Versatile Mage Undead Fire

Chapter 216 Element Wraith

Chapter 216 Element Wraith
At the border between the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara, a man riding on the back of a winged beast scanned the ever-approaching desert horizon, his expression a little perplexed.

"Teacher Dai Wen, didn't you hear what I said just now?" A female mage in her thirties next to the winged beast asked.

"Oh, what did you just say?" Devon came back to his senses.

"After some news from us, we found that there has always been an abnormal sandstorm near the edge of the Sahara recently. Some inspectors said that these sandstorms did not form naturally." The female mage wearing glasses said.

"These ambiguous news are meaningless. The Sahara is an unusual place, and many of them can't find any reason. Now we just need to go there and rescue people." Another male mage with a white cloth cap wrapped around his head said.

"To be honest, if it weren't for Teacher Dai Wen to lead the team, it would be absolutely impossible for us to step into this desert fandom. Teacher Dai Wen is indeed a person who has walked out of the desert fandom!"

The man named Devon stood there quietly, still not saying a word.

In fact, he himself really doesn't want to come to this place, really really doesn't want to!


"Look below, there seems to be a person." I don't know who said something in the team, and several people immediately looked down.

Sure enough, on the golden sand, they could see a comatose person lying there, who should be a woman from the figure.

Devon said something to the winged beast that was driving, and the winged beast suddenly gathered its huge fleshy wings, and then slowly fell to the sand.

The female mage wearing glasses quickly walked in front of the dazed and charming man, and then helped him up. She carefully observed the man's aura.

"She's still alive. She...seems to be Asian. Could it be a member of the Chinese national team sent by the association earlier to find clues?" Scarlett said.

Scarlett quickly fetched some water and fed it to the unconscious woman.

After drinking clean drinking water, Nan Jue quickly woke up.

After Nan Yu woke up, her first reaction was to look around. When she found that she was not in the original place, her expression immediately changed.

Obviously, Nan Jue was worried about Lin Ran and the others.

She was supposed to send a signal to Lin Ran from outside the Lost Realm, but now she herself passed out here, which meant that they were completely lost in the desert.

"I want to go there quickly!" Nan Jue stood up quickly, and then hurriedly ran straight ahead, but her body was too weak, and she wobbled before taking a few steps.

"Don't be in a hurry, tell us what happened, why did you fall into a coma here?" Scarlett asked.

"There is a monster, it hovered near the Lost Desert, and then it attacked me... In short, please take me there, my companion is still waiting inside." Nan Jue pleaded.

"You don't have to worry too much. Our teacher Dai Wen is a super mage, and he has a deeper understanding of the desert world than others. As long as he is there, as long as your companions are not too deep, then nothing will happen." The male mage in the white turban said.

This high-level mage named Devon still kept silent, but he could see a bit of gloom on his face. In fact, he was not such a gloomy person.


Lin Ran sat on the sand and looked up at the sky. Both the poisonous fire scorpion and the sand terror fox had been dealt with. Because of them, his undead flame became a little bit stronger.

Suddenly they heard a voice, which was Nan Yu's signal.

"I wipe!!! I'm going to cry!!!" Zhao Manyan was extremely excited, and the others were equally excited.

Everyone followed the sound.

Soon they saw golden sand.

This shows that they have stepped out of this terrifying desert maze.

At this time, Lin Ran looked back and found that the Sand Scarf Fox and the Poisonous Fire Scorpion had appeared again.

Moving forward, they saw Nan Jue soon, and they also saw that there were several magicians beside Nan Jue. They didn't expect that there were two big groups behind this group of young people, and their expressions changed in an instant!
Nan Jue was also taken aback for a while. You guys come out as soon as you come out. Why do you bring such a large group of monsters here? What's the point, and they are all a group of warrior-level creatures!
"What's the situation? Didn't you say that these monsters won't run outside their territory? Why are they still chasing us after we've left the Lost Desert?"

"Run, run!"

