Versatile Mage Undead Fire

Chapter 269 Sword 5

Chapter 269 Sword Five
Qi's strong strength felt completely different from Jiu and Ba's. He could tear Lin Ran apart with every attack, but he would revive Lin Ran in the next second without dying.

Qi was very happy at first, but gradually he felt very boring, how to fight a person who can't be killed?
After playing enough, he said, "I admit defeat."

Lin Ran imprinted a spiritual imprint on Qi's soul, and then said: "We must hurry up."

The Immortal Fire restored Qi Ye to his flesh and blood. Qi is a tall man who looks powerful.

Lin Ran took them to the next place quickly

Soon they will be there.

There is a sea of ​​flowers here. An undead king sitting on the throne holding flowers with his fingers said: "You stepped on my flowers."

"Sorry..." Jiu smiled and apologized, but the next second white vines shot out from the ground, and the four of them were hung up in an instant.

"Blood..., so beautiful." The undead king muttered to himself, as if Lin Ran and the others were just nobody.

You must know that Lin Ran is a human being comparable to demon kings, and nine, eight, and seven are extremely powerful undead kings whose strength is higher than that of sub-divine kings, but they were pierced silently by the bone vine just now Hang up, the undead king who looks extremely elegant on this throne is so powerful.

Jiujiang then fell on the ground with the bone spur, and he said, "Six, you are still annoying as always."

"The irritable people call me Liuhua. I like flowers. I attacked you just now because you stepped on my flowers. I know why you are here. I just want to ask, can I leave here as your subordinate? I I want to collect all the flowers in this world, if I can do that, I can become your subject." Liuhua said.

Lin Ran said, "I will be Sha Yuan from now on, so you can go anywhere you want."

"That's good."

The elegant bone stood up and then slowly knelt down on one knee: "King!"


"Xinghe Mountain Road, an intruder!!"

"Xinghe Mountain Road, an intruder!!!"

"Xinghe Mountain Road, an intruder!!!"

The incomparably high-pitched voice quickly echoed throughout the holy mountain, and the solemn ancient bell immediately rang out with a deafening sound. It had not sounded for many years, and it sounded extremely heavy!
Dark blue chaotic lights are rapidly intertwined on the Xinghe Mountain Road. No matter where you look from the sacred mountain, you can see this very unusual energy swaying.

As Pang Lai said, once an intruder steps into the arch, the suppression barrier will be opened, covering the entire long and wide mountain road in an instant, and even the sky above the head will be directly sealed. Fan feels like he is standing in a chaotic tunnel, and he can't see anything around him, only the four murderous sculptures that he can see along the slope, and they stand on different steps of the mountain path.

Mo Fan could feel his power being suppressed a little bit, but the degree of suppression was not too much, just a little bit, and he was able to display his full strength.

But Pang Lai had already clearly said before that if he didn't preserve his strong skills in the Xinghe Mountain Road, there would be no possibility of passing.

Someone broke into the mountain, and this important news caused a sensation in the entire mountain in an instant, even the believers in the Temple of Faith had heard it, and then it spread throughout the Acropolis at a very fast speed...

This is like an ancient taboo, when there is a real brave person to break it, it is already eye-catching enough!
At the foot of the mountain road, some people who heard the news quickly flocked from the Hall of Faith. After a while, people passed through the barrier and saw the back of a young man, who was walking up the stairs step by step!

"That person... Isn't that Mo Fan from the world school championship team!"

"That's right, it's him. What is he going to do? You must know that the consequences of breaking into Shenshan are quite serious!"

It didn't take long for someone to recognize Mo Fan who broke into Xinghe Mountain Road, and the discussion spread all over the mountain.

After a while, people gathered under the mountain path, and they all looked at this Chinese student who had shined in the world school competition with great surprise, and they couldn't understand his act without hesitation at all.

On the mountain road, people from the Palace of Knights quickly appeared at the exit. They surrounded the place. They could look down on the entire Xinghe Mountain Road wrapped by the barrier, and they could also see Mo Fan, who looked extremely small.

