"Honestly, you don't need to struggle anymore, just accept this fact honestly, although you will have nothing after that, but you can still have plastic surgery after your appearance decays, and then you can deceive some stupid men's sympathy , and let him keep you safe for the rest of your life." Nanrong Ni said softly.

The comfort in these words is so harsh to Mu Ningxue's ears.

It was a month ago when she noticed something was wrong with Nan Rong Ni, so Mu Ningxue distanced herself from him, but she still imagined Nan Rong Ni too innocently. Under her calm and gentle appearance, she was a A heart even more vicious than Mu Tingying.

She has been coveting her most powerful magic tool, and her words just now revealed her jealousy of her appearance. The most admirable thing is that this person obviously hates and dislikes herself even more than Mu Tingying. But still able to stay by her side like a good friend...

After getting along for such a long time, Mu Ningxue gradually became terrified!
"Oh, I almost forgot, there is also Lin Ran, the man who protects you everywhere, but now he doesn't know you are here, and even if he is strong, he can't fight against Mu Shi, he is just luckier than others It’s just a little bit better, it’s impossible for him to compete with the huge Mu family, hehehe, in fact, you should know that the person he really cares about the most is not you, but Ye Xinxia who is sitting in a wheelchair. I have investigated, Ye Xinxia and Lin Ran You grew up together since you were young, and what about you? You left for a few years, right? And you look at Ye Xinxia with that vicious look in your eyes, which is really chilling." Nanrong Ni's words are like poisonous thorns, which are aimed at the most painful heart. Go wherever!
Lin Ran's face appeared in her mind, but it was only for a moment. Mu Ningxue was not the kind of person who would limp on the ground and cover her face and cry when she felt lost.

She didn't shed a tear from the beginning to the end, and she looked at these people with sharp eyes.

It's meaningless to say more, since these people want to take everything from her now, she can't give in even more!
After cutting off the last trace of affection, she no longer has any fetters, only an unwavering heart to become stronger! !
The colder it is, the hotter it is!

The angrier you are, the calmer you are!

Pan Xi, who just told Mu Ningxue a lot about the Ice Crystal Bow, actually didn't know that after Mu Ningxue took over the Ice Crystal Bow from her mother, the only difference between her and the other fragments was that every time She is suffering from the ice nightmare all the time, because she is trying to completely integrate her soul with the ice crystal brake bow every day!

This is the oath her mother made when she was dying, and because of this oath, she suffers from the torment of the icy soul every day!
In the past, she had more hatred for her mother, because she brought nothing to herself, only the pain on the path of cultivation.

The ice and snow fell suddenly, freezing the criss-crossing waterways of Venice, freezing the retro buildings, even freezing the humid sea breeze air, and freezing this cruel world that makes people want to completely freeze it into a dead thing ! ! !

There is no cloud in the sky, only Venice is snowing heavily, and the lonely arrows fiercely tear the blue sky, and the pale and cold color gradually renders the sky. This color is like the smoke of gunpowder declaring war. Seal everything! ! !
The sea in the distance turned into a mirror of ice in an instant, as if the goddess of snow was angry, ice crystals fell all over the sky, and then turned into white and cold snow flying all over the sky, turning the whole of Venice into a harsh winter...

"Damn, where did you die just now!" Zhao Manyan couldn't help shouting after seeing Mo Fan,
"Didn't Lin Ran give me the soul-seed before? I went to fuse the soul-seed. I have to say that the soul-seed is really cheating." Mo Fan said cheerfully.


Didn't Mu Ningxue's mother ever think that Mu Ningxue might also be the victim of the shards, or did she fight against the Mu family to the end before, so after she died, she would let her daughter continue.

He doesn't know what happened to Mu Ningxue, but he understands that Mu Ningxue is very desperate now that she needs herself.

The ice and snow storm held up the arrow and flew straight to the sky, and then inserted straight into the sky above the city!

At this moment, she is holding the ice crystal brake bow tightly, which she once regarded as a curse, but now it is the power she can rely on!

The students are now practicing against each other. After all, the exciting competition is about to begin, and they will not waste any time they can.

