Before ascending to God, be a good lord

Chapter 934 9313 Fish Tavern

Chapter 934 931. Three-tailed Fish Tavern

The largest port in the Southeast Kingdom, Dovron Port, has docks lined up along the coast. On the shore side of the dock area, there is a three-story Three-tailed Fish Tavern. The pub provides low-priced bread during the day and even lower-priced ale at night. , you can stay here if you drink late. Workers on the dock, sailors, and merchants all like to come here to have a drink.

On the evening of January 998, 1, a tall woman wearing a black veil opened the door to the first floor of the tavern. As soon as she appeared, the noisy tavern suddenly fell silent for a moment.

"Find me a quieter place," the woman said casually and tossed a silver coin to the bartender.

"Ma'am, here is..." The bartender caught the silver coin and was about to make a joke, but found that the pattern of the silver coin was different from before, and a special-shaped relief could be touched on one side.

"It turns out that Madam wants to go to a quiet place. Please go to the third floor. There is a private room!"

The bartender winked at the short man at the top of the stairs, and the short man took the woman up the stairs. Sure enough, as soon as he climbed the stairs from the second floor to the third floor, all the noise was filtered by the silent magic pattern on the side wall. Lost.

After waiting for 10 minutes in a private room that could only accommodate two people, the woman heard a whisper in her ear.

"Whose sister are you from, and what heritage do you follow?"

The woman was not surprised at all by the whispers. She calmly drank a glass of low-quality ale, and then said slowly: "I used to be from Nikolagrad, and then I came to Dragon Tooth City. My name is Luwinika, and I am the power of distortion."

"Nikolagrad? Dragon Tooth City?" The whispering voice had a teasing tone, "I heard that a group of sisters were targeted by a certain big shot..."

Luwinika slowly poured the wine she was selling, with a smile on her lips: "Yes, it's us. We were first sent to the west of the Frostwolf Forest by Kirislav, and then the Beloved of the Magic Network captured them all in his territory. Within, all the magic network walkers among the sisters..."

"Oh?" The voice expressed doubt, "If even the Demon Network Walkers fail to escape, you may be..."

"You should have heard of the 'Great Gatsby', right? It was he who brought us to Dragon Tooth City." Luwinika shook her head and asked, "I remember he assured us at that time that he had learned from that big shot. We were redeemed, and if we helped his family work for one night, we would be free."

"It seems that the rumors are true. The big shot didn't kill all the witches."

Finally, Luwinika drank the remaining ale in one gulp, her eyes full of bitterness: "It's true that we didn't kill everyone, but as soon as we arrived at Dragon Tooth City, Gatsby died, and a dozen of us became lonely souls again. ghost."

The voice was silent for a long time before asking: "What a pity. Is there anything we can do about your visit this time?"

"Of course, I need you to help me take care of someone. Only when this person is gone can we be truly free."

Hearing this, the voice suddenly reminded: "Luwinika, I told you in advance that we can't deal with the magic network."

"Of course not, I have already escaped once, there is no need to drag others to death." Luwinika shook her head, "But I need you to help me deal with Gatsby's successor, a high-ranking knight named Antreq. "


Lu Weinica said: "He took over all Gatsby's accounts and relationships, and now holds our life and death, there are dozens of gray potion that go to various places, and in his hands." ..." There was hesitation in his voice.

Luwinika did not panic, but took out a piece of paper and waved it in the air: "He has received instructions from the master of Yeqi City to trace the whereabouts of those gray potions. The largest area is the Southeast Kingdom, also It’s in your hands.”

The voice was silent again for a while before saying, "Okay, what do you want to do?"

A smile appeared on Luwinika's lips, and she took out another piece of paper and put it on the table: "It's very simple. I know that there are several caravans here recently that are going to Yeqi City via Dragon Tooth City. We can go there together. Dragon Tooth City will cooperate with us."

"Indeed," the voice paused and continued, "Even if you don't come today, we will indeed go there, but since you are here, we can talk more about the details, such as what resources you have in Dragon Tooth City , maybe our connection in the future can be closer!"

"Great!" Luwinika smiled, "I knew I was right to find you!"


The door on the first floor of the Three-tailed Fish Tavern was opened by a man in a gray coat. The bartender stretched his head to look for a long time, only to realize that he was a regular customer.

"Sir Tony! Are you here?" The bartender took a silver coin that Tony flew over and said flatteringly.

"I want a room with a big bathtub," Tony said casually,

"No problem, don't worry!" The bartender smiled and nodded, showing an "I understand" expression on his face, and led Tony to the first floor of another small building.

This building is the guest room of the tavern. The rooms on the first floor are all 4 meters high. The bartender opened the room that belonged to Tony. When he opened the door, he could see that there was a 5-meter-square bed in the huge room. Next to the bed, there is a large 20-meter long bath.

"Baron, your room has arrived!" The bartender did not enter the room, but even outside the door, he could see that the depth of the bath was different, leaning toward the side of the wall or even bottomless.

After entering his room, Tony entered the bathtub without hesitation and let his body lie in the shallow water.

Soon, Tony felt the water surging beside him. A pair of slender hands hugged him to the side of the deep water. He felt the softness of two water balloons on his back, and a music-like sound came from his ears.

"My Viscount Tony? How is it? Any news?"

"Of course Levni," Neil did not open his eyes, but just relaxed his muscles and silently felt the feeling coming from his legs, "I can tell you with certainty that the owner of Yeqi City in the Galloping Horse Plains - —King Lant Galloping Horse, not only did he have a truce with the orcs, but he also maintained good relations with the various castles in Hindukel."

"Very good?" The female voice paused for a moment, and the delicate fish tail tightened slightly, "We made friends just after the truce?"

"Yes..." Tony gasped obviously, and the faint breath coming from his ears made him even more excited, "Yes! Many nobles are also very strange, thinking... thinking that he is originally..."

"Just colluding with the orcs?" The right hand of the mermaid named Leifni lightly locked on Tony's neck, and in conjunction with the contraction of her tail fin, Tony Donner Galloping Horse in her arms felt a spasm.

(End of this chapter)

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