The battle still started. As soon as Mo Fan made a move, Lu Zhantian yelled happily and said, "Mo Fan dared to attack the judge, everyone killed him together."

Lin Ran didn't show any expression. Anyway, he knew that Mo Fan would fight. Besides, these people are very weak, so it's okay to beat them up.

High-ranking mages began to connect with Xingzi, and constellations suddenly appeared.

Lu Zhantian rushed directly towards Mo Fan. He is a super-level wind mage with extremely fast speed, and he arrived at Mo Fan's side almost instantly.

The vampire Bola appeared in front of Mo Fan and blocked Lu Zhantian's attack.

Lu Zhantian said viciously: "Blood clan!?"

Borah nodded and then easily forced Lu Zhantian back.

Mo Fan's fighting power is very strong, and Lin Ran is even more perverted. It only took a few minutes to completely maim the judges here. Mo Fan's attack is very heavy. Many of these people are dying. He was tortured by madness for a long time, but Borah did not kill Lu Zhantian.

"Master, I have broken all the big and small bones of this man, as small as the finger bones. I also picked out every muscle in his body. In order not to let him pass out from such pain, I specially gave him He used the focused blood pupils, allowing him to feel the pain from every part of his body more clearly!" The vampire Borah slowly floated down, and he casually threw Lu Zhantian in front of Mo Fan.

Lin Ran looked at it and found that it was indeed miserable, but it deserved it, and it was nothing to look for.

Lu Zhantian's face was twitching very much, [-]% of it was physical pain, and [-]% was the hatred and anger towards Mo Fan that was going crazy!
He is the presiding judge, the real presiding judge of Beiyu Mountain! !
No MP can treat him like this! !
His bones were all broken, and his tendons were also picked out. This feeling will never be forgotten. Lu Zhantian vowed that Mo Fan and Lin Ran would definitely experience this pain ten times, a hundred times! !

"Mo Fan, you should spare his life. I have already visited your father. There is nothing wrong with him, and there is no injury on his body. He is just a little frightened..." Nighthawk said hastily.

He looked at Lin Ran. Lin Ran was stepping on the foot of a judge. It seemed that he didn't want to listen to him, so he could only speak to Mo Fan.

"Take me to see my father," Mo Fan said.

"Lu Zhantian...if you can ask your friend to let him go first, he will die like this." Nighthawk said.

Mo Fan didn't answer Nighthawk, but the vampire Borah smiled, then lifted Lu Zhantian, who was almost paralyzed, and held him firmly in his hand, not allowing others to touch him.

Before Mo Fan's instruction, it is impossible for Borah to let go. As for how to deal with Lu Zhantian next, it depends on the situation of Mo Jiaxing. Will continue to anger Mo Fan.

To be honest, Borah was still a little afraid of the angry Mo Fan. After all, there was a demon in Mo Fan's body, a demon that made people tremble.

Also, these people may not know about the massacre at the Parthenon Temple. If they knew, they probably wouldn't provoke Mo Fan. After all, Lin Ran and Mo Fan obviously wore a pair of pants.


Lin Ran and the others walked all the way to the North Rain Mountain House. They had just stepped into the hall when they saw Mo Jiaxing walking out with Ye Ying's men supporting him.

Mo Jiaxing's face was still so yellow, but he was much more complex than before, but it could be seen that he was very haggard these days, with dry lips and dark circles under his eyes.

His pupils have always been dilated, and there are doubts and a bit of panic in his eyes. He is just an ordinary person and has never practiced magic. Although he has no scars on his body, Mo Fan firmly believes that spiritually, he He must have been stimulated and tortured by Lu Zhantian!
Lin Ran sighed. Mo Jiaxing's appearance made people feel distressed. He was a very honest and honest person when he was a child. He didn't expect that a person like him would experience such a thing. He must be very scared.

Mo Jiaxing was always restless, until he saw Lin Ran and Mo Fan approaching, his eyes suddenly calmed down.

He walked up quickly, and then said: "They all said that you had a big accident, killed someone, and saw that you were fine...It's great, it's great, as long as you two are fine. "

He knew that the relationship between Lin Ran and Mo Fan was very good.

When Mo Fan heard these words, the hostility in his heart dissipated in an instant, and now there is only a bit of bitterness left in his heart.

