Before ascending to God, be a good lord

Chapter 684 Chapter 681 The New City-State 2

Chapter 684 681. The New City-State 2
The two big goblins were quarreling, which opened the eyes of several guests, especially Jenny Benma, who rarely saw two big goblins fighting like this.

"That's how they are," Neil said with a smile. "The instructors have been working here for the past two days, and they often bicker."

Several people got on a magic ladder and came to the above-ground part. The circular corridors and halls left over from the goblin era were completely restored, and a landscape water system was built in the central square area.

"In addition to the two goods entrances, there is also a hidden land entrance and underwater entrance to enter the ruins. The underwater entrance can directly lead to the living areas of the River and Sea tribes, and can also lead to the fountain pool outside."

"Wow!" Listening to Neil's introduction, Oshikaya Finless Porpoise opened her eyes wide and said cheerfully, "I must live here for a while after I'm done!"

A group of people walked through the circular corridor to the castle that originally belonged to the legendary goblin mage Mogluk. The grandeur of the castle and the exquisite magic patterns made Jenny and Oshikaya gasp in amazement.

"The ground floor here was originally a goblin processing room, but now it has been converted into a magic pattern repair, mechanical processing workshop, blacksmith shop, and potion workshop. The upper floor is a commercial and residential area," Neil led the two The lady visited and introduced, "The upper floor used to be the living area of ​​the upper goblins, but now it has been changed into an auction hall, banquet hall, and public restaurant."

"The shops here look more like storefronts facing the street!" Jenny ran into an empty shop and said with a smile when she saw that the so-called shop was just a room lacking a peripheral wall.

"Yes, the shops you see are all for small shops, and the shop of the chamber of commerce is still on the upper floor." Neil introduced with a smile, "Don't look at the distance between the business district and the warehouse, this relic The population in the mainland is not large, and the future is mainly to do transshipment trade. The shops themselves do not need to reserve a large storage area.

Several people walked up into a new passage, and they could see that there were already figures in several chambers of commerce. A few tusrusmen came out with twists and turns, saying hello to the pandaren who were eating bamboo shoots next to them.

"Some sea beasts and pandaren have settled here a few days ago." Neil greeted them and introduced to the ladies, "Our destination is in another building, which is a new addition to this ruins. architecture."

The Mogluke Ruins belonged to a sinkhole, the goblin castle was in one of the mountains, and the chamber of commerce was located on the hillside of the castle. Neil led a few people out of the castle and walked towards a surrounding mountain. On the mountain road, you can just see the landscape water system and square on the ground of the tiankeng below the mountain.

Five minutes later, the three of them entered another cave. The decoration here was obviously different from the goblin castle just now. It was a bit more luxurious than the human castle, and there were many gorgeous decorations that only the sea beasts had.

The three of them finally arrived at a restaurant, where they saw Rante Galloping Horse, Gulea Blue Dragon, Rousseff Vishideno Galloping Horse, "Blue Ivory" Haldera, and the legendary Pandaren Shu Yun and the legendary dragon priest Zhuleika Heryalai were eating together in the restaurant.

Beside the dining table, there is also a huge magic-patterned glass tank, in which there is a beluga whale less than two meters high, sticking its head out of the water, and taking a fish from Haldera's hand from time to time.

"Everyone is finally here!" Rant saw the arrival of Jenny Benma and Osikaya Finless Porpoise, and said with a smile, "Now I can announce to you the most important positioning of this future new city-state!"

Hearing what Rand said, the high-ranking and legendary people present all expressed their expectations, wanting to see why Rand invited them so kindly.

Lante looked at everyone's eyes and announced loudly: "In the future, this place will be used as a breeding base for rare monsters, as well as a breeding and recuperation center for those favored by beast gods!"

"Huh?" Upon hearing what Rand said, the first to be overwhelmed were Jenny Benma and Gulea Lanlong.

"Rand, are you... sure?" Jenny asked.

"Of course, in the past, the beast gods needed more orc tribes because the survival rate of the favored ones was too low, so they needed more sites to accommodate more favored ones," Lante explained with a smile,
"However, the existing technology, whether it is the technology of Rousseff's mentor or the midwifery spells we currently have, can greatly improve the survival rate of the favored ones, so the requirements of the beast gods for their favored ones may be more than It lies in surviving, and also in being able to thrive, learn to sacrifice to the gods, breed the family members of the beast gods, and even learn to manage their own tribe."

Lante walked up to Magister Rousseff, patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Mr. Rousseff has fully demonstrated in the past decades of practice that the medical and educational services for the dependents are very necessary and can greatly enhance the peace and prosperity of the region. Therefore, the future of this city-state is the best. The important duty is to serve all the orc tribes including the Shui tribe under the leadership of the mentor Rousseff, and Yeqi City will provide him with magic pattern equipment and magic furnace support."

When Lante finished speaking, everyone including Rousseff himself was silent. They were shocked by Lante's conception, they couldn't imagine that a great nobleman of the human race would actually say the words of serving the orcs in public.And it was after the orc king's court had already made clear its hostile attitude.

"Midwifery, education, recuperation?" Rousseff read Rand's words in a low voice, "Is there also a room for midwifery for aquatic orcs?"

Lan nodded: "Of course, there are 12 operating rooms in the entire recuperation area, 4 of which are for the use of aquariums, and there is a super large room that can supply members of the aquarium with a height of 20 meters for surgery. If necessary, future operations room can be doubled."

"So, if the orcs fight against you again in the future, they will be making trouble with the beast gods, right?" Zoraika also reacted and said in a low voice.

Lante made an innocent expression: "I don't want to be an enemy of the orcs, and I don't know why the royal court is so hostile to me. I don't even think that there are irreconcilable contradictions between the human race and the orcs."

Seeing that everyone stopped talking, Rand continued to introduce:
"In addition, although the main construction work of this city-state has been completed, considering the power of the magic furnace and the topography, some magic workshops can still be built here, and corresponding investment in the transformation of surrounding roads and rivers is required."

"I think a construction fund can be established under the leadership of Mentor Rousseff for the construction and maintenance of the city, and the main investors of the fund will also have priority access to medical services in the future."

"Huh?" Jenny thought for a while, and instantly realized that this was an excellent investment opportunity for the long-dormant Benma Fund.

"Rand, I think this fund can be slowed down," Rousseff said with concern, "Now that the army of the Royal Court has affected too many tribes and chambers of commerce, everyone will not be interested in this fund for a while."

Rousseff brought the topic back to the royal court of the orcs, causing the scene to fall into silence again.

"Blue Ivory" Haldera didn't care about the battles between Lant and the royal court at all. Seeing that no one was talking, he hurriedly said: "Master Lant, there are exactly 3 monsters in my city, and they are about to give birth." , can you let them live here?"

"Of course!" Lan nodded, "You can use the underwater channel or the teleportation circle!"

"Great, I'll make arrangements immediately, you and Instructor Rousseff must not leave! I'll inform them right away!" Haldera twisted and walked to the door, took out a magic mirror and followed Bray Contact Jacques City.

"Ah? I can move in here? Just wait... There are two pandas about to give birth in my place!" Zoraika also reacted and opened the portal directly.

(End of this chapter)

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