Chapter 144 (Don't Subscribe)

Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan landed heavily on the deck, almost cracking the deck.

At this time, Nan Jue was not far away, so he began to scold the two of them dissatisfied, but they ignored them at all, and the two walked to the railing and looked under the ocean.

The sea water here is very clear, so you can see very deep places. At this moment, the black shadow is still under the ship. After landing on the ship, the two of them really realized how huge things are under the water. The ships seem to be sailing in black water, which makes people desperate at first glance.

"Oh my god, what is this!!" Jiang Yu suddenly screamed.

His scream woke everyone up, so everyone stood on the railing, and then found a huge black shadow underwater, like a black hole abyss that could suck the entire ship in at any time!
Everyone was sweating coldly. Although the creatures below didn't emit any breath at all, they brought tremendous pressure to everyone on board, as if their lives had been dominated by the monsters below!

No one dared to speak, people's eyes widened, and their bodies were in a state of rigidity.

They didn't dare to see what was under the water, for fear that they would be greeted with a giant mouth that could swallow them into their mouths, or giant claws that would stir up the waves and smash the cruise ship into pieces. It wasn't them Conjecture for no reason, but underwater creatures can definitely do it!
"What the hell...?" Zhao Manyan asked with a stiff expression.

Mo Fan let out a breath, then slowly shook his head and said, "It seems to have dived."

Lin Ran looked at it, nodded and said, "Dive."

The giant shadow under the water began to fade, and the fear that everyone was shrouded in was also slowly disappearing.

After a long time, the sea water regained its original clarity. Looking down, the sea water was still very blue.

At this time, everyone on the ship seemed to have collapsed, and someone was directly paralyzed on the deck!
The ship was still moving, and the people on the ship didn't speak for a long time. After a long time, the limp Jiang Yu slowly stood up, and he glanced at the silent crowd.

"I now have a feeling that I am a frog in a well." Jiang Yu said with a wry smile.

How many existences in this world can't be understood and explored by human beings? Before Jiang Yu felt that he already knew all the monsters, and he could easily judge the type just by seeing the outline of a shadow.

However, he couldn't make any judgments about the black shadow underwater just now, and he couldn't even see the whole picture of this creature clearly...

He doesn't know what the underwater thing is, he only knows that the giant black shadow is a kind of monster that has never been recorded by humans, and it lives in the vast Pacific Ocean!

"I'm afraid this is one of the reasons why the instructor asked us to come out to practice, but a monster of this size, at least... at least should be at the monarch level, right?" Nan Jue said.

Lin Ran silently grabbed the hands of Mù Nujiao and Mu Ningxue from the side.

"It's hard to say, because we can't be sure whether this guy is a creature, and it's a bit strange. It stands to reason that the aura of a monarch-level monster should be very strong, but the black shadow doesn't seem to have any life reaction." Mo Fan said .

Guan Yu on the side couldn't help snorting when he heard this sentence, he said disdainfully to Mo Fan: "It's as if you have seen a monarch-level creature, as far as I know, a creature as powerful as a monarch-level creature It is also very simple to hide the breath."

Lin Ran couldn't help laughing, Mo Fan was still fighting with the corpse of the mountain before.

Guan Yu's remarks felt a bit self-inflicted, because Mo Fan had not only seen monarch-level creatures, but had also dealt with monarch-level creatures many times.

Hangzhou's totem black snake, the silver sky lord...the corpse of the mountain...

It can be said that Lin Ran and Mo Fan are the people who have seen the most monarch creatures here, and they have even fought with monarch creatures.



Mù Nujiao gave Lin Ran a pink punch, and Mu Ningxue slapped Lin Ran on the shoulder, and then the two of them separated. They were still immersed in the fear of the shadow just now, so they were fascinated. Lin Ran took her hand in a daze, and naturally he would not indulge Lin Ran after regaining consciousness.

Afterwards, everyone silently began to practice in an attempt to regain their sense of normalcy.


Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan saw the coastline when they were in the air before, but after being frightened, the route has deviated a bit, so now they need to travel a longer distance to reach the expected port.

