Ancestor Bless: I built a thousand-year-old family

Chapter 136 South Korea: Destroy, I'm Tired

Chapter 136 South Korea: Destroy, I'm Tired
Before life and death, Wu Hou and Wu Xiang burst out with unprecedented potential.

Wu Xiang personally came to the land of Huaisi, and explained to Guan Chenglin, the main attacking general of Qi State, that Wu State was willing to offer the map of Huaisi land.

Guan Chenglin was overjoyed, and quickly sent someone to escort Wu Xiang to Linzi.

After the reform, the Qi State has completely got rid of the poor and weak situation of the past. Qi State has a large number of fighters again, and the combat effectiveness is quite strong.

For the arrival of Prime Minister Wu, especially when he brought the map of the land of Huaisi, the monarch and ministers of Qi State attached great importance to it, and basically all the nobles who spoke well were present.

Wu Xiang knew that when he came to Zizi, he wanted to sell the country of Wu for a good price, so he directly paid respects to Duke Qi with the courtesy of visiting the emperor, and said respectfully: "Duke Qi, foreign ministers are here, and may King Haotiansu bless you."

This startled the Qi State's monarchs and officials, and Qi Xiang Lu Ji asked directly: "Wu Xiang, Wu Guo is a Marquis, and you are a Hou Guoguo, so you should not perform such a grand ceremony.

Only the Son of Heaven can receive your great gift. This is not the courtesy of paying homage to the Duke, and the king dare not accept it. "

Prime Minister Wu didn't waste any time, straight to the point, he took out the map of Wu country from his pocket, held it up high and said, "Duke Qi.

The foreign ministers came here by the order of the king, and offered you the map of Huaisi and the land of Wu as offerings.

From then on, the monarch will regard you as the master, not a prince, and depose himself as the monarch, so the foreign ministers pay homage to you with the courtesy of the monarch of the previous country. "


The monarchs and ministers of the Qi State were directly manipulated by Wu Xiang. Didn’t they mean to present the map of the land of Huaisi?
Why did it suddenly become offering to Wu?

Was the state of Wu's country brought by a strong wind?How can I say no to it?

Duke Qi was puzzled and said, "President Wu, this..."

Wu Xiang rubbed his eyes, but he didn't cry, he could only lower his head and sob: "Qi Gong, you know that Chu State has always been spying on Wu State's land.

Now the state of Wu is in danger of being overthrown, and the monarch is mourning day and night, but he can't think of a way to hold the land.

Among the powerful countries in the world today, only Qin, Wei and Qi can stand against Chu.

But Qin State is a barbarian in the west, Wei State is cunning and untrustworthy, only you, a nobleman with the surname Jiang, are powerful and tyrannical.

In this world, is there anyone more qualified than Qi to lead the Xias? "

Upon hearing the words, Duke Qi waved his hands quickly and said: "Wu and Qi have been diplomatic relations for hundreds of years. It is difficult to see Wu. Can Qi turn a blind eye?

There is no need to dedicate the land. This is the community of Wu, and it should be preserved. "

As soon as Wu Xiang heard this, he became anxious. If he didn't want Wu's land, he didn't care about Wu's survival.

He came to Qi State not only to get the promise of Qi State to aid Wu, but also to rank ahead of South Korea.

Because South Korea may be able to withstand Wei Guo for three to five years, Wu Guo will definitely not be able to withstand Chu's three-year attack.

After Qi Guo finished rescuing South Korea, and then rescued Wu Guo, the day lily would be cold.

Then it would be better to follow the monarch into exile in Luo Kingdom and turn the country into a home.

"Duke Qi, the king said that the land of Wu is the most beautiful gem in the world, and only those who are virtuous deserve this fertile land.

The king lost his virtue, so the heaven wanted to take away the country of Wu.

But if Wu Guosheji fell into the hands of Chu people, it would be like a thick layer of dust covering precious jade, and the monarch would not be able to rest in peace even if he died.

The monarchs of the kingdoms have been counted among the monarchs of Zhuxia, except for the monarchs of the Luo Kingdom who don't care about things, there is no one whose virtue is higher than yours.

This is the land that God wants to bestow upon you. As a human monarch, can you defy the will of God?
That's why the king asked his foreign ministers to come to Qi with the map of Wu, please accept it. "

Qi Prime Minister Lu Ji coughed and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, it's almost done. I promise Wu that I can still get the map of Huaisi. I can kill two birds with one stone."

Duke Qi raised his sleeve to cover his mouth and said in a low voice, "What about South Korea? I'm not afraid of attacking Chu, but I agreed to South Korea first. Isn't it a bit bad to do so?"

Lu Ji laughed softly: "Of course it is necessary to support South Korea, after all, Qi is a big and trustworthy country.

But Wu State is a vassal state of Qi State, and the land of Wu State is equivalent to the land of Qi State. It is reasonable for Qi people to defend Qi State's land first, and then rescue foreign countries, right?

South Korea is not so easy to be defeated by Wei Guo, and it can hold on for a while.

Alas, we can only suffer more for the Korean people, the Wei people are really hateful! "

Duke Qi squinted his eyes and laughed when he heard this.

This is of course very reasonable, and reasonable Koreans are probably going to scold their mothers.

As a member of the Wu family, Wu Xiang didn't get a bribe from Chu before, but now he got a reward from Qi, and returned to Wu happily.

The army of the state of Qi, which had obtained the Kanyu map, exploded with powerful combat power in an instant, and the army of the state of Wei, which could rely on its familiarity with the terrain to deal with it, began to retreat quickly.

