Chapter 351

After returning to the city, Qi Yang immediately received a secret report.

"Sir, before you asked our idlers to check whether there are any suspicious persons who bought trains, long-distance buses, and aviation information in this city. He has already confirmed that there are people with special identities who have purchased two flights, which will depart in a week. We need to continue to investigate, do we need to find out which two real-name buyers are?"

"It's no longer needed, just check here, let them not go too deep, so as not to be noticed by the enemy." Qi Yang replied.

"Then do you want to continue to follow up here?" the person over there asked.

"No, you just need to do what you usually do, and if you have any information, just report it as usual." Qi Yang said.

Qi Yang then disconnected the communicator, but there was a hint of surprise on his face. He looked at Mo Fan, and asked very puzzled: "How do you know that those two people didn't escape to the mountains? Instead, return to the city?"

"It's a new ability I have mastered. I won't go into details about it. Now it seems that your informant has confirmed it for you, right?" Mo Fan said.

"Well, although the flight is a week away, to be honest, if you don't check the city specifically, it's really difficult to get an accurate grasp of the complicated information..." Qi Yang said.

As the leader of the prevention team, Qi Yang is also very outstanding in tracking, but he still doesn't understand why Mo Fan was able to grasp the exact location of those two people.

Whether it's the extraditionist Shepherd or Cheng Ying in blue, they are all so cunning that they may have been lost under normal circumstances, and it is not even clear whether they have left.

"We will do what we have to do next, just don't make them suspicious again. They won't do anything wrong in this week," Mo Fan said.

"Indeed, the more senior hjt are, the more cautious they are. Since they feel that they have fled back to the city, they definitely don't want to be targeted by us again. After all, this will only bring more trouble to their upper management. Extradition The author has always aimed to bring the teacher back safely, and he is determined not to allow any mistakes... It seems that we can really catch a big fish this time, Shepherd... I really didn't expect that after so many years, we can catch a big fish. I haven't come into contact with a person of hjt's level!" Qi Yang said, with a bit of excitement on his face.

hjt is already notorious in this world. If the judges can kill a deacon in blue, it will be a great credit, and they may even have a chance to get promoted, not to mention that they are now in contact with more important extradition...

Qi Yang felt that if he followed Lin Ran this time, he might really be able to make great achievements!

For the next time, Mo Fan didn't bother to pay attention to those two people at all. The dark substance Ye Fu is a tracking miracle. Mo Fan knew exactly what they did and where they went during the day.

"Are you sure they just go shopping and have a big meal like this?" Zhao Manyan asked.

"Well, the shepherd and Cheng Ying should have done some makeup modification, and then they should eat and play like ordinary people, and they haven't used any magic for a long time, even a little There is no magic fluctuation, I thought I lost it..." Mo Fan said.

"Tsk tsk, you are so bold." Lin Ran couldn't help but said.

"Yeah, these people are really daring, and they don't pay attention to the trial at all." Zhao Manyan said.

"Even if he is a bold person with a high level of art, even if his identity is exposed in the city, he probably has many ways to escape." Mo Fan said.

Shepherds are powerful.

It's a pity that the level of the shepherd is still not enough, but if the person behind the shepherd is involved, then everything will be different!

"Tell me, what is this Leng Jue planning?" Zhao Manyan couldn't help thinking carefully.

Now that the archbishop in red wants to do something, it is often tragic.

Now Zhao Manyan wants to know what this Leng Jue is doing, why he came here to play wild, and what he wants to make a fuss about, the trial committee here has already watched the hjt people so closely, they dare to run away Come to Taisui to break ground.

"To be honest, I'm also a little worried." Mo Fan said.

Lin Ran didn't speak.

"Are you worried that what you dug up is even more terrifying than you imagined, or even so terrifying that we can't do anything about it?" Zhao Manyan knew Mo Fan very well.

"Well, every member of hjt should not be underestimated, they are like hiding in a city, one... It's like a cancer factor in a healthy person's body, you don't know when it will become a fatal disease, And when you realize that it is destroying your health, it is likely that your body is hopeless, and all you can do is to suffer, if you don’t fight, you will die!" Mo Fan said.

