Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 319 Dragon Control Warlock

Chapter 319 Dragon Control Warlock
Although Murphy's heart is a little moved, he wants to meet old friends, but thinking about the big battle now, there are mini-battles to be fought every day, and it is important to earn military achievements, so there is no need to rush for a while.

Good sister, you should stay in the black dragon's lair for a few more days, that guy Murphy of Summerfield is quite familiar with him, although he is a little affectionate for Long Huaxin, and he does everything from murder to arson, but he is still very considerate to beautiful girls.

He sighed for a while, but didn't say what was in his heart.

Sigret struggled with this task for a while, but could only give up. The difficulty was too high, and she didn't know where the dragon's lair was at all.

The three chatted for a while, then decided to go to the alliance hall to see how the battle is going today.

The three of them rode horses/wolves all the way through the coalition barracks, and came to the alliance parliament hall in the middle of the coalition camp. As soon as they entered the door, they felt a tense atmosphere.

The outside of the hall was heavily guarded, and the heroes and lords in the hall all had solemn expressions.

Pointing around the strategy map, discussing something.

"What happened?" Murphy grabbed a lord of the Lordaeron kingdom and asked.

Orlander (Lord of Leydenburg): "Our heroic Lordaeron prince died heroically in today's battle." He shed a few tears as he spoke.

"Eh..." Mo Feixin said that you have more than 40 princes in Lordaeron, so it's no big deal if one of you dies.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Which prince died?"

Orlander (Lord of Leydenburg): "33, 34, and 35, the three princes died together in the Green Mountains."

What, three princes died at once!

Mo Fei said in his heart, darling, this loss is a bit big, although there are enough Lordaeron princes, they can't die like this, and it's not a big battle yet, it's just a foreplay, no wonder the atmosphere is so dignified .

The key is that all the princes of Lordaeron are local tyrants. Yishui started with a first-tier gold hero, which means that the weakest heroes are all first-tier gold heroes. It costs 250 million, plus the identity of the prince of Lordaeron, that is 750 million, three of them were hung up at a time, and more than 2000 million were gone in just one morning, which is somewhat outrageous.

"what is the problem?"

Lord Orlande did not tire of trouble, and introduced Murphy while wiping away his tears. His tone was impassioned, obviously to justify the death of his own prince.

A total of seven fan battles took place this morning, including one large-scale battle, two medium-scale battles, and four small-scale battles.

Murphy took on a small battle, leading a 1000-population army to fight for the ownership of the Mist Mine.

On the one hand, he likes to take on small battles. If it is one-on-one, it is easier to fight without teammates.

He never engages in large-scale battles. The key is that his teammates are too good. If he wants to team up with Dalabon Sigret, it will be dangerous if he encounters a strong enemy.

So today's large-scale battle was fought by three princes of Lordaeron, commonly known as the third row, and two other lords were in charge of leading the troops.

The content of the battle is to seize the mountain range where a wolf man tribe is stationed. It is said that there is a stone statue on the top of the mountain, which is a sacred object of the wolf man tribe. Seizing this stone statue can force the wolf man tribe to join the camp.

The battle reward is to get a troop composed of the exclusive arms of the Wolf Man or a powerful holy object presented by the Wolf man tribe.

This kind of battle is usually announced by both sides of the alliance and tribe at the same time, and they send hero troops together. Whoever wins can increase the strategic advantage for their camp.

Three gold-level heroes went to battle, and the troops they led were also third- and fourth-level soldiers. Not only did they have Lordaeron royal knights, battle mages, and even dozens of griffin knights to help them fight, such a lineup , in their view, it is not easy to catch.

Unexpectedly, it disappeared within an hour after entering the battle map. Even the soldiers were all wiped out, and none of them escaped. As for why it didn't work, no one knows.

All I know is that there was a terrifying roar from the mountains at that time, and the whole mountain was ignited by the flames of fel energy. Obviously, the evil orcs cast some kind of forbidden evil spell...

Lord Orlande was describing what happened before with great passion.

Suddenly bang!With a bang, the people in the council hall were knocked open, and a man rushed in with a look of grief and indignation.

Murphy glanced at it, and found strangely that this person was only one level.

Comeback (Royal Knights of Lordaeron) Gold Tier 1, Level 550.Life value [-].

The man came straight to Godwin and roared angrily, "Brother, you want to avenge my father."

Who is this person?Everyone in the parliament hall showed surprised eyes.