In South Korea, Marquis Han brought a large number of migrating nobles, bureaucrats, and Chinese to quickly control Zhengdi, and Zhengdi's resources were continuously sent to the front line.

The flames of war between Zhao, Wei and Han have not been able to reach Xinzheng City for the time being.

In the South Korean court, in the magnificent hall, the South Korean monarchs and ministers heard the progress of Qi's army, and they couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise: "Qi is really tyrannical.

According to the current progress, I am afraid that in a few months, we will be able to lead the army to support us.

It seems that there is no need to worry about the invasion of Zheng by Zhao and Wei. As long as Zheng is still intact, even if the territory of Zheng is broken, it is still acceptable. "

South Korea's monarchs and ministers are thinking about the future, and at the same time, they are full of enthusiasm to stop the Zhao Wei coalition forces beyond the numerous barriers. The armies of the three Jin Dynasties fought each other, and countless blood flowed on this land.

The military soldiers of Wei State took the lead, and the crossbowmen of South Korea did not give up too much. Since the Jin Dynasty, the quality of the soldiers has always been the highest in the land of the Three Jins, and they can fight against all the powerful armies in the world.

Now that they are attacking and killing each other internally, it is really a dark place.

Countless corpses fell on the land of South Korea. South Korea has the sharpest weapons, but due to the fierce fighting, these sharp weapons, which are difficult to handle in the world, even rolled their blades directly.

Human flesh was scattered all over the ground, and there were countless shattered swords, guns, swords and halberds on those corpses, and even the armor was directly shattered by continuous chopping and shooting.

This war has lasted for a year. Although Zhao and Wei have suffered a lot of losses, because the battlefield is in South Korea, they can still plunder materials from South Korea's cities to make up for the losses.

South Korea's continuous blood loss has made Zhao and Wei very satisfied. In this situation, basically, Zhao and Wei are steadily achieving their own strategic goals, which is to completely drag down South Korea, which has just gained momentum, in the war .

Wei's army in Huaisi was mainly to hold back Qi, but it was unexpected that Qi would complete the encirclement and annihilation of Huaisi's Wei army so quickly, which was completely beyond the expectations of Wei's monarchs and ministers.

The situation on the battlefield of the Jin Dynasty changed instantly. Both Zhao and Wei were guarding against the entry of Qi, while South Korea was overjoyed, thinking that the time to counterattack had come.


The three kingdoms of Zhao, Wei and Han watched Qi go south from Huaisi and stabbed Chu in the ass. Wu fought back and joined Qi to attack Chu, which is located north of the river.

"The whole country of Wu is attached to Qi, and the title of vassal is removed, and it is called Wu Jun, and Qi is the master?"

With Qi's brazen dispatch of troops against Chu, the agreement between Qi and Wu was announced to the world at the same time, which solved everyone's doubts, so it was reasonable.

If you ask for help in South Korea, you will be rescued, but Wu State is a vassal state of Qi State, so there is nothing wrong with saving the vassal state first.

Wei Hou was at the court of Wei State, in front of the officials, he directly laughed and said: "There is a story recorded in Luo State's "Funny Collection", that there was a man in Song State who was good at raising deer, but he was often robbed by others.

He asked a strong neighbor to protect the deer with a lot of money, but the Song people were too stupid to expect that this neighbor also wanted to take his deer away.

In the end, both the money and the deer were lost.

Gu Ben thought that only Song people would be so short-sighted, but he didn't expect Han Hou to do such a stupid thing.

Han Hou borrowed troops from Qi State to rescue South Korea, but Qi State had the same thoughts as Zhao Wei and wanted to weaken South Korea.

This is really too funny, I must suggest to Luo Guo to compile this matter, unfortunately it is not the work of Song people, otherwise it will be passed down to future generations. "

The officials of Wei State looked at each other a few times. This incident is indeed quite funny, but it seems that it is not an honorable thing for you to compare yourself to a robber.

Have you forgotten that we attacked South Korea because South Korea asked about the weight of the crown and disobeyed the emperor?
But looking at the happy monarch now, all the ministers remained silent. Anyway, it was harmless, at most it was just a note from the historian.

In Xinzheng City, Hanhou was so angry that he vomited blood and passed out when he received the news. The Korean courtiers scolded Qi Guo and Wu Guo for being shameless, and then hurriedly woke Hanhou up.

Han Hou opened his eyes tremblingly, still unable to believe the news he heard, but iron-like facts cannot be faked.

"Mr. Wu is really ruthless, no wonder Qi will rescue Wu first, this is a condition that Gu cannot agree to.

I'm afraid Qi Guo also wants to let the blood of the Koreans be shed!
Gu Hate, both Qi and Wu deserve to die. "

The hatred in Han Hou's words was about to turn into substance, and all the officials in South Korea believed that if Qi Gong and Wu Hou stood in front of him now, Han Hou would immediately pounce on them and kill them.

Prime Minister Han took a deep breath and said, "My lord, Qi will not be here for at least a year. The situation is critical now. If they are unwilling to cut the land, South Korea will have to fight bloody battles."

Cutting ground?

South Korea's land cannot be ceded, the most important thing is those few passes, once ceded, the whole Zhengdi will not even have a buffer, and South Korea will be completely slaughtered.

How South Korea defeated the royal family before, how Zhao Wei and the two countries can defeat South Korea.

Han Hou wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were red, but his mind was calmer than ever, and he said coldly: "Qi just wants South Korea to consume Wei's strength for him.

He didn't dare to really let Wei Guo annex South Korea, and now he can only have a chance of life in a bloody battle. "

(End of this chapter)

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