
Just when Mo Fan was surprised, a mummy with evil scales suddenly walked in front of Gao Yanpo.

This evil-scale mummy has a human-like body, but its physique is very tall, just like an ancient pine without any branches. Its body is wrapped in corpses full of evil scales. The golden evil light seemed to be full of danger.

The height of this evil-scale mummy was even at the same height as the entire rocky slope. When it passed by, it stared coldly at the HJT core staff hiding in the scarlet cage.

As for the other ghost creatures, they mostly turn a blind eye to everything inside, or they may be unable to see the living people through the red barrier at all, but this evil-scale mummy seems to be able to see it. Normally, the focal length of its eyes is here, and all the deacons in HJT in blue looked terrified and completely at a loss!
"It...it can't help but see us???" Zi Gui gasped, and then his legs trembled uncontrollably.

The other deacons in blue couldn't keep their composure either. If the evil-scale mummy destroyed this barrier, then they would all be exposed to these mighty underworld creatures, even if it was a forbidden curse. If a super mage fell into this place, he might not be able to get out of it unscathed! ! !
"Hello!" Leng Jue raised his head at this time, but his face was full of smiles.

The evil scale mummy stared silently, a trace of disdain and sarcasm flashed in its pupils.

It took another step and continued to move forward, and a large group of dead servants surrounded by this evil scale mummy, they are completely different from the messy walking steps of other ghost creatures, they are neatly arranged Column after column!
Although the evil-scale mummy saw the people inside, it didn't do anything. Its sarcasm eyes seemed to be a bit playful and disdainful, so noble that it didn't bother to care about anything with a group of racial garbage.

Leng Jue also felt the ridicule conveyed by the evil scale mummy, and the bright smile on his face like a child was gradually becoming cold.

Being underestimated by a mummy monarch is not what Leng Jue wants. In his opinion, in tonight's festival of ghost creatures, he can be respected by all ghost creatures just like the ruler in the Pyramid of Khufu. Never use such contempt and ridicule! !

Mo Fan stared at the back of the evil scale mummy, and his heart was already tumbling.

What is the level of this mummy? Just a look brought them such a huge pressure. Its strength is probably close to that of the ancient capital of the Eight Fangs! !
Moreover, the ruthless sword dead waiter next to this guy is one of the underworld creatures that Mo Fan is very familiar with. Before Mo Fan dealt with more than a dozen brutal sword dead waiters, it was very difficult, and the brutal sword next to the previous dark sword master The number of Deadpool is only about a hundred.

But beside the evil scale mummy, there are three full square teams of Brutal Sword Deadpool, and each square team has up to a thousand.

Escorted by the dead waiter with three thousand brutal swords, could this evil scale mummy be a pharaoh? ? ? ?

Now the ruler of the underworld who owns an independent pyramid will be called a pharaoh by Egypt. The Pyramid of Khufu belongs to Pharaoh Khufu, but Mo Fan feels that the level of this evil-scale mummy has reached the level of a pharaoh. Otherwise, how could there be so many? Brutal Sword Deadpool Follows!

This guy and his subordinates would easily wipe out an ancient city.

"This guy has already seen us, but he didn't attack. I guess this Leng Jue really has some special agreement with the underworld." Mo Fan thought to himself.

"In this way, these underworld creatures may have been ready to move. It wasn't that Leng Jue wanted to call them, so they came. Leng Jue just opened the door from the locked world for them. So Xie Lin Pharaoh didn't think much of him?"

HJT's own strength is actually far from being so huge that it cannot be destroyed. Even now, they are nothing more than a traitor who opened the gate to the enemy when the two sides were fighting. If Mo Fan can demonize, then he will definitely kill these black people The people inside the Holy See were completely destroyed!


The tremors of the earth came continuously from afar. At the Shenmu ruins, Zhang Xiaohou, Qu Kang and others stood on the seemingly abandoned ruins, and their expressions were inevitably overshadowed for a while.