Just as Lin Ran was about to turn around and find out that Dai Wen was preparing magic, he didn't do it.

Seeing this, Dai Wen, an ultra-level mage, quickly chanted a wind magic, and a dark blue wind appeared around him for a moment, and then formed a sailboat to bless all the staff. In this sailboat, even if they didn't use any The magic can also escape extremely quickly.

The wind boat protected the crowd and left quickly. Seeing that the group of people fled further and further away, the poisonous fire scorpions and the sand fear fox did not chase them any more, which made the crowd heave a sigh of relief.

Lin Ran left quietly, he was going to deal with these monsters.

"What's the matter, are you still restless in the Lost Realm? It's fine to provoke one group of monsters, but you still provoke two?" Nan Jue said angrily.

"You think we think, in order to stick to our position and not move, the few of us have been strong in the cracks between the two ethnic groups until now. If you didn't give us the signal, we might really die in it." Jiang Jiang Yu said with an aggrieved face, of course this is impossible, after all, there is Lin Ran.

"You really never left?" Nan Jue asked in surprise.

"That's right, we didn't leave whether it was a sandstorm or a terrifying clan war. Fortunately, you didn't make us wait in vain."

Devon listened to the conversation of the few of them, he kept silent all the time before he said: "You have made the most correct choice, if you are in the Lost Desert, then the only correct coordinates are the areas that have not been moved, otherwise It is impossible for you to see the direction signal from outside the maze.”

The eyes of several people couldn't help looking at Jiang Shaoxu. Fortunately, Jiang Shaoxu had always insisted on it before. Now, when I heard this super-level mage talk about it, I couldn't help secretly rejoicing that they were still united, otherwise there would be no such thing at all. alive.

"Didn't you see anyone else in the desert?" asked Scarlett, the sorceress.

"I only saw the fragments of their tent, which are only about five or six kilometers away from here, and I haven't seen the rest." Lin Ran rubbed his messy hair and said, and he came back quickly after finishing the monster.

"Is that so? I think they should be nearby. We will take care of the next thing. You are resting here for the time being. I hope you are too far away. Maybe we need some help from you." Scarlett said.

It is good to have clues. In this kind of desert world, if there is no clue, it is like finding a needle in a haystack, which is a waste of time for rescue.

"I hope they stick to a certain coordinate like you," said the super mage Devin.

"Speaking of which, you just said that you also experienced a sandstorm?" Scarlett suddenly remembered something, and then pushed her glasses and asked.

"Yeah, suddenly a sandstorm blows out of nowhere..."

"If it's a sandstorm, you don't need to worry too much. After all, it's the weather, and the weather here is extremely bad. But what kind of existence is that monster that Nanjue mentioned before? Why did you say that you saw a pair of pupils in a sandstorm? ?” said the white turban mage.


Lin Ran and the others had completed their own task. In order not to be disturbed by the storm of sand and dust, they deliberately stayed away from the maze area, and then rebuilt the tent to rest there and treat the wounds on their bodies.

Afterwards, several people began to ask Nan Jue why he left his post suddenly. At this time, Nan Jue told about his sudden attack.

"I saw a monster before. Its whole body was covered with floating gravel. At first glance, it looked like a sand demon, but it spoke a human-like language. Its eyes were similar to those of humans. The eyes were Full of resentment and viciousness, it feels like a vengeful ghost. It walks and flies with extremely strong sandstorms. I was chased by it for a long distance before, but the strange thing is that it didn't kill me, just It kept chasing me like this, and it made me exhausted." Nan Jue still had lingering fears when she recalled the previous situation.

The monster's aura was very strong. Nan Jue believed that if the monster wanted to kill herself, it could kill her with just raising its hand, but it didn't do anything, it just drove itself away with vicious resentment.

"Is there such a strange thing in this world?" Zhao Manyan said.

"Can you be sure it speaks a human-like language?" Jiang Yu asked seriously.

