Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 607 The Purification of War in the Gothic Starry Sky and the Origin of the Unbreakable Vow

Chapter 607: War on the Gothic Starry Sky () Purification and Oath—The Origin of the Unbreakable

"The rescue signal area has been reached, the air defense agreement has been passed, and there is no response to the passive call..."

"Repeat, we have reached the rescue signal area, the air defense agreement has been passed, and we actively called, but there is still no response..."

On the atmosphere of Pesma, a little bit of bright silver shone, and was soon rubbed and burned by the thick atmosphere, and finally turned into slender orange tracks;

Sitting on the equator, Turab looked down at the starry sky outside the porthole with his tall and majestic body. The communication from the airborne pod in his ears made his heart gradually sink;

And this giant just watched in silence as these trajectories lengthened little by little, until they were captured by the planet's gravity and disappeared from the edge of the field of vision.

The signal from the airborne capsule was finally interrupted in the black barrier area, and then temporarily disappeared from the battleship's communication network. In the eyes of him, the Purifier troops, and even the entire legion, the lights and shadows that disappeared over the remote areas of the Pestma continent corresponded to It is the fulcrum for the entire legion to light up one by one on this land.


boom! boom! boom! boom!

Switching the perspective, five silver columnar metal cabins fell from the sky. The dark red color burned by the atmosphere had not faded, and they hammered hard on the sand and gravel on the ground.


The gate with the scarlet emblem of the Inquisition was lowered, and the gray knights wearing primary steel armor stepped out. Amidst the dark red smoke raised by the shock wave, they stepped on the finely broken waste mines at their feet, and walked out of the deep pits created by the airborne cabin one by one, arriving at the edge of the small town built in the huge mine.

From a condescending view, apart from the devastated and dilapidated houses, there were only people who were as stiff as zombies, walking aimlessly in the town.

"There is no possibility of rescue...waiting for orders!"

The leader of the giant looked at the group of corpses that were coming after hearing the sound, as well as the vaguely huge foreign object walking behind the group of corpses.

The breath of death and corruption has almost turned into reality here, and the wailing and reflections of countless souls left behind after being swallowed by the subspace show the eternal torture they will suffer.

Corresponding to these pains and tortures is the ugly and vicious vitality that the power of Nurgle has created here after distorting all life.

What a disgusting life!

What a creepy twist that is!

Along with the dense swarms of poisonous bees, corpses that swelled into purple, maggots with long hair that reflected black light, and the Nurgling that represented the incarnation of the god of decay.

The power of chaos and distortion that is contrary to human civilization, set against the vitality of these inhuman demons and monsters, almost pulls the shadow of the decaying garden deep in the subspace into reality!

And that garden of corruption, which only showed a trace of reflection, in the psychic vision of the Gray Knights, was almost taller than the mine body surrounding the open-pit mine!

"Repeat, there is no possibility of rescue, waiting for further orders!"

The leader of the Purifier suppressed his anger, and the always calm expression in the psychic link was inevitably a little unstable.

Turab, who was observing the entire town through the Legion's will and their vision, took a deep breath at the end of the distant sky, and then categorically ordered after marking the church in the center of the town:

"Perform the purification process and grant them rest for the Emperor!"

"Received! Repeat the order, perform the purification process, and grant them peace!"

Facing the dense pile of corpses at his feet, the gray knight in the middle of the queue held his halberd horizontally!

The majestic will surges and rises from his soul, all the way upward, relying on endless anger and revenge, summoning the will of the legion at the end of the void!

And in the vision of the Gray Knights' souls, at the end of the void, there is also a silver star descending from the sky in response to their wishes!

As a result, incandescent spiritual flames bloomed from his eyes, and then, while contaminating his entire body, it was transmitted to the comrades behind him!

"For the emperor! For the Titan!"

The Gray Knight charged towards the corpses while the flames on his body were burning, and the comrades behind him followed closely behind!

More dazzling thunder condensed on the halberd!

The huge energy made his heavy steps like a chariot seem slow at that moment! Tear it apart!

With a war cry of overwhelming rage, the arc of thunder tore through the air, and the branches spread out from the hands of the Purifier toward the corpses like a piece of silk!

The disease and twisted power steaming over the corpses were burning at the same time as the corpses in the billowing smoke!


Only thorough purification can restore the original tranquility to this land; and only thorough purification can give complete peace to these victims whose souls were taken away by Nurgle and then fixed on the dead corpses!

Turab withdrew his gaze from this battlefield, and more similar purification procedures were taking place across the continent of Pesma.

On the outer edge of Pesma's orbit, the battle between Talos and the Death Guard is in full swing. On the inner orbit closest to the surface, Tulab also leads his direct team, monitoring the entire battlefield while looking for targets worth taking action!

The field of vision was enlarged, and Gray Knights began to appear on various planets in the outer reaches of the Gothic Galaxy.

As the leader of their legion, Calvin had just woken up as if he had experienced a big dream.

"Still not found..."

Calvin muttered to himself, recalling the details of the battle he had just fought on a conceptual level.

The Crown of the Unbreakable was hidden by Mortarion in countless chaotic information flows after Calvin successfully attacked it and obtained a clue.

What Calvin has to do is to find the origin of this title in this huge amount of disordered information while fighting the will of the demonic original body in the confrontation of consciousness.

For him, he already had the upper hand in this kind of battle. In terms of the entire history of mankind, this was a step that no one had ever entered before.

But considering the protracted war at the consciousness and conceptual level, he had to worry about the real-life battle with Mortarion at the same time.

He won, but he didn't win enough. He had the upper hand, but he didn't have time.

"grown ups!"

The voice behind him made Calvin temporarily put aside his thoughts and turned around. The iconic yellow color on the visitor's body and the Imperial eagle emblem on his chest made him subconsciously recall memories on a conceptual level.

"Is something wrong?" he asked patiently, while looking at the imperial guard behind the Imperial Fist adjutant.

Nicholas nodded slightly, and at the same time motioned to the adjutant of the Imperial Fist with his eyes. After receiving the signal from the body language, the latter adjusted his breathing subtly for a moment, and then replied to Calvin.

"Report from the Gothic direction. There are signs of instability in the Anglican Diocese. We are waiting for your orders!"

"Oh..." Calvin did not pay attention to the excitement of the young son of Dorne. Instead, he thoughtfully remembered the order he had given before.

"Where is the National Church...Sura's team? What's the progress now? And that Padilla...wait!"

He suddenly raised his head, waved his hand in the surprised eyes of the imperial guards and the Imperial Fist adjutant, then turned and walked towards his temporary residence.

And in his mind, there was a lightning-like thought, following the path of Sura - Padilla - the Empire's national religion - the oath, dispelling the original fog!

"The unbreakable... the unbreakable!" The more Calvin thought about it, the more likely it seemed.

Concepts come from rituals, and rituals come from actions.

The same is true for the title of "The Unbreakable" - since it can be held by all the Lords of the Death Guard Legion, why can't it come from a certain discipline of their legion, or a certain oath?


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