Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 169 Karazhan Hero Club

Chapter 169 Karazhan Hero Club
boom!Deathwing's huge body crashed to the ground, crushing dozens of towering giant trees.

As soon as Murphy landed, he immediately changed back to his human form.

Now the weird whispering sound finally disappeared.

"Huh, it's finally over."

He was lying on the open space, thinking to himself, your sister, this job is too fucking difficult, no, I have to ask Wang Xuan for some benefits later.

Or let's hand over Deathwing, whoever he likes to find to play the role.

Isn't it good to be your own prince honestly?

But when he thought of handing over such a powerful force before he had time to feel good about it, he was a little unwilling.

Why don't you take the black dragon army to fight some bosses and farm some artifacts while you can still transform.

It's best to kill two guardian dragons and dig out two dragon hearts, then I won't take this job in vain.

But when he thought about those requirements of Emperor Xuan, these giant guardian dragons had a role to play and couldn't be killed casually, he became annoyed for a while.

Damn, you can't kill this one, and you can't kill that one, can it be so rigid to play a game?

So what if I just kill him?There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, the plot can always be made up, even if he really kills him, what else can he do to himself?
Murphy's mind was still in a mess, and Deathwing's furious emotions still affected him. He tried his best to calm himself down and not make a hasty decision. Perhaps it was the whispers that made his thoughts uncontrollable.

He was thinking vigilantly in his heart, but there was a voice in his heart that said - that's exactly what you want, don't make excuses all the time, Murphy, don't you want that powerful power?The power that can be displayed in reality, go swallow it, swallow the dragon heart of the guardian dragon, that will definitely allow you to truly obtain superpowers, while you can still use Deathwing.

Just as he was thinking about it, a sound of hoofbeats brought him back to his senses.

Turning around, I saw a team of more than 50 adventurers passing by, all of them were high-end players of forty or fifty levels, and the leader stopped his horse immediately when he saw him.

Daqingshan (Paladin): "Hey friend in front, is Karazhan going that way?"

Murphy nodded, "That's right, what are you guys going to Karazhan for?"

"Of course I'm going to brush a copy."

"Get a dungeon?" Murphy was a little confused. Does Karazhan have a dungeon?Why doesn't he know.

"Haha, brother, you don't know yet. Karazhan created a dungeon yesterday. It is said that it was caused by the plot of Medivh's blackening. Now all the high-end teams of the big guilds are going to Karazhan. I thought about it and took it with me. Brothers, let's go and see if we can mix up some equipment before the plot event is over. Even if we can't clear the dungeon, we can kill the explosive equipment from the previous bosses.

Stop talking, brothers can't wait, goodbye. "

As soon as he spoke, a group of adventurers rushed to Karazhan.

Murphy couldn't help feeling interested.

Anyway, he has nothing to do for the time being, so he just went to watch the excitement.

He summoned his mount and galloped in the direction of Karazhan. It was not far from Karazhan, and within half an hour he could see the towering spire of Karazhan.

Seeing that they arrived in Karazhan, there was a sea of ​​people here, probably hundreds or thousands of people, all gathered in the small town outside Karazhan.

This town was built around Karazhan, and the people living in it are basically the family members of Karazhan’s servants and maids. According to the predetermined historical trick, when Medivh was killed, the terrifying magic power released by him Will kill everyone here.

But now the killer team led by Lothar is still on the way, so there are still some living residents in the town.

It's just that compared to adventurers, it's almost negligible.

There are too many adventurers, the bustling crowd, dozens of people are divided into different gathering areas, almost all of them are above level [-], there is no shortage of people at level [-], and there are even some top-level people at level [-] player.

There are also many players on the commercial route, mingling with the crowd, soliciting business.

"Sell healing potions, healing potions are cheaper."

"Equipment enchantment, flame blade hardware, frost blade eight gold, magic armor 20 gold full set, hurry up."

"Grandmaster chefs sell top-notch dishes, with added strength, resistance, agility, and various attributes. On-site cooking is absolutely fresh and long-lasting."

"Repair equipment, repair equipment cheaply."

"The magic scrolls are on sale, and there are all kinds of buff magic, everyone come and buy them."

Murphy was stunned and wondered why there were so many people. He casually pulled a passerby, "What's going on?"

"You still don't know? Karazhan opened the dungeon."

Murphy looked towards the gate of Karazhan, and sure enough, a dungeon light curtain appeared at the main entrance of Karazhan.

