Versatile Mage Undead Fire

Chapter 289 Special Ritual

Chapter 289 Special Ritual
Zhang Xiaohou brought the savage he found back in front of everyone. Seeing so many people, the savage showed a bit of vigilance, his eyes swept over everyone like a wild beast.

"He's called Lin Feili. He should be a soldier who didn't have time to leave more than ten years ago. The way back was buried by the desert and the demon tribe, so he has lived here alone for such a long time." Zhang Xiaohou said, he Tell everyone about the general situation.

Everyone showed surprise. They didn't expect this person to have lived here for 11 years. How strong his willpower must be. Loneliness is the curse most feared by human beings. Most people live in a closed environment for three months. He will gradually break down mentally, and after a year, he will easily have suicidal thoughts, and he has lived in this deserted desert for 11 years. His tenacious spirit is worthy of admiration, and even more so. What's more, this is still the domain of demons, and his life is very difficult.

"Feili!? You are Lin Feili!! Then do you still recognize me? I am Tongli. I am Qin Xiaoyu's elder brother. Lin Feili. My sister has completely lost contact with me. Do you still remember my sister Qin? Has Xiaoyu been evacuated to which city, I beg you to tell me!" Tong Li burst into tears as soon as he heard the name of the savage, and he grabbed Lin Feili's arm as if he had held onto Lin Feili's arm for many years. The only hope in general!
Lin Feili quickly broke free, showing hostility on his face, as if he had lived here for too long, he had lost some human rationality, and any slight disturbance would make him show vigilance and hostility.

"Tong Li, don't provoke him yet. His spirit has gone awry. I can use mind-system magic to help him recover, which should also restore his sanity and memory." Jiang Shaoxu said immediately.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm too excited. The matter of my sister has been in my heart for so many years, but I haven't dared to step here to find her footprints. Thanks to you this time..." Tong Li opened his mouth and said.

Lin Ran listened quietly to Tong Li's words, no wonder he took the risk to come with them.

"It turns out that you came here to find someone, but it's been 11 years, isn't it a bit too reluctant." Zhang Xiaohou said.

"Ah~, when I entered the brigade for the third year, my sister and another army received a mission and went here to patrol. At that time, the desert here was not so dangerous, and it was considered a safe place. Post stations and fortress cities also needed The goods were transported, and not long after that, I heard the news of being buried here, and my sister has no news at all..." Tong Li said.

Everyone quietly listened to Tong Li's narration of the past events.

The name of this oasis post station was previously called Sta post station. In the early years, it was roughly the size of a village. Not far away, there is a kind of black rock core in the black stone baked by high temperature, which is an important material for builders. The building stones of many cities in the west come from here. As long as they have black rock cores, magic builders can easily build a tall building. These black rock cores contain a lot of earth energy.

Because of these special constructions of litmus, this Star station is very important. The military used to send desert border troops to station here. Hunters kept coming and going, and then used the station as a springboard to explore this place. A mysterious desert full of treasures.

But one day, a big sandstorm suddenly occurred in the Taklimakan Desert, and patches of sand dunes moved towards here under the action of the terrifying magic wind. In just one night, this post oasis was completely swallowed up. The originally peaceful desert area Also because of the changes of the years, it gradually turned into a fierce place, and finally became a part of the land of Taklamakan demons.

The soldiers who used to guard the Star Station and the hunters who were about to travel basically disappeared. Tong Li's younger sister Qin Xiaoyu was one of the missing, but Tong Li couldn't let go of it for so many years until someone was willing to go. He had the guts to come in together after reclamation.

He knew that it was very unlikely for him to find someone, and he came here just for peace of mind.

"I helped him restore some memories, and I also calmed his emotions by the way, and he will recover soon." Jiang Shaoxu said.

"Well, he is also very familiar with this area, so he should be able to lead us to the Flaming Mountain Range." Zhang Xiaohou said.

The Flaming Mountains should still be a long way from here. If it is judged purely by the temperature, then I don’t know how long it will take to find the Flaming Mountains. Staying in the desert for one more day will be more dangerous, so they To seize the time.

" merged in?" After Jiang Shaoxu helped him perform mental recovery, Lin Feili's speech became much smoother.

"How else can I get in, just break in like this, but it's really dangerous. I thought that if I died several times, I can't believe that it was still a safe area more than ten years ago." Lu Fang said.

"Lin Feili, you are not weak, why don't you try to leave here?" Mo Fan couldn't help asking curiously.

"I... I don't know, maybe... maybe I'm used to it, or maybe... I don't know, I seem to have forgotten something." Lin Feili said.

Mo Fan looked at Jiang Shaoxu, and Jiang Shaoxu immediately explained: "He seems to have received a very serious mental stimulation. I can only help him recover a part of his language ability and general memory, but he himself has been affected by mental stimulation and It is impossible for me to help him remember things that he has forgotten because of nervous tension and self-protection."