"No way, it's just such a small mound, are you sure it's part of the ancient Great Wall?" Qu Kang said.

Qu Kang thought that the Shenmu Ancient Great Wall Pass would be the same as Zhenbei Pass after all. It should have an ancient city wall and look as strong as a city, but he didn't expect that there was a pile of loess here, a little bit raised up like a slope at most. In general, compared with the ancient Great Wall in his mind, he really wants to go far!
It's just such a pile of hard soil, so let alone stop the mighty army of the underworld, maybe even the most ordinary servant-level creature may not be able to resist it?
"Many ancient passes of the Great Wall are now abandoned and barren. The only ones that can really be preserved like stone walls and stone cities are the more famous sections. Mr. Prophet said before that as long as we have the source of soil system, these ancient The defense will recover!" Zhang Xiaohou said seriously.

He firmly believed in the prophet's words. The most important thing now is to find the Beacon Tower. Only by injecting the source of the earth element there can the monument rise!

It is difficult to determine the location of the beacon tower. The uplifted hard soil is also very long, even close to seven or eight kilometers. The people who live there have migrated away early, so no one can guide them to the correct location of the beacon tower.

"Luo Tong is back, how is the situation now?" Qu Kang found Luo Tong who went to inquire about the situation, so he asked immediately.

Luo Tong is a military commander of the Beitai military in this town, and a member of the First Army. He came here to lead Zhang Xiaohou to guard the Shenmu Ancient Pass.

Luo Tong, who just came back from the front line now, has an unusually ugly expression on his face, and the young generals beside him are also in shock. From their expressions, it can be judged that they may have seen a very terrible scene.

"I don't know what to say. In short, they are less than [-] kilometers away from us now. There are too many of them, overwhelming, as if the whole world is about to be swallowed by them. I have been in Zhenbeiguan for so long. Over time, there have been dozens of wars, large and small, and the sum of all the creatures I saw before was less than one-tenth of the creatures I saw today, can we really do it?" Luo Tong Now I'm completely suspicious.

When I first decided to stop them, I was so ambitious and vowed to defend them to the death, but after such an enemy, no one can still retain that willpower, and everything will be destroyed.

And the other young generals are also pale now, how can they believe that such a forgotten ancient Great Wall can resist these fierce creatures of the underworld?
"Zhang Juntong, the beacon tower has been found, it is only four kilometers away." Suddenly an officer came and reported seriously.

"Four kilometers??" Zhang Xiaohou was stunned for a moment.

This distance is still a bit far away. Although it can be reached at his speed, it is not him who is responsible for injecting the source of the earth element, but the earth mage Yu Feifeng who is beside him. But later the Prophet felt that he could inject the source of the earth element as a formation master, so he was asked to follow Zhang Xiaohou's team and let him inject the source of the earth element, while Zhang Xiaohou and others escorted him.

"The army of the underworld is almost here, we must hurry!" Qu Kang said.

Everyone started running all the way immediately, four kilometers is not too far for them, but the problem is that the army of the underworld is not slow, and thirty kilometers will not take too long
Zhenbei Pass.

This is the core of the entire steel defense, so the Zhenbei Pass also has the most people guarding it, and most of the military mages have stayed, and they will stick to this land with the two commanders.

Now, the sound of the rumbling loud noise has already been poured into everyone's eardrums, and they have already felt the menacing menace that makes people short of breath before seeing the real army of the underworld.

"They are coming!" On the watchtower, a captain shouted loudly, and then threw a beam of light into the sky, which represented the real appearance of the enemy.

Then, another different kind of light beam rose from the watchtower in front, which represented the number of enemy troops. If there was still only one beam at the highest point, it meant that the enemy was below a thousand...

The beam of light had already reached the night sky, and then it suddenly bloomed. The branches of light that bloomed like fireworks made the soldiers in Zhenbeiguan a little dumbfounded! !
"This...so much???"

"How many are there!"

