Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 313 How dare you

Chapter 313 How dare you

At this moment, in the king's hall of Lordaeron's palace, Godwin was discussing government and military affairs with the lords and ministers of Lordaeron who had been summoned.

The war was imminent, and in order to wash away the suspicion on him, he had to give himself the new Wang Liwei, and the war with the orcs had to be won.

Godwin is not worried about this. Historically, the Alliance has successfully defeated the Horde. Now the Alliance has the level advantage of adventurers, coupled with its own excellent leadership, and hundreds of player heroes joining, just ask how you lost.

At this time, Godwin, who had just become the regent, issued his own decree in high spirits.

"Facing the threat of the orcs now, after discussing with Archbishop Alonsus Faol, I have decided to establish a knight order composed of believers of the Holy Light to fight against those evil orcs.

In the past, priests who learned the Holy Light could only use the Holy Light to heal and eliminate diseases. This is indeed one of the abilities of the Holy Light. However, in the face of the invasion of evil, we should not only passively defend, but also take the initiative to attack. Punishing evil is both promoting good , To eliminate evil is to manifest light, and the fel magic used by orcs is the sworn enemy of holy light.

In the process of learning Holy Light, I have mastered the ability to combine Holy Light and combat skills. I think there are not a few people who have the same experience as me, so I use this combined ability to train the knights of this knight order.

I named it - Paladin.

Before training the paladins, sufficient manpower must be recruited, all knights who are willing to get close to the Holy Light, and all priests who are willing to put on armor can join.

The archbishop and I have already identified some suitable candidates to lead this knight order.

Uther of the Brotherhood of the Light - My friend, he is a cleric and a mighty warrior at the same time.

Saidan Dathrohan of the Brotherhood of the Light, while his understanding of the Light's ways has yet to improve, his bravery more than makes up for it in battle.

Turalyon of the Brotherhood of the Light, also a cleric but equally proficient in martial arts, once defended Northshire Abbey from orc marauders.

Gavin Ladd from the Kingdom of Stormwind, a powerful knight and an admirer of the Holy Light, was recommended to me by General Anduin Lothar.

In addition, there is Tirion Fordring, the lord of Hearthglen, who is also a knight who believes in the Holy Light. I have heard some of his deeds mentioned before, and I think this person can also join this organization Among them, he has therefore been issued a call-up order.

In addition, if you have suitable candidates, you can also recommend them. This knight group will be a sharp weapon against the orcs, and a large number of knights are needed to join.

Your Excellency Faol, the task of summoning these people is entrusted to you. "

The Archbishop of Light, Alonsus Fao, bowed and accepted the task.

Godwin said again: "In order to fight against the increasing threat of the orcs, and to avenge my father, I will mobilize 12 main forces of Lordaeron's royal army and 20 troops of lords from all over the world. A total of [-] will go to Arathi and the orcs. join the war.

My brothers are still very general, although there were some gaps with me in the past, but this time the problem of fighting the orcs is that they have reached a team with me and are willing to lead the army to fight.

But considering the possible sea threat, I will still send an army to stay in Lordaeron City - General Garithos, I entrust this task to you, don't let me down. "

A burly bearded lord stood up immediately to take orders.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty the Regent, I will never let Lordaeron suffer any damage."

"The arrival and assembly of the lords and their armies requires some events. Someone must be responsible for this. Lord Mograine, I will entrust you with the task of summoning the lords from all over the place. It is extremely necessary to gather the army within half a month. Go to the front line of Arathi to join the main force of the king's army I lead."

Alexandros Mograine stood up to pay tribute, "I will not disappoint your trust, Your Majesty the Regent."

"Considering the protracted nature of this war, we also need to consider the strength of our rear, Lord Rivendell, I appoint you as the recruiter of the reserve army, recruiting militia troops from all over the country for training, as the rear force of Lordaeron's army, at any time Accept call."

Baron Rivendell was flattered, he was not a particularly prominent one among Lordaeron's many lords, he was just a baron, and he was very happy to receive such an important appointment.