"Lin Feili, do you still remember my sister?" Tong Li asked hurriedly.

"I have a little impression, but she...she seems to be dead." Lin Feili said.

"Didn't she escape with the people in this station?" Tong Li's voice became more serious.

"I don't remember much." Lin Feili shook his head and said.

"Tong Li, let him remember slowly. In fact, you just want a result. You also know that your sister is impossible to be alive." Ge Ming said.

Tong Li sighed sadly, and didn't ask any more questions.

Lingling kicked Lin Ran and said, "If I die, will you be sad?"

Lin Ran said, "Even if you die, I can bring you back."

Lingling kicked Lin Ran and continued, "Bragging."

"There is a mountain burning with flames. I heard it mentioned by a hunting king who passed by here a few years ago. Do you know where this mountain of flames is?" Mo Fan also asked.

This mountain range can transform Little Flame Fairy.

There are not many flame holy lands all over the world, and there are not many conditions that can make the little Flame Fairy transform. If the Flame Mountain cannot be found, Mo Fan will have to start looking again, and the Little Flame Fairy will become stronger again.

"In that direction, every night, it will be red." Lin Feili immediately pointed to the north and said.

"Can you take us there? I scouted some of the terrain ahead and found that there is a maze. Even if we go in one direction, we can't get through it." Zhang Xiaohou asked.

"Okay." Lin Feili immediately agreed, but then he was stunned for a moment, with a strange expression on his face.

Zhang Xiaohou thought he had thought of something, so he didn't say anything more. After a while, Lin Feili remained silent again. He just pointed to the front and said, "Then come with me."

"Actually, we are also quite interested in the Flaming Mountain Range. Instead of walking aimlessly, we might as well go to the mountain range to have a look, maybe we can get some good things." Tong Zhuang said.

The others also nodded hastily. If they really found the Flaming Mountains, it would mean that there must be treasures related to the fire element nearby. They managed to get here. If they didn't gain anything, it would be really reconciled.

"Or, let's continue to move forward together, so that we can take care of each other." Ge Ming said to Mo Fan.

"Yes, with you, a super mage, we can rest assured." Mo Fan replied.

Jiang Shaoxu walked up to Lin Ran and said, "I need to add some magic energy."

Lin Ran: "Can't you recover by yourself?"

Jiang Shaoxu couldn't help but said, "Don't talk nonsense."

Afterwards, everyone rested for a while, and after they were exhausted, they continued towards the Flame Mountains.

The road they walked was a mixture of black rocks and sandy mountains. Along the way, they also found some magic stones that could be sold for money. If they found them, everyone would pick them up. I guess this is the only kind that even demons dare not Only in the high-temperature places where it is easy to walk around will there be magic stones everywhere, and fragments of spiritual seeds everywhere, but no one cares about them.

As they moved forward, the temperature began to rise sharply, and everyone was sweating profusely after a while. Even though it was already midnight, they still didn't feel the slightest bit of coolness.

Lingling lay on Lin Ran's back but felt very cool, but as long as he left Lin Ran, he would feel hot. I don't know how he did it. Mù Nujiao and Jiang Shaoxu were also very close to Lin Ran.

Mo Fan, who was walking in front, raised his head, and suddenly found that the front was pitch black, the earth was pitch black, the sky was pitch black, and there was no starlight in the sky.

When he looked carefully again, he realized that there was no night curtain in front of him at all, but a very huge mountain range which covered the night sky, giving people a terrifying and oppressive force in an instant! !
"It's really an exaggerated mountain!" Zhang Xiaohou couldn't help but gasped.

"It's really strange. If this mountain is so big, we can see it at the post station. Why can we only see its mountain when we get here?" Mù Nujiao said, and then moved a little closer to Lin Ran. It was cool around Lin Ran.

"It may be because of the maze, which confuses our vision."

I don't know why they approached this huge mountain range, but the temperature was not as hot as before.

Lin Feili raised his head slowly, his eyes fixed on the starry sky, after a while he stared directly at the black mountain top, and then said: "It will appear."

"What's going to happen?" Mo Fan asked puzzled.

As soon as he finished speaking, a cluster of flames that were so gorgeous that they could eclipse the stardust in an instant suddenly lit up from the highest point of the Kuwei mountain in front of him, and the scattered fire crown even began to spread rapidly along the sharp lines of the mountain. In an instant, more than ten kilometers were burned.

The flames burned so suddenly that everyone hadn't recovered their senses. There was a large flame in front of them, filling their eyes. Even if they looked away, they would still be stinging.

It was too dark before, and the shape of this mountain still gave people a sense of hazyness, but as the flames ignited and the flames shone brilliantly, the entire desert magic mountain has been fully presented. This overwhelming feeling is extremely huge. The body of the mountain, terrifying and scorching, left a huge shock in the hearts of everyone in an instant! !

"buzz buzz buzz"

Just as the fire illuminated the sky, the sound of flapping wings came from their ears, which sounded very noisy.

