Chapter 294
Lin Ran grabbed the man's neck and crushed his neck with a little force.

"Xiaoxiao, are you okay?" Lingling also came up at this time.

Xiaoxiao said, "I'm fine, but let's save them first."

After speaking, he pointed to the three women who were besieged by the konjac.

Those konjacs are like a cloud of dust, but they lined up like a veil of the sky when flying. They are getting closer and closer to the three women, and even a few fast-flying konjacs have begun to fly. Attack them!

There are a lot of these dust storm konjacs, and it is estimated that they will turn into pink skeletons in a short time. Lin Ran didn't have time to ask, so he quickly used teleportation.

"I'm fine here, you can save them quickly, Mo Fan is coming soon." Lingling said to Lin Ran.

Lin Ran nodded, and then connected the last silver magic star map with the entire silver constellation, forming an instant magic map with a larger range in an instant.

The silver light suddenly flashed, and Lin Ran's figure became blurred in the trembling space. When the light reached its peak, Lin Ran suddenly disappeared in place, and in the blink of an eye, he was halfway up the entire rocky mountain. ...

Lingling looked at Lin Ran, and a silver constellation appeared halfway up the mountain. After the constellations dispersed, Lin Ran disappeared halfway up the mountain again. Lingling looked further away and found that Lin Ran had already reached the sandy ground. far away...

The silver constellation continued to flicker, and he had reached the back of the undulating sand dunes, and his figure became smaller and smaller, but he was very close to the three women.

Seeing that Lin Ran chased him so far in just a few strokes, Xiaoxiao beside him couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.


"Buzz buzz!"

The frequency of the konjac flapping its wings is quite fast, and the sound they make can no longer be called sound, but a terrifying sound wave that can sweep across the sand dunes.

As these dust storm konjacs approached, the terrifying sound waves kept beating, and the three of them couldn't concentrate on using magic. Several vicious dust storm konjacs flew past them quickly, and their sharp claws tore their clothes And skin, then left a bloody wound.

And as soon as they smelled the smell of fresh flesh and blood, they rushed forward like crazy. What they wanted was to eat the three girls separately!

"It's hard for me to read magic now!!" The slender woman forcibly released the defensive magic equipment, hoping to delay for a while.

Now they finally understand why these dust storm konjacs can run amok, the sound of their wings will produce a very terrifying sound wave, and the magician must concentrate when casting magic, and the sound of this kind of wing vibration can cause a mental shock to the magician. Fatal blow!
"Buzz buzz!!!!!! Buzz buzz!!!!!!!"

The magic armor on their bodies couldn't last long at all. Around them, dust storm konjacs were already densely hung, almost forming a big yellow-brown chrysalis.

"Flame!" Just when their defenses were hard to hold on, a voice in the noise sounded.

A bird of flame flew in quickly. It had a fire crown around it, and the fire crown expanded rapidly. As long as it touched the dust storm konjac, it would immediately ignite the dust storm konjac's wings and body...

Soon, like a fire, it burned rapidly in the entire dust storm konjac with the momentum of a prairie fire. The manic fierceness burned this large space red in a short while, and the dust storm konjac couldn't bear this kind of temperature drama at all. High flames, hundreds of thousands died in the fire!
The flame bird seemed to feel that the burning speed was still a little slow, so he opened his mouth and spit it out. In an instant, a more powerful flame circled, and after a while, it coiled into a tornado of fire, and then extremely violently from the dust storm konjac Run over!
Lin Ran's flame is very powerful, if it is contaminated, it will be swallowed.


Soon, this cloud of dust storm konjacs was burnt to ashes, and then flew all over the sky.

The ears of the few people finally calmed down. To be honest, Lin Ran really had a headache when he encountered these things, not because he was afraid, but because of their annoying voices.

Fortunately, the dust storm konjacs that attacked the three were only a handful. If the entire army of dust storm konjacs had come, they might have been eaten.

"Lin Ran!"

"Lin Ran!"

The three of them almost cried out. If they were directly eaten by the Dust Storm Demon Grasshopper, it would definitely be the worst!
"It's okay, it's okay..." Lin Ran said, he would chat with them before.

