Versatile Mage Undead Fire

Chapter 82 One move group destroy

Chapter 82 One move to destroy the group

"Sir, do you want to leave Bai Town?" Lin Ran ran into the innkeeper's daughter as soon as she went downstairs. The spread of the disease, and there is a barrier outside to prevent people from escaping from the barrier.

"Ah? Is that so? I'm planning to go out of the city..." Lin Ran returned to the room with some breakfast at last, and Lin Ran told Tangyue the news that the town was blocked.

Tangyue frowned while eating. She originally planned to take Lin Ran out of here today, but it was obvious that she couldn't leave during the day, and it seemed that she could leave at night.

Although escaping here at night will reveal their whereabouts, it doesn't matter, after all, these court mages can't find them.



Tangyue and Lin Ran moved forward cautiously. Baizhen has a protective wall and a barrier, and they will be discovered if the barrier fluctuates.

Lin Ran summoned the dark wolf, and the dark wolf carried Lin Ran and Tang Yue and ran fast. Although they ran fast, they didn't make any sound, and the dark wolf covered them with darkness, which caused the magician It's hard to spot them.

After Tangyue and Lin Ran crossed the barrier, a man appeared not long after, and there were many judges beside him. He looked at the direction where Lin Ran and Tangyue were fleeing and said, "Let the trainee judges and reserve judges go Just hunt them down, the others are here to stand by..."

White Mountain!

There is not much vegetation here, and most of them are bare rocks. These rocks look like a natural barrier. There is a plain under the white mountain, and there is almost no tree on the plain.

The dark wolf ran wildly in front, and there were several black shadows following behind.

"Hurry up!" Tangyue said a little anxiously.

As soon as the words fell, the dense vines around him grew rapidly, forming a huge prison towards Lin Ran and Tang Yuewang.

Darkness surged from the dark wolf's body, and the next second a dark shock was released, and the vines were shattered.

The dark wolf looked at a position, it had already found the hiding place of the plant mage, it opened its mouth and the dark matter was condensing, at this time Lin Ran patted the dark wolf and said: "Brother, don't kill people. "

The dark wolf can instantly kill mages of the same level, so Lin Ran is afraid that it will kill the judge in one go.

The dark wolf closed its mouth, and then slapped its claws on the ground. In an instant, the dark silk thread completely wrapped around the plant mage. At this time, the dark wolf led Lin Ran and Tang Yue to move forward.

A few minutes later, Lin Ran and Tangyue noticed a few pairs of wings behind them. Lin Ran looked and found that they were members of the Judgment Council who had magic wing equipment. Of course, they were only intermediate mages, so they should be members of the Preliminary Judgment Council.


A few minutes later, a front-feathered bird caught up with Lin Ran and Tang Yue. The feathers of this bird were very hard and sharp, which looked like densely packed daggers.

The Fengyu bird croaked and stared at Tangyue and Lin Ran intently, but it clearly understood the dangerous aura released by the dark wolf, so it only followed Tangyue and Lin Ran from high altitude to attack.

"Master Wu, we have discovered the whereabouts of the target, please hurry to support!!!" Liu Zhongming on the front feather bird said.

"Very good, pester them, we will come soon." Wu Pingjing, the head of the guard, said.

"I know." Liu Zhongming was very happy.

"Brother, what should we do now?" Liu Yilin looked down at Tangyue and Lin Ran and said, this was his first mission and it was the order from Judgment Councilor Zhu Meng himself, which made him a little nervous.

"Prevent them from entering Baishan." A man said.

"Then we have to go down and entangle them." Someone said.

Dongfang Ming retracted the green wings behind his back, and his figure fell to the ground in an instant. Bright flames were burning on his body, and the burning was getting more and more intense, as if a flame was left behind.

"Boom~!" Dongfang Ming smashed in front of the dark wolf. His body was tall and straight, his face was cold and handsome. He stepped on the ground scorched by the flames and looked at Lin Ran and Tang Yue.

"Give it a go, I don't want to be too ruthless." Dongfang Ming said.

At this time Tangyue said: "He is called Dongfang Ming, the most outstanding young fire mage in the Dongfang family."

Lin Ran patted the Dark Wolf and said, "Get rid of him."

Dongfang Ming couldn't help but said, "Only with this black wolf?"

The dark wolf's paws slapped the ground, and a dark silk thread suddenly appeared and wrapped around Dongfang Ming in an instant.

Dongfang Ming frowned and then hurriedly retreated.

