Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 276 The Orc's 'Conspiracy'

Chapter 276 The Orc's 'Conspiracy'

Murphy was surprised when he heard this,
Um?It actually came.

Although he had used the Brotherhood's [Call Brothers] function before, he actually didn't expect much, because Arthas and Varian were far away in Stormwind City when they met last time, no matter how much they responded, it was impossible fly over here.

Because the description of this hero's specialty appears in a 'reasonable way', and there is a certain probability of failure, the farther the distance is, the higher the failure probability is.

So from Murphy's point of view, this specialty must only work when the 'brother' is nearby.

But I didn't expect that one would actually be recruited.

King Aiden was overjoyed after hearing this, "Let Prince Alsace come in."

Soon, Alsace in military uniform walked into the conference hall.

He was greeted by dozens of twinkling gazes.

There is no way, Alsace is too famous, especially for players, it is simply thunderous.

The future death knight, with a filial son, the Lich King, if World of Warcraft had to find a protagonist, it must be him.

However, when they saw the juvenile version of Alsace in front of them, everyone was speechless—that's it?
In fact, the 13-year-old Alsace is already quite tall for his grade. Although his face is still a bit childish, but he is wearing armor and after several times of sharpening before, his temperament has also improved. Kill the spirit of perseverance.

The key is that the level of the template has completely crushed everyone. When they first went to Stormwind City, they were already at the first level of gold. Already the third level of gold, in terms of rank alone, it turned out to be the highest in the audience except for the parallel importer Aiden.

Aiden (King of Alterac): "Prince Arthas, welcome to the Kingdom of Alterac. I have already heard about your heroic deeds at the Dark Portal. I never thought that being famous is not as good as meeting you. You look better than me. The rumored one is even more heroic, Tenaris really gave birth to a good son."

Alsace (Prince of Lordaeron): "Your Majesty Aiden, it's an honor to meet you. On behalf of my father, I salute you." Alsace said, bowing his head and saluting, standard aristocratic etiquette, quite graceful.

After some official courtesies, Aiden couldn't wait to ask a question.

"So what brought you to the backwaters of Alterac?"

"I heard that Alterac was attacked by orcs. I was ordered by my father to lead an army to assist the Kingdom of Alterac in its war against the orcs."

Aiden stood up excitedly when he heard it.

"Hahaha, that's really great... Well, I mean, we can actually deal with those orcs by ourselves, but it's always good to have more helpers. You are welcome to join Prince Arthas, come, come, We are discussing strategy, please discuss together."

All the princes covered their faces together, can you not be so embarrassing, you old man.

"Then how many troops did you bring?"

"I brought the [-] troops that Lordaeron has assembled to deal with the war with the orcs during this time," Arthas said.

What?Murphy was suddenly a little surprised. Shouldn't Lordaeron's army go to support Stormwind City?
King Aiden was also a little surprised, "I thought Lordaeron's army was sent to support Stormwind City, didn't the alliance army have already begun to gather in Arathi?"

A few months ago, Alterac received a distress letter from the Kingdom of Stormwind, and it has already made a decision that the alliance will form a coalition in Arathi, and the troops of various kingdoms will go there to form an alliance to deal with the attack of the orcs. , but it happened that Alterac was attacked by orcs, so Aiden refused to send troops with this excuse.

However, the other kingdoms should have sent troops there.

Alsace has already explained, "Our scouts recently intercepted a letter from the orcs. It turns out that the orcs want to build a portal in the Alterac Mountains, so that the orc army can easily pass through the obstacles of the terrain. Trank came and occupied the Alterac Kingdom in one fell swoop.

The Alterac Mountains are located between the countries, with towering terrain and convenient transportation. Once the orcs occupy this land, they will gain a huge strategic advantage and pose a huge threat to the alliance countries. Therefore, the father decided to temporarily stop participating Huimeng, let's get rid of these orcs in Alterac first. "

As he spoke, Alsace took out a letter.

Murphy took a look at it.

The content is roughly, please complete the construction of the portal as soon as possible. Our army has been assembled. As long as the portal is completed, we can immediately enter Alterac, and then use Alterac as a base to attack the surrounding alliance countries.

Murphy looked at it, but frowned. There was always something wrong with this letter. Others didn't know it, but he knew it very well. The orc's portal technology relied on Medivh's support and Gul'dan's cooperation. Medivh and Gul'dan are gone, so let them teleport across continents, what a joke.

Suddenly, I felt a thrill in my heart, my god, why is this letter written in the common language of the alliance?
Although the orc civilization is relatively primitive, there are still characters. If you want to write a letter, you must write in the orc language. How can you write a letter in human language? This letter must not be forged.

So what is the purpose?And who forged this letter, the answer is ready to come out - Tenaris!
I'm afraid this old thief is determined to kill the Stormwind Kingdom. Yes, if the coalition forces are formed now and go to support the Stormwind Kingdom, then the highest command must be King Ryan. After all, the title is the highest. Once the alliance wins, then as a The Kingdom of Stormwind, which exerted its greatest power in this war, has undoubtedly become the leader of the alliance. King Ryan can also rely on this record to become the chief talker of the alliance. Tenaris is totally unacceptable.

In fact, Tenaris' ambition to build an empire has never been concealed. This is not difficult to see from the title of the Royal Knights of Lordaeron. The royal family and the royal family are different in one word, but their nature is completely different.

But as long as the coalition forces go a few months later and the Stormwind Kingdom is wiped out, Lordaeron, the most powerful, will undoubtedly become the leader of the alliance. country.

Sure enough, it's a conspiracy.

It's kind of dark, though.

In fact, if there was no such thing as Alterac, Lordaeron would not be so dark. After all, everyone wants to save face. How can you delay you for a month, two months, and three months without sending troops?

You've got to have a valid excuse.

Now that Alterac is the big excuse to give up support, of course there must be a stronger reason. After all, there are only tens of thousands of Frostwolf orcs, and they cannot pose a huge threat to the countries of the alliance.

So they simply forged such a letter, pretending that the orcs' invasion of Alterac actually had a bigger conspiracy to follow, so as to achieve their goals.

Thinking of this, he already understood the cause and effect of the matter.

In this way, Alterac took advantage of it. With such a large wave of reinforcements, wouldn't the battle be easier to fight?

Alas, it's just a pity for the second brother, I'm afraid it will be serious this time.

He presented the letter to King Aiden.

King Aiden read the letter, but his eyes suddenly lit up. Although Aiden was not very good at fighting, he still had a lot of experience in engaging in these intrigues and power struggles. He immediately understood King Tenaris' plans.

But he didn't feel that there was anything wrong, he would have done the same thing if he had changed, and a dead friend would not die a poor man, so Alterac would be safe.

An expression of shock and indignation immediately appeared on his face.

"I didn't expect these orcs to have such a sinister plan, no wonder those orcs are such powerful elites, that's how it is!
Prince Arthas, please rest assured, I will definitely assist you with all my strength, and smash the evil plot of these orcs together. "

(End of this chapter)

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