"Look, there are storm dust konjacs!!!" Zhang Xiaohou suddenly pointed to the other side of the sky.

Incomparably turbid cloud clusters slowly appeared, and the storm hoppers also showed their figures in the firelight. To people's surprise, these storm hoppers flew towards the Flaming Mountains in one go!

"What are they doing, are they flying up to die?" Zhang Xiaohou said a little puzzled.

"This should be a kind of ceremony for them. For some reason, these dust storm konjacs are always summoned here, and then perform a new flame ritual." Lin Feili said.

"I'll go, what the hell kind of ritual is this?"

Just as everyone was talking, they saw these dust storm konjacs flying crazily into the flame mountains, and after a while, the bodies and wings of some dust storm konjacs that could not stand the test of the flames burned.

As they continued to go deeper, more and more dust storm konjacs were swallowed by the flames, burning into one piece in midair.

The flames quickly spread among these dust storm konjacs flying together densely, and some konjacs with their wings burned off would turn into drops of flame feathers, and then fall into the mountain.

After a while, the entire Flaming Demon Mountain fell like a rain of fireworks, lighting up the entire desert night sky in an instant, as bright as a dreamy night.

However, the fireworks embellished in this way are all formed by newly born konjacs, and are piled up by hundreds of thousands of dead, which will feel extraordinarily weird.

"Is this their strange ritual, jumping into the fire pit one by one?" Jiang Shaoxu couldn't help but said.

This incredible behavior lasted for about an hour, and I had to admire the number of these dust storm konjacs. It took such a long time for such a huge flaming mountain to burn completely.

Ashes were floating all over the sky, and the night got darker unconsciously, and the magic fire in this flaming magic mountain began to gradually go out.

After the flames disappeared, the crowd continued to approach the mountain. Lin Feili walked in the front, and he led the crowd along a winding path towards the top of the mountain.

"I don't know when it started. These konjacs commit suicide collectively here at this time of midnight. They are so reckless and have no fear at all. It seems that it is a kind of enjoyment to rush into the flames. I So far, I haven't seen any konjacs that are so scared to run away." Lin Feili said.

"You mean, they commit suicide here every night? But so many konjacs are burned to death every day, shouldn't these dust storm konjacs die long ago?" Jiang Shaoxu said.

"The Flaming Mountains don't burn all the time, and I don't know what law it is based on, but as long as it burns, these dust storm konjacs will definitely come." Lin Feili said.

"This is really strange!"

"Hmph, what's so strange, these dust storm konjacs are the most dangerous disasters in the whole west, and the places they hit will not grow a blade of grass, not because of their excessive numbers, it would be nice for them to commit suicide here all the time .” Zheng Tong said.

"That's right, if more people are burned to death, there will be fewer disasters!"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Lin Ran said silently: "Some monsters will use natural energy to complete transformation. Maybe these guys think so. As long as they complete the transformation, it will be more dangerous."

Everyone looked at Lin Ran.

One person looked at Lin Ran and said, "If you can't speak, don't speak."

Lin Ran spread his hands, and everyone continued to move forward.

Soon they stepped into the mountain, the residual heat of the flames was still there, and the hot ground under their feet made everyone feel like walking on a hot pot. It didn't take long for some people to be unable to hold on.

The more you go up the mountain, the higher the temperature of the mountain will be. Gradually, only those who practice the fire element can continue to move forward.

"Brother Fan, we probably won't be able to go up, the temperature here is too high." Zhang Xiaohou said sweating like rain.

Mo Fan nodded and said: "Then you go to the station to rest first."

Lin Ran patted Lingling and said, "Are you going back to the station?"

Lingling shook her head, she was very cool beside Lin Ran, she didn't want to leave.

Jiang Shaoxu and Mu Nujiao didn't want to go back either.

So Lin Ran, Mo Fan, Lingling, Lin Feili, Mù Nujiao and Jiang Shaoxu continued to move forward.

Along the way, Lin Ran found a lot of spiritual seeds, all of which were fire-type spiritual seeds, but no one stopped to pick them up.

Lin Ran himself was not polite, a ball of flames appeared in his palm, and these flames turned into thousands of flame cats to devour the nearby spirit seeds.

Mo Fan said: "Your ability is really convenient."

Lin Ran smiled and said, "Why don't you stop and take some spiritual seeds?"

Mo Fan shook his head and said: "I have a hunch that something more important is on it, and these Spirit Seeds are far behind it."

Lingling said, "I'm tired."

Lin Ran couldn't help but said, "Are you tired? I've been carrying you on my back, why are you tired?"

"I'm tired." Lingling said old-fashioned.

The atmosphere gradually relaxed, not as dull as before.

Lingling pinched Lin Ran's earlobe and said, "It's so soft."

Lin Ran said as he walked, "Don't bother me."

 This is Chapter 288...

(End of this chapter)

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