Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 554: Orders and Conversation

Chapter 554: Orders and Conversation

"Mission failed, we can prepare to evacuate."

The newly appointed prophet represented Isaniya and said to Alstin, but the latter did not answer and just looked at the gate of the battleship in ecstasy.

Scattered Eldar airships were gathering, and then formed small teams to return to the battleship.

Their movement trajectories are no different from those of warriors who went out to fight in ancient times tens of thousands of years ago.

But now that the entire Eldar empire has fallen, this almost eternal scene also shows a certain meaning of eternity in the eyes of two Eldars who are also on the path of sages.

"I didn't expect it to be you."

Alstin said to Isaniya, and the new prophet turned her head slightly, showing her slender neck a graceful arc in the light.

The age gap between the two is a hundred years, but in the long life of the Eldar, this is not an insurmountable barrier;
Since her birth, Isaniya's dazzling talents and achievements among her kind have also been a driving force for Alstin to embark on the road of prophet.

Alstin did not expect that the successor appointed by the Prophet's Council would be this senior who has been fighting near the Eye of Terror all year round;

But fortunately, his condition was already stable at this time, and he was not as panicked as when he used the power of the Prophet Council to cause great trouble.

No, he was calmer and calmer.

Silver aura shone from his eyes, and became more and more concentrated as time passed.

The cold blood flowed through his body, giving him an indescribable wantonness when swimming in the etheric ocean.

He grew up because the ubiquitous unborn that had troubled him for a long time in the subspace became less arrogant after some changes occurred in his body.

The stability brought about by this change made Alstin subconsciously think that his soul construction had made great progress.

The ocean of ether is responding to him and obeying him, without any of the weirdness and darkness of the past;

Powerful forces responded to him and obeyed him, so much so that even the demons recoiled from him.

This is not normal, but for any life that lives in the subspace, normality is the biggest illusion in life.

But always be wary.

So he repeatedly examined his soul, but could not find any signs of being contaminated and changed by chaos.

He took the trouble to reconstruct his thinking logic and found no flaws or tampered details in any of his thoughts.

He is still the same Alstin, but with new changes.

Originally, Alstin was a standard academic. His arrogance based on knowledge and his clumsiness in combat almost made him incapable of going to the front line.

But after the accident, Alstin found that his mentality became calmer.

Even after a conflict with the clan warriors who supervised him, he "angrily" went to the front line alone.

Are you really angry? of course not.

Anger is just Alstin's appearance, and cold thinking is his essence now.

His real purpose was to use the simplest battle to verify some conjectures after noticing the changes in his body;
And if things developed as he expected, after that powerful force appeared, he had a completely different understanding of real battles.

With the support of his mentality, his fighting consciousness became calmer and calmer.

Several times when he was alone, Alstin used spells that had been ignored in the past to kill his opponents.

The stance sword was defined as a crude and ugly weapon in the eyes of the original Alstin.

Now it seems like there is life in his hands, and his seemingly thin body is blessed by various buffs. This newbie on the battlefield, who was regarded as a dead man in the eyes of the clan warriors, could actually use a stance sword to produce effects similar to those of a ranger.

Imperial rebels, corrupted zombies, heavily armored sub-species of giants, and even some lone Chaos Sorcerers and Astartes.

Alstin's first battle on the ground was accomplished by killing these targets.

In simple but intensive battles, the advantages of low consumption and quick response of spells are infinitely greater.

Alstin was even able to rescue his own people who were besieged by a group of fallen Astartes from a small church after strangling an army of hundreds of people by himself.

Of course there's the fight against the Chaos Sorcerers, the real threat - the fallen psychic masters in the form of the Astartes.

And his resistance to corruption and always cold thinking helped him win again.

The enemy's illusions and curses could not obscure his vision, and the stance sword flowing with silver flames in his hand easily broke through the energy barrier of the Chaos Wizard.

Similar battles occurred several times, and Alstin also relied on these battles to successfully rebuild his prestige among the frontline ranger troops.

Even before Isanya arrived in Fal, the wastrel whom frontline warriors once dubbed "Moirai of Uthwe" had become a rising star on the Eldar frontline.

ps: (Moirae Haig - one of the gods of the Eldar, the wife of the blood god Kane, she is the creator of the Crone's Sword, but as the price of forging the divine sword, she lost her palm, well, This refers specifically to waste without hands.)——
"I didn't expect it either..." Isanya replied with a smile, her memories of Alstin's previous deeds ending here.

She looked at this somewhat unfamiliar "brother" seriously for a long time, and then said after her eyes touched his "silver eyes":

"The atmosphere in Happy Valley is so cold that I am not used to the warmth here."

"Isn't it always like this there?" Alstin would ask, then press his hands to the pouches at his waist.

It was a spice for meditation and a euphemism for ending a conversation among “the prophets.”

"Well..." Isanya frowned slightly, somewhat confused by this junior's change of attitude.

But she still didn't feel dissatisfied, just thinking that he was too tired after the battle.

"Then let's be honest? The adults at home are very worried about you. They are worried about your current state..."

"What about your opinion?"

Alstin opened his body, and the complex language constructed by his body and words expressed his calmness to Isaniya.

"Oh...you're fine, better than I thought."

Isanya chuckled and expressed her junior's approval.

He may have been too naive in the first half of the mission, but he still made up for it with the second half of the battle.

This kind of growth is something she is happy to see.

After completing the review task assigned by the Arkworld, she also presented another appointment to Alsteen in a happy mood:
“Go to Happy Valley, there’s more fighting there, more room to grow.

The voice of the Laughing God will protect your soul, and the path of the prophet will also give you more experience. "

"Why me? You know...I failed." Alstin asked calmly.

He did not think that his performance in this mission was worthy of commendation, so he did not understand why he was sent to another war zone to serve as a commander after being relieved of his position.

"No... you didn't fail." Isanya looked at him meaningfully, and then said to him as she turned to leave:
"With the blessing of the gods, Iyanden's compatriots have obtained another 'key', and here you are, meeting the person we want to see."

 I'm in a bad state. Please take a leave. There is only one chapter today and double updates will be resumed tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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