"Your Majesty, I will do my best to serve you."

Although he had just succeeded to the throne, and was only the regent, Godwin had already fully assumed the role of the ruler of Lordaeron, and issued the decree without a sense of jerk.Lordaeron's lords and ministers did not have the slightest intention of disobedience, and accepted the task one by one.

Lordaeron's abundance of talents also gave him a lot of room to play. Watching these lords respectfully accept orders, Godwin finally felt the benefits of power.

This is just the regent. When I become king, I will be in real power at that time.

Just when he was full of ambition, there was a sudden bang, and the door of the king's hall was violently knocked open.

Everyone in the hall immediately looked at the door. Normally, this kind of meeting is not allowed to be disturbed. Who is so rude?
As soon as everyone turned their heads, they saw Alsace knocking down a guard with a punch and rushing in.

Then the two guards who chased in hurriedly reported to Godwin.

"Your Majesty the Regent, Prince Arthas is crazy, we cannot stop him."

Godwin frowned, "No need, you guys get out—Alsace, you have finally come out of the room, we are discussing military affairs, you came just in time, I happen to have a task for you."

Alsace looked at Godwin sitting on the throne, felt the eyes of the lords around him, and his impatience suddenly calmed down.

Although he didn't grow up as huge as Varian, he had experienced the war himself, and he had also grown a lot, so he was not in a hurry to ask questions at this time.

"Oh yes, hehe, then I would like to know, what mission does 'Your Majesty' entrust to me? Does he want me to go out with the army and conquer the orcs together? But lead the army alone and surprise the enemy's rear?"

Godwin shook his head, "You are just a child, how could I send you such a dangerous task."

"I personally defeated the Frostwolf orcs."

"I know what you did in Arthas, you don't need to remind me, but the Frostwolf orcs are just a small branch of orcs, and as far as I know, you are only facing a tribe of frost trolls on the battlefield .

What we will face next is an entire tribe of millions of troops, it is no longer a small fight, I promised my father that I will take good care of you, so for the sake of safety, I decided not to take you with the army. "

It's okay not to mention his father, but when he mentions King Tenaris, Alsace's anger rises immediately.

"But how can I avenge my father if I don't go out with the army."

Godwin shook his head, "It is up to me to avenge my father, don't forget that I am the crown prince, I am the eldest son, not you Alsace, avenging my father can only be done by me, and must be done by me Do."

"I have already thought about your fate, considering you are very experienced in dealing with trolls, so I will appoint you as the lord of Stratholme, and go there to resist the local trolls. I heard that the trolls in Zul'Aman have started to stir again , aren’t you very good at dealing with trolls, such a task is just right for you.”

As Godwin said, a narrow smile flashed across the corner of his mouth. Historically, this place in Stratholme was the beginning of Alsace's fall. Arranging such a place for Alsace could be regarded as satisfying the evil power in his heart.

This narrowness was keenly captured by Alsace. Although he didn't know what was wrong with Stratholme, he instinctively felt that there was something wrong.

It turned out that the eldest brother really felt guilty when he wanted to send himself away from afar.

Everything was exactly as guessed by the big brother and the second brother. That's right, he must have killed his father, and now he wants to drive away the threat of himself.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Alsace suddenly laughed, but his face was full of anger, "Is this your plan? Send me away so that you can cover up the truth. Your father was killed by you, right? , all of this is your plan."

"That's enough, Alsace, do you know what you're talking about?" Archbishop Fao shouted sharply.

Alsace's heart tensed at first, but he immediately forgot about this scruple. At this time, he was completely dazzled by anger, without any scruples at all.

"I'm just finding out the truth, and you don't care if it's right or not. Who cares who killed the king? Anyway, as long as you can keep your power and status." He looked at the lords sarcastically, the lords But it has a face full of inscrutability.

In fact, Alsace really wronged them. Most of the lords didn't know what happened that day. They only heard that the king was assassinated by orcs and the crown prince inherited the power of regent.

