Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 6 Gan!Big loss!

Chapter 6 Gan!Big loss!
If the Astartes warriors represented by the Primarch stand at the extreme of the physical side of the empire's force spectrum, then the supernatural side is naturally the psykers represented by the imperial prime minister Malcador.

Then the gray knight's tactical positioning is to take the best of the two.

A qualified Gray Knight often has a strong body and steel discipline beyond the average Astartes, and a firmer and purer will than a psyker.Therefore, when the subspace beings headed by Chaos Demons challenge the real universe, in the worst combat environment, the most critical battle, and even the most desperate situation, sending a Gray Knight squad can turn the tide of the battle, The only way to win.

The Lady had some modest and unpleasant encounters with the Gray Knights while serving in the Ground Forces.Leaving aside the superficial personal emotions, the Gray Knights are indeed a respectable army purely for the interests of the empire.

And the nitpicking and difficulty of recruiting Gray Knights is no secret among officers of the rank of the Lady of the Black Ships.That's why when Calvin's physical condition similar to that of the aborigine in the wild world combined with the mature willpower and spiritual talent that can only be born in the church world or even the intellectual world, the lady first thought of them.

Distinguishing between public and private is a lady's consistent style. Putting aside personal grievances, only in terms of responsibility, the situation of the Gray Knight deserves the best seeds.

So the lady did not hesitate to write the last stroke on the parchment, and then carefully put the document into the α-level document bag with a bright red confidentiality mark.Ring the bell on the corner of the table.To the clerk who heard the call, he clicked on the documents on the table:

"Priority α, sent to Rhea. The contact code and confidentiality authorization code were received in my office, and I wrote them myself."

The long subspace journey will be over half at this time, but on the other side of the black ship, Calvin, who is still sleeping, has encountered some unexpected troubles.

After absorbing all the witch's psionic energy and a considerable part of the soul fragments, the black gemstone, which had been silent for 23 days, finally digested it and began to "feedback" to his physical body.

Stable and powerful fluctuations of spiritual energy faintly emanated from that black gemstone, right in the center of Calvin's brain nucleus.Apparently, Black Gem, who had been deliberately silent for 14 years and waited for his physical condition to mature, had lost his patience and began to try to transform his "living environment".Calvin's body also began to respond to this command from the center, and spontaneously mobilized the whole body's nutrient reserves to start supplying this "huge project" that had just begun but did not know how it would end.

Thus, an embarrassing situation was formed in which only Calvin's consciousness was injured.Severe periodical pain woke Calvin from hibernation, excessive secretion of hormones and rapid rise in body temperature, and even critical energy reserves in various parts of the body unwillingly issued an alarm to him.

Struggling to stand up, Calvin saw himself in the mirror on the opposite side of the bed, his flesh and bones, loose skin wrinkled and hanging on the thick frame after losing muscle support, like a scarecrow used to scare birds in the fields.With bloodshot eyes in deep sunken eye sockets and cheekbones sunken into cheekbones, his face like a hungry ghost reminded him of his strongest feelings at the moment:
"I'm hungry!"

He desperately craves energy intake, solid and liquid.After roughly picking up the water glass on the table and drinking it down, Calvin looked around and found a terrible problem: this body is still in the development stage, the so-called half-sized child, eats me to death.Not to mention a half-sized bear?With a strong appetite, Calvin always eats as much as you send, and has never had the habit of storing food.

The pain got worse and worse.What does retrofit mean?What are the benefits of success?Now Calvin has no time to think at all.But the instinctive fear of failure made him stop hesitating, and he tapped the red emergency button beside the bed with all his might.

He leaned on the side of the bed and lay tremblingly waiting for the arrival of medical rescue. After trying his best to grab the hang tag with his identity and blood type in his hand, darkness enveloped Calvin's consciousness...

"I've lost my lord, am I the first time traveler to be played to death by myself?" This was his last thought before he fell into a coma.

In the quiet subspace, on the bridge of the Wandering Band.The staff on duty who discovered the abnormality activated the rescue mechanism. The medical team and the security forces immediately ruled out the possibility of subspace contamination, and then transferred the unconscious Calvin to the life support cabin for rest.

"The parameters of the fluid in the tank are abnormal! The electrolyte content drops rapidly!" The staff of the medical team reported to the person in charge.

"One more standard unit, no, three more." The person in charge wiped the sweat off his brow, and glanced at Calvin floating inside the transparent green tank.Turning his head and asking:
"How many times?"

"10 times in 5 minutes, accumulating 20 units, do you want to give up?" Said the crew on the console without looking up.

"Report the situation to the lady, the decision on the goods is not up to us."