If one thousand is used as a unit, then the beams of light that bloomed are innumerable. Even though there are still more than ten kilometers of intense light, it feels like it has completely submerged the earth.

"Bin Wei, it's up to you next." The prophet stood on top, his voice was a bit heavy.

Bin Wei nodded immediately, and then her eyes looked into the distance. She could see farther and had already discovered the Underworld Punisher. Still feel my heart tremble!
After reaching the super-level, she has never experienced this kind of anxiety and fear when she was weak, but now she can feel that this emotion is better than when she is only a small elementary and middle-level mage facing a powerful creature. more intense.

There are too many enemies, and the number of enemies cannot be counted at all, and it is difficult for people to have the slightest idea of ​​confrontation. Everything will be destroyed by them, even the Zhenbei Pass that the soldiers of Zhenbei Pass have always been proud of. The fortress city feels insignificant under this majestic army! !

"Tian Yu posture!" Bin Wei couldn't help but took a deep breath, and then forced himself to calm down.

If the spirit is less concentrated, the defense of the ancient Great Wall controlled by her will be more messy. Now she cannot be allowed to tremble. No matter what, she must maintain the will of steel. Only in this way can the ancient Great Wall stand upright! !
The Great Wall monuments will rise from the ground at one time, and the originally winding long stone wall began to extend horizontally. The height of less than seven meters before rose to 50 meters in an instant, and it seemed that it was still on the base! !
After a while, a sky barrier appeared in front of the entire fortress in the north of the town. It was made of gray ancient rocks. The length of the rock barrier stretched to three kilometers, and it still continued to extend to both sides, and the eyes couldn't take its true shape into it!
Before the Zhenbei Fortress, there was a flat river in front of the city, but now a mountain range has appeared, and the real length has reached a full ten kilometers. People in the fortress city understand what the real Great Wall of China is!
The long embankment of heaven and earth standing in front of me is so majestic and shocking, and at the same time, it gives a dose of peace of mind to all the tiny resisters who are about to face the army of the underworld!
"Look, that beam of fire!"

"What is that... why do I feel a huge object approaching??"

At this time, on the east side of Zhenbei Pass, the magic beacon fire has been rising all day long, and the dazzling brilliance is particularly eye-catching under the night sky that is gradually falling into the domination of death breath, and everyone in Zhenbei Pass can see it clearly.

And just ten kilometers away that people here can't see, at the end of this ancient Great Wall, a new Guguan City also rises from the ground, and then connects with Zhenbeiguan at the end of the ancient Great Wall. Connected together, and then continued the imperial posture and continued to unfold majesticly towards the horizon! !
This is the second section of the ancient pass, which is guarded by Ye Hong. He has extended the entire Huaxia Shield from ten kilometers to seventeen kilometers long, and has formed a giant embankment on this land that directly hits the night sky! !
"It's there too!!"

"It's the body of the Great Wall!!"

Suddenly another magic beacon broke through the sky in the west direction, which gave people a glimmer of hope in the desperate darkness, and hope kept burning in their hearts! !
The third section of Guguan and Zhenbeiguan are connected together. The standing defense line, the defense line that has gone through countless winds and rains and is still strong, and the majestic momentum that rises like a ridge in an instant, once again made all those who stayed here guarded. People are so shocked in their hearts, how could they think that what their ancestors left them is not just a ruined wall, a pile of abandoned earth castles, but a sacred and inviolable wall of divine power, when it awakens its true appearance At that time, it was such a world-shattering scene! ! !

After a while, the fourth Great Wall Guguan rose from the ground, which made this mountain screen line of defense suddenly become 29 kilometers.

This straight Tianyu Causeway has a height ranging from 50 meters to 80 meters, a thickness of more than 20 meters, and a length of nearly [-] kilometers!


Medusa, the scorpion king, held Lin Ran in her arms. Her snake hair stuck out her forked tongue and touched Lin Ran. She liked the smell of Lin Ran.

Lin Ran stared into the distance..., it was almost here.

(End of this chapter)

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