Chapter 255 Finals
Egypt, Greece, and England are melee, which means they fight together, all three countries fight together.

"Aren't you going to watch the game?" Mo Fan looked at Lin Ran and said before the game started, Lin Ran didn't seem to be very interested in the game.

"Needless to say, Egypt will win." Lin Ran said, there is no reason for Egypt, which holds the secret treasure, to lose, even if Greece and Britain join forces.

"Let me go and have a look." Mo Fan turned and left.

Now only Lin Ran is here, so what should we do next?

Just when he was thinking this way, Mira and Calle got a phone call.

"What's the matter?" Lin Ran asked.

"Yes... there is a Great Monarch Kraken attacking, we can't defend it, Master, we need you." Kalai's voice was a little anxious. Originally, they thought they could solve it by themselves, but they didn't expect it to be a Great Monarch. They could barely resist the sea monsters, but they were helpless against the monsters it brought.

"Well... right away." Lin Ran spread out his angel wings and flew at full speed, and he would arrive soon.

The moment Lin Ran spread out his angel wings, Mo Fan raised his head and looked towards the sky. He saw a figure leaving quickly, probably because Lin Ran just didn't know what to do.


Mira and Callai have already used the power of angels, but their strength has been improved, but the sea monster in front of them is a giant beast with a height of more than 80 meters, and it is also a sea beast of the king level. If the two of them It is likely to have been seconded without opening the wings.

Now the security barrier is blocking the Kraken's advance, and a large number of mages are consolidating the barrier.

"Don't be afraid, the angel will definitely come." A tall nun said, she used to be a big star, but now she has become a devout believer, and she went around to appease the restless crowd.

"It's coming!!!" Mira said, and the next second the sea beast set off a monstrous wave that could submerge the city.

Mira and Calle held hands together, and the power of the angel was aroused to the greatest extent.

The barrier of light appears.

The monstrous waves smashed against the barrier, making a huge roar.

People below the barrier can see the water just overhead.


The sea water began to slide down from the barrier, and the sea beast opened its mouth for a moment, and the blue breath spewed out, and the sea surface was separated.

Mira and Kalai resisted with all their strength, but this time the attack was too fierce, Mira and Kalai's defense was defeated, and then fell on the barrier.

There was blood on Mira's chest, and Kalai was already unconscious at this time, Mira took out the best blood potion and poured it into Kalai's mouth.

Mira took a big sip and stood up, waiting for him.

The sea beast's second breath is condensing, and this time it will be stronger than the first.

A moment later the blue breath was released.

Mira gripped the blade tightly.

At this moment, a figure fell, and the huge wings blocked her vision.

The blue breath was also easily blocked.

"Hmm..." Callai groaned and quickly sobered up.

"Are you alright?" Lin Ran looked back at Mira and Kalai. Judging from the blood on their bodies, it must have been bad just now.

Lin Ran summoned the lightsaber and charged it up.

The people under the barrier also discovered Lin Ran, and they worshiped Lin Ran more and more.

After charging, Lin Ran swung his sword suddenly, the golden sword light tore through the sea water and even cut off the clouds.

The sea beast was also cut off. Although it was a monster at the level of a great monarch, Lin Ran who used the power of an angel was now comparable to an emperor.

After the sea monsters were dealt with, Lin Ran's immortal fire also burst out, and the flames turned into various monsters and rushed towards the sea monsters.

The battle lasted for half a day, the sea monster was basically slaughtered, and the undead fire also turned into a bird burning with flames. It wandered around Lin Ran, and this time it became even stronger.

Mira and Callai received the gift of the undead fire, and the two of them also received the terrifying recovery ability of the undead fire.

Mira held the phoenix and said, "It's amazing. It's the first time I've seen such a fire. Although the soul-seed and the soul-seed have a little intelligence, they don't have that at all."

The phoenix jumped on Mira's head, and kept screaming.

Lin Ran was also thinking about the phoenix, this guy was born from his flame, but it always felt very outrageous.