Whether it's Bo City or the ancient capital.

When hjt broke out, everything that happened was like a landslide and the ground cracked. What he had learned was so small in front of him, so powerless...

There is nothing more frightening than this!
This made Mo Fan not worried. He was worried that after he knew the truth of this plan, he would still be left with such a sense of suffocation and powerlessness. The ancient king in the catastrophe of the ancient capital had no choice but to die.

"Or, let's hand it over to the prevention team. There is a trial, there is a prevention team, there is a magic association, there is an army, there is a government, the life of a presiding judge will fall so easily, let alone us, if we really If we touch the archbishop in red, or the head of extradition, then we are also close to death." Zhao Manyan has already retreated.

Hjt, such a giant, he still can't bear it psychologically.

He felt that it was safe to go looking for the totem... Ah, that's not right, it wasn't safe to go looking for the totem before. Thinking that he had climbed to its dirty, With a terrifying and dangerous body, Zhao Manyan would still have nightmares at night.

"It's impossible to let go now. On the shepherd's side, only my ability can track him. Maybe God thinks that I am suitable to fight against hjt, so he gave me this night ghost. Now we don't know anything, and we can I don't know what Leng Jue is going to do, and I don't know what he is planning, but this also means that this incident may be just a budding, just like the catastrophe of the ancient capital, or if it was discovered earlier that the disaster of Bo City was a preview, then the catastrophe of the ancient capital It can be avoided. Similarly, if we dig up such important information this time, then a tragedy similar to the Mediterranean Red Sea incident can be contained... We will regret it if we don’t pursue it," Mo Fan said.

Only those who have experienced the disaster of Bo City and the catastrophe of the ancient capital like him and Lin Ran will understand the hysteria that yearns to go back in time after everything happened!
Naturally, it is impossible to turn back time, only at that moment!
Zhao Manyan looked at Lin Ran and the two of them at this time, and suddenly he was a little dazed. It took him a long time to make a sudden decision: "I didn't expect Mo Fan to say such a thing, I always thought Mo Fan was very uneducated. Damn , then I, Zhao Manyan, will go all out, and accompany you to risk my life once, if Lin Ran dies, let me become an undead to kill them."


Because there was still time, Lin Ran and the others returned to Ionia to make up for it.

Lin Ran obtained some totem power from Yu Shishi. Lin Ran felt that this time it might be dangerous, so he asked Yu Shishi to give some of it to Mo Fan. After that, the two of them could have a relationship. After all, Mo Fan still has the demon system.

"Moth Phoenix will soon enter reincarnation, and her previous totem power will dissipate between heaven and earth. I heard from Lin Ran that you need totem power. If you can absorb it, then get ready tonight when the moon is full. , otherwise there will be nothing." Yu Shishi said to Mo Fan calmly.


"Yes, it's tonight. You have to take care of it yourself. Don't tell me that the power of the totem is very special. If you don't want to absorb it, you can absorb it. Don't be hit hard by then." Yu Shishi said.

Mo Fan was overjoyed immediately. He thought that finding the Moon Phoenix-Moth was just a waste of time. He didn't expect that the power of the totem would dissipate when it entered the next cycle...

So instead of returning to nature, it is better to supplement your own little loach. The little loach is already hungry!

As long as the little loach is full, Mo Fan's cultivation will be greatly improved, and he will soon fight with the Holy See of H. This is really a timely rain.

At night, the night was extremely clean, and a full moon hung alone in the sky. Its brilliance fell on the Crescent Mountain without a trace of haze, and sprinkled on the dancing Qing'e nearby, and then the whole Crescent Mountain could see It looks like a mountain glowing with fluorescent lights, and it is very beautiful from a distance.

