, looking at the glorious and magnificent space in front of him and said in shock.

The frontmost tactical team has gone all the way, and has penetrated into the third layer structure of the space hulk.

After passing through the human hulk ruins on the outer layer and the remains of the alien civilization hulk on the second layer.The soldiers of the team unexpectedly saw traces of human civilization in the third layer of the hulk.

It was a sanctuary, and its rich ornamentation and tall columns speak of its function.

But it is not only a family that satisfies spiritual needs. Anyone who understands the brilliant civilization in the fog of history can know the functional essence of the superb technology under its gorgeous decoration just by looking at it.

The huge hall unfolded in front of the team that broke in. The hundreds of meters high dome and the surrounding corridors have a clear aesthetic of human civilization.

There is a huge circular platform in the central open space, which is climbed up by metal steps made of the same material as the dome.

In battle formation, the Astartes moved slowly through the majestic hall.From the perspective of the high dome, these giants are also as small as insects.

bang... bang... bang...

With heavy footsteps on the slippery ground, while the Astartes carefully observed their surroundings, their queue was gradually approaching the center of the hall.

The originally gentle steps in the distance look extraordinarily huge when viewed at close range. The gold sculptures and ornaments surrounding the entire circular platform at the top of the steps, while the gems inlaid on them shine brightly, they also emit familiar mechanical sounds. buzzing.

oh!Machinery, working machinery!

The battle-hardened and well-informed Astartes were finally getting excited.

Relics of civilization!

There is a basic energy supply!
There are tons of complete equipment!

These pieces of information were gathered in the minds of the team ahead, and finally formed the ultimate vocabulary that all the technicians of the empire dreamed of - STC!

After being shocked, they immediately began to record the details here with the equipment on their bodies, and prepared to send a report to the rear.

The gray knights accompanying the team even directly converted what they saw into spiritual energy information, and sent it to the rear through the will of the legion.

"Standard HH5, depth 65. Unit number 11, our department has arrived at the core of the target, suspected to have found civilization relics, now report to the command node..."

The team members were working nervously and excitedly, and the original tense emotions and fighting consciousness were gradually replaced by the excitement of discovery.

When the members of the team were photographing the surrounding facilities, they also stepped up the steps step by step.

bang... bang... bang...

The footsteps of the Terminator trampled on the metal floor, and the thick echo indicated the reliability of the material.

The Astartes focused on the surrounding facilities and possible threats in the distance, but the open space in the center of the "platform" was ignored due to previous repeated investigations.

bang... bang... bang...

The approach of the footsteps caused the smooth metal mirror on the "platform" to vibrate strangely. Circles of invisible vibrations made the metal break away from the solid disguise, revealing its liquid reality...

"In my name, order the fleet to stop the current force projection!
The exploration team ahead retreats immediately!In case of encountering the enemy, it is allowed to defend on the spot and wait for rescue!

The landing point reserve team keeps the minimum number!
Troops above the baseline move forward and cooperate with the troops ahead! "

On the Retribution Angel, after watching the fleet commanders complete their landing plan, Calvin, who had been in a state of meditation, suddenly felt some kind of intuitive warning.

He changed his previous attitude and immediately ordered to intervene in the actions ahead.

The Primarch has absolute authority in the fleet. When he issued a series of orders, the team on the hulk ahead immediately responded under the will of the Legion.

But it was still too late. The moment the gray knights in the hall received the will of the legion, it happened to be the "moment when the veterans at the front stepped on the platform" with their steel boots.

A certain defense mechanism was triggered in the center of the huge palace, and when a certain energy supply switch was activated, those mirror-like metals began to become active spontaneously!

Countless humanoid units got up from the metal "platform", and these monsters made of metal, after a brief stagnation, rushed straight to the members of the Astartes team!
"Enemy attack!"

The leading veteran noticed the abnormality at the moment when his feet were out of balance, and the self-balancing of the electromagnetic muscle bundles under the power armor and the locking function of the joints were activated at the same time, and the veteran's nearly ton body was saved from the imbalance.

From extreme movement to extreme stillness, it only takes half a second; from extreme stillness to extreme movement, it only needs a helping hand from a comrade-in-arms.

The moment the comrades behind him pulled back, the steel boots he stepped forward at that time were less than half a palm away from the once smooth "platform".

The squad's bolt guns were firing crazily forward. Under the seemingly chaotic barrage, it was the veterans' precise shooting that effectively disintegrated the enemy's offensive.

Numerous combat experiences and the instinct of shooting training against humanoid units allow these veterans to maintain a cold and precise shooting principle of head and chest priority even though they face overwhelming enemies.

And it is this terrifying utilization efficiency of ammunition that creates a valuable time window for the veterans to gather their formations and occupy a favorable position, thus standing firm and waiting for help!
The nearby teams that received the signal were rushing forward crazily. Under the full output of the plasma backpack, the Terminator power armor turned into violent metal giants charging forward.

All obstacles along the way are meaningless in front of the impatient giant. On the red servo eyepiece under the helmet, the blood-like data stream is frantically refreshing and scrolling!
Comrades are ahead, enemies are ahead!
"Activate the teleportation beacon!
Me and the Honor Guard go ahead!
The stroller squad is ready to move in next! "

Calvin's face was like a mountain, and he led the champion swordsmen of the honor guard standing in the transmission hall of the Angel of Retribution, ready to join the battle.

The signal that the energy source is in place on the battleship's transmission array has been lit up, and the warhammer "mission" in the hands of the Primarch is gradually raised high.He carefully sensed the beacons at the forefront of his psionic energy, and as long as the faint fireworks in the darkness stabilized for an instant, he could tear through the barrier of space and reach the frontline battlefield in an instant.

But things didn't go as expected, just when Calvin captured that moment in thousands of moments, and the transmission power was ready, the large-scale ceremony that belonged to the Ark Spirit Race that had been planned for a long time finally blocked the scene belatedly.

The core of the entire hulk was instantly shielded from Calvin's perception, and the battle there naturally disappeared from his eyes.

"Dare!" Calvin looked furiously at the enemies who separated him from his heir.

And as the instigator of all this, a slender and tall figure appeared at the end of Calvin's perception holding a strangely shaped sword.

"Come on, fight!"

The opponent's soul was not intimidated by Calvin's power, and gave a clear reply in the face of the Primarch's anger.

Update, I slept for 5 hours in two days, I couldn't stand it anymore, I went to bed.

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