Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 146 God Granted Skills

Chapter 146 God Granted Skills

Tianxiu: "That's right, of course I belong to the King's Faction. I'm an illegitimate child, and the Lich King won't be able to take my turn, and even if the Lordaeron Empire is established, the more than 70 princes and princesses have long since given up their money." What can I do with an illegitimate child?
So the best choice is to hang out with Alsace, illegitimate children also have the benefits of illegitimate children, after all, if everyone is a prince, it is not easy to put down face and seek refuge with a 12-year-old little brother, but I am not a prince, so naturally I don’t have this aspect concerns.

So now I have a good relationship with him, this time he specially chose me to accompany him when he went to Stormwind City.

When he becomes the Lich King in the future, I can be one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse at the latest. It would be much better not to have a court swordsman. "

Mo Feixin said that your idea is good, and it has a high possibility of success.

Aidan: "What's up with that Morgan Lisa?"

Tianxiu: "That woman is a lunatic, she doesn't think about any faction at all, she just wants to study magic and challenge powerful enemies, but she has a good relationship with Alsace, so this time she also followed."

Aidan: "Hehe, does this woman sound interesting?"

Tianxiu: "Interesting? Hehe, not only interesting, but also sick. This woman actually thinks that this game is so real. Maybe the magic in the game can really be practiced in reality, so she collects all kinds of magic spells every day when she has nothing to do. She has received a lot of information about mysterious rituals, especially the task of destroying cults, and she has not completed a few of them. She has learned a lot about cult rituals. .”

Murphy's heart was shocked. He didn't expect that he was not the only one who had similar thoughts.

He had such thoughts because of the success of Murphys and the Dragon Feast Ceremony, but he didn't know why this woman had similar thoughts.

Murphy occasionally wanted to chat with Morgan Lisa, but this woman had been offline since she got on the boat.

I didn't see him for a few days.

In this suspicious atmosphere, King's Harbor of the Stormwind Kingdom arrived.

Seeing the open pier in King's Harbor in the distance, Murphy took a deep breath, Stormwind City—here I come.

The fleet slowly sailed into the port, and several battleships from the Kingdom of Stormwind half seemed to greet them, and half seemed to follow behind on guard.

The artillery in the port fired a 24-round salute to welcome, and the battleship also saluted.

Soon Murphy took everyone off the boat, and immediately the officials in charge of the port came out to greet them. When they learned that the special envoys of the Kingdom of Alterac and the Kingdom of Lordaeron had arrived, they hurriedly reported to the palace and asked everyone to wait at the port. Fix that a little bit.

Murphy was not surprised by this. The visit of this kind of special envoy at the national level must have a welcome ceremony and a special reception staff.

It is impossible for them to enter the city directly in such a daze.

He wandered around the port, and suddenly found a temple of the God of Storms.

Aidan: "Don't worry, I'll go to the Temple of Storms first, and thank Annolos for his blessing along the way."

He let the others rest first, and walked into the Temple of Storms by himself.

The Temple of Storms in Stormwind City is quite grand in scale. It is located on a coast near the sea not far from the port. It seems that its status is only slightly inferior to the Temple of the Holy Light Church.

The relationship between Stormwind City and the Temple of Storms is quite wonderful. It is said that the founder of the Storm Knights was once a believer of the God of Storms. There are still many members of the Knights from the Church of the Storm God in the Knights. Even the name of the Knights are all related.

Murphy walked into the temple, explained his purpose, and was immediately led into a prayer room.

After the priest left, Murphy prayed in a low voice in front of the statue.

"Annolos, God of Storms, I have completed your mission, please pass on your wisdom to me."

As soon as Mo Fei finished speaking, a list of redeemable god-given skills immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

Mo Fei heaved a sigh of relief. He originally thought that something was going to happen, but it seems that the gods still keep their word.

Generally speaking, under normal circumstances, completing this kind of god quest will directly reward a skill scroll. As for what skills can be unlocked, it depends entirely on luck.

Murphy is a special case this time, and he can choose freely, which can be described as a wonderful opportunity.

The God of Storm mainly controls the two fields of storm and thunder, so the skills are mainly based on these two factions.

Among them, divine arts are the main ones, and combat skills are relatively less, and magic is even less.

