Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 107 The Return of the King

Chapter 107 The Return of the King

With a flash of white light, Mo Fei and Emperor Xuan appeared at the same time in the mountains covered by ancient forests, in the ruins of a dilapidated ruin.

Surrounded by dense and ancient trees, the sunlight shines through the gaps between the tree crowns, making it very private.

The moment he landed, Mo Fei felt his stomach tumbling.

Wow!He actually vomited out all the grilled fish he ate before, and a sign representing dizziness appeared on his head.

The teleportation process was really uncomfortable. After playing the game for so long, it was the first time for Murphy to teleport in the game. It was really uncomfortable.

He shook his head, trying to recover from the dizziness.

Wang Xuan was at the side, but his face was speechless, "I'll go, your physique is so low, you can't even resist the vertigo judgment of a teleportation spell."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "I haven't increased my physical fitness, it's still the 10 points when I was born."

Wang Xuan (Holy Envoy of the God Realm): "Wo Cao, how much blood do you have?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "1200."

Wang Xuan (Holy Envoy of the God Realm): "1200 blood? How dare you carry a legendary plot weapon around with only 1200 blood? Damn, if I had known, I wouldn't have entrusted Deathwing to you!" , only one thousand and two blood, what if you die? You should add some stamina, at least raise your blood bar a little bit, if you meet a world-class big boss with your small body, I'm afraid you will be killed in seconds Ah, I don't even have time to drink the blood bottle.

It doesn't matter if you die, if Deathwing is gone, my God..."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "You think I don't want to point it. There are only so many attribute points for character upgrades. Of course, it's time to learn skills and get equipment. Blood bars don't matter. I'm an expert. Do masters understand, as long as you don’t get hit to the blood, you are not afraid, besides, you forced Deathwing to me back then, and I didn’t ask you.”

What he said was so straightforward that Wang Xuan was completely speechless.

Wang Xuan (Sacred Envoy of the God Realm): "Okay, you are awesome, hey, this is for you, take it quickly, at least it will make the blood bar longer." Wang Xuan took a ring from his hand and threw it away. Gave it to Murphy.

Mo Fei took it and took a look, and it turned out to be a small best.

[Life Ring +3 (Accessory/Epic)

Equipment: Increase the upper limit of health by 10%.

Item introduction: A ring made of mysterious red gemstones, which can increase the upper limit of blood volume. It is said that it is a crystal formed by the blood of Notina, the goddess of life. Although the authenticity of the legend has long been unverifiable, the life contained in it The power is real. 】

At first, Murphy thought it was some great thing, but when he saw the attributes, he curled his lips.

"You are also an envoy of the God Realm, so just give me this crap? Just one."

Wang Xuan stared, "Then why do you still want a divine weapon?"

Murphy nodded, "I won't refuse either."

Wang Xuan (Sacred Envoy of the God Realm): "Go away, think that this game is developed by my family, these equipments are all the best items that I managed to collect by the way when I was working, this ring can be sold at the auction It's several thousand yuan, don't give it to me."

"No, no, no, I didn't say no."

As Murphy said, he put the ring on his hand directly. This kind of equipment with a percentage increase in blood volume will become more valuable in the later stages.

Ye Fu (black young dragon): "I said, are you finished?"

It was only then that Mo Fei noticed that there was a black young dragon hiding in the shadow of the ruins and staring at the two of them. It was obviously the informant that Wang Xuan had mentioned.

It seems that Emperor Xuan's teleportation ability must be anchored by someone before it can be used.

This young black dragon has fine and shiny black scales, but its head is not like a lizard like that of ordinary black dragons. Instead, it has a round head and round head, and its eyes are round and wide open. It looks very cute. It has a Disney style.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Fuck me, what kind of black dragon are you?"

This black young dragon looks cute, but the essence of the old driver is exposed with just one mouthful.

Ye Fu (black young dragon): "Hahaha, this is my exclusive skin, the only one in the whole game, how cool is it, let me tell you that girls now eat this set, cute ones like me Baby Long goes out to pick up girls, one picks up every time, if you take her to the sky for a few laps, make her happy, then ask her out later, know."

Murphy was shocked when he heard that, "Oh shit, why didn't I know that this game still has skins for sale?"

Ye Fu (black young dragon): "Of course I didn't sell this. This is my part-time job reward. It belongs to the employee's internal benefits."

It turns out that's the case, Mo Feixin said it was right, I haven't asked for the reward yet, the work I do is much more difficult than this one, I must blackmail Wang Xuan well later, I can't let him just send him off with a broken ring .

"Then what did Wang Xuan give you back?"

Seeing that the two were about to reveal each other, Wang Xuan hurriedly stopped their communication.

Wang Xuan: "Stop, stop, stop the ink, how is the Black Dragon Legion going?"

Ye Fu: "What else can I do? They are still confronting each other. I don't think it will be over for a while."

Wang Xuan: "It's fine if you don't start the fight, wait until I see the scene." With a wave of his hand, he didn't know what kind of magic was used, and a magical picture appeared in front of the eyes of the two of them.

