Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 244 The Return of Destiny

Chapter 244 Return of Destiny

After resting on the ground for a while, he waited for the cooling time of the potion to drink another bottle, and Murphy's blood volume finally returned to a healthy state.

He stood up from the ground, looking at the deep and dark abyss of rock around him, and the huge dome made of sea water above his head.

He could even faintly see huge fish and sea beasts swimming slowly above his head.

This miraculous scene is really spectacular, but unfortunately the light is too dark to see clearly. If there is light, it will be even more amazing.

This area is obviously currently unknown and no players have arrived here.

In fact, if Murphy remembered correctly, there didn't seem to be such a map in the map options for creating monster characters.

In other words, it is very likely that this is the first time a player has visited here.

"What should we do now? Will Deathwing die?" Murphy asked curiously, looking at Deathwing's lifeless body not far away.

If Deathwing died, wouldn't there be another guardian dragon's heart to touch?
Wang Xuan glanced at him, "Don't think about it, Deathwing is different from Malygos, Malygos doesn't have many roles, and he will die sooner or later, if he dies early, he will die, but death Wings will be the version boss in the future.

After a few seconds, Deathwing's eyes snapped open again.

The fierce roar of the dragon echoed in the empty rocky wasteland.

Here is an entrance leading to the abyss. If Deathwing lies here for a few years, he will definitely be completely controlled by the power of the ancient gods. At that time, he will become an extremely terrifying monster.

Under the fury of Qi, Deathwing managed to lift up one of his paws, and Murphy hurriedly backed away in fright. Fortunately, the paw immediately fell to the ground again, and more blood gushed out of the wound. With Deathwing's blood volume, he entered the dying state again.

As he spoke, he lifted the soul stone high, squeezed it hard, and with a click, the soul stone was broken into countless pieces, and Neltharion's phantom flew out of the soul stone, towards the body of the dying black dragon, directly into it.

Deathwing barely turned his head, and sure enough, he saw Malygos's huge corpse lying on the ground not far away, the blue blood was glowing with fluorescence, and a big hole had been dug out in his chest.

You were stuck in the Alterac Mountains before, and now you are back on track, so stop struggling and complete your mission with peace of mind. "

abyss! ?Mo Fei's heart moved. This map is called Abyss of Deep Rocks. From the name, it is obvious that it has some connection with the abyss. Moreover, when he fell just now, he also clearly felt the influence of the ancient gods become stronger.

Murphy showed a surprised expression, "Oh, look, why are you angry? Quality, quality, the majestic king of the black dragon, the guardian of the earth, you need to open up the structure, and you call him a brother? Then you still call his wife I was killed. I didn't do this for you. This guy kept saying he wanted revenge on you. I solved the hidden danger for you in advance. It's fine if you don't thank me, but you still scold me. Do you have any conscience? "

Just lie down for a few years, and Deathwing will come out again.

Wang Xuan!Aidan!You two despicable ants, when I return, you will perish!I will avenge you in a way you can't even imagine, I swear on my soul - yell! "

Mo Fei tentatively asked, "An ancient god?"

"I'm sorry for what happened before, but I think you already know that this is your destiny, you are destined to be corrupted by the power of the ancient gods, to become the Destroyer of Destiny, the terminator of all things, of course, in the end Will be defeated by heroes.

But this is not something you need to consider, and naturally someone will take on this task. "

Murphy smiled in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, Lord Nelthario, I had a fight with the other four dragon kings before, so it ended like this - it's all my fault.

The eyes were full of anger and pain.

As Wang Xuan said, he took out Deathwing's soul stone from his bag, shook the soul stone in front of his eyes, and showed a mean smile at Neltharion's soul inside: "Hey, buddy, Guess what, you're lucky today, and I'm going to set you free soon."

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "You lowly ant, vicious insect, you killed my brother and tarnished my wisdom, which shouldn't have happened."

Wang Xuandao: "That's right, it's the ancient god, do you know about the abyss?"

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "What did you do? Why do I feel like my body is being torn apart?"

But you don't have to worry, I definitely didn't take your name into account, and those guys didn't please me, look over there, Malygos was killed by me, how about it, I didn't insult your reputation Bar. "

Murphy was surprised: "Could it be that this leads to the abyss?"

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "No! Never! Now that I have known the trap of fate, I will never repeat the same mistakes. I will control my own destiny. I will resist the erosion of darkness. No one can control it. I, I will return to the dragon army and tell my brothers and sisters the truth, and I will become the leader of the dragon army again!

Of course he will not die. Deathwing is the guardian of the earth. As long as he can continuously absorb the power of the earth, his injuries will naturally heal slowly. The effect is not generally strong.

Wang Xuan hurriedly told Mo Fei not to say any more.

But, there is a hidden danger for Deathwing staying here. "

Wang Xuandao: "That's right, it's the abyss. Three of the four ancient gods are sealed in the abyss. Their power spreads outward from the depths of the ground. Therefore, the closer they are to the center of the earth, the greater the influence of the ancient gods." The more serious.

He immediately understood what had happened.

He struggled to get up, but couldn't even move a paw.

Wang Xuan laughed loudly when he heard this: "Okay Zhiyi, you are quite strong, you are indeed the same Zhiyi I know, okay, then I will wait for you to take revenge on me, don't you say I won't give you a chance, this is the abyss of deep rocks, as long as you cultivate for a while, you can recover your strength.

If you can resist the corruption and maintain your sanity when the time comes, you are welcome to come to me, to be honest, I am really looking forward to what you can do—"

Just as he was speaking, Wang Xuan suddenly stopped. He glanced at the surrounding darkness, and his expression suddenly changed.

"That's the end of the pleasantries, Prince Aidan, I think we'd better leave first."

(End of this chapter)

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