"Who is he?"

"No matter who he is, he is killing himself!" Hailong, the Lord of the Knights Hall, said very coldly.

"He probably did it for Ye Xinxia," Cullen said.

Coulomb and Fen Ai stood together, Coulomb was Xinxia's guardian knight before, because Xinxia's status continued to rise, so Coulomb, the guardian knight, also received extremely high treatment, but he didn't expect the accident to happen all of a sudden, This made Coulomb feel a moment of fear.

To be honest, he didn't want to believe it at first, and thought it was impossible until the evidence was listed one by one, so Coulomb had to accept this fact!

"He is really a reckless man, what's the use of being like this, no one can break into this mountain road!" Fen Ai said angrily.

"He seems to have walked to the first statue."

"Not many so-called geniuses can defeat the copper beast!"


Mo Fan walked to the same position as the first statue, he turned his head to stare at it, and the one eye of this statue suddenly opened, it stared straight at Mo Fan, revealing an evil spirit that made everyone shudder. sex!
This is the first statue - the bronze beast of Greece!

This is a very ancient creature, which represents killing in Greece. The ancients surrendered this hostile monster and used it to guard this sacred mountain!

The Greek Bronze Beast has only one eye, its limbs are very fat and short, and its body is bloated like a huge toad, but its head is like a rhinoceros, and its nose has extremely sharp copper horns .

Tongjiao pointed at Mo Fan like this, and then rushed up. Mo Fan only saw a sharp and deadly blue light approaching, so fast that people had no time to react.


A small blood hole appeared on Mo Fan's shoulder in an instant, blood quickly overflowed from it, and then flowed slowly.

The Greek Bronze Beast arrived not far from Mo Fan. Its one-eyed eyes showed some contempt, as if it missed the blow on purpose. It just wanted to warm up. After all, it has been washed by wind and rain for many years. Being immobile is like a curse of endless years. Only when such people who seek death appear, can they become living creatures and loosen their muscles and bones a little!


There was no sign of the Greek copper beast attacking again. Many monsters and beasts, when they exploded at a terrifying speed, their breath would change, and their bodies would be as tense as a bowstring waiting for momentum, but The Greek copper beast was half lying there, like a fat thing lazily basking in the afternoon sun, but in the next second it could burst out at an extremely terrifying speed, and then directly penetrate the enemy's body with the copper horn.

With such a difficult attack, Mo Fan didn't know where to start.

After a while, there were a few more scars on Mo Fan's body. These scars were all in some non-fatal positions. The eyes of the Greek bronze beast still mocked Mo Fan.

It can be seen that it doesn't want to kill Mo Fan soon. Once there are no intruders on this mountain road, then it doesn't know how many years it will have to sleep forever.


The Greek Bronze Beast launched an attack again, and the blue light howled. Mo Fan was directly knocked out by the damn guy, and his body rolled down from the high stairs.

"Why doesn't Mo Fan hide!!" Zhu Meng said anxiously.

"It cannot be avoided. The copper beast's eyes and the horns of its nose have special magic power, which will kill the enemy and make it difficult for the enemy to dodge." Pang Lai said.

"Can't dodge?? Then how to fight???"

"We can only look at Mo Fan himself."


"Fifth is a sword idiot. He likes swords, and he also likes to compare swords with others. However, there are very few undead here who understand swords. Just like me, he is also very boring. As long as the promise can let him get a little freedom, then he will also Obedient." Liuhua said, she was a beautiful girl wearing a wreath.

Lin Ran nodded, and after a while they came to Wu's area, where there were swords everywhere.

There are bone swords, iron swords, copper swords and all kinds of swords.

"You are each choose your sword to fight with me." Wu said, holding a bone sword and looking at Lin Ran and the others.

Lin Ran drew a sword and said, "I'll come first."

Five said: "Then let's start."

Lin Ran launched an attack in an instant, he clenched the sword tightly, but in the next five seconds he swung the bone sword. In an instant, the pale death energy condensed into sword energy, piercing Lin Ran's body and soul together.