The three of them were terribly frightened, and this kind of experience in the desert was beyond their tolerance. The rest of their lives were still in a trance, and they didn't even wake up. The white and smooth skin is also exposed, plump, elastic, and shiny, and it has not been tanned after so many days in the desert...

Lin Ran opened his hands, and the three of them quickly squeezed into Lin Ran's arms. Lin Ran gently hugged them and comforted them, while watching frantically, the big-breasted girl Mo Fan had been coveting for a long time.

After a long time, the three girls realized that their innocence had been seen countless times by Lin Ran's eyes, so they hurriedly found a place to treat the wound and change their clothes.

"It's really perverted." The slender woman looked at Lin Ran with admiration and said, so that others would be saved.

After that, Lin Ran brought them to join Mo Fan and the others, and then they began to prepare to save people.


Several people approached the cave where Lin Feili lived before, and soon found that there were two officers guarding the entrance of the cave, making it clear that no one would be allowed to enter.

"Jiang Shaoxu, it's okay for you to deal with them?" At this moment, Mo Fan pointed to the two officers in gray-blue clothes.

"The two of them are not very high-level, so it will be easy." Jiang Shaoxu said, she can control them, so as to avoid arguing.

"Be careful, they usually communicate with each other, and they should report whether there is any abnormality after a period of time. If there is no report, it means that there is an abnormality." Lin Ran also reminded Jiang Shaoxu.

"Don't worry, I know how to control their minds."

Jiang Shaoxu walked slowly to the rock, and at a distance of about 100 meters, Jiang Shaoxu cast a high-level psychic magic to control the mind.

The spiritual realm of these two officers is not high, so they were easily controlled by Jiang Shaoxu.

Then other people swaggered past them, but the two didn't respond, and one of them obviously picked up the communicator and reported to the people in the cave that there was nothing going on here.


A few people walked inside and arrived at the rocky valley after a while. They hid behind the rocks. They looked inside through the gap and found that some people from the Golden War Hunters were trapped, and there were more than 100 people in the valley. There are several officers, and the leader is a sturdy man with a beard. His whole face is like a brown-haired tiger.

"This guy's name is Zhang Qihu, he's very powerful, Shi Qianshou was only responsible for dealing with Ge Ming, and Zhang Qihu knocked us all down by himself, before we had time to fight back, a large group of people controlled us. " said the slender woman.

"It's not clear how many of them there are. Do you know how many high-level mages and how many middle-level mages there are?" Mo Fan asked Jiang Shaoxu.

"Yes, but it will take a while." Jiang Shaoxu said.

It is necessary to find out the number and strength of the enemies. Afterwards, Jiang Shaoxu used his spiritual magic to quietly detect the cultivation of these people. Mo Fan also used the Dark Lord's cloak to sneak into the rock valley silently.

The strength of this Dark Lord's cloak is that it is difficult to detect, even if the super mage does not have enough distance, he will not be able to feel Mo Fan's existence.

After some investigation, Mo Fan found that only these people seemed to be guarding the rocky valley, and the rest of the team had already gone deeper underground through another passage.

This is great news for them.

"There are only seven high-level mages in total, and the others are only intermediate-level mages." Jiang Shaoxu said.

"So much?" the big-breasted woman said in surprise.

One hundred middle-level mages are combined, and their combat power has already surpassed ten high-level mages. It seems that they can't even get through this Taniguchi, so how can they save the people who have been brought deeper.

At this moment, Lin Ran suddenly said, "It's solved."

"What?" Xiaoxiao looked at Lin Ran in surprise, only to see a silver light shining on Lin Ran's body.

At this time, the big-breasted woman also discovered that the more than 100 enemies were completely imprisoned by Lin Ran's space system power, and they couldn't even move.

The slender woman quickly went out to save people.

Soon people were rescued, and they did not kill these military mages.

"You are also kind." Mo Fan scanned around the Rock Valley and found that the Golden War Hunters did not kill anyone.

"They still have to be handed over to the military. We just need to kill those who resist," Xu Pingdong said.

"Brother, I have never admired many people in my life. You are the person I admire the most besides the leader!" Yang Bao said to Lin Ran excitedly, his eyes were full of admiration.