After a few minutes.

A nun carefully held the phoenix in her hand and left here.

She took the phoenix to play, it should be said to hunt, and now the phoenix can already hunt by itself.

Lin Ran started to check the information, at this time Mira approached Lin Ran and said, "It's time for us."

Lin Ran: "..."


Sure enough, Egypt won. They even defeated the combination of Greece and Britain. This is very surprising. Touch it.

"What are you doing?" Feng Li's tone was very bad.

Lin Ran held the phone in one hand, and put the other on Carlisle's back, with a delicate expression.

"Um... nothing, what's the matter? I'll be back tomorrow." Lin Ran tried to keep calm.

At this moment, Mira smirked and pushed Lin Ran.


"Come back to me today!!!" Feng Li was furious, Lin Ran went out to fool around even though the finals were about to begin.

"Okay." Lin Ran said helplessly.

Calle blushed too much, and she said a little uneasy: "If I can hold back Master, I won't be reprimanded."

"It's okay, just scold if you scold."

When Lin Ran rushed back, Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan were being reprimanded by Feng Li.

Lin Ran circumvented it cautiously, at this time Han Ji smiled and said, "You're back!?"

"Um, well, I'm back."

Feng Li looked at Lin Ran and immediately roared.

After being reprimanded and banned, he left.

Lin Ran said, "What's wrong with you two?"

"Actually, it's nothing." Mo Fan said.

"We went to find a few foreign girls, and then we were reprimanded when our instructor found out." Zhao Manyan said very frankly.

Lin Ran patted Mo Fan on the shoulder and said, "Your fellow."

"Get out, you and I are not in the tunnel." Mo Fan said with a little disgust.

Lin Ran couldn't help but said, "Why do you feel that the meaning of the word "communist" changes when you say it?"

"Literally." Zhao Manyan said.

Ai Jiangtu who passed by said, "You three, be honest, the game is about to end."


A few days later the finals finally kicked off on the Battle Island in Venice.

For this very grand event, Venice also specially arranged the battlefield on a small island surrounded by sea water. From a distance, this small island looks like a fighting platform floating in the blue sea water. The dark blue sea water barrier It also became a transparent light wall, and then protected the entire island.

The seats for the spectators are ships. There are four luxury ships in total, which are located in four positions of the entire water platform. Through the barrier, people can clearly see the situation in the entire island.

The fireworks sounded from the city of Venice one by one, and then the sky became a gorgeous bridge of fireworks, and then slowly extended to the ocean, and also extended to the island Doutai.

The Egyptians were already standing in the island arena at this time. They were the most incredible team in this competition, and they even sparked a discussion about undead creatures.

The undead system, this is a very rare magic system that manipulates undead and refines dead objects. The creation of the undead system has always been controversial. It has been regarded as a harmful magic for a long time in history, so it was The Holy Inquisition blocked it.

But now, the undead system is shining brightly in the World School Competition, which has attracted countless people to talk about it. It is estimated that the wind of the undead will quickly become popular for a long time to come.

"It's really interesting to say that China and Egypt are the seat of two great undead empires. In the catastrophe of the ancient capital, millions of undeads attacked the city and almost destroyed an ancient capital city with a long history. And Egypt's Pyramids are not a good place, they are like volcanoes that may erupt at any time, bringing incalculable disasters to the city..."

"It's true what you said. The ancient country of Hua was the birthplace of the undead for thousands of years, and Egypt was the territory of the pharaohs. However, the people of Hua did not learn much about the magic of the undead, but Egypt seems to be planning to spread the magic of the undead. Everbright!"

The undead of Egypt and the undead of Huaguo are the largest undead countries in the world now. No one thought that the final of the world university competition would be the confrontation between these two undead countries.


"In the end, I still don't understand how these Egyptians manipulated so many endless undead?" Jiang Yu said.

"It's fine to fight them, they're just a bunch of garbage undead, and it's useless to play tricks!" Guan Yu was very disdainful of Egypt's behavior.

