Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 409 The Concept of Courage and Loyalty

Chapter 409 Echoes of Courage and Loyalty ([-]) The Concept of the Cyberway, Doubts about Identity
Calvin and others have already entered the interior of the webway, while the meeting on the orbit is still going on.

Tibers and the others thought that there were enough fogs about this warband, but after interrogating the sons of Guilliman, they found that more mysteries were still emerging one after another.

"What? Can't find his list?" Tabers glanced at the scholar Chasov behind him, and the latter knowingly began to search for the records stored in the Imperial Council.

However, after a few minutes of silence, the scholar from the Inquisition also shook his head at the admiral of the Gray Knights fleet.

"There is no such name as Appius! No!" Sevens reiterated again in a dignified tone.

At this point in the video conference, he no longer cares about the reputation of a mere sub-group, but the many doubts and shadowy threats buried in this group have become his genetic father to pass on the earthly governance of Ultramar. Once in his hands, the hidden dangers that urgently need to be resolved.

Adjutant Sura also gave a supplementary explanation to everyone:

"We have done a self-examination of the existing information of the battle group. In the last 300 years, no, in the past 1000 years, the son of Guilliman has never There is no monk named Appius."

"That's why we can't make it up?" Tabers laughed angrily, but the Purifier Turabo on the opposite side of the video looked serious and didn't make a sound.

Just now, he personally participated in Adjutant Sura's investigation of the Ultramarines' information on the battleship, and under the condition that he watched Adjutant Sura's operation throughout, he could act as evidence for the sincerity of these Ultramarines.

And the third company commander of the Ultramarines didn't refute the Gray Knights' intentions, nor did he test the authenticity of Calvin's information from the ground.

The core ruler of Ultramar just shook his head seriously at Tibers, and then said:
"No, this just proves that there are more remains that we don't know exist in this battle group..."
"The webway is not a fixed spatial concept."

This is what Nicholas, the captain of the Custodian Army who walked into the webway with Calvin, said, and he has never really set foot on this land where his predecessors fought.

The description of the "webway" he proposed also comes from survivors of the webway wars thousands of years ago, and members of these ancient "ten thousand men" have not survived to the present.

Most of them have died in the long battle, and the "lucky ones" are buried in the sacred armor of Dreadnought.

Perhaps the technology of the Throne Court is enough to save them from the inhuman torture of ordinary dreadnought armor, but under the wear and tear of endless time, how to maintain humanity and sanity is still a difficult dilemma.In particular, the injuries suffered by some of them did not simply exist on the physical body, and the spiritual curse left by the battle with the subspace demons tortured them for a long time.

Therefore, these sacred and fearless people still cannot avoid the fate of long-term sleep, but they are only stationed in the core area of ​​the imperial palace area, with a minimum rotation of [-] years.

The Custodians respect these predecessors and will not hinder their will to continue their mission.However, in order to save the lives of these loyalists as much as possible, the new generation of "Ten Thousand Husbands" also established unwritten regulations after comprehensive consideration, namely:

Sacred Fearless only maintains a minimum number of awakening quotas, which are changed every [-] years;
Most of the rest are dormant, and must not be awakened for non-major battles and special moments.

Therefore, the information Nicholas gave Calvin is still not accurate and detailed enough. If there is a need for a more accurate and precise interpretation of this concept, it is better to say that the current technology and cognitive ability of human beings are not enough to truly understand and master it. The true face of the ancient holy creation "Netway".

Because the ancient sages are different from humans, they naturally have only a few chosen people among humans:
The unique sense only possessed by the "eternals" - time.

In the eyes of the Custodians and Gray Knights headed by Nicholas and Golden, the webway is more like an entrance to a huge system that ignores the concept of space.

The moment they stepped into that ancient portal, they all felt that their existence was shrinking endlessly, and the already tall and unusually tall stone building in front of them became even more towering and grand, reaching the edge of their field of vision. accommodate it.

The huge drop and sensory conflict made these mighty angels feel confused, and the feeling of vomiting and weightlessness reached the threshold of their bodies in an instant, causing the servo on their power armor to issue a sharp warning.

However, this abnormality only lasted for a few minutes due to the spontaneous adjustment of body functions and the hormones automatically injected by the power armor. The concentration of hormones quickly adjusted their state.

Entering the webway, the imperial guards and Templars supported each other and stood up again, carefully observing the surrounding scenery.

Although the previous sensory confusion was painful, at least it allowed them to truly experience the magic of the webway, and from this they can know that even the smallest entrance of the webway is enough to allow objects as large as planets to pass through. .

The space and quality of the real universe are not applicable here, at least judging from the operating rules of the webway, it does not have a real quality requirement for the individuals entering and leaving it.

And the Primarch was different from them.

The cognition caused by the senses has become more complex and three-dimensional in Calvin, and the more "rich" perception brought by his soul characteristics has one more dimension than the aborigines around him. That's the time.

Therefore, the details that he can "see" in his eyes are richer than those of the Imperial Army and Gray Knights.

What is a webway?Before Calvin came in, he didn't have a specific cognition.

But the moment he stepped into this portal, he already knew from the countless cracks in time and space passing through at high speed that this is a certain dimension in the real universe that was boundless by the unknown great existence. Forcibly distorted into a "magic cube".

Yes, in the eyes of Calvin, the so-called webway is like a gigantic Rubik's cube of unknown order, incomparably uncomplicated, changing in real time.

The three-dimensional space and the fourth-dimensional time in the real universe are meaningless here. They cannot bind the unknown existence, so they can only be easily distorted and rewritten under the latter's manipulation.

Space and time, which were originally flat, are like a thick tapestry with invisible borders, and some of the "veins and threads" in them are easily provoked by those existences, and are separated on the entire plane. Twist into a ball.

Yes, this is the webway, and although these have been stripped from the real universe, there are still some threads (pipes) that are deeply rooted in various locations in the real universe and extend in all directions. the purpose to be achieved.

What was before Calvin was such a complicated and distorted existence.And one of the basic requirements for "driving" this huge tool is that you must first have eyes and "hands" that transcend time and space.

The role of the former is enough to allow Calvin to see through the complex space-time environment here, so that he will not be confused by the countless tangled spaces of the webway;

The latter means that only by interfering with "time", or accurately grasping the rules of space changes here, can one find the position one wants to reach in the webway.

And "coincidentally", Calvin had both of these prerequisites, which are almost impossible for human beings to exist.

Both of these conditions come from his special soul and his transcendence of the dimension of the universe, and especially the latter, Calvin's soul of "all peoples are one" in front of this huge magic face that is changing every moment, Like a sieve filled with lead, it can always cast the number you want in the endless possibilities, so as to find the path you want.

So the Primarch fell into a strange silence in front of the Custodians and Templars, and then at a certain moment, it seemed that a certain condition was triggered.

In the last second, the original body closed his eyes slightly as if he was in meditation, but in the next second, the original body suddenly opened his eyes, turned his head and said to the people behind him:
"Let's go."

Then take a step ahead and disappear into the transparent space in front of you,
 Update, in addition, the monthly ticket is only a few dozen short, so I made up the whole. Seeing that I have written 7 words this month, I have the audacity to ask everyone for a ticket, and the deadline is 12 o'clock.Thanks!
(End of this chapter)

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