Chapter 235
At the international airport in Croatia, Zhang Xiaohou is carrying a travel bag and is applying for a visa on arrival.

Looking at the empty visa area around him, Zhang Xiaohou couldn't help muttering in his heart.

"This is the case. Didn't you say that there are a lot of people traveling to Europe? How come there are so few people on the plane from China to Croatia, and there are so few people entering the country?"

It’s okay if there are few people, but why the inspection was so strict at the beginning, Zhang Xiaohou was still a little confused when he walked out of the airport, why did the visa officer look at him with an idiot expression when he said he was traveling to Croatia? ?
"And these people, why are they all wearing masks? Is there a special custom here? Think about it. In the Arab region, girls still wrap themselves tightly and only show their eyes." Zhang Xiaohou While talking to himself, he looked for Mo Fan.

After a while, Zhang Xiaohou met Mo Fan in the underground garage of the airport.

To Zhang Xiaohou's surprise, Ye Xinxia was also here.

He hadn't seen Xinxia for a long time, now Zhang Xiaohou almost couldn't recognize her, he felt that Xinxia was like a different person, she was more beautiful, elegant and temperamental than before!
Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk, as expected of someone who walked out of the Parthenon Temple, a weak girl like Xinxia has a holy and noble aura.

"Brother Fan, where are we going to play? By the way, where is Lin Ran?" Zhang Xiaohou said.

"Wait a while, Lin Ran will be here soon, let's go to the Plague Station first," Mo Fan said.

"Oh, why are you going to the Plague Station?" Zhang Xiaohou looked confused.

"Hey..." Zhang Xiaohou said helplessly.

"Get out." Lingling couldn't help but said, is this guy a child?

The current officials have nothing to do with the disease, and even the Magic Association is helpless now, so they can only ask for help from the staff of the Parthenon Goddess Hall, but before, a member of the Parthenon sent here The waitress was also hit by the disease, which suddenly made matters worse.

"Do you still have to wait for someone? Don't come here with such a dull head who doesn't know the situation." The girl Fen Ai said a little angrily.

"That's right, there are infectious diseases here, and the city is full of wind and rain, isn't it high!"

"Found it??" Xinxia looked at Lingling unexpectedly, she kept looking at Lingling from time to time, Lingling didn't seem to do anything, why did she find it?

Lin Ran listened silently, Lingling could naturally think of what he could think of, so just listen honestly.

"Damn it, Brother Fan, didn't you agree to take me to have sex?" Zhang Xiaohou pressed hard.

In fact, only Zhang Xiaohou would be fooled by Mo Fan. He was in the army before, so he was not very well informed, and he just finished handling a big incident not long ago. He was fooled by Mo Fan before he even took a breath. To this more terrifying place!

Zhang Xiaohou is really suffering.

If the plague kills people, and the government has not found a cure, then people will panic. Under the epidemic, ordinary people are too powerless
"I really don't understand. The matter has reached such a serious level. Why there is no big reaction from the Parthenon Temple. Could it be that they hope that these people will not die?" Mo Fan said angrily.

Zhang Xiaohou's cultivation has grown a lot during this period, he was still a thousand meters away, and he stopped in front of everyone in the next second, with a somewhat delighted smile on his face: "Lingling, what did you do before?" I have visited all the places that I was asked to see!"

"Although it is said that no large number of people have died of illness yet, judging from the weakness of these people, such a thing will happen sooner or later. If such a large number of people die, it will be really difficult to save, and it may even be possible. Even the isolation zone will be affected!" Lingling said.

"Your news is really ignorant. Don't you know such a serious infectious disease? Now this is the hardest-hit area of ​​the plague! You are amazing. You don't take any protective measures, just carrying a travel bag. The customs here To let you enter this country, you look so harmless!" The girl Fen who came with Xinxia couldn't help but said.

Lin Ran and Mo Fan trusted Lingling very much, since Lingling said they found it, they must have found it, and then wait for Lingling to say it.

The illnesses on these people seem a little normal, because they just keep running out of the nose. You must know that many of the global pandemic flus are like this. If it is not clear that this is an epidemic, no one will Take this as a common cold, and it is not surprising that many people have such symptoms.

"But isn't this a little too high, and I'm just on vacation..."

"Then let's go, let's go to this prison." Mo Fan said.

"No need, the government is looking for the source around the first batch of patients, so they have to expand the search circle quite a lot, and then send a lot of people, so that it is possible to finally find this prison, and we have found it now This prison, and then it will be much easier to find this prison as the center of the circle. The area where prisoners in these prisons move is very narrow. Of course, all these things are just my inferences. Come here, it doesn't make much sense." Lingling said.

He looked at Lingling, and he wanted to know if there were any clues on Lingling's side.

"The reason why I asked Brother Xiao Hou to see if there is a prison is because I found that most of the first people who bought the medicine were prison guards, so I thought that the local government officials had never found the first batch of infected people, and from these terrible The suspected infected people established the root cause of the disease, probably because the first batch of infected people were not them. The first batch of infected people were prisoners in the prison. The prisoners were collectively locked up in the prison, and they themselves were equivalent to isolation Come to think of it, they were not in the epidemic concentration camps originally set up by the government, so they were naturally not included in the list of sources of investigation, at most the small prison guards were investigated, but with such a heavy workload, who would specifically investigate him." Lingling said .

The prison is a very unlucky place. Considering that everyone is likely to be infected by the plague, before entering the prison, Xinxia deliberately recited a blessing to them all. When dark elements and evil forces invade, these Brahma seals will quickly condense into a defensive barrier.

"As long as I find the source, I have the confidence to find a cure! Lingling is really amazing." Xinxia's face showed joy.