"Dad, what you should worry about is yourself, I have always been fine, but now some people have to pay the price!" Mo Fan said.

Mo Fan will not let this matter go so easily!
"Mo Fan, I'm fine. I was just scared by someone. I'm still fine. Let's just forget about it and don't make a fuss." Mo Jiaxing was afraid that Mo Fan would do something radical. Just now Nighthawk told him how serious this matter is. Mo Fan has already killed people in the North Rain Mountain Trial Council, even killed the judges, and beat a chief judge half to death. It should be dealt with. People have already been dealt with, and there is no need to expand.

Lin Ran knew Mo Fan very well. This time, Mo Fan probably had to teach the Lu family a lesson. By the way, he gave some warnings to the others. The Lu family was in a terrible situation.

"Dad, ask yourself, I don't know how much I, Mo Fan, have done for the military, the Magic Association, the government, and the country. I risked my life several times, but I didn't ask them for anything. I hope they can take good care of you and protect you when I have no time to return to Bo City, so as not to let the people of the Black Holy See take advantage of it, and not let some people with ulterior motives persecute you... But they even I can’t do it at all! Whether it’s the military, the Lu Family, or the Judgment, I will never let anyone involved in this matter go!!” Mo Fan’s current anger is no longer just a matter of killing a few people calmed down.

"Mo Fan..." Mo Jiaxing couldn't help but let out a long sigh, then looked at Lin Ran and said, "Lin Ran, please help persuade Mo Fan, he is too impulsive."

Lin Ran grinned and said, "Don't worry, even if Mo Fan raises the Lu family, it won't be a big deal, so don't worry, uncle."

The damned people are all dead now, Mo Jiaxing really doesn't want Mo Fan and Lin Ran to pursue it any further.

However, judging by Mo Fan's current attitude, it is impossible for him to persuade Mo Fan.

"Dad, some things cannot be tolerated. The more you tolerate them, the more chilling they will be. They can treat me like this. Then those who are unknown, but because they lost their loved ones, spend their entire lives fighting against the Black Vatican." What about it?" Mo Fan said to Mo Jiaxing.

Mo Fan is very aware of Mo Jiaxing's behavior, as long as he is not being bullied to the head, then basically he can bear it, but when he thinks that the people in the trial will just make a bullshit reason to kill his father He was taken away from the protection of the military, and then imprisoned in a place he didn't even know. He even allowed a heinous person who was once the Black Vatican to directly contact his uncultivated father.


Lin Ran and Mo Fan quickly took Mo Jiaxing away from the North Rain Mountain Judgment Meeting, and then brought him to the Qingtian Hunting House.

Qingtian Hunting House has enough protection here, Mo Fan can rest assured that Mo Jiaxing is arranged here...

"Is Uncle Mo okay?" Lingling couldn't help asking.

"It's okay..." Mo Fan glanced at Lingling, and then asked, "Where is the Lu family's residence?"

"To the west, in a place called Manye Town, half of this town is people from their Lu family, and their mansion is also there." Lingling said.

Lin Ran listened silently.

"Bola, take that dead dog with me to Manye Town." Mo Fan patted Lin Ran on the shoulder and said, "This time I will trouble you."

Lin Ran opened his mouth and said, "Fool, what trouble are we talking about between us, just let me watch the little video you keep privately."

Lingling kicked Lin Ran and said, "Damn rascal."

Lin Ran picked up Lingling and gave her a big kiss.

"It stinks to death." Lingling milk said fiercely.

Both Lin Ran and Mo Fan laughed.

Then Mo Fan summoned the Feichuan wolf. Mo Fan was not in a hurry now, and Lin Ran also summoned the dark wolf.

When he saw the dark wolf vampire Borah, he swallowed. He is a shadow creature, so he can feel how terrifying this dark wolf is.

Then a few people rushed towards Lu's house
"Now that the news has spread, Mo Fan, are you sure you want to go directly to the Lu family like this?" Lingling sat in front of Luran and said with some concern.

"With Borah and Lin Ran here, nothing will happen to me. If there is danger, the Black Snake Totem will come over soon. Don't worry, I won't use the Demon Element lightly," Mo Fan said.

"Yeah." Lingling nodded.

