Chapter 308 find
"Give me your coat." The woman quickly put on her swimsuit, and then said in a relatively calm voice.

"Here, I don't know if you saw a single student. Speaking of sisters, why are you taking a bath alone in the woods outside the Anjie? It's very dangerous." Seeing the woman put on her coat, Lin Ran was even more moved. I'm interested, his coat is just able to cover the mysterious area of ​​the woman, and he will see the mysterious place when he walks a little.

"Come here, I can't hear what you're saying," the woman said.

"I mean, one of my students got lost, so I came here to look for it, did you see him?" Lin Ran walked closer.

Now he can fully see the woman's appearance. Her appearance is almost the same as in the painting. She is so beautiful that it is unreal. He had seen the whole body of the person just now, so his whole body became excited.

"I didn't see it!" the woman said angrily.

"Oh, oh, that's a pity. Why are you here alone?" Lin Ran continued to ask.

"You want to care?!" The woman said angrily.

"You don't seem to be a mage." Lin Ran continued.

"Who told you that only mages can walk out of the security world!"

"Aren't you afraid of demons?" Lin Ran asked again.

"I'm not afraid." The woman said.

"I heard that there are some female monsters who can eat people on this mountain. Could it be that you are the one in the rumor?" Lin Ran looked at the woman and said with great interest.

The woman was also stunned for a moment, and then her eyes were gradually changing colors.

"Hahaha, I'm just kidding. I've never seen such a beautiful female monster as you. By the way, I didn't see anything at all just now. Don't mind too much. If it doesn't work, I can still be responsible for you." Lin Ran said.

The woman's gaze was extremely cold at this time, but she didn't show it completely. She silently pointed in another direction and said, "I seem to have heard some strange voices before. If your student disappears, you can go there and look for it. By the way, if you really see it, I will goug out your eyes, because I am a female monster!"

"Hahaha, I didn't see anything, oh, you said this way." Lin Ran walked towards the direction the woman pointed. It was a very dense jungle with trees and vines intertwined with each other. It's hard to get in.

Lin Ran saw that these things were blocking the way, so a flame rose from his palm.

The undead fire turns into a flame spirit and illuminates the surrounding area.

The light of the immortal fire also shone on the woman's face, and the cold expression on the woman's face changed in an instant, and she showed a bit of fear when she looked at the flame elf.

"Back." The woman hurriedly waved her hand, and she signaled the moths around her to stop moving.

Lin Ran turned his head, looked at the woman's strange expression, and said with a smile, "Do you want to follow me? But staying here is not a good thing, and my student is also missing here."

"I've lived near here since I was a child, and I haven't seen any dangerous creatures come and go..." A smile appeared on the woman's face at this time, as if she was hiding her behavior just now.

Lin Ran also had a smile on his face, he looked at the woman and smiled lightly, "Could it be that you are the most dangerous person?!"

Lin Ran approached the woman, who subconsciously stepped back until she leaned against the tree.

At this moment, Lin Ran stretched out his hand to remove the leaves from the woman's head.

The woman was taken aback for a moment, and in the next second she immediately had a look of embarrassment on her face.

She thought she had been found out, but she didn't expect it to be like this, this man.

"A beautiful girl like you is extremely dangerous to all of us men... Hahahaha~~~ What's the matter, don't you like to hear it, then I take it back, sorry." Lin Ran pulled away.

The woman was a little stunned, what is this man doing?Feeling a little nervous.

"By the way, big beauty, what's your name? My name is Lin Ran. Nice to meet you." Lin Ran said.

Seeing that the man in front of her hadn't seen her through, the woman also breathed a sigh of relief and said, "My name is Yu Shishi, and I'm very familiar with this place. May I help you find your student?"

"Thank you very much." Lin Ran nodded quickly.

With a beautiful woman as his companion, in the wild countryside, the moon is dark and the wind is high, he quite likes the thrill of returning to nature.

Lin Ran followed Yu Shishi's direction, and soon walked into the dense forest with her.