As soon as he took a few steps back, he felt the breath of darkness, and the next second a huge shock wave hit him, and he opened the magic armor in an instant, but he was still knocked into the air.

The huge force directly crippled him, Dongfang Ming smashed a big hole in the ground, and lay there motionless.

Tangyue said with some concern: "He shouldn't be dead, right?"

Lin Ran nodded and said, "Not dead."

Tang Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, densely packed mages appeared.

At this time, Liu Yilin looked at Lin Ran and said, "Even if you are a high-ranking mage, it is impossible to defeat so many of us. Hurry up and capture them."

At this time, he had already recognized Lin Ran, this guy was called Lin Ran rather than Shen Mingxiao!

Lin Ran touched his nose and said, "Wait for me!"

Lin Ran was covered in scorching flames, and the air became scorching as soon as the flames came out.

A star map appeared under Lin Ran's feet. There were many mages in front of him. Lin Ran would not kill them but he would not make them feel too good. At this moment, a girl asked, "Do you think you are very strong?"

"Huh~!" Lin Ran spat out a scorching flame.

"Strong Fist..."

"Nine Palaces!!!"

Lin Ran punched the ground terrifyingly, and a huge amount of mana was poured into the ground, causing the plain to tremble instantly.

Nine terrifying and huge pillars of flame enveloped everyone in an instant. Some of them opened the magic armor, but it was useless at all.

In an instant, hundreds of people were knocked into the air, and then fell to the ground one by one with their bodies scorched black.

The Dark Wolf looked at Lin Ran. Even if it reached the Commander level, it might not be able to defeat Lin Ran.

Lin Ran turned around and found that Tang Yue looked at him with her small mouth slightly open in surprise.

Lin Ran smiled and said, "It's easy, but I want to say that the court magician is coming."

"Ah! Let's go quickly." Tangyue said hastily.

After a few minutes.

The palace guards arrived, and as soon as they arrived, they saw everyone lying on the ground crying.

Wu Pingjing looked at the faces of these preparatory judges and said, "Isn't it enough for you to restrain them? Why do you have to do this, and Tangyue only has such strength?"

At this moment, Dongfang Ming staggered to his feet and said, "It's Lin Ran, he... He defeated everyone with one punch. This guy is no ordinary high-ranking mage."

"Nonsense, of course he is not an ordinary high-level mage. He is a person who dared to punch the winged wolf at the middle level! He was born with a special spiritual seed, but he still doesn't know about Lin Ran's spiritual species. As a result, are really trash!" Wu Pingjing couldn't help roaring.

Why is there such a big gap between people of the same age?

"Hurry up and go back." Another court mage said at this time.

After climbing over several mountains, Tangyue took out the totem beads.

At this time, the fog appeared, and a huge snake appeared. This blue-black sea of ​​fog covered most of the mountain.

A few minutes later, Lin Ran and Tang Yue rode a big snake into the cave. At this time, the dark wolf stared at the totem black snake. This is the aura that a demon monarch should have. One day it will become like this monster.

The big snake moved very fast, and soon arrived in a cave. This is the place where the totem black snake sheds its skin, and it is very safe below.

At this time, Tangyue asked for some blood, first for Lin Ran and second for the doctor to see if he could develop a cure for the plague.

Tangyue is now also a little worried that the plague is caused by the Totem Black Snake inadvertently.

At this time, Lin Ran absorbed the blood Tang Yue gave him, and then he found that his black scales had changed. These scales became more primitive, and looked somewhat similar to the scales of the totem black snake, but the changes were still there. continue.

A few minutes later, Lin Ran's black scales turned blue.

Lin Ran felt that his strength had become much stronger, and Lin Ran felt that he was evolving in the direction of the totem green dragon. Generally speaking, he was very satisfied.

Three minutes later, the court magicians came in front of Lin Ran and Tang Yue. At this time, the black totem snake was safe, so they didn't need to resist.

At this time, Wu Pingjing looked at Tangyue and Lin Ran and said, "This time you will be responsible, and you may be sentenced."

Tangyue gave Wu Pingjing the blood containing the totem black snake and said: "If the plague is spread by a big snake, then its blood should also be able to cure the plague. It is better to waste time looking for the totem black snake than to send this blood back. "

Wu Pingjing took the totem black snake's blood, then looked at Lin Ran and said, "You could have a bright future, but now you have ruined your future, boy, you will regret it."

Lin Ran spread his hands and said, "I know what I'm doing."