After 3 minutes, the red communicator in the lady's office, representing an emergency, was switched on.After a brief overview of the basic information, the lady ordered without hesitation:
"Guarantee the energy supply of the target person. Also notify the psionic evaluation team, we may need their help."

The lady who hung up the communicator thought for a while, then grabbed the uniform coat hanging on the back of the chair, and walked out the door.Decisions should be made on the front line of the battlefield, the closer the better.This is the experience of a 300-year veteran.

In the medical cabin, all three high-level psykers from the Star Language Court were present.Under the supervision of the lady, they conducted a detailed spiritual perception of Calvin in the tank:

"It's a secondary development."

After a short communication, the three psykers spoke firmly to the lady.

"Although it's rare, the comprehensive sign index and heat distribution map, as well as the target's spiritual energy fluctuations, this is indeed a typical secondary development."

The lady doesn't know too much professional vocabulary in the field of spiritual energy.She just wants to get the fastest and most effective advice.

"What is your opinion?"

"Observe or destroy. The secondary development of psionic energy is very rare, and there is a very high possibility of mutation. Considering that we are currently navigating in subspace, my suggestion is to destroy it on the spot."

A psyker from the Ministry of the Interior gives his verdict.

The other two psykers did not make other suggestions out of some concerns.After the psykers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs finished speaking, the entire medical cabin fell silent.And the lady folded her arms habitually, and began to pace unconsciously in high-speed thinking.

After walking a few steps, the lady turned her head and said to the people in the room:

"A β-level psyker, don't we have the ability to deal with it when the mutation starts? This is not the correct way to deal with it."

The three psykers had no objection.Seeing this, the lady said:

"If we wish to help him, what should we do?"

"Maintain the current electrolyte input and increase the medical agent with a γ-gamma value exceeding 5%. The higher the content, the better. That is what he needs most now. But this price may be too expensive..."

After a few seconds of silence, the psyker from the navy finally couldn't help but speak.

"Okay, how many qualified medical agents do we have?" The lady turned her head and aimed at the medical staff.

"There were no huge casualties during this voyage, so the rations for you and the entire base team are distributed according to the standard of three times the number of people, and the current number is full. The rations for the three spiritual masters are still..."

The healer, who felt uncomfortable in the middle of the sentence, decisively chose to shut up when he saw the unfriendly eyes of the psyker from the Ministry of the Interior.But it was too late.

"Then give it all to him!" The lady cut off the conversation with a big wave of her hand and continued:
"156 servings of gamma potion, I want to see if he can take it!" After finishing speaking, the lady turned her head and gave an order to the clerk:

"I order! The second Cassin team of the base team, no, Aldrin's team is finished! Get to the medical cabin as soon as possible, and monitor the target's activities throughout. Until the target's secondary development is completed or mutated, the nun team has full authority to handle this incident .”

After speaking, the lady turned and walked out of the cabin.Completely ignore the ugly face of the psyker from the Ministry of the Interior.Inside the green tank, Calvin, who knew nothing about the game, was still sleeping in a difficult struggle with himself.

Three days later, after eating a full 150 servings of gamma potions and 500 servings of electrolyte potions, Calvin, who received sufficient supplements, finally regained his original muscular body shape.His physical signs gradually stabilized after the initial surge.Not only that, but his height also increased from 190cm when he first boarded the ship to 210cm in a short period of time.The wider shoulders and thick collarbone make his upper body more generous, and the adjustment of instinct during the development period also makes his figure closer to the golden ratio.

More importantly, from the resonance fluoroscopy, Calvin's brainstem can be clearly seen to the left of the center, and a never-before-seen lobe-mounted gland developed from scratch within three days.

A growth direction fully slanted to the left is like leaving a symmetrical position for another leaf.The veins attached to it expand periodically with the surge of blood.The evaluation of the medical staff is that the function is unknown and it is a benign mutation. The nuns also witnessed the whole process, which can guarantee the purity of this mutation.

At this time, Calvin was like a statue of a sleeping god of war, floating and sinking quietly in the green tank with his breath.

After another 4 days, Calvin, whose brain wave consciousness gradually became active, finally woke up with a deep breath. When he opened his eyes, he saw his old acquaintance Aldrin and the man who stood aside and commented on his body in sign language. Cassin.

So Calvin, who was exposed in front of the opposite sex for the first time in his life, his first thought after waking up was: "Damn! How bad is he?"

The spaceship framed in black ebony still sailed silently in the warp.But just like its name, no matter how far you wander, there will eventually be an end.

 On the throne!Please every comrade who passes by votes for me as a valuable recommendation vote, your support is related to the future of Saturn V!


(End of this chapter)

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