Chapter 185
They didn't stay in Hami City for too long, and soon they went directly to the Royal Felipe Castle, the national pavilion in Peru

They arrived in Lima by plane, and this time the girls didn't have any extra thoughts to do any sightseeing and shopping, so they hurried to the Royal Felipe Castle on the coast of Callao.

The Royal Felipe Castle is located by the sea, facing the vast and endless Pacific Ocean.

Looking down from the sky, the castle will be in the shape of a pentagram, but the corners are not triangles, but bow-shaped corners. It is completely composed of thick walls, and there is a big castle inside.

Like island countries, Peru often faces harassment from sea monsters, and the main purpose of the construction of this Royal Felipe Castle is to serve as the command and strategy center for the entire west coast of Peru. After all, Lima, the capital of Peru, is not far away!
Fortunately, it is the calm season here, so the Xihaian line in Peru is relatively calm, and the news reports here have not mentioned the news of the Kraken. This is undoubtedly great news for Peru, after all, they have not Those chicken thieves on the island country have developed the Kraken's attack into a way to make money. For their country, the Kraken is a danger, affecting fishing, affecting the safety of the city and affecting the growth of crops...

After they arrived at the Royal Felipe Castle, they declared their identities, and the guards guarding the gate led them into the castle very politely.

"Hello, I'm the royal mage here——Osto, I'm glad you came to our Peru." A man with a darker face came over, and he smiled and looked at several people. The man looked Be polite.

"Hello, we are Hua Guo Guofu players. Come here to get the badge of the National Pavilion." Ai Jiangtu said directly.

"Do you guys need to take a break?" the royal mage Osto said.

"No need, we have already rested before." Ai Jiangtu said.

"Okay, I will make arrangements right away, you come with me."

Afterwards, Osto took everyone outside. When they entered the Royal Felipe Castle, they had already seen the big test square in front of the castle. The royal mage Osto quickly asked people to open the enchantment After a while, the entire competition square was separated by a layer of water curtains. At first glance, it looked like a huge fountain square.

The contestants from the Peruvian National Pavilion arrived soon. There were about eight or nine of them, either with dark skin or extremely white skin.

"They are young and strong men from the East. I hope you guys will perform better." Osto said with a smile.

The competition was very simple. Both sides sent three players to fight as a team. Ai Jiangtu assigned Li Kaifeng, Mu Tingying and Guan Yu to fight.

The overall strength of Peru is very average, and none of the three people assigned has reached a high level. Although there is a little natural talent, it is obviously unable to make up for the huge gap in cultivation...

They are crushed in terms of cultivation, so the whole competition process is simple and relaxed, without any suspense at all.

"You are very strong, but please don't rush to leave, we hope to compete with you in the future." Otos didn't think losing was a strange thing, he said to them very naturally.

"Yes, we still need some training." Ai Jiangtu replied.

"That's good, but it doesn't make much sense for our players to compete with your players, so I hope you will pick a few people, and then we will pick a few people for a mixed competition." Otos Said.



Mixed sparring is six against six, Lin Ran's team has three Peruvian players, and the other team has three Peruvian players, so they play mixed.

Soon everyone was already in place, but just when it was about to start, a man in a military uniform with a face like black iron came out of the fort, and there were about five or six people beside him, some men and some women , Judging from their attire, they are all of status.

"It seems to be a general!" Jiang Shaoxu saw the medal on the chest of the black iron man in the middle, so he whispered.

"Oh, General Mott, are you also interested in watching these young people's contests?" Osto quickly greeted him with a very respectful look.

"I'm not interested." General Mott replied coldly.

The royal mage Osto felt a little embarrassed, and didn't know how to answer the conversation for a while.

General Mott didn't bother to pay attention. He stared at Lin Ran and the yellow-skinned Asians like a falcon, and then said, "Are you national players?"

"Yes, they are national players from Huaguo." Osto replied instead.

"I didn't ask you." General Mott seemed very unsympathetic.

Osto became more and more embarrassed and speechless, what happened to General Mott today?
"We are players from Huaguo Guofu, what's the matter with you?" Ai Jiangtu felt that this person was not very friendly, so his tone was not very good.

"You must have done something stupid when you came to our country. Come with me to the watchtower now!" General Mott said in a very heavy tone.

Everyone was puzzled, they didn't have any trouble with this general, why is this guy so unfriendly?

"Several, let's go to the watchtower as the general said." Osto smiled, maintaining his etiquette and elegance.

After that, everyone followed the general to the watchtower.

The watchtower is very high, and you can see the ocean far away, and you can also see the coastlines of tens of kilometers on both sides... including the blue sky without any clouds.

General Mott still had a dark face. After the national government personnel arrived, he pointed to the direction where the long northern coastline meets Changtian, and then said in a murderous tone: "Look at the stupid things you are doing. If it wasn't for people in Hamilton who intercepted your message, I wouldn't even know who to go to, you know how much trouble you have brought to my country, do you know that!"

Mo Fan was very annoyed, what is the meaning of General Bird Feather, who scolded a few people without thinking.

His violent temper can't stand other people's arrogance at all. Just when he was about to yell at him, Zhao Manyan suddenly held Mo Fan down, and then pointed at the sky with a stiff face.

Lin Ran also looked over.

He gradually discovered that a large cloud cluster appeared in the northern sky.

Now the blue sky is like the sea, and this strange cloud group appeared very suddenly, so it is very eye-catching, and they are not white, but blue and green! !