Entering the safe sea area of ​​the island country, since the ship had been registered before, and the ship itself also had the name of the island country written on it, it entered the safe sea area of ​​the island country smoothly.

When they arrived in the sea area of ​​Anjie, everyone saw some fishing boats salvaged one after another.

There are two types of fishing boats in China, one is fishing boats, which use machinery to salvage, and can throw thousands of fish into their freezers at once.

The other type is very primitive fishing boats. There are one or two fishermen on board with very simple tools. For example, there are many such simple fishing boats near Asuka City.

There are also primitive fishing boats in the island country, but more of them have become mechanized boats. After all, they have many ways to eat fish, so the salvage industry is relatively developed.

There are such salvage ships in this Anjie sea area, and these ships are painted gray as a whole. When this white cruise ship from Huaguo sails into this sea area, it looks a bit abrupt.

After entering the port, as soon as everyone stepped on the solid land, they felt that their hearts were at ease.

Because I have been bumping on the ship for a long time, I still have the illusion of bumps when I step on the land, just like being drunk.

"Is there anyone here who speaks the island language?" Mo Fan asked.

"Me, I like watching island dramas the most." Jiang Shaoxu said with a smile.

Lin Ran said, "I like it too."

"Hey, me too." Mo Fan said with a wretched smile.

Jiang Shaoxu is not a little girl who doesn't understand anything. When she saw Mo Fan smiling wickedly, she immediately rolled her eyes and cursed: "Stinky rascal!"

Lin Ran said, "Mo Fan likes to watch Conan, what are you thinking?"

Jiang Shaoxu also gave Lin Ran a flamboyant look, then looked at Lin Ran and said, "Would you like me to speak a few words of island Mandarin to you at night?"

Lin Ran: "..."

Lin Ran wanted to say something coquettish, but changed his mind when Mu Ningxue killed her.

"Hmph... I'm not just a casual man." Lin Ran said.

"Let's find a place to rest first, don't stay here for too long, lest they see that we are smuggled from Huaguo, otherwise it will be very troublesome." Ai Jiangtu said.

As soon as Ai Jiangtu finished speaking, several islanders who looked like police officers came over. They first looked at the cruise ship docked at the port, and then came over to inquire.

Jiang Shaoxu also realized that something was wrong now, so he hurriedly told everyone not to speak, and then he took the initiative to chat with the police officer.

Jiang Shaoxu Island Mandarin is very fluent, and her tone, tone, and temperament are like a sexy and beautiful cherry blossom girl, and her eyes are shining with a half-pure and half-attractive luster.

"We are members of the Lin Group and have permission to land." Jiang Shaoxu said to one of the police officers with a mustache.

The mustache police officer looked at the crowd suspiciously, and then walked up to the others for questioning.

He watched Jiang Yu talking, so Jiang Yu just kept smiling there, and he didn't say a word.

Because they reveal their secrets when they speak, although they basically understand the international lingua franca, they are all pretending to be islanders. If they speak the interlingua, they will directly expose their identities as foreigners. At this time, Jiang Yu's heart has surged There were countless: "Grass mud horse, dead devil, ask your sister!"

Officer Hu became more suspicious, and then questioned Nan Jue, but Nan Jue also remained silent.

This time, other police officers also felt that there was something wrong with this group of people, so everyone secretly winked, and it seemed that they were about to get rough!

"Oh, you asked what they dare to go, I didn't tell you, I am a teacher in a deaf college, and they are all a bunch of rich people but born deaf, so they don't know what you are talking about What, if you want to ask something, you must use sign language!" Jiang Shaoxu rolled his eyes like a little fox, and immediately said to the police officers.

Then Jiang Shaoxu began to sign Nanjue. Most of the sign language she used was used by military mages. Nanjue's reaction was also very fast, and she immediately started to sign with sign language.

These police officers don't understand sign language, so when Jiang Shaoxu said this, most of their doubts were eliminated.

After a while, the driver gave some permission to land, and the police officers stopped pestering them.

"What the hell, I really want to beat them up!" Mo Fan said secretly.