Godwin, however, had a strange expression on his face, and explained, "This is the son of my 33rd brother who died in battle, Sir Menethil, the comeback. He heard about his father's heroic sacrifice, so he came here on purpose..."

33 Prince's son?Murphy immediately realized that this should be because Prince 33 had rebuilt an account, no wonder it was called a comeback.

Sure enough, he is a local tyrant. Even if he does not have the status of a prince, the white board account of the first rank of gold will cost 250 million. If you buy it, you can buy it. This damn is rich.

After the introduction, Godwin tried his best to show a serious face and asked, "Who killed you—er, I mean killed your father."

"Nekros Skull Crusher!"

Nike Cruz?Who is this guy?
Everyone was at a loss, there was no way, there were only a few famous heroes of the tribe, Thrall, Gul'dan, Hellscream, Brother Saurfang, Orgrim, Durotan...

There are also the chiefs of those relatively large tribes, but Necrus?I have no impression at all.

But there are still know how.

Adrian (Prince of Stromgarde): "Nekros Skullbreaker is a high-ranking warlock of the Dragonmaw clan, but he does not belong to the Shadow Council faction. One of the most famous things he did in history is to use giant The soul of the dragon controls Alexstrasza, the queen of the red dragon, making the red dragon clan a weapon of war for the tribe.

But logically speaking, he should not have gotten the dragon soul yet. "

Comeback (Royal Knight of Lordaeron) "No, he should have already got it. He controlled a green dragon on the battlefield today. It's so big, it should be an ancient green dragon. This guy rides a dragon to fight us. We also brought a group of small dragons, we can't do anything with it, even the Griffon Knights can't do it together, how can they bully people like this!
Everyone was surprised for a while, they actually controlled the green dragon. Could it be that this guy really got the soul of the dragon?That would be bad.

The soul of the dragon can control the guardian dragons except the black dragon. With this thing, the tribe has a huge air superiority. How can it be fought?
Suddenly someone interrupted.

Voldemort (Shadow Wizard): "What's the name of that green dragon? Is it Eranikus?"

"Yes, how did you know that?"

Voldemort (Shadow Wizard): "Well, it really is it. I didn't expect the rumors to be true...Don't worry, everyone, the tribe probably hasn't got the dragon soul yet, this green dragon was caught by the tribe.

A month ago, I saw a post on the forum, which was posted by an adventurer player of the Horde, saying that the Horde captured the Temple of Atahaka and captured the Green Dragon BOSS in it. the one. "

After talking about Voldemort, the Devil gave everyone a popular science about the origin of Eranikus and what happened to the Temple of Atahaka.

1000 years ago, the mighty Gurubashi Empire was divided by civil wars.A group of high-ranking troll priests known as the Atal'ai attempted to summon an ancient blood deity called Hakkar the Soulflayer.

Although these troll priests were eventually defeated and exiled, the great troll empire was still torn apart by civil strife.

The exiled troll priests fled to the northern Swamp of Sorrows, where they built a huge temple to the blood god Hakkar, and tried to perform evil summoning rituals there to bring him back to the material world.

The guardian dragon, the green dragon queen Ysera, learned of Atalai's conspiracy, and led the dragons to attack the temple under the swamp, preventing the ceremony that was about to be completed, and killing the troll priests.

But the matter didn't end there. These troll priests used some unknown evil method to preserve themselves in the form of souls or mummies, and kept trying to complete the remaining rituals.

To this day, the ruins of the submerged temple are guarded by green dragons, preventing anyone from entering or leaving.However, it is believed that some fanatical Atal'ai survived Ysera's wrath and still worship the wicked Hakkar...

These are the records of the official background.

Speaking of which, Eranikus is also unlucky. He is one of the consorts of the green dragon queen Ysera, and he can be regarded as a relatively powerful green dragon lord. After Ysera left, he sent him to lead his dragon sons and grandsons. Atahaka suppressed the body of the blood god Hakar, and as a result, the undead trolls in the temple kept resurrecting to fight the green dragon.

He even secretly carried out a second summoning. Although the ceremony was interrupted by Eranikus at a critical moment, the soul projection of Blood God Hakkar appeared briefly and cast a terrible curse on Eranikus .

As a result, before Eranikus recovered, he caught up with the tribe to raid the house, and Eranikus, who was seriously injured, was directly taken down.

Necrus doesn't know what method he used to control this product...

Hearing this, Murphy thought that these princes really did not die unjustly. Nekros was able to get the Dragon Soul in history, and he was regarded as a villain boss with a certain rank, and his own strength was not weak. An ancient green dragon, that's not hanging up the three princes to beat them, it's kicking them on the iron plate.