Lin Ran, who was just about to rest, suddenly opened his eyes. He felt sadness, the sadness from Mu Ningxue. She must be very desperate now.

"Why don't you kill them? If you don't want to do it, I'll do it." Lin Ran said, since he has become an enemy of the Mu family, he must be ruthless.

The reason why the clan dare not touch Mu Ningxue's bad luck easily is because she has always controlled the most powerful magic weapon in the entire Mu family, but now the guardian of the Ice Crystal Bow is sitting in charge, and she still calls out this The most terrifying weapon ever! !
"This... How is this possible... How is this possible!!" Pan Xi's eyes widened suddenly. He, who was very relaxed from the beginning, was even more unbelievable than Mu Tingying at this time.


Mu Tingying manipulated the ice locks with both hands at will. These ice locks were supposed to hit Nanrong Ni, but they hit the outer barrier in the end. After the ice locks touched the barrier, they quickly disappeared by themselves.

He is the guardian of the Ice Crystal Bow, and he is the one who knows the Ice Crystal Bow best in the entire Mu family, but now under the suppression of his thoughts, all broken and fragmented Ice Crystal Bow parts should accept his orders...

If they destroyed themselves, would they spare their own family? Wasn't what they did to their family cruel enough?
Instead of continuing to be humiliated like this, it is better to fight them to the end. She now understands the anger and unwillingness of her mother before she died. She is telling herself that no matter what, she must become strong, and no matter what, she must not suffer at the mercy of...

Nanrong Ni also noticed Lin Ran, but the next second she felt herself trembling, not only her, but even the people around her trembling, what kind of power is this?
Is this a power a human being can possess?
"I'll kill them." The cold and emotionless words came out of Lin Ran's mouth.

The wings of light spread! ! ! !
In an instant, he broke through the house and rushed in a certain direction, and she was crying! ?
Mu Ningxue actually cried again?This is something he never dared to imagine.

As soon as he arrived at a green training field, he bumped into Zhao Manyan.

This force is too huge, so huge that a shocking icy cloud condenses in the sky above Venice, and then the extremely cold icy rain rages down!

"It's so strange, isn't it gradually entering the summer now, why do I feel that Venice is getting colder instead?" Mo Fan used the shadow to quickly shuttle across an arch bridge, and then headed towards the place where everyone gathered in the training ground.

"Didn't you just say that she can't use the ice crystal brake bow now!" Mu Tingying's little follower suddenly screamed, and her proud face before suddenly turned into panic.

Nanrong Ni also saw Mu Tingying's absent-mindedness now, and said, "Are you still brooding?"

These ice crystals should be regarded as the extremely sad tears in her soul, and now she does not allow them to slip from her lonely pupils, she will never surrender.

She slowly pointed the arrow condensed on her fingertips towards the sky of Venice...



"No, I will subvert the Mu family!!!" Mu Ningxue said calmly.

She walked up to Pansy and retrieved the remaining fragments from his body.


Nanrong Ni wanted to scream, but found that her trembling body was speechless. Only then did she understand what kind of person Lin Ran was.

"Mu Ningxue, so what if you can use it now, you have to be clear, you are making an enemy of the entire Mu family! See your current situation clearly, and think about the only family you have left!" Pan Xi suddenly Standing up straight, he shouted loudly at Mu Ningxue.

Mu Ningxue also took other fragments from Pan Xi now.

"How can I calm down? Not only has she survived, she has not even lost her strength, and she has even gained even stronger strength. Now that the Mu family knows that Lin Ran is from the Holy City, if she wants to deal with her It's not easy for Mu Ningxue to do it anymore." Mu Tingying said a little annoyed.

The ice and snow were like wild beasts, slamming on Pan Xi and several other mages, and they couldn't even get close to Mu Ningxue now.

That's because only in this way can this unparalleled strength truly belong to oneself! !

But today, she completely understood why her mother would do this even if she died in depression and pain.

In order to be an enemy of the entire Mu family, if I have nothing now, so what if I am an enemy of them, at least in my life I accept my fate without being humiliated!
Starting from this arrow..., she wants to break all the shackles

At the very end of the Luyin training ground, Mu Tingying and Nanrong Ni are currently engaged in a somewhat absent-minded duel. Magic is coming and going, but it is obvious that there is no real aggressiveness.

