Before ascending to God, be a good lord

Chapter 454. 451. In the Great Forest

The time went back to July 7th. The ancestor of Rand, the wood elf princess Halkala, brought a group of juniors to Camp No. 17 of the Great Forest, which was the deepest advance camp in the Great Forest in the history of the Benma family.

Today's Camp No. 3 has undergone continuous transformation by Rand, and has undergone brand-new changes. It has formed an earth castle with a size of several thousand square meters. Inside the castle, there are small buildings built by Yishu to provide rest, and in the yard are all kinds of magic plants. nursery.

"Is this your deepest camp?" Halkara looked at everything in front of him, "This is too simple, too close to the edge, right?"

"No way, if it goes too deep, there will be powerful monsters to harass it." Kai said in a difficult way, "When we came to hunt with Totapala, we also used this as the starting camp."

"This distance is too far," the wood elf heard, "and aren't there all monsters below the intermediate level around here? What's so scary?"

"Ancestor, we also started to be less afraid of intermediate monsters this year." Luo Er, who accompanied him, whispered. In fact, the unscrupulous descendants of the Benma family were not afraid of junior monsters even this year. Even in September last year, they were still feared by now Rand's pet magic-striped tiger is running!

"If this is the case, we have to go a long way, but my magic power should be able to support it!" Harkala flew directly into the air at a height of 20 meters. Small white flowers and mushrooms were covered, the branches and leaves of the canopy above the path trembled slightly, and large swathes of sunlight fell down along the path.

"This is the path in the forest. If we walk along this path, we may have to travel all day!" The wood elf flew straight away without looking back.

"Follow!" Kai shouted to the people behind him, and then followed, a group of black-scaled horses galloped through the forest.

The forest path is the magic of the wood elves. There are almost no tree roots or boulders blocking the way. The surrounding trees have also put away their branches, and the monsters are completely unaware of the marching team.A group of people moved fast along the road, only taking a rest by a small lake in the evening.

The long journey made all the people who ran on the ground exhausted. After finally having a rest time, they began to eat and drink.Now there are many space rings in the territory, Kai, Wendy, Guleia, Tierney and others all wear space rings, so the entire team is composed entirely of cavalry and spare horses.

"I'm afraid this is the longest walk since we entered the Benma Plain last year." Luo Er sighed, "We have to go west for almost 50 kilometers, right?"

"It should be more than that," Wendy shook her head. "I used to hear that Rand ran 200 kilometers a day on a fire in his territory. I feel really tired after riding once today."

Tierney noticed that there seemed to be one person missing in the team, so he ran over and asked, "Have you seen Teacher Guleya?"

"She should go hunting." Kay said while feeding the magic-striped tiger, "Ms. Guleia said that she saw several relatively large dragon-type monsters nearby, and wanted to go and have a look."

As the only pilot in the team, Gu Leya has been wandering away from the team, checking the nearby herbivorous dragon beast species for a while, and going hunting for a while. In short, the magic power of the big forest is sufficient, which can threaten her species Too little, it is rare for the dragon girl to break away from the busy affairs of the school, and literally let herself fly and soar around.

"Ah, it's you!" The wood elf's voice came from the sky, "I remember you couldn't run 200 years ago, have you grown so big now?"

Halcala flew to a huge canopy and met a familiar magic plant. Dozens of ginseng, mandrake and mountain ginseng grew on her and jumped on her. The wood elf just wanted to talk to the plant. They beckoned, and the white goblin suddenly appeared from the backpack behind her, flew directly on the canopy of the tree and connected the plants to the wood elf one by one.

"Our ancestors have such..." Luo Er watched the magic plants lined up on the ground rushing towards the wood elves on the treetops, and felt a huge shock, and didn't even know how to describe it, "...the edge of plants? "

"It's nothing, look at the white magic goblin beside her, it's the proof of Mozhi's love for her"


"Roar~roar" In the depths of the distant forest, there was a loud noise. It was a roar that only high-level monsters could have. Countless birds flew up on the treetops, and the small beasts and monsters on the ground fled desperately, even The magic plants on the ground were also frightened and ran towards the lake.

"Ah, it looks like a very fierce guy." Harkara flew into the air and looked into the distance. "Let's continue on our way. We're only halfway there now. Take all these plants with you, I'm afraid They are in danger!"

Everyone heard the order from their ancestors and began to pack their luggage. Only Wendy felt that something was wrong, "If it is a ferocious high-level monster, will Gu Leiya be in danger?"

"Then why don't I go and have a look," Tierney said, and patted his mount, Fujikaze, "My horse can jump on the treetops, so it's more suitable for scouting in the forest."

"You're not suitable," Wendy shook her head, "I've basically reached a high level, it's safer for me to go."

"Then Kay will go with you!" the centaur girl beckoned.

After discussion, Wendy and Kay headed south, while the others followed the wood elves in the air and continued west.

"Roar~" The roar of the high-level monsters did not stop, but became louder and more intense. Even Wendy was riding on a rare black-scaled horse in the territory, and it was gradually affected and became slower and slower. .

"Wendy, your horse can't move anymore, you sit on me!" Kai said, looking at the horse that started to kick.

"Are you sure, although I'm not very heavy, but..." Wendy was a little embarrassed, not because she really felt that she was heavy, but because she was afraid that it would affect Kai's battle and retreat later.

"The human demon I defeated had a few great magic lines on it, and now my back is very strong," Kai directly hugged Wendy on the horse behind him, and then let the black scaled horse wait nearby.

About less than 5 kilometers south of the lake, a large area of ​​trees was knocked upside down. In the clearing, a giant dark green dragon beast was nestled among the dead leaves. The giant beast was no less than 15 meters long from head to tail. It is triangular in shape, with two rows of parallel triangular bone plates on the broad back behind the neck, and several bony spurs over half a meter across the 5 or 6 meter long tail.

In Lante's hometown, only fossils of this giant beast called Stegosaurus remained, but in the big forest, it was not a rare monster.Right now, this huge stegosaurus dragon has huge tooth marks on its multiple back plates, and several scratch marks with deep bone visible on its side body. These claw marks have destroyed the complex magic pattern on the dragon's body, making it difficult for a high-level monster to recover.

And the one that seriously injured a high-level monster was naturally another high-level monster not far away.

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