Chapter 17 Mission
"Hello, I am Zhan Kong, the chief instructor of this training. You are very lucky, because you are the first students I have taught since I took office here." Zhan Kong looked at everyone and said.

The students were all a little nervous. Although Zhan Kong looked a little hooligan and gentle, since he could become the chief instructor here, he must be not simple. Even Wang Sanpang, who was dissatisfied with Zhan Kong not long ago, was a little afraid of Zhan Kong. Take revenge on him.

"Don't worry, you are the first batch of students under my leadership. I will definitely let you get good grades as much as possible. For this reason, I have prepared a special treatment for you." Zhan Kong said loudly, but the smile on the corner of his mouth It's a bit disturbing.

"I know that you are the most outstanding young magicians in Bo City, and I believe that you have enough strength to face the assessment, so this time the experience is very simple."

Zhan Kong's smile got bigger and bigger.

Luo Yunbo and Pan Lijun on the side felt very bad, because a smile like Zhan Kong's would bring them trouble every time.

"I have a reward here, the difficulty is the lowest, as long as one of you or a certain group completes the reward, then all of you will pass the assessment and get an A, how about it? Is it preferential treatment?" Zhan Kong said Said, and his smile never stopped.

Because of Zhan Kong's words, the whole Xiaozhai became excited.

The former seniors said that as long as they don't contradict the instructors, they can get a B or C grade even if they are fooling around, but now they want to complete the reward?This is too magical, right?

And the hunters outside the square are also very confused, because the assessment of completing the reward has never appeared before, it can be said that it is unprecedented!Is this chief instructor trying to make it impossible for everyone to pass?
"Then what if none of us completes the bounty offer?" Xu Zhaoting said at this time.

Zhan Kong looked at Xu Zhaoting, then smiled and said, "Of course everyone is unqualified."

These words made the teacher and the students not calm anymore. Tangyue should be the one who is calm. After all, she knows that Lin Ran is very strong now. When facing monsters of the same level, she basically singles out dozens of monsters alone. There is no problem at all, and Lin Ran's strength has surpassed most of the people here. As long as he does not reach the middle level, he basically cannot beat Lin Ran.

It can be said that the task this time was passed safely, Tangyue rubbed her chin, she didn't like Zhan Kong, a frivolous instructor.

"Chief instructor, why don't you just let us all fail." Zhou Min said that she felt that this hateful instructor was just trying to make things difficult for them.

At this moment, Zhan Kong's eyes fell on Lin Ran and he said, "Student Lin Ran, doesn't he already know how to use the third-level elementary magic? With him around, you still can't complete the bounty. I can only say that you are too good at it." Garbage, I will not let garbage enter the university to waste resources."

At this time, everyone looked at Lin Ran. Lin Ran sighed and said, "I don't care, but it's too much just because it increases the difficulty of the assessment for others?"

Zhan Kong touched his chin and said: "That's true, so how about it, if those who are willing to take the assessment with you complete the reward, I will give the best defensive magic tool to the person who performed the best. This is a reward. If they are not willing With you in the assessment, then you can choose to complete the bounty by yourself, if you successfully complete the bounty, then you can get a defensive magic tool, plus the highest score, well, hurry up and decide."

In the end, everyone chose to complete the assessment together with Lin Ran, because not only would they be able to obtain A-level results, but they might also be able to obtain defensive magic equipment, which was very cost-effective no matter what.

At this moment, Tang Yue touched her chin and said, "To be honest, it is very easy for Lin Ran to complete such a task."

Tang Yue's words attracted everyone's attention, including Zhan Kong.

At this moment, Tangyue looked at the crowd and continued: "With Lin Ran's strength, Lin Ran may be stronger than most of the instructors here. It is not difficult to complete the reward with such strength."

Hearing Tangyue's words, Zhankong felt that Tangyue looked down on them, so he sneered and said: "Then how about Bibi after completing the mission? If he can beat my instructors, then I will give him an extra reward."

Hooked~!Tangyue said this just to let Lin Ran get more benefits. Now the goal has been achieved, and Zhan Kong understands her own thoughts, but she still took the bait like this. It seems that Zhan Kong is very confident in her subordinates.

"A good proposal." Tang Yue nodded and said.

"Can you defeat the monster now?" Mo Fan asked at this moment. Mo Fan has rarely seen monsters until now, but he has seen the dead ones, so he heard Tangyue's confident appearance, so he endured it. I couldn't help asking.

Lin Ran looked at Mo Fan and said, "Aren't the servant-level monsters a fire?"

Mo Fan couldn't help but said, "It's bragging."

At this time, Pan Lijun looked at Lin Ran and said, "I hope I won't be scared to pee by the monster."

Pan Lijun's words are very blunt, but there are also people who are scared to pee when they face a living monster for the first time, and she used to be like this.

Hearing Lin Ran's brazen words, she felt that these children underestimated demons too much, so she couldn't help but sarcastically.

Lin Ran looked at Pan Lijun, then tilted his head and said in a frivolous tone, "Could it be that you were scared to pee once?"

"You!!!" Pan Lijun was furious. No student had ever dared to talk to her like this, and it hurt her pain.

Pan Lijun despised Lin Ran because he was a student, which made Lin Ran very disliked. At least Pan Lijun's fiery attitude made Lin Ran dislike it. If it was aimed at other people, Lin Ran could not care, but now this woman is targeting him. His current cultivation base is higher than this woman, how can this woman have the confidence to look down on him with a superior attitude?
Pan Lijun gritted her teeth in anger. She was just a little jealous of Lin Ran's cultivation at such a young age. Looking at Lin Ran's white and tender appearance, she couldn't help but sneered. She didn't expect Lin Ran to dare to reply?Don't you worry about canceling his grades? Although you think so, it is impossible to cancel his grades, because Zhan Kong hates such behavior very much.

Lin Ran looked at Pan Lijun and then turned his gaze away. At this time, Mo Fan patted Lin Ran on the shoulder and said, "Brother is not bad, I have a bit of a true biography. You must know that I was very happy when I went to Mu Zhuoyun. Seeing With your performance today, I know why we have become friends."

At this time, Mu Bai couldn't help but say: "Isn't it that you all like to be cheap?"

(End of this chapter)

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