"I've heard that Lin Ran, the number one university in the world, is very powerful. I didn't believe it at first, but now I believe it!" Fei Shu couldn't help but said.

"They are very weak." Lin Ran said.

"Where are Ge Ming and Zhang Xiaohou?" Mo Fan asked Xu Pingdong at this moment.

"They have been taken into the tunnel, and they are said to be looking for the Pistil of the Earth." Xu Pingdong said.

"They have a special contact method. The people inside may already know what happened here. These people are nothing. Shi Qianshou is our biggest enemy. That guy is a super mage, and Ge Ming is not even his opponent."

"The leader is because he was bullied by two damned traitors, Tong Zhuang and Zheng Tong. Otherwise, with the strength of the leader, he could actually compete with Shi Qianshou. Lin Ran, we know you are capable, but Shi Qianshou and these officers I don’t know how much stronger the army command is, it’s very difficult for you to save other people, I think if we want to fight against Shi Qianshou, we must first save the regiment leader, only the regiment leader can compete with Shi Qianshou.” Fei Shu said .

Lin Ran looked at the hunter and said, "There is basically no one who can defeat me at the super level, and I am also a super mage, so don't be afraid to kill him directly."

"Trust him, let's go in quickly," Mo Fan said.

"Then what about these people?" Jiang Shaoxu glanced at the captured officers around him.

"Kill them to save trouble, otherwise we will score some people to guard them here." Mo Fan said.

Hearing these words, these officers were horrified. They didn't expect that this young man looked so amiable and dignified. Why did he speak so viciously? At least give them some way to survive. When the Golden War Hunters were captured, they didn't kill them all directly! !
Lin Ran said, "Actually, I can kill them in an instant."

These words made these people even more afraid.


In the pitch-black underground space, several officers of the light system threw the light into the distance, and then illuminated the entire underground world.

The jagged rocks were like the fangs of a monster, and their large group of people seemed to be walking in the body of a monster, sometimes narrow and sometimes spacious.

"It's not far ahead, you promised me before that you would let them go, I hope you do the best, otherwise you will never get the Earth Pistil in your life!" Lin Feili said fiercely at this time.

"You know I'm only interested in the Pistil of the Earth, is it in front, is it on top of that pile of tooth-shaped rocks?" Military Commander Shi Qianshou's eyes were shining brightly at this time, greed and excitement were not concealed at all .

"You let them go first." Lin Feili said.

"You have to tell me, Pistil of the Earth."

"It's there."

"Then you go and bring it to me, otherwise how do I know you're not cheating?" Shi Qianshou was greedy, but his mind was quite clear.

Lin Feili sighed, then walked helplessly towards the tooth-shaped rock, and then he carefully broke through the layer of dark restriction on it.

As soon as the restriction was lifted, an intense yellow-brown halo bloomed in an instant. Just above the tooth-shaped rock, they could see the petrified stamens slowly opening, and the fragrance and aura emitted were unexpectedly dissipated in an instant. Let countless dark lotuses bloom in this deathly underground world...

"Hahaha, no wonder there is an oasis here, I should have thought it was the reason, hahahaha!!" Shi Qianshou seemed to have turned into a wild beast and pounced on it.

Obtaining this Earth Pistil is equivalent to owning his own city. At that time, who dared to make irresponsible remarks to himself, and who dared to threaten him with his own stains to a military court? In his city, he was law! !

"Da Junsi, you wait for me, I will make you regret forcing me to this point!!" Shi Qianshou moved forward quickly, and soon he stretched out his hand to grab the magical Earth Core.

As soon as his hand touched, a small floc of the pistil of the earth suddenly withered, Shi Qianshou withdrew his hand in a panic, then turned his head to stare at Lin Feili angrily and said: "What's going on! "

"I don't know either. I have already found the Pistil of the Earth for you. Let them go quickly." Lin Feili said.

Shi Qianshou completely ignored Lin Feili, he began to use his mind to detect the core of the earth.

After a while, Shi Qianshou's face was full of fury. He looked at Lin Feili firmly, and roared angrily: "This is a stamen of the earth that is about to die, and there is nothing hidden in it." How much energy, how dare you deceive me, how dare you deceive me!!!”

An angry howl was roaring.

(End of this chapter)

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