"Now Xinxia is standing in the center of the storm and will fall into the abyss if she is not careful, so we have to be careful." Lin Ran said.

"Fenai, don't be impatient. Most of our cures need to be based on the knowledge of the pathogen. Now the stamen water we brought to Croatia is effective, and it seems that it can delay the symptoms. It's getting worse, so it can buy us some time." Xinxia said to Fen Ai patiently.


The prison is located on the edge of the sea cliff. This sea cliff is very high, steep and majestic. Because ordinary prisoners are detained here, there is no restriction. However, this cliff can also make them desperate to escape from prison. They are all reefs, if you jump off, you will die.

Kakka officials did not take timely measures in the face of the disease, nor were they determined to make a decision to close the city. As a result, several cities around Kakka were also infected, and several cities in a row were infected. When this happens, people feel even more disturbed.

How the epidemic spreads is still unclear to everyone, so doctors now have to be fully armed when they come into contact with patients. As more and more patients appear, they are quarantined, and now Kak, who has the most serious disease rate Kacheng City was already in a state of panic at this time.

"Don't be verbose!"

"Why is your little monkey called Brother? Isn't it fair? We knew each other earlier, right?" Lin Ran couldn't help but said.

"In the past, some tomb robbers would bring a duck with them, and then put the duck in before entering the robbery cave to test whether there was oxygen and poison in it. Now you are the duck that other people test for poison! " Mo Fan couldn't help but said.

Now that he's here, Lin Ran naturally hopes to settle this matter properly.

It is estimated that the initial symptoms of this disease are similar to those of a cold, and then local officials and medical treatment did not detect the danger in time, which led to more Croatians being infected.

Sure enough, Zhang Xiaohou was tricked by Mo Fan!

"This city of Kakka must be the source, and there are not many pharmacies, and then narrow down the scope according to the degree of symptoms...there are actually not as many people buying medicines as imagined." Lingling said.

Then a young man also came out, carrying a suitcase and following behind little Lolita.

"What is there to be happy about in a prison? I can just check the map." Fen Ai said.

"What are you looking at?" Lingling couldn't help but said when she found Lin Ran looking at her.

"It's Zhang Xiaohou who is back." Mo Fan just glanced at it and realized that Zhang Xiaohou was back. Before that, Zhang Xiaohou was summoned by Lingling.

Now that the city is full of plague, the government and the media are all tied together. Although the international community also wants to send rescuers, but it has not been found that the disease is so contagious, so sending people here is mostly the same.

Xinxia noticed Zhang Xiaohou's ignorance, so she couldn't help but gave Mo Fan a big roll of eyes.

Mo Fan nodded.

To be honest, the matter that Xinxia took over by herself is actually quite dangerous. If she is also infected and there is no effective treatment method, then she can only wait slowly like those who are quarantined. die.

Fen Ai who was at the side couldn't help but slapped her on the forehead, and even shouted: "I'll buy you!" ! "

"It should be here."

"But what's the use of checking these data! Time doesn't allow us to waste on such things." Fen Ai said a little angrily.

But the good thing is that even if you are sick with this disease, the symptoms of the disease spread relatively slowly. Except for some weak people who couldn't resist it, most of the other people who contracted this disease have not died yet.

Zhang Xiaohou looked around, and found that the door at the elevator entrance was slowly opening, a cute and childish little loli came out, her big watery eyes were shining, looking It looks full of fresh and refined spirituality. If you pay close attention, you will find that the light in her eyes is not the kind of innocence of ordinary little girls.

With a big brother like Mo Fan on the table, life is full of surprises! !

"That's why you asked Zhang Xiaohou to check if there is a prison? Why don't we notify the government now and ask them to help send someone to check, otherwise the workload will be very heavy," Mo Fan said.

"I did some research before I came here, and asked the local hunters to sort out all the relevant information, and then handed it over to me. I dealt with the information briefly on the plane, because this symptom It is similar to the symptoms of a cold, so it is difficult to know who is the first patient. However, I think that if people with a cold find that their nose is running wildly, they will usually buy cold medicine, so I let the magic The people from the association helped to sort out the list of people who bought medicines, and I am really glad that most people who buy medicines in this country use their medical cards." Lingling said.

"If the plague is completely resolved, we must find the first infected people. Only when we find them can we find the source of infection. The officials here have not found it for so long. Is it possible that we will be able to find it soon? I think Let's report to the Parthenon Temple and let them send some more people over." Fen Ai said.

Lingling didn't want to pay attention to this straight-tempered girl, she glanced at a figure not far away who was flying towards here at a very fast speed.

"Of course, we have solved such a big event as the Drowning Curse!" Mo Fan said.

"As you said, one of the places is a prison!" Zhang Xiaohou said.

"Now everyone is here." Mo Fan waved to Lingling and Lin Ran.

"However, we didn't check beforehand. Lingling just asked me to check if there is a prison, and it turned out that there really is." Zhang Xiaohou said with great admiration.

"I'll go, with such a big data, how do you find the first batch of people?" Mo Fan said.

"That's not true. Before coming here, they also need to find out the source of the infection, otherwise they will be infected if they come here." Xinxia explained.

"We have found it." Lingling said.

Several people arrived at the epidemic concentration camp, and they walked past the isolated patients.

"What did you find?" Lingling asked.

At this time, the prison is completely closed, even the prison guards are closed inside. It seems that the prison has enough food and water, but now the government is so overwhelmed that it has no time to take care of the prison.

"I'm going, why is it on?" Mo Fan suddenly said to himself.

Lin Ran glanced at it and said, "Obviously there is something here that can be absorbed by the evil bead."

Mo Fan can use the power of the demon system, so he will feel at ease, because then he will have a good helper.

(End of this chapter)

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