Wait a minute, Wetlands, Dragon Soul, Nekros.

Murphy hastily picked up the map and looked at it, but his eyes saw a shadowed area in the eastern mountainous area of ​​the wetland - Grim Batol.

In history, after Nekros got the Dragon Soul and controlled the Red Dragon Queen, he imprisoned her in Grim Batol. From this point of view, even if he hasn't got the Dragon Soul yet, it will be soon ah.

Godwin also seemed to realize the seriousness of the matter, and said immediately.

Godwin (Regent of Lordaeron): "We must take back the Green Mountains, which is the highest point of the wetlands. Once the enemy occupies it, they can watch the surrounding area from a high position. Our offensive actions will be fully exposed and there will be no more secrets." to speak of.

Moreover, to the east of the Green Mountains is the cursed ancient dwarf city of Grim Batol. Although it has been abandoned, it is a strong fortress. If the enemy occupies Grim Batol, it will become an indestructible Seriously.

Everyone, who is willing to lead an army to retake the Shady Mountains. "

[System prompt: Trigger the large-scale mini-campaign 'Battle of the Green Shady Mountains' to retake the Green Shady Mountains. This campaign is a branch event of the [Second Orc War] large-scale plot event... You can intervene in this branch by talking to the campaign initiator event. 】

After hearing Godwin's words, everyone present looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one dared to answer.

Those bronze and silver heroes and lords kept silent, thinking that whoever likes to go to this kind of iron plate, wouldn't it be nice to pick up a small battlefield and brush heads?Who is going to die.

Someone asked in a low voice, "The green dragon is not a hero, how can it enter the battle?"

Someone made a guess about this, "The green dragon should be regarded as a war behemoth. According to the rules of the game, the war behemoth occupies a population of 100 and belongs to the combat unit of the arms."

"Damn, isn't this cheating? Doesn't that mean there are four orc heroes and lords on the opposite side?"

"Is there no war beast in our alliance?"

"That thing requires certain conditions."

Murphy, however, was a little moved. The main reason was that the wind had been going so smoothly recently, there were no challenges, and it was hard to meet a strong enemy once.

Moreover, he is still somewhat sure about the ancient green dragon, as long as it is not the ancient dragon, it will be fine.

"Are you sure it's the ancient green dragon?" He asked the comeback at the side.

"It should be, that guy looks scary."

"Didn't you read his name suffix?"

"I saw it, but what was shown was - Eranikus (Fel Energy Demon Flame Dragon King)."

Um?What the hell is the Fel Flame Dragon King?

"Wait a minute, is the breath it breathes poisonous mist?"

"It's not the poisonous mist, it's the flame of fel energy."

I wiped it, Mo Fei was shocked now, could it be that this guy has been transformed by evil energy?It seems that he didn't run away.

However, he was able to obtain the title of Dragon King, which means that there is more than one green dragon that has been transformed. Only when there is a group of people will there be an individual with the title of Dragon King. It should be the strongest among the transformed evil dragons. .

He touched his pocket, Sargeras' Ring of Domination, this thing has the function of transforming evil energy, which can change the energy type of a creature into an evil creature.

When I first transformed into a dragon, I wondered whether or not to transform into evil.

This Nekros is a bit skilled, and he can turn an ancient green dragon into evil energy without relying on an artifact.

Orlando (lord of the Elf Ranger): "Damn, I think this is a conspiracy of the game company, sending these crazy heroes to kill us and let us retrain our account, I won't go, or follow the big team to get experience. safety."

Carlos (Prince of Gilneas): "Yes, yes, whoever wants to go."

Murphy is also hesitating. Strictly speaking, playing this kind of mini-battle is relatively disadvantageous compared to the plot events. If you win, you don't have many plot points, and if you lose, you have a high probability of dying.

The biggest rewards are actually the exclusive rewards that can be obtained on the battlefield after winning, especially in large-scale battles, it is said that there is a chance of obtaining artifacts... Although Murphy thinks it may be just a promotion of the game company.

Generally speaking, the risks and benefits are very high. If you don’t have the strength, it’s better not to join in and die. Maybe it’s really a game company’s conspiracy. Otherwise, why do you have to engage in mini-campaigns? Ten heroes and lords lead troops to fight over, so it's good to have someone to take care of them.

However, at any time, there will be a boss who says, "I'll take this job! Who is interested in doing it with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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