"Well, a group of sex embryos." Lin Ran said

There are so many people coming and going on the pier, why did a few police officers check them out just now?It's just because there are a few girls with outstanding looks in the team, color embryo!
"Okay, okay, we just landed, and we are still black households, so it's best not to mess with the police of the island country, or the people of the Magic Association of the island country will be alarmed, and our life will be difficult." Nan Jue said.

"That's right, let's get to the place the instructor said as soon as possible now, we don't even know how far it is from Tokyo."

After everyone left the pier, passed the inspection, and entered Xixiong City, everyone was basically safe. It is impossible for the patrol police in the island country to check their ID cards. After all, in the eyes of others, they are just It's just a group of young people.

At this time, hotels and hotels are not available. After all, registration is required here as in China, and there are basically no black hotels in this city near the Pacific Ocean.

In desperation, everyone could only find a temple in the middle of the mountain, and the temple took them in because they paid a lot of sesame oil money.

This temple is called Yanming Temple, which is a standard island temple style. The stone frame door is at the foot of the mountain, and the marble steps lead straight to the mountain temple. This temple is not particularly big, and there are not many believers here. Apart from a few island country monks, they are all stowaways!

In front of the temple, there are two stone tortoises. The size of the stone tortoises is comparable to that of the gatekeeper lion...

While everyone was resting one after another, Mo Fan sat on the tortoise shell, and looking down from here, he could see the whole picture of Xixiong City, the tooth-shaped coastline, and the Pacific Ocean extending far away. In layman's terms, , this is a temple with a half-mountain sea view!
In China, this kind of temple is often crowded with pilgrims, and the monks are all fat-headed and fat-eared, but why is this Yanming Temple so calm? Don’t people here like temples now?

at the same time.

Lin Ran was wandering around the temple. He felt that there was a little evil spirit in the temple.

While walking, suddenly a cute girl appeared, she was wearing very traditional island clothes, she blinked her big eyes and looked at Lin Ran, because she felt that there was something about Lin Ran that attracted her.

The girl's gaze naturally caught Lin Ran's attention, and Lin Ran asked, "What's wrong?"

"Ah? You... hello, my name is Miyata..." the girl said in her lingua franca.

The way the girl speaks is rather delicate.

The girl clutched her chest, she could feel the birth of a special emotion, that is, she wanted to protect Lin Ran.

The girl approached Lin Ran and said, "You...what's your name?"

"My name is Lin Ran." Lin Ran said.

The cute girl looked at Lin Ran and said, "I'm familiar with this place, I...can I be your guide?"

Lin Ran nodded.

Then the two began to wander around the temple, and the girl introduced the temple in stammering lingua franca.

The girl introduced here very seriously, and suddenly a handsome monk came out.

The monk looked at Miyata and said, "What are you doing?"

"No...don't!" Miyata looked at the monk nervously, and then stood in front of Lin Ran.

Lin Ran tilted his head and thought about what happened, then patted Miyata on the shoulder and said, "You know him?"

Monk looked at Miyata and turned to leave.

Miyata turned to look at Lin Ran and said, "I'm sorry."

Miyata ran away.

Lin Ran touched his head, and then went back to sleep.

Miyata who was running was stopped by a woman in a white skirt.

"Have you reached this point yet? Has the authority of the undead made you unconsciously want to protect him?" The woman in the white skirt murmured to herself. The girl in front of her was a dead person, so she was considered an undead, and Lin Ran With the authority of the undead, the girl can't help but protect Lin Ran, but if it is a powerful undead, it will not be affected.

Miyata looked anxiously at the woman in the white skirt and said, "I want to stop him, otherwise he will hurt Lin Ran..."

"Well..., this is his business." After the woman in the white dress finished speaking, she destroyed the things that controlled Miyata on Miyata.

Miyata was taken aback.

"You want to protect him, so just follow me, at least I will make you stronger." The woman in the white dress said, honestly, it's boring to follow Lin Ran all the time. In the past, you could chat with Lin Ran, and then Deleting Lin Ran's memory has no effect, but now that Lin Ran's strength has become stronger, he can vaguely detect her, so he can't modify and delete Lin Ran's memory unscrupulously like before.

She doesn't talk to people all the time, it's boring, so the girl in front of her can be her chat partner.

(End of this chapter)

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