With Mo Fan's guarantee, Lingling has nothing to worry about.

Lin Ran suddenly said: "Lingling, you have become taller..."

"Of course, I've been growing." Lingling said.

The reason why Mo Fan chose not to rush there immediately was because he needed the people who were supposed to be there to let them know that he was going to the Lu Family Xingshi to question the crime!

It is impossible for the Lu family to be so slow that he killed one of them without realizing it. As for what kind of banquet they will throw against him, Mo Fan is not afraid. Leaving aside Lin Ran's perverted strength, Borah alone can protect him He, not to mention the totem black snake, there is no one in the Lu family who can resist the totem black snake.

The totem black snake can easily destroy their family! !

After arriving in Manye Town, Lin Ran and the others walked straight towards the Lu Family Mansion.

The people of the Lu family have already got the news, so many of their retainers are watching outside, as if Lin Ran and the others will pay the price if they step in.

However, when they saw that behind Lin Ran and the others, the vampire Borah was dragging the half-dead Empress Lu Zhantian, no one dared to act rashly.

Mo Fan walked into the Lu family with Lin Ran swaggeringly. It seems that all the female family members of the Lu family have been dismissed after getting the news. Now all the men are coming out. The reason is that they faced Mo Fan in the World University Contest. Lu Xin, a congressman with great prejudices.

At this time, Lu Xin's expression was majestic and his eyes were sharp, but when he saw his son Lu Zhantian being beaten so badly, and seeing his half-dead appearance, he immediately burst into anger...

"Mo Fan, what do you want to do!!" Lu Xin said angrily.

Accompanied by this scolding, all the mages in front of the mansion locked on Lin Ran and Mo Fan for a while, the air seemed to be freezing cold, and they could feel the strong killing intent of these people! !

"It should be me who should ask this question! If your Lu family is dissatisfied with Lu Yilin's death, then just come directly to me, but if you want to play this kind of conspiracy with me, you really think I dare not Are you tearing up your face! I'm dragging Lu Zhantian here right now, I just want to see that the Lu family is a bunch of old bastards who actually taught two vicious dogs. Lu Yilin deserves to die. As for Lu Zhantian, I want It depends on your attitude!" Mo Fan asked.

"Do you really think this is a place where you can run wild? This is the mansion of a member of parliament. If someone dares to act rashly, he can be killed directly without reporting!" Lu Xin angrily yelled.

Mo Fan didn't care about Lu Xin's threat at all.

The Northern Rain Mountain Trial Council said the same thing before, but what happened in the end?

"Looking at your attitude, I don't think there is anything to talk about, so put this corpse away." Mo Fan looked back at the vampire Borah.

Borah stretched out his claws, and then slowly plunged his nails into the neck of the half-dead Lu Zhantian.

Lu Zhantian is a paralyzed person right now. With the vitality of his super mage, he will not die in a short time, but if his neck is cut open, he will die soon.

"Stop! Stop, stop!!!" Lu Xin panicked, and then hurriedly yelled.

Lingling was startled, and silently took Lin Ran's hand.

Mo Fan didn't pay attention to it at all. At this time, Lu Xin, Ling, dared to yell in front of him, and he didn't look at what was going on with his son.

Lu Xin's eyes were about to pop out. He never thought that Mo Fan would be so bold that he dared to kill Lu Zhantian in front of everyone in the Lu family. Didn't take their entire clan seriously! !
"Mo Fan, quickly tell your friend to stop..." At this moment, a powerful voice suddenly came over.

Mo Fan and Lin Ran looked over and found that it was Zhu Meng, an old acquaintance with a beard.

"Mo Fan, just for my sake, I will save Lu Zhantian's life for now." Zhu Meng walked to Mo Fan, and said to Mo Fan seriously.

Mo Fan looked back at Bola, and motioned him to let go of Lu Zhantian first. At this time, there was already a deep blood hole on Lu Zhantian's neck, and the blood was slowly overflowing from it. Fortunately, he didn't cut the blood vessel directly. Otherwise, Lu Zhantian would be a dead person now.

"Do you know about this?" Mo Fan said.

"Well, I've figured it out. I've sent someone from the military to find out the offender, and I'll deal with him later." Zhu Meng said.

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