Sword Five can basically deal with Lin Ran with one strike.

"Immortal... Even Shayuan can't achieve true immortality, but I didn't expect you to be able to do it. I seem to know something... I will recognize you as king, but let me have time to challenge other swordsmanship Grandmaster."

Jian Wu said.

"Yes." Lin Ran nodded, he just wanted to get out of here quickly.


Mo Fan who was knocked into the air quickly got up, and then stopped the wound on his body.

It's not that he didn't concentrate on fighting, but that the attack of this thing couldn't be avoided at all. It was obviously not that huge, but its attack was like a mountain hitting it!

The Greek copper beast let out a human-like laugh, mocking the weak.

Next, the Greek Bronze Beast seemed to want to inflict a more serious injury on Mo Fan, and its eyes were already revealing cruelty.

There was another sharp blue light flashing, rushing from the long steps of the high mountain path to the arch of the mountain path in an instant.

Mo Fan didn't do anything to avoid it this time, he just stared at the Greek bronze beast coldly...

"The Thunder Claw!!"

Just when the blue light arrived in front of him, Mo Fan's hand suddenly turned into a claw, and then directly confronted the Greek copper beast! !
In an instant, a large number of lightning burst out from the fingertips, and the pale black lightning instantly turned into a huge thunder claw, and then collided with the Greek bronze beast on the mountain steps!

The power of the thunder is astonishing. The incomparably thick electric light and the aura of the entire Cang Thunder Claw even crushed the attack of the Greek Copper Beast. The Greek Copper Beast was hit by the Cang Thunder Claw, and its body flew upside down in an instant, and then hit heavily On the thick stone steps!


While Thunderclaw was still dancing wildly in the air, Mo Fan's figure swayed in the void, and then disappeared in place.

At the place where the Greek bronze beast fell, there was a slight tremor in the space, and a silver mysterious light suddenly flickered. Mo Fan appeared, and his entire arm was wrapped in a pale black spring-like lightning!

"Thunderarm, explode!"

Mo Fan's hand formed a fist, and then he slammed heavily on the Greek bronze beast with the arm of thunder!

The Thunder of Death Light produced a terrifying thunderstorm in an instant. These arcs rose into the sky like a dragon, and the lightning and blasted death light swept wildly, and then all the stones and surrounding plants on the mountain path were wiped out.

The Greek copper beast was directly blasted into the air by the arc of the swimming dragon. Its whole body was covered with lace, and the roof of its bloated body would be disintegrated by this huge force at any time...

"Tyrant sanctions!"

Mo Fan's eyes froze suddenly, and then another thick bolt of lightning passed horizontally, and then directly penetrated from the left side of the Greek bronze beast's body to the right side.


"It's a pity, you don't know how to use swords at all." Jian Wu said, he looks like a teenager now, even looks younger than Lin Ran, but his strength is the most perverted among them.

Liuhua couldn't help but said: "I only like flowers, swords are too embarrassing."

Jian Wu was not annoyed, he said, "Si is a master of Forbidden Art, and the next few of us will probably be tortured by her."

"You have so many eccentricities." Jiu said, being cut off by Jian Wu made him very unhappy.

"Hey hey, right? Thank you for the compliment." Jian Wu smiled shyly.

"He didn't praise you." Eight said.

At this time, Liuhua said: "Wang, do you want to see someone?"

The others also looked at Lin Ran.

Lin Ran sighed and said, "A very important person of mine has been arrested, and I'm going to rescue her."

"So that's it, I will wipe out all the enemies for you." Jian Wu said.

Liuhua also said: "Your enemies will all become flowers' nourishment."

"The king will kill the enemy." Jiu also said seriously.

"So are we." Eight and Seven said the same.

"Then let's move on." Lin Ran said, with the help of these undead kings, he could completely flatten the Parthenon.

Lin Ran looked up, he knew that the ancient king was looking at him, Lin Ran didn't understand why the ancient king did this.

(End of this chapter)

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