Murphy silently browsed the divine arts, combat skills and magic that could be learned.

Storm Spear, Storm Blade, Wind Walk, Storm Strike, Summon Tornado, Summon Wind Elemental, Hurricane Armor...

Incarnation of Thunder, Thunder Gun, Thunderbolt, Thunder Storm, Chain Lightning, Lightning Bolt...

There are quite a lot of skills that can be learned, but Mo Fei is not picky. First of all, he needs to get rid of all magic and magic. He is a force-sensitive number, and he also needs to add physical endurance. Attributes such as intelligence and spiritual perception are definitely impossible. Taiga, no matter how good the spell skills are, it's useless.

However, there are still many combat skills.

Murphy thought about it for a while, and he still needs a movement skill first, like Fearless Slash, so it is very practical whether it is running or cutting the back row.

The biggest fear of melee occupations against legal occupations is that they cannot get close to the opponent's body.

Among the skills bestowed by the gods, Murphy took a fancy to two skills, Wind Walk and Storm Strike.

Wind Walk: Increase your movement speed by 50% for 30 seconds. During this period, your physical collision volume will be reduced by 50%, and your next attack will gain additional speed damage bonus.

Storm Strike: With the help of the power of the storm, rise into the air and launch a surprise attack on a long-distance target from the air. When it lands, it will have a knockback effect on the enemies around the target.

To choose one of the two, Mo Fei chose Storm Strike as his dashing skill after a little consideration. The instant displacement effect is definitely better than running away. This Wind Walk has no invisibility effect. high use.

This thing is basically a storm-enhanced version of Fearless Slash. It not only jumps farther, but also brings a group knockback effect when it lands, making it easier to behead in melee.

Murphy also found two good choices for the second skill.

Hurricane Armor: You are surrounded by a violent hurricane for 30 seconds. During this period, enemies within 5 yards around you will be affected by a continuous deceleration effect, and any long-range physical attack targeting you will be deflected. The influence of the oblique effect.

Incarnation of Thunder: Your body is filled with the power of thunder, which lasts for 30 seconds. During this period, your physical attacks will cause an additional 55 points of lightning damage to the hit target, and there is a 33% chance to trigger a paralysis effect.

Both skills are status skills, one for defense and one for attack.

After hesitating for a moment, Murphy chose the hurricane armor this time. This skill is very effective against both melee and long-range enemies.

In contrast, although the sound and light effect of Thunder Avatar is cool, his eyes are glowing with lightning, his body is glowing with lightning, and he looks like Thor, but it is not very practical to be honest. His current melee attack damage is already high enough. The extra 55 points of lightning damage is better than nothing. As for the paralysis effect... If something as big as the dragon-slaying giant sword is slashed on a person, there is a high probability that it will be able to hit a stiff effect. This short-term paralysis effect is also a bit redundant.

After selecting the two skills, the list in front of him immediately disappeared, and a gust of wind surrounded him, circling, making melodious and pleasant wind sounds, refreshing his body and mind for a moment, and a stream of invisible knowledge poured into his mind, and he mastered it instantly. How to use these two skills.

Is this a god-given skill?Hehe, it's quite convenient.

Murphy was quite happy in his heart.

Turn around and leave the prayer room.

When he left the Temple of Storms and returned to the waiting area at the port, the people sent by Stormwind City also arrived.

Anduin Lothar (Head of the Storm Knights): "Welcome to Stormwind City, may I ask if you are..."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "I am Prince Aidan from Alterac, and these two are my elder brothers, Prince Sigret and Prince Dalabonba.

This is the special envoy from Lordaeron, Prince Arthas, this is Princess Morgan Lisa, and Prince Muradin Bronzebeard of Ironforge, we accept the invitation of Stormwind City to attend the alliance meeting and investigate the The matter of the orc invasion. "

Anduin Lothar (Head of the Storm Knights): "Ah, welcome. It is a great honor to witness your arrival. On behalf of King Lane, I welcome you all. Please come with me, everyone. Most of the alliance's special envoys have already We have arrived, and now only the elves of Quel'Thalas have not yet arrived, so I will take everyone to the palace to stay and wait for the meeting to start."

(End of this chapter)

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