Mo Fan was sitting next to a large chrysalis. This is the degenerated appearance of the Moon Moth and Phoenix. Many totem creatures are passed down in one continuous line. It is even said that they are actually the same one for thousands of years. They will degenerate themselves when their lives are approaching. , and then return to the time when it was just born, and then slowly grow again, and even those memories of the past will fade away.

The Moon Phoenix-Moth is such a totem. Its current body and soul are also covered with bruises, and all it has endured for many years is only pain. It seems to be waiting for this relief.

The moonlight gradually fell, and the big chrysalis of the Moon-Moth Phoenix was emitting a special fluorescent light similar to that of the Qing'e. Needless to say, Mo Fan also knew that this was the power of the totem he wanted, and this power would follow the Moon-Moth. The phoenix enters a new reincarnation and dissipates in this nature...

In fact, this is what the Moon Phoenix-Moth has cultivated for many years. Mo Fan has always wanted to know whether the power of the totem can really promote the little loach. Now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

He took out the small loach pendant, and then gently placed it next to the big pupa of the Moon-Moth Phoenix. The fluorescent light that was still dispersing towards the surroundings began to go its own way, but Mo Fan's little loach still didn't respond at all, but after about a minute After a while, the little loach seemed to have figured out the attributes of these fluorescent totem powers, and then it emitted similar fluorescent lights from its body.

At this flash of fluorescent light, the power of the totem that was still dissipating between the sky and the earth just now began to gather on the small loach pendant, and the speed of gathering was getting faster and faster.

"I didn't expect to be able to absorb it!" Mo Fan was overjoyed.

Mo Fan silently peeked into the inner world of the Little Loach Pendant, and he found that the river Styx soaked with countless souls was frantically absorbing the power of the totem, and the width of the river was also changing...

Now the Styx River of the Little Loach Pendant is already considered a big river, calm and clean enough to reflect the soul light of any lantern like a fire, the totem fluorescent spots are scattered in different places of the Styx River, and the dead water calmly reflects the same A firefly without losing any brilliance...

From the sparse embellishment at the beginning to the dazzling array of agates, the world inside the little loach has formed an incomparably magnificent picture of fireflies in the Styx!

When Mo Fan was fighting fiercely before, he could barely see such a scene, but all the remnants seemed to be far less pure than the totem fluorescent light, and many times even because some remnants themselves still carried evil thoughts, resentments, Not being reconciled will make the entire Styx river smoky, and it will take a long time before the clean river water will settle down, and the spirit that can strengthen skills will be born.

The power of the totem is like countless high-quality spirits without any negative emotions. The little loach pendant quickly accepted them, and they were also very easy-going, and even started to help this small world create a new world and atmosphere...

The growth of Styx also means the promotion of the Little Loach Pendant. After reaching a high level, Mo Fan can clearly feel that his cultivation speed has slowed down a lot, and the core halo of the Earth Holy Spring can no longer satisfy his current high strength. For cultivation, he needs a new charm, so that he can have a fast cultivation speed even at a high level... Especially when there are so many departments that have to go hand in hand.

"The surface of the water seems to be glowing, it seems that the power of the totem can indeed transform the small loach pendant!" Mo Fan suddenly muttered a little excitedly.

Little loach~, so far it really doesn’t eat much. It’s not that Mo Fan doesn’t want it to continue to be promoted, but because it can’t find anything to feed it. If it wasn’t for the super rare treasures, it would Didn't even bother.

And now, Mo Fan can finally touch the appetite of the little loach.

Mo Fan can feel that the little loach likes the power of totem, which is extremely pure energy extracted from nature.

"But speaking of it, why didn't you respond to the totem black snake?" Mo Fan felt the change of the little loach, and then suddenly remembered this question.


Lin Ran stood outside the wooden house looking at the little fireflies and said, "He started."

Yu Shishi said with some complaints: "Why should you give it up to him, wouldn't it be better for you to absorb it yourself?"

Lin Ran smiled and said, "He has Qinglong~, and I will need it for the next battle. I can get back the power he absorbed from hjt."

Yu Shishi said, "Be careful."

"Well, nothing can kill me if I want to run."

(End of this chapter)

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