Moreover, most of the lords did not want to participate in the political struggle of the royal family at all, so they kept silent.

Alsace became more and more excited as he talked.

"The leaders of those countries are also the same. They only need you to fight against the orcs. They don't care what the truth is. Father and King have seen through you a long time ago, so they don't want to pass the throne to you!"

A chill flashed in Godwin's eyes, "Alsace, my dear silly brother, I hope you can carefully consider what you are going to say next, as some words cannot be undone once spoken."

"Hmph, 'My dear good brother', you don't need to warn me. I know what I'm doing. My father told me that you killed him! He was going to pass the throne to me, and you must Knowing this, that’s why you planned all this, right? That’s right, it all makes sense, that’s what it must be.”

Alsace was talking to himself, feeling more and more that his guess was right. The strange expression on King Tenaris' face when he talked about Godwin, everything became so clear.

These words stunned the surrounding people. This kind of questioning of the legitimacy of the kingship was almost called treason, especially since Alsace dared to claim that he was orthodox.


"His Royal Highness Prince!"

The surrounding lords and ministers tried to stop it, but Godwin suddenly raised his hand, and everyone stopped talking immediately.

Godwin stood up from the throne and walked straight towards Alsace, "Alsace Menethil, I have had enough of your unreasonable troubles, your madness shames your father in heaven, Your questioning of me shattered my brotherly love for you.

In order to prevent you from doing more absurd and crazy acts, and to punish your rudeness, I, as Lordaeron's regent, will remove your title of prince and cancel your surname Menethil. From today, you will Banished from the lands of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, never to return. "

Alsace's eyes widened, "Exile me? Cancel my surname—how dare you, how dare you—I'll kill you!"

He drew his sword suddenly, and A Song of Ice and Fire burst into a searing light under the influence of the anger in his heart.

Heroic Combat Technique - Raging Flame Piercing Slash!
Godwin shot almost at the same time,

Heroic Combat Technique—Holy Light Slashing Evil!

The dazzling holy light turned into a huge blade, directly crushing the flame blade released by Alsace, bang!The surging power of the holy light directly knocked him into the air.

Godwin took a step forward, and the blade directly touched the neck of Alsace who was trying to get up and fight again. He looked down at this 'brother' contemptuously, "Alsace, you are more stupid than I imagined, you thought you Who are you facing? I am the glory of the Holy Light, a person favored by the God of Light, and I am the Holy Light! No one can kill me, and neither can you.

I'm still Lordaeron's regent and future king, trying to attack and assassinate the king—Arthas, you know what that means! "

A trace of fear flashed in Alsace's eyes, but it was replaced by anger immediately, "Kill me, just like you killed your father."

Killing intent emerged in Godwin's heart, and for a moment, Godwin almost really wanted to do it.

However, with a bang, the door was knocked open again.

Murphy walked in from the door slowly, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty Godwin, Alsace lost his mind because he was too sad for the death of His Majesty Tenaris, I don't think you will care about a child?"

As Murphy said, he walked to Alsace's side and shielded him faintly.

Godwin was secretly angry, it's you again!
He said in his heart that I haven't settled the debt with you before, so he dared to find fault.

"There is no place for you to speak here, Prince Aidan, this is Lordaeron's family business."

"But Alsace is my sworn brother, we swore by blood, and God of War Lu Bu is also my brother, and God of War Lu Bu is your brother, brother's brother is also brother, I think I am at least half a family Well, do you think so?"

After hearing this, the lords and ministers really thought it made sense, and they all nodded in agreement.

Godwin was speechless after such a slap in the face by Murphy. He could see that he was no match for the opponent at all. Could it be that this guy has the specialty of slapping?
But he couldn't swallow it no matter what.

Suddenly he swung his sword without any warning, his thought was very simple, anyway, he would take advantage of it, so he might as well kill him first, or let him talk about it for a few more rounds, even if it was reasonable, it would become unreasonable.