The place shown on the screen is the Obsidian Temple. Thousands of black dragons can be seen hovering over the temple. These black dragons are clearly divided into three camps.

A group led by Nefarian, surrounded by several huge high-level black dragon lords and ancient black dragons, and hundreds of adult dragons, young dragons, and young dragons, looked menacing.

The other group is headed by Murphys, and also gathered several black dragon lords, Telho Larsen, Summerfield, Agnes, oh, Onyxia is also there, and there are also hundreds of people gathered around. black dragon.

Although the average size of the several lords is slightly weaker, there are more in number, especially the leader Murphys is quite large, compared with the smaller Nefarian in the group of ancient dragons on the opposite side. sharp contrast.

The rest were dominated by Sartario, who were all lying on the platform of the temple to watch the excitement. Sartario was also lying on the platform, lazily watching the two groups of black dragons confronting each other outside. Close to yourself.

Murphy was a little annoyed when he saw it. Although he was no longer in the Black Dragon Legion, it was the place where he had dedicated his youthful blood, so he still had some feelings.

This old wretch didn't even come out to preside over the overall situation. Seeing the Black Dragon Legion split, it's too irresponsible...

But Murphy can also understand that although Sartario is an ancient black dragon, he is of the same generation as Deathwing, and they are both veterans of the dragon clan who have participated in the War of the Ancients, but his personality is too soft, and Deathwing is usually too aggressive. Being too domineering made him dare not push himself forward in everything, and he couldn't control the situation at all.

Looks like it's time for me to show up!A thought suddenly popped up in Murphy's mind.

Wang Xuan heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that scene, fortunately, at least the fight has not started yet, there is still time.

Wang Xuan (Holy Envoy of the God Realm): "Remember, don't kill Nefarian after you go, he has several quest lines waiting in the third stage of the game, Onyxia can't die either, she I still have to harm the Stormwind Kingdom, and Sartario can’t die, he is the default final boss of the copy of the Obsidian Temple.”

Ye Sha wondered from the side: "There is no copy in the Obsidian Temple?"

Wang Xuan (Holy Envoy of the God Realm): "Hehe, there will be some in the future. If you step up to improve your strength now, you might be able to become a boss at that time. As for the other black dragon lords, it doesn't matter, they don't matter." Whatever the role of the plot, if there is some accident in the fight, it is acceptable for a few to die, of course, it is better not to die if you can not die, you can decide for yourself."

"What about Murphy?" Murphy asked suddenly. At first, he was a little concerned about Murphy. After all, the character he had practiced came to life, and his feelings were quite subtle.

Secondly, Murphy always thinks that Murphys should be a special existence, and maybe something amazing will happen to him. After all, the player's character comes alive by himself, and it feels like a plot in a sci-fi movie. Coupled with the game company's weird handling of this matter later, Murphy always felt that there was some conspiracy involved.

He looked at Wang Xuan, hoping to see some reaction from the other party's face.

But Wang Xuan just shrugged his shoulders, "Morpheus, just don't target it too much, and don't need to care too much about it, let it develop freely.

What you really need to pay attention to is that your words and deeds must conform to the positioning of the role, but don't make a show. Those black dragon lords are all NPCs with high IQ, and they are all very shrewd. If you find something wrong with your situation Flaws, who knows what the consequences will be.

If they think you are a fake and attack you in groups, or if they have doubts about your identity, and then do something else, then there will only be more and more bugs in this game.

The main plot is completely out of control, so you can play it freely, but you must control it well. Alas, I still think you should write a script or something. This is not a joke. "

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Ah, ah, ah, don't worry about my work, and I promise to play in my true colors. By the way, why are my skills still not unlocked?"

Wang Xuan (Holy Envoy of the God Realm): "It can only be unlocked if you enter the scope of the plot event, let's get closer."

Together, the two of them walked towards the Obsidian Temple. The closer they were to the Obsidian Temple, the stronger the anticipation and excitement in Mo Fei's body, as if some kind of power was eager to break through the shackles, and left. After a few minutes of work, when the towering dome of the Obsidian Temple could be seen from a distance, the sound of the system finally sounded in Murphy's ears.

[System prompt: The plot event [Return of the King] is triggered, and your identity in this plot event is judged as [The Returning King].

Plot introduction: Due to the disappearance of Deathwing, a split occurred within the Black Dragon Legion, and the split eventually turned into a struggle. The black dragon prince Nefarian and the ancient black dragon Murphys both tried to seize the ruling power of the Black Dragon Legion. A bloody dragon civil war is about to begin. At this critical moment, the long-lost Deathwing suddenly reappeared...]

[System prompt: Your plot skill, [Death Wing's Seal of God: Unseal] is ready to use. 】

Waiting for this moment.

Murphy took a deep breath.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Seal and the dark power in my body, and the ancient will that resides in my body, in the name of Aidan, release your seal!"

(End of this chapter)

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