"This dungeon was opened yesterday. According to the analysis of professionals in the forum, it should be caused by the plot of Medivh's blackening. After Medivh's blackening, he will naturally become a BOSS.

The place where he lives will naturally become a dungeon. Judging from the plot, he will soon be killed by the assassination team led by the Duke of Lothar. Now the Duke of Lothar is bringing people here.

However, as long as the Duke of Lothar has not arrived, the player of this instance can brush first.

In order to be able to brush for a few more days, the major guilds have sent people to stop the Duke of Lothar from delaying the time, so that at least one week can be played for this dungeon. This is a time-limited out-of-print dungeon, and it will be gone after this week .

Of course, everyone should brush up a few more while the dungeon is still there. "

Speaking of this, the man suddenly showed a mysterious expression, "And I know some inside information, do you want to hear it." He rubbed his fingers together.

Murphy knowingly threw a gold coin over.

The man whispered: "Now all the guilds have arrived, and many heroes have also come. Everyone wants to intercept the national team and win the plot."

Murphy was taken aback. The national team naturally refers to the Duke of Lothar's team. This is the key figure appointed by the official plot to kill Medivh. Is this thing even a joke?

"Think about it, Medivh is definitely going to die, but why do you have to wait until the Duke of Lothar brings someone to kill him? Everyone is a hero and a plot character. Why can't we players do it ourselves? And then But Medivh, with so many good things in his hand, even artifacts, if he can get the plot kill, then he will definitely give it away.

So I guess, the major guilds are definitely going to attack Medivh, the question now is who has the ability to win this plot. "

Murphy was inexplicably admired, and said to himself that there is still such an operation. This kind of thing is really not impossible, but it is only possible. What strength can be won.

Although there were a few players participating in the game the day before yesterday, Aegwynn led the team himself. If Aegwynn didn't make a move, a few gold-ranked heroes would be enough.

Now the strongest among the player heroes is probably the gold rank hero.

"Who is coming in now?"

"There isn't a single one, and now it's all adventurers walking the road ahead, clearing the dungeon of normal difficulty, how could those heroes end up rashly, they must wait until the adventurers have fully explored the skills of the BOSS before making a move.

Now everyone is waiting here. "

Mo Fei looked into the crowd, and sure enough, he saw many heroes discussing something.

Tiandao Guild, Ragnarok Guild, Qingyang Empire Guild, almost all the top guilds in the game have come.

Even Murphy saw two acquaintances, the God of the Dark Night and the Excalibur of the Dawn.

These two are the 'sons' of Midnight Dharma God and Dawn Excalibur, and they have inherited some of their father's inheritance and honors. character, or use the name of a god as the character name.

Murphy of the Tiandao Guild also dealt with each other. He saw the sword master named Ye Tiandi, and a mage named Han Laomo.

The Qingyang Empire is also full of masters...

Mo Feixin said that there are quite a few masters, and if they enter the arena together, there is really no chance. He took out the mysterious man's cloak and put it on himself, and walked over, just in time to see the excitement.

Ye Tiandi looked at the crowd around him and frowned.

"What's the matter, Lao Ye, afraid of being cut off?" Han Laomo asked casually while drinking the rum provided by the tavern.

"Hmph, how could this group of rubbish win Medivh? I'm just a little worried, whether such a big movement will attract official action. If Lothar arrives early, we will be out of the game."

"Don't worry, all the major guilds have sent people to delay the time, to ensure that the people of Lothar will not be able to arrive within a week, hahaha, those idiot princes and princesses thought they could get plot points by mixing with the plot characters, I want to fart.

This time, let them know what a real strong man is. By the way, we have to break through the ranks. "

The higher the level of a hero, the less plot points they get, but more and more plot points are needed to upgrade. Nowadays, it is very difficult for them to increase their level by doing tasks. Only major events like the assassination of Medivh , it is possible to reach the sky in one step.

"[The Book of Medivh] is an artifact, and if my guess is correct, it is likely to be a special treasure that can trigger the mission of the original plot. We must get it this time."

"Come out, someone has come out."

I saw the light curtain of the dungeon fluctuate, and the figure of a short dwarf walked out from the gate of the dungeon.

Black Shadow (Rogue) Level: 69.
"Wo Cao, level 69 big thief, is it real or not?"

"It's too exaggerated."

The adventurers all exclaimed, and the black shadow looked at everyone proudly, "I have figured out the first three bosses in the dungeon, does anyone want to buy information?"

(End of this chapter)

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