"Well, I just don't know what country's language it is." Nan Jue replied.

"Could it be the elemental evil spirit?" Jiang Yu said.

"What is an elemental evil spirit?"

"Do you still remember that monk in Yan Ming Temple, Zhao Manyan's ex-vessel demon spirit of that damn wooden fish?" Jiang Yu said.

"Why don't you remember, it's a ghost with resentment!"

"Well, after the monk died, his soul inhabited a powerful vessel, which then turned him into a demon spirit like a demon. If a person died, his soul inhabited a place full of Where there is a strong elemental energy, then there is a high possibility of an elemental evil spirit. I think that what Nanjue saw before was probably an elemental evil spirit. It should be a sandstorm evil spirit, and this can explain why we and the previous Those people have all encountered a sandstorm, and it is obvious that this sandstorm spirit is active around here!" Jiang Yu said clearly.

After encountering the container demon spirit in Yan Ming Temple in Japan, Jiang Yu specially checked the information about demon spirits and evil spirits.

Hearing what Jiang Yu said, Nan Jue couldn't help but glanced at Mo Fan, and then whispered to Mo Fan: "Speaking of which, Xiao Yan Ji's mother, Flame Witch Jiang Feng, should also be regarded as a member of the evil elemental spirit." Plant it?"

Existing in the body of demons and at the same time controlling powerful sorcery, and they still retain some human behaviors. Presumably, as Jiang Yu said, they are a group of elemental spirits. They used to be a group of human mages, but after death, the soul In the process of wandering, I got a new habitat, and then I was reborn in another way in this special habitat!


Simply, this matter has already been taken over by other people, and they don't need to worry too much about it. Presumably, with that super mage who is familiar with the desert fandom, even if they meet that sandstorm spirit, they won't be helpless force.

Just as Lin Ran was about to take a rest, he felt a strange aura, and then he walked out of the tent, and then he found that in the direction close to the Lost Desert, the sky and the earth were covered with yellow dust, and the thick rolling sand was like a mudslide rolled into the sky.

"I wipe it, it's so powerful dust, it feels like it's coming to our side." Jiang Yu who had just walked out of the tent said with a look of horror.

"Go, go, let's go!"

Realizing that this place might also be affected, everyone evacuated towards the Mediterranean Sea without hesitation.

They galloped all the way, at least [-] to [-] kilometers away, and what made them palpitate was that this sky-high sandstorm seemed to be getting closer!

The dust disaster this time seems to be several times more manic than the previous ones, and it feels like it will completely engulf the world.

"Look at it!"

At this time, the sky on the side facing the Mediterranean Sea is still blue, but the direction of the Sahara Desert is completely yellow and tumbling dust waves.

On the top of this huge wave of sand and dust, they can see a proud figure!

As Nan Jue described before, its whole body is surrounded by suspended gravel, and its pupils are full of resentment and anger. This billowing sand storm is its masterpiece. This guy looks like a standing A commander among the thousands of troops in the sand and dust can also say the same, this sky-penetrating sand and dust rage is only a part of it! !
Looking at the figure at the top of the dusty sky, Nan Jue was very surprised.

This seems to be more shocking than the last time she saw this sandstorm spirit. This aura is clearly only a monarch-level creature can do it, and even ordinary monarchs cannot swallow dozens of people in an instant like this sandstorm spirit. kilometer! !
They kept running away, and soon they reached a place where they could see the sea.

The sand and dust still didn't stop, even if it hit the ocean, it didn't weaken at all, and soon the ocean was covered with these sands! !

The long coastline was originally a beautiful dune beach, but because of the dust storm, the entire coastline is now moving into the ocean, and the current Sahara Desert has also expanded some territory because of this sandstorm!
"Fuck, what kind of monster is this thing? It's too scary."

Lin Ran said, "You guys go first, I'll take care of it."

Lin Ran ran away for a long time, and now he is also angry. Nima really thinks he has no temper.

(End of this chapter)

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