"Ta, ta, ta..."

"No, they are my hunting targets." Mu Ningxue took Lin Ran's hand and left.

After being extremely angry, it was cold to the bone marrow.

Pan Xi is still conscious now. In fact, everyone who is frozen here is still conscious. They can see, but they can't move.

Mu Ningxue couldn't help sneering.

The training ground is in the style of ancient Rome, surrounded by hollow stone pillars, and inside is a large green grass field, which looks like a very luxurious football field.


"Something has happened, let me tell you." Zhao Manyan pulled Mo Fan aside.

"Damn it, Mu Ningxue has fused her soul with the Ice Crystal Bow without authorization, it must be her mother!" Suddenly Pan Xi said with a ferocious expression.

The moment the ice crystal bowed, Mu Ningxue's soul surged from the depths, and in an instant, the sky filled with ice crystals flew over the city of Venice.

Only Mu Ningxue's mother will make Mu Ningxue do this. From the beginning, Pan Xi would not think that Mu Ningxue's mother would let her do this kind of thing, because the soul is completely fused with ice crystal brake bow fragments or If it was a broken bow, the only way to take it out was to kill the person.

Pan Xi had already collected all the fragments of other people before, and was waiting to finally take the broken bow from Mu Ningxue, and then hand it over to Nanrong Ni, but no one thought that things would turn out like this , now Mu Ningxue has obtained a complete Ice Crystal Brake Bow!

No matter how rough the road ahead is, she, Mu Ningxue, will definitely subvert the entire Mu family!

In the past, she only followed her mother's last wish to become stronger more often, but now she knows that all of this must be for herself!

Outside the arch bridge, everything was as still as a painting, only the slight sound of Mu Ningxue's thin heels stepping on the ice crystals.

Zhao Manyan is also a well-versed person. How could he not be aware of such a big event that happened to the Mu family, not to mention that it is still about Mu Ningxue, so he told Mo Fan everything he knew.

She turned around and left. At this moment, she is a peerless and independent ice rose, the flower body is wrapped in the most extreme ice, making it difficult for people to touch the core of the heart.

The person in front of her is insignificant to her!

There is also a possibility that the ice crystal bow has completely symbiotic with Mu Ningxue's soul, and melted into her soul...

Doesn't this mean that Ice Crystal Chagong has identified Mu Ningxue as the master? ?
It is obviously just a broken bow, why can it be identified! !

The bow is like crystal, extremely pure, but the purer it is, the easier it is to become extreme. Now this pure brake bow is the same as the current Mu Ningxue. She is almost filled with the most extreme anger. , the flames of anger need to be unleashed!
The black hair with strands of thick ink before turned into silver white in an instant.

These pieces were wrapped with the sleeves she tore off, Mu Ningxue is now indifferent like a snow queen, she didn't even look at Nanrong Ni.

Suddenly a warm light descended, and Mu Ningxue raised her head slightly and saw a young man with light wings.

Mu Ningxue did not take the lives of these people, she only took what belonged to her.

At this time, unless the powerful mages in the family are used, it is impossible to abolish Mu Ningxue, not to mention Lin Ran is beside her, why is he acting as an angel! ?If Mu Ningxue was next to Lin Ran, it was probably her, her face gradually distorted.

Originally, he wanted Mu Ningxue to completely turn into a lowly bitch, but he didn't expect things to become complicated all of a sudden.

"If she is obedient and obedient, it's okay to disappear from our sight from now on, so that she can still be an ordinary person, but now, she can't even be an ordinary person. Don't worry, her struggle like this will only make her worse. Miserable, I think your Mu family will not tolerate such people who flout the clan rules, right? But Lin Ran is a trouble, but you can pick him up when he is not around." Nanrong Ni couldn't help but said.

"Although what you said is correct, if there are too many alarmed people and high-level people in the clan, it is inevitable that some old guys will still think about her talent, and then treat her softly." Mu Tingying said through gritted teeth.

"Panxi is really stupid. I told him Lin Ran to come back and do it quickly, but he insisted on talking to Mu Ningxue. He is really stupid." Mu Tingying continued.

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