This time against Egypt, the lineup is Lin Ran, Mo Fan, Mu Ningxue, Mù Nujiao, and Zhao Manyan.

"Jiaojiao, is your third element also an ice element?" Mo Fan asked deliberately.

"En." Mù Nujiao nodded.

Mù Nujiao’s major is similar to that of Mu Ningxue. Mù Nujiao’s major is plant, secondly majored in wind, and minored in ice. In terms of strength, Mù Nujiao is a little stronger than Zu Jiming, but her cultivation These lines are all very effective against the undead.

"Mu Ningxue is here, this time we will be much more relaxed." Zhao Manyan said.

"That's right. She is here. As long as the ice level of her domain reaches a certain level, all the little undead will be crippled."

Several people have experienced the undead war in the Egyptian mirage. At that time, Mu Ningxue used her ice domain to freeze a lot of undead army, which relieved a lot of pressure on the human magician army.

"My ice magic is naturally not as good as Mu Ningxue's, but it's not a problem to freeze the little undead. If it is combined with plant magic, the effect is also very strong, and it can even be matched with Mu Ningxue's ice." Mu Ningxue Nujiao said seriously.

"Well, come on!" Mo Fan said.

Ice is the most restrained undead, followed by plants, and Mù Nujiao majors in plants, minors in ice, and wind and ice complement each other, so Mù Nujiao is very advantageous in fighting against the undead in Egypt.

The Mu family is one of the four great aristocratic families in the Demon City. Knowing that Mù Nujiao will enter the finals, they also spent a sum of money on her. Home glory.

Mù Nujiao is also full of fighting spirit now, and the Egyptian undead tactics unexpectedly made her get enough attention!
"Kill the undead, remember to crush their undead crystals, and different undead have their crystals in different positions, so don't be careless." Mo Fan told others, Lin Ran didn't need to remind.

Mo Fan himself killed [-] to [-] undead. The record is very impressive. He understands that the two great powers of Britain and Greece will fall into the hands of the Egyptians, probably because they do not have a thorough understanding of undead creatures!

Several people nodded and obeyed Mo Fan's arrangement.


"Players get ready!"

At this time, the referee's voice fell from a high place.

Entering the countdown, many players inevitably showed nervousness.



When the referee gave an order, and the voice was still floating in the air above the island arena, people saw the five members of the Egyptian team chanting the same spell in an instant.

The blurry gray star trails quickly surrounded them, and then quickly woven into a gray scarlet pattern inlaid in the soil, revealing a dangerous light of a strange art!

"Wake up, my warriors!"

Mios quickly bit his finger, and then spilled the blood on the dark brown hard soil.

It was obviously just a small drop of blood, but it immediately dyed the land red, and it spread for hundreds of meters, making this hard soil feel as if it had been cursed...

Trees, flowers, and grass quickly withered, as if life had been sucked out.

Soon, the soil began to loosen, and quickly became like boiling water!


A roar came from under the soil, and all of a sudden, undead monsters wrapped in bright red and black long cloths emerged from the soil. They all smelled of blood, and their green eyes gleamed. They were vicious. Looking incomparably at the things that have a living breath on this island arena!

Twenty or thirty undead creatures wrapped in red cloth sprang out within a few breaths. There were five people in Egypt, and everyone was performing this undead technique, so the number of undead creatures summoned reached a hundred immediately. Evil and dead air immediately flooded this originally fresh and pleasant island.

"This is the Yin Hong mummy!" Mo Fan said calmly.

Lin Ran showed a smile on the other hand, the nourishment of the immortal fire has come, and these Egyptians still have the Pharaoh's fountain in their hands, so I can't be too strong, I want these Egyptians to think that they will win, otherwise these undead will be killed in a split second. The Egyptians are likely to admit defeat decisively.

Hey~!In order to trick the Egyptians into using the Pharaoh's Spring, he also tried his best.

Mù Nujiao said, "The undead are here."

(End of this chapter)

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