Versatile Mage Undead Fire

Chapter 97 Slaughtering the White Sand Demon Soldiers

Chapter 97 Slaughtering the White Sand Demon Soldiers
Now Xinxia's spiritual magic can only last about two kilometers, but there are still three or four kilometers to go, which means that everyone will be surrounded by these white sand giants no matter what.

Lingling frowned. This time, she never thought that the route of crossing the Shawang River would go astray. Right now, this is a very difficult problem.

"If we go directly for the last one or two kilometers, we will be safe as long as we reach the shore. If we go all out at our speed, this one or two kilometers will not take much time at all." Zhang Xiaohou said.

Lin Ran agrees with Zhang Xiaohou's idea, the dark wolf has a lot of shadow abilities, many of these abilities are binding abilities, so they just ran forward, the low-level white sand demon soldiers here can't get rid of the darkness at all The bondage of the wolf.

At this time, Mo Fan slapped Zhang Xiaohou on the forehead, and he said cursingly: "Didn't you see the previous scene, when these white sand giants appeared, they were like impenetrable walls, enough to form a sand city .”

"Indeed, it's impossible to forcefully rush over there, and we still have to discuss it carefully." Zhao Manyan said.

"The creatures in the Sandy Sand River are actually not infinite. They just gather from a few kilometers around when they feel something stepping in here. That is to say, if we use some methods to give their attention to Lead them to other places, so that we can go forward smoothly for a certain distance without using the appeasement of the mind system, but the question is what method should we use to attract them, is it possible to stick one to another like Lingling did before? The bloody internal organs were thrown far away, I don't think the IQ of these white sand giants will be so low." Chen Ying said.

After discussion, everyone first came up with a solution, but of course they rejected Lin Ran's reckless proposal.

That is, a person with fast speed and strong dodging ability will leave the team first, and he will wake up the Baisha demon soldiers with a radius of several kilometers, wait until the large army has successfully moved forward for a certain distance, and then find a way to meet them come over.

It's just that it's very dangerous to do so, maybe the person who left the team didn't even have a chance to escape, and died tragically in the siege of the monster soldiers.

"I think it is very unrealistic for one person to attract the attention of the Giant White Sand. This person is dead, but since the Giant White Sand we will wake up is all the creatures within a few kilometers, then we should find a way to break them up That's right, all the white sand demon soldiers gather together and we don't even have a chance to fight back, but if we divide them into several groups, the fast and flexible ones can attract them first and lead them away, and those with strong defense ability can also attract a group of others. It takes time to fight with them there, and those with strong fighting ability will destroy the white sand giants in front of them as quickly as possible, and sweep out a passable road. Sister Xinxia's spiritual system magic can also appease a group of them, which can save a lot of mana energy .” Lingling said.

Everyone listened to the words of this think tank.They also nodded their heads.

It's too dangerous for one person to risk his life to attract those white sand demon soldiers, but it's better to use the strength of the whole team.

Dividing the Baisha demon soldiers into several groups will make it much easier for everyone to deal with, but everyone in this link has a arduous task, and there must be no mistakes. Once a person in one of the links makes a mistake or dies, the others will probably live too. It can't be done.

The white sand giants that everyone can deal with are limited, and even what everyone can deal with has exceeded the range that they can bear.

In any case, this plan is the most feasible. The more they get together, the more white sand giants will appear. The giant white sand swords of the sand soldiers are very powerful. Overwhelming.


"Why didn't Lin Ran speak?" Suddenly Chen Ying asked.

"Fuck!? Lin Ran's hair is attracting fire." Zhao Manyan noticed that Lin Ran was in the distance, and the white sand around him was wriggling. In an instant, dozens of white sand demon soldiers held up sand knives and slashed at Lin Ran. .

"Strong Fist Nine Palaces!!!"

Everyone heard Lin Ran's loud shout, and the next second, terrifying flames spewed out from the ground, destroying these poor Baisha demon soldiers in an instant, and Lin Ran's immortal fire swallowed up everything in these white sand demon soldiers , because high-level magic would frighten these white sand demon soldiers from coming out, so Lin Ran chose to use middle-level magic, so that these demon soldiers would not be frightened.

Zhao Manyan said, "Shall we help?"

"Why can you help? Let's leave quickly, Lin Ran will be fine." Lingling patted the Dark Wolf and said, "Let's cross here quickly."

The dark wolf rushed out in an instant, Zhang Xiaohou also used the wind track to speed up, Mo Fan summoned the Swift Star Wolf and took Bai Tingting to run forward quickly, Zhao Manyan and Chen Ying also used magic tools to speed up their speed speed.

Suddenly the fine white sand swirled, and a huge white sand giant rose up from the ground, and it swung a big knife and slashed at Lingling.

The dark wolf opened its mouth and a ball of dark energy directly pierced the white sand giant.

Mo Fan heaved a sigh of relief watching the giant white sand turn into sand.

"Damn it!!! There are more and more of these giant white sand generals." Zhao Manyan found that they were being surrounded. Once these giant white sand generals surrounded them, it would be a disaster.

"Wow~!" I heard the howl of the dark wolf, and then a large number of black shadow wolves rushed out from the shadow of the dark wolf, and these wolves defeated the giant general Baisha in an instant.

This pack of wolves completely prevented Baisha Jujiang from approaching everyone.

"Damn it! These shadow wolves are very powerful, and these giant white sand generals are no match at all." Zhang Xiaohou appeared next to Zhao Manyan and said, Lin Ran's strength is getting more and more abnormal.

Zhao Manyan looked at Zhang Xiaohou and said, "Let's escape from here as soon as possible. Is Lin Ran really okay?"

"Don't worry, Lin Ran takes his life very seriously when he gets up, so he only does things when he is sure, so don't worry." Zhang Xiaohou said.

"Yeah." Zhao Manyan didn't talk too much, he rushed forward at an extremely fast speed.

A few minutes later, everyone crossed the Wangsha River and came to the bank, and now there would be no white sand demon soldiers attacking them.

"Do we need to call him?" Chen Ying pointed to Lin Ran who was slaughtering the white sand demon soldiers in the Shawang River. In fact, Lin Ran was asked to attract firepower from the beginning. They might have been here long ago, wasting some time for nothing. .

"Take a rest." Mo Fan said.

(End of this chapter)

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