Tangyue took Lin Ran's hand and said, "Sorry..."

Before Tangyue finished speaking, Lin Ran blocked Tangyue's lips with her fingers.

Lin Ran said, "There is no need to apologize between us, I believe in you and that's why I will protect the totem black snake together with you."

"Hmph~!" Wu Pingjing interrupted Lin Ran with a cold snort.

He said, "Take them along."

Standing on Tianying, Lin Ran took Tangyue's hand and said, "It's okay, the black totem snake is safe, and the plague will definitely come to light, so don't worry too much."

Looking at Lin Ran comforting herself, Tang Yue's nose felt a little sore.


Lin Ran and Tangyue were taken to the isolation area. At this time, the plague here was already very serious. Tangyue was afraid to look at it. She was afraid that these situations were caused by the totem black snake.

The two were brought in front of Zhu Meng. Zhu Meng looked at Lin Ran and Tang Yue and said, "It's really good! You see, this is the result you want? Purgatory on earth! If I can, I really want to kill you."

Tang Yue bit her lip tightly.

At this time, Wu Pingjing gave Zhu Meng the blood of the totem black snake.

Zhu Meng immediately handed over the blood to several big dippers in the medical field.

Then Zhu Meng ordered Lin Ran and Tang Yue to be taken away.

Just as Lin Ran and Tang Yue were taken away, a man whispered something in Zhu Meng's ear.

Zhu Meng's eyes widened: "What did you say?"

At this time, everyone looked at Zhu Meng.

"The fortress has received news that the situation is very urgent. Members are requested to hold a meeting immediately..." a military commander said.

"Okay." Zhu Meng nodded and then he gave the order.

At this time, the Juntong who spoke just now continued: "There are a large number of White Magic Falcons in the West Ridge of the western fortress of HZ City, and they are coming here at this moment..."

Tang Zhongman was shocked!He knew that although the White Magic Falcon had a huge group, they had always kept their own place!
Why is this! ?
Zhu Meng looked at Tang Zhong and said, "We are in big trouble..."

Tang Zhong frowned.


Further west of the White Mountain Range is Xiling, which is the habitat of the White Magic Falcon. The White Magic Falcon has a violent temperament and a strong sense of territory, so as long as it flies over their heads, both the monarch and the sparrow will be attacked, and It is a situation of endless death. Although they are extremely dangerous, they have always guarded their territory. Why did they attack Hangzhou when the plague broke out?
In the West Fortress, the military mages lined up in a square team, looking at the dense creatures in the sky.

There haven't been so many monsters breaking into the human realm for many years.

"Let's go and kill them." A military commander who looked very young waved his hand and prepared to kill these white magic eagles.

But none of the Skyhawks moved.

"What's going on?" Someone said at this time.

"Go and call the animal trainer!" Jun Commander said.

A military mage left in a hurry, and a beast tamer was brought in after a while.

The animal trainer said cautiously: "What's wrong, Mr. Juntong?"

"Why don't these Skyhawks obey orders?" Jun Commander said.

The animal trainer walked up to Tianying, he stretched out his hand to caress Tianying, closed his eyes and felt Tianying's heart quietly.

After a while, the animal trainer opened his eyes and looked at the white figure in the sky, and said, "They are afraid."

"Huh?" Jun Commander looked at the animal trainer suspiciously.

"The sky eagle is a member of the eagle demon clan. Although it has been tamed, it still has the blood of the eagle demon in its bones. The white magic eagle clan forced them to be unable to raise their hearts to resist..."

Suddenly the beast trainer's face changed drastically, and he said in horror: "There is a four-clawed magic eagle among the white magic eagles, it will make the sky eagles lose their courage to fight..."

Suddenly all the eagles honked, and they became restless.

At this moment, the animal trainer turned pale.

"If there is a commander-level four-clawed magic eagle, then the sky eagles belonging to the subspecies will be afraid and dare not be enemies with it, but if there is a monarch-level eagle demon, then under the breath of the monarch, the sky eagles The demon blood will be awakened, and then directly betrayed!!!"

Monarch class! ! !
The high-spirited Juntong just now was stunned, but this time there is a monarch rank, this is a disaster! ! ! !

"Hurry up and kill the Skyhawk, or you will face the attacks of the Skyhawk and the White Magic Falcon later!!!" the beast trainer said hastily.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. At this time, Juntong gritted his teeth and said sadly: "Kill them all!!!"

Goodbye, old friend...

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(End of this chapter)

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