Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 360 Jump Gang Battle 2 Doubt

Calvin was walking on the main road on the uppermost floor of the main body of the Lost Truth. While observing the furnishings and decorations here, he was also recalling the secret missions he had carried out when he was an Alpha.

The main body of the passage here is extremely wide, and the corridor extending in all directions leads from the lower deck of the bridge at the rear end of the battleship all the way to the flight deck at the bow.

Because it belongs to the living space of the interstellar warriors, this corridor has a spacious space and at the same time, its decoration is extremely gorgeous.

There is a lot of space on both sides of the tall passage, which should have been used for decoration and writing the history of the Legion.But in view of the special battle group culture of the Alphas, there is nothing special about these positions except for the simple legion emblems and trophies.

The two direct companies under his command have been fully deployed, and one company is advancing in multiple ways after completing the occupation of the bow flight deck, cleaning the front end of the entire battleship in an orderly manner;

The remaining direct company, together with the Primarch and the Honor Guard, advanced towards the bridge of the battleship.The battle ahead has already begun, and Calvin, who finally broke away from the frontline battle after the formation of the first large group, is still walking behind.

Before there was a target worthy of the Primarch's attack on the battlefield, he was still willing to wait for a while, to give the newborn gray knights more room to display.

A stray bullet from a heavy-duty bolter flew from the fiercely exchanged battlefield in front of him. Calvin didn't stop in his footsteps, and split it open with the huge and ferocious blade of the Lightning Claw.

The warhead engraved with profane inscriptions fell to the ground, with a neat cut in the middle and high-temperature steam rising slowly.

With heavy steps, Calvin moved on from the corpses of Chaos Astartes lying around in the corridor.

A seriously injured Alpha woke up from suspended animation, and sat up in shock after seeing Calvin's unusually burly body.

"You! You are!"

boom!The warhammer, which was as tall as Astartes, was as light as nothing in the Primarch's hands. After holding a hammer flower in one hand to bring about inertia, the Primarch's right hand swung lightly, and the Alpha, who was in shock and confusion, was brought along with him by Chaos. The entire upper body of the eroded, unrecognizable Terminator's power armor shattered.

"Who am I? You will know the answer when you go to confess to the Emperor, and my duty is to send you to the Emperor..."

Calvin looked at the corpse in front of him and the blood splashed on the wall and answered in a low voice, but it was a pity that his words were destined not to be heard by the Alpha.

The counterattack of the traitors came later than expected, probably because they had just recovered from the tactical blow of the Gray Knights; but judging from the intensity of their resistance, the resistance of this group of traitors was extremely determined.

But this does not affect the overall situation, because the alphas are not only facing the attack in front of them.

After the completion of the first wave of teleportation strikes, the subsequent Gray Knights who took the landing torpedoes and the fist assault boats opened up a flank battlefield after melting through the armor of the battleship, which also made them lose sight of one another and faced a huge threat.

What's more, the Gray Knights also have the "data" bonus given by the Primarch:
With the help of these overly detailed "audio-visual materials", all the equipment and tactics used by the Alphas are known to the Gray Knights;

In addition to some tactical language derived after the Great Rebellion, the attacks of the Alphas were often easily seen through by the Gray Knights, and they were easily counterattacked at the most dangerous stage of tactical actions.

Several times of tactics to lure the enemy failed and they were surrounded in reverse, and more than a dozen tactical strikes lost their suddenness inexplicably, and they were hit head-on by the Gray Knights understatement.

After just 10 minutes of high-intensity fighting, dozens of Astartes fell down, and the Alphas finally woke up from the red-eyed state.

"No! There's a problem!" During the battle, an Alpha said to his teammates in a heavy tone while leaning on the cover to reload.

"They know us well, and we know nothing about them..."

Another Alpha in charge of fire support inspected the heavy bolt gun in his hand, and pointed out the former's doubts in silence.

"We were infiltrated? How is it possible?"

This extremely absurd idea appeared in the mind of the commander of the tactical team, but the long-term training discipline and the influence of the legion culture made him unable to believe it.

"No, infiltration cannot get such complete information, someone has betrayed!"

The same doubts also appeared in the minds of other Alphas, but considering Alpha's secrecy discipline and their complex and changeable tactical language, only the more senior members of the legion can understand them so well...

"That's impossible!" The Alpha who asked the first question retorted in a low voice. His innate mission and long-term training made him unbelievable.

What is even more unacceptable to him is that the confidence they are proud of based on their absolute aloofness at the intelligence level is rapidly collapsing in the face of this cruel reality...

Would anyone really betray their Legion?
Primarch above, will anyone really resist their own blood and betray the honor of their Legion?

A hundred times more cruel than the battles he had faced, and a thousand times more doubts hit his heart, causing a fissure to shake for the first time in his icy eyes that had been in the past for a hundred years...

But unfortunately, he is destined to never get the answer to this question.When Calvin's footsteps sounded from behind the battlefield, it seemed that the urged Gray Knights were unwilling to wait any longer.

After a short and intense exchange of fire, the Gray Knights completely destroyed the sons of Alpharius guarding here at the cost of two serious injuries and one slight injury.

After a plasma pistol shot, near the engine room of the Lost Truth, a mortal hiding behind an armored bunker was melted by Allen with a random shot hundreds of meters away.

Seeing the dimness of the soul represented by the body in the psychic vision, Allen did not continue to investigate. As for whether he is a non-staff member of the Alpha Legion, Allen is not interested in knowing.

The purpose of the mission assigned by the Primarch is to clean up the place.

And since there are no special restrictions, it means that all the lives within the field of vision are within the execution range of the mission plan.

After clearing out the remnants of the enemy in the direction of the main entrance of the engine room within 1 minute, the company directly under Alan Janus has successfully launched.With the help of the scan map of the battleship structure sent by the Unremitting Jihad, the entire company began to advance towards the bridge.

The guns of the crew who came to support continued to ring in the corridor, but in front of the gray knights who were marching in parallel, it had no other meaning except to buy a little time for the arrival of the Alphas.

++ The engine room is occupied, waiting for instructions. ++
++Keep up the speed, see you on the bridge. ++
Allen reported the current progress to Calvin in the psychic communication. In reality, the team of the three-meter-tall giant had just captured a defensive position.

Boltguns and plasma weapons ravaged the positions still smoldering, but these mortal troops wearing the emblem of Hydra were all dead.

The four Alphas were wearing Mark IV power armor without any emblems, and lay crookedly in several hidden places in the position.

The bowl-thick bullet holes on the chest and shoulder armor and the melted cuts on the edge of the neck armor were the causes of their deaths. The four almost full-loaded bolt guns showed that they were suppressed throughout the previous battle and did not die. Can complete effective resistance.

In the silent corridor, only the gray knights' armor made faint noises, and the occasional gunshots sounded as they shot at targets with intact limbs.

After passing through the cordon established by the four gray knights, Allen stepped into the position.

His gaze met the adjutant who was inspecting the battlefield beside him, and the latter gave him a slight nod to indicate that the cleaning was complete.

The whole team completed the communication in the spiritual energy channel, and transformed into a marching formation in the next instant like a whole.

From engagement to cleanup to departure, the silver armored Astartes did not speak at all.

There was a suffocating silence in the corridor until the giants disappeared into the depths of the corridor. Allen, who was walking at the end, turned his head to look at the hidden monitoring equipment in the wall, and shook his finger contemptuously.

The roar of a bolt gun turned the surveillance field of vision into darkness, and also defeated the last will of the Alpha commanders on the bridge to resist.

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