After a while, Lin Ran smelled the fragrance, and he couldn't help but asked, "Have you lived here all this time, isolated from the world, and then earning enough food by yourself?"

Lin Ran has also heard of some special groups of people who live outside the security world and use some ancient methods to avoid the harassment of monsters, just like the dangerous people in the ancient capital.

"Well, I have a special fragrance on my body, so monsters and beasts will not attack me." Yu Shishi said half-truthfully.

"There is such a miraculous deodorant, let me smell it." Lin Ran said and put his nose close to it.

Yu Shishi's cheeks turned red immediately, she glared at Lin Ran fiercely and said, "Smelly rascal!"

"I just find it strange. If your body fragrance can be developed, wouldn't it be possible for us mages to step into the land of demons at will, so that we don't have to hide in the city like we are now." Lin Ran Said seriously.

Yu Shishi did not answer, her face was a little cold.

"I'm just joking, don't put on a sullen face, you're really pretty." Lin Ran looked down.

"...Do you still want to show some face?" Yu Shishi had never seen such a thick-skinned man, and she was thinking in her heart that when she got deeper, she wanted this guy to look good.

"Sorry." Lin Ran didn't say anything, as if he had lost interest in her.

"Why didn't you speak?"

"You're gone."

"you you you you!"

"What are you afraid of, aren't you wearing a swimsuit?"


The dense forest was getting thicker and thicker, and Lin Ran couldn't tell the direction. He sniffed the smell around him, and he found that there was actually a bit of damp here.

The leaves are also wet, the grass is also wet, and even the nearby trees are like after the rain, always dripping some liquid.

However, the humidity here is not itchy and musty, which is disgusting. They seem to have a little fragrance, which is a very comfortable smell.

"You heard the voice here before, let's go and have a look." Lin Ran started to check and asked.

Lin Ran was turning her back to Yu Shishi at this moment, and Yu Shishi's gaze gradually became sharper. She wiggled her fingers lightly, and she manipulated the moths hidden behind the trees around her. While it was talking to Lin Ran, Lin Ran Calm down...

"By the way, your flame just now is a bit strange, it seems to be a bit different from the fire mage I saw before?" Yu Shishi said in a curious tone, she was talking, and she was approaching Lin Ran step by step.

"Oh, it's called Immortal Fire. It's a kind of fire that can devour everything. I went to the desert before and it's more lethal to bugs. It seems to be my student's bag!" Lin Ran said in surprise.

Yu Shishi was stunned for a moment, and then hastily dismissed the moths who were planning to attack Lin Ran!

Yu Shishi had heard of this kind of flame before, and it could do great damage to Zerg creatures. If she didn't subdue this person in an instant, her little creatures would probably suffer heavy casualties.

"Aha, he's here...fortunately, he didn't suffer any injuries, it seems...he seems to have fallen asleep, this person actually came here to sleep, could he be here to meet you?" Lin Ran said in a Bai Hongfei was found in the wet bushes.

Fool Bai was not injured, but he was in a comatose state, no matter how much Lin Ran shook him, he couldn't figure it out. If it wasn't for his pulse still beating, Lin Ran really thought he was dead.

"Don't talk nonsense." Yu Shishi withdrew his hand at this time, and then spoke to Lin Ran.

"He seems to be hypnotized by something." Lin Ran frowned.

"Let me see." Yu Shishi walked over immediately, and she pretended to test Bai Hongfei, "It should be, I have seen some hypnotizing things in this mountain before."

"Do you know what to untie?" Lin Ran asked.

Yu Shishi shook his head silently.

"Forget it. I'll take him back to the county first. Maybe a healing mage can heal him. You can come with me. I'm a little worried about leaving you in the mountains like this," Lin Ran said.

"Alright, my family lives in the town." Yu Shishi said.


Lin Ran returned with Bai Hongfei on his back, and he would also chat with Yu Shishi from time to time. Lin Ran was very concerned about her scent that could be invisible to demons, but it was a pity that Yu Shishi was not very willing to cooperate with the magic experiment. look.