The sky is also very emerald, so it was not very noticeable at first, but when they became densely clouded and covered a large area, people finally discovered that there was something extremely weird in the sky.

"My God, it's these strange birds again!!!" Jiang Yu couldn't help but shouted.

strange bird! !
It's these strange birds again! ! !

When they were in the Gobi before, they formed a legion to attack. Unexpectedly, when they all arrived in the capital city of Peru, these strange birds actually killed them.

This is not the most creepy place, judging from the volume of the clouds, the number this time may be ten times that of the previous ones! !

These clouds are much larger than in the Gobi before, and the clear sky seems to be covered by them. Their chirping can be heard hundreds of kilometers away, and it becomes clearer and sharper! ! !
"A tribe, this is a tribe of air monsters!"

"There are too many of them!"

Osto was frightened, and the other people who came over also screamed one by one, shouting "My God" non-stop!
Ai Jiangtu, Jiang Yu, Mu Tingying, Zu Jiming, and Nan Jue were also stupid! !

Why did it happen, why did it happen? ?
From dozens to hundreds at the beginning, then thousands to nearly ten thousand, after that there were nearly ten thousand and now there are hundreds of thousands of tribes. Where did these strange birds come from, and where did they come from? What is it that exists, can they still increase endlessly like this! !
In the Gobi before, several people were already afraid of these birds, but now they were so shocked that their minds went blank.

The tribe, a whole one does not fall, there are more than [-] monsters! ! !
"What insane thing did I do before I went to you to kill a whole tribe??" Lin Ran couldn't help teasing.

This is not a joke, this is going to turn into a disaster, if the city of Lima is attacked by [-] monsters, then the alert will be sounded immediately!

"We...we really didn't do anything!" Jiang Yu said.

"I don't want to know what you did before, and now I just want you to leave this city immediately, right now!" General Mott roared.

"What did you say, you want us to leave??" Mu Tingying looked at the general in disbelief.

"General, if these children are allowed to go out, they will surely die." Osto said hastily.

General Mott's eyes turned cold, and then he stared at Osto without daring to move.

"Then you mean that our country's soldiers are going to be sacrificed, do you know how many soldiers these strange birds can kill!" Mott roared.

Hearing what General Mott said, the anger in many people's chests suddenly ignited.

This is just like forcing them out to die!

The strange bird tribe, not to mention just their group, I am afraid that even if they drag a large army, they may not be able to defeat them. The only thing they can rely on now is the defense of this city.

But they didn't expect that General Mott would be so cold-blooded and cruel. His words simply told them to die to appease the demon's anger.

"Your country has not dealt with the hidden dangers of demons, so why should we take the responsibility?" Nan Jue said angrily.

"Hmph, we are not obliged to use the lives of our soldiers to protect you, I only give you 1 minute, leave this city right now!" General Mott said.


"Nanjue, forget it, don't waste our time with this kind of person." Ai Jiangtu said.

"I won't go out, I will definitely not go out, I will die if I go out, it's all of you, it's all of you who insisted on stepping in there, it has nothing to do with me!" Zu Jiming yelled at this time.

"If you don't go out, I will kill you personally!" General Mott said with killing intent at this time.

Jiang Shaoxu was also angry. She pointed at General Mott and said: "If you have the ability, you will kill us all. We will kill all the people here. If you kill one, the forces behind us will destroy your family. We will kill you." I want to see how many high-ranking officials behind you, a broken general, are worthy of our revenge!"

Jiang Shaoxu was also extremely domineering, and he directly said what General Mott was most afraid of in one sentence.

People who can become members of the national government, the forces behind them can basically cover half of a country. If they are killed, the government may settle the matter, but the big forces that are independent are definitely not so easy to talk about. On the surface, they naturally They won't do drastic actions, but who knows what kind of revenge they will make secretly?
"Do you think it's useful to threaten me? This incident was caused by you!" Mott didn't show his fear, he was still as cold as iron.

"Then what evidence do you have?" Jiang Shaoxu asked.

"I didn't, but you all know it very well," Mott said.

"Several, don't argue here anymore. I think General Mott is also considering the safety of the city. After all, this is a tribal monster. We have experience in dealing with sea monsters in Lima, but we have to deal with monsters in the sky. It is very difficult, blood will flow into rivers, there is still some time, you immediately run south along the coastline, there is an old castle not far away, you can hide there, you can last for some time, you have to hurry Find out why you offend these ancient Nazca beasts, and maybe you will have a chance after you figure it out." Osto said earnestly.

"Let's go." Lin Ran knew that there was nothing he could do if he continued to babble. At worst, he would activate the angel's power when the situation was critical, but he didn't know if there would be a million strange birds after the solution. If it was solved this time, then next time If there are a million of them, even if he kills them softly, he won't be able to kill them all. However, Mo Fan and the others should be able to find a solution, as long as they follow them to prevent them from dying.

Hearing Lin Ran's words, Mu Ningxue nodded and said, "Let's hurry up!"

"Well, every time we waste, we lose hope of survival." Mù Nujiao said, these strange birds are getting more and more creepy, who knows how long they will be chased.

"Let's go." Ai Jiangtu said, he walked to Lin Ran and said, "Can you solve it?"

Lin Ran touched his head and said, "I can solve it, but who knows if there will be millions of them next time, so you need to find a solution, and I will protect you."

(End of this chapter)

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