Murphy reacted quite quickly.

Rex's Dragon Claw!
The left arm instantly turned into a huge dragon claw. Crack, the blade of Godwin's sword was directly grasped firmly by the huge dragon claw. The huge force prevented Godwin from advancing an inch.

Godwin snorted coldly, "So the rumors are true, you really have mastered the power of the dragon!"

"Hehe, it's just a trick. Has Prince Godwin calmed down now?"

"Hmph, well, I don't have to kill him, but his rude behavior must be punished, and my previous order will not be taken back, Alsace, you go, don't let me see you again, from now on , Lordaeron is no longer your home."

Alsace wanted to say something more, but Murphy dragged him up without saying anything, and dragged him away from the palace.

"He did it, I can feel it, although he didn't say it, but he is already guilty! I want revenge!" Alsace shouted, struggling and wanting to go all out.

Murphy let go of his hand suddenly, and Alsace lost his balance and fell to the ground.

This actually calmed him down temporarily, and Murphy squatted down beside him.

"Alsace, have you ever wondered what would happen if you really killed Prince Godwin?"

Alsace was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Murphy in confusion.

"Let me tell you, once Godwin dies, all your brothers and sisters will raise their own troops to fight for power. They don't have the right to inherit Prince Godwin, and no one can win the support of all the nobles. The final battle will make Lordaeron Split, or even civil war, how should we deal with the orc invasion? Just rely on other countries to deal with it? What if the alliance is defeated and the eastern continent falls due to the absence of Lordaeron?"

"Why do everyone have doubts about Godwin but have to accept this result? You can say that they are doing it for power and interests, but it can also be said that they are doing it for the overall situation, for the continuation of their respective kingdoms and races. Some things, Finally, I can't get too deep into it.

It's like the death of King Lane, don't you know what the hell is going on? "

Alsace was at a loss for a while, and said angrily: "Could it be that the father's revenge will not be avenged?
Murphy shook his head, "I can't tell you how to do Alsace, the key is what do you want? Personal revenge? Or victory for the alliance? People have to pay for their choices, if you really want Revenge, then do it, you have your reasons, even if the alliance is destroyed because of this, that is the fate that the alliance has to face.

But you must understand the price you have to pay for choosing revenge, not to mention whether you can succeed with your current strength, and what kind of result you will face after failure. Even if you really succeed, can you face everything that will happen? "

Alsace was at a loss for a while, he thought quietly, and he didn't know how long it had passed.

"Brother, if it were you, what would you do?"

"I will leave here first, even if I want revenge, I must at least live first.

Lordaeron is no longer safe for you. Godwin is not joking about exiling you. I can feel that he would like you not to leave and find an excuse to arrest you or even kill you.

Then I will find a way to enhance my own strength, revenge with your current strength is completely suicide, but you have great potential Alsace, I can feel it, as long as you study hard and train hard, you will grow into a A mighty warrior.

Waiting for the most suitable time, such as after the orc was defeated, when he was most satisfied, he might just show his flaws and take action. "

After listening to Murphy's words, Alsace finally made up his mind.

"Brother, what you said makes sense. I'll listen to you. I'll leave now."

"Where are you going?"

"I don't know. In short, let's leave Lordaeron first, and then let's take a look while walking. This world is very big. I have some intersections with the Explorers' Association of Ironforge. Maybe I will go to explore."

"You won't go with your second brother?"

Alsace shook his head, "No, I have to walk the rest of the way alone."

Murphy nodded, "Brother doesn't have anything to give you—you take this." As Murphy said, he whistled, and the storm whelp on his shoulder flapped its wings and landed on his hand.

"Take it with you. Although it is still very small, it will one day grow up, and it may be helpful to you in the future."

Arthas happily took the little whelping dragon. Looking at the little whelping dragon breathing out electric sparks, he felt as if he saw himself. One day he would grow up and become a real strong dragon. Or, on that day, Godwin - you will pay for what you have done.

(End of this chapter)

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