Lin Ran didn't force it either, he couldn't tie people to the stage, if they didn't want to, forget it.

After arriving at the foot of the mountain, Lin Ran happened to see a large group of people walking along the mountain path. From their luggage, it could be seen that it was the hunter, and Mo Fan was also there. When did this guy come out?

Yu Shishi followed Lin Ran, and then she saw a large group of people at the corner of the mountain. She realized something instantly, and her eyes were fixed on Lin Ran.

"The person you found?" Yu Shishi said coldly.

"Mo Fan found it." Lin Ran said.

Yu Shishi moved her fingers again, her aura was rapidly spreading from her body.

What she hates the most is when others lie to her. She thought Lin Ran was an irrelevant person, so she was merciful, but she didn't expect that this guy would send a lot of hunters to wait here!
These days, she has been provoked by these hunters.

Just as Yu Shishi was about to attack Lin Ran, Lin Ran ran towards Cao Qinqin, and then said to Cao Qinqin: "I found him, thank you for coming here, I will send you the contribution value like Mo Fan, I am really sorry! "

When the hunters heard this, their faces were filled with smiles for an instant.

They haven't started yet, and the contribution value has been sent. This job is really comfortable. These junior hunters and intermediate hunters are very happy.

Mo Fan raised his middle finger and said, "Why don't you use it?"


Yu Shishi's movements froze, she was secretly annoyed, this bastard must have tortured her on purpose.

"Teacher, why did you bring a beautiful woman out?" Cao Qinqin looked at Yu Shishi and said with surprise on her face, especially because she was still dressed very coolly.

Mo Fan said, "You didn't do anything strange, did you?"

Lin Ran said, "Smell."


"She got lost, I just took her out by the way. By the way, she helped find Bai Hongfei, and I have to thank him." Lin Ran said.

Yu Shishi didn't like dealing with hunters, so she left without saying a few words.

"This guy is very strange, don't you know?" Mo Fan said, he could feel that this woman was a little strange.

"What's wrong, teacher?" Cao Qinqin asked suspiciously.

"There is an unusual aura on her body. The water veins will stagnate. It may have something to do with her." Lin Ran said.

"Ah?? Teacher, then why didn't you catch her?"

"She didn't kill the white fool." Lin Ran said, this woman may be a role similar to the totem guardian, there should be some difficulties, otherwise it would be more convenient to kill the white fool.

"But teacher, I don't think she's any different." Cao Qinqin said.

"It means that you are still too immature, and you are not alert to any creatures and forces that can threaten you." Mo Fan couldn't help but knocked Cao Qinqin on the head.

"Teacher, you are not much older than me." Cao Qinqin looked aggrieved at this time.

"Go and ask Zhou Lixin to follow her. She knows me and might be wary of me. Besides, I'm pretty impressive. Zhou Lixin is obviously a popular face. It will be much easier for him to investigate this woman." Lin Ran said to Cao Qinqin said.

"..." Cao Qinqin suddenly didn't know how to answer the conversation, and whispered, "Teacher, you are so interesting."

"Student Cao Qinqin, do you really want to stay in your alma mater for a few more years?" Lin Ran said looking at Cao Qinqin.

"Woooooooo, teacher, I was wrong, you are the most handsome, you are the most handsome person I have ever seen, even more handsome than Teacher Mo Fan."

"Let's talk tonight." Mo Fan said.



Bai Hongfei hadn't woken up yet, even if he went to the healing hospital, these doctors couldn't do anything about it.

To put it bluntly, he was not injured, nor was he cursed. He just fell asleep, sleeping like a vegetable. His body was very normal. Even when he was hungry, his stomach would growl and he needed a nutrient solution...

They are also in pain, they want to know the reason why the water vein was cut off, Bai Hongfei should have a clue, but he who knows the clue can't sleep!

Lin Ran leaned against the wall and said, "It's really troublesome."

Mo Fan looked at Lin Ran and said, "Did you really not do anything?"

(End of this chapter)

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