Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 327 Venture Capital and Assassination

Chapter 327 Venture Capital and Assassination
"What do you want me to do?" Mo Fei asked casually.

Ralph (Venture Capital Firm Manager): "Ah, His Excellency Prince Aidan, I've heard about your generosity and wealth, so I've come here to find you and sell you an opportunity to make a lot of money, I think Even for a wealthy and generous prince like you, he would not dislike having too many gold coins in his pocket, please give me a few minutes, and I will definitely provide you with an investment opportunity that will satisfy you very much."

Mo Fei was amused for a while, but he didn't expect that he had guessed right. This person really came to seek investment from him.

"Go on, I'm listening."

The goblin with the monocle and the respectable goblin introduced it in his characteristic high-pitched voice.

"Our venture capital company is an organization that specializes in business development activities. People from all walks of life are welcome to invest and join us. Our slogan is 'Gold is everything, risk makes success'. As long as you invest a small amount of money, you can get rich returns. Of course , there may be a little risk in it, after all, this world is not safe, there are weird, scary and ferocious monsters everywhere, especially when we are doing commercial development, you don’t know, all monsters and ghosts will come to share a share soup.

However, there are risks and rewards. The greater the risk, the greater the rewards. The more dangerous the area is occupied by monsters, the more precious resources and wealth have not been developed.

So as long as you invest in our gold coins, not only can you get a huge amount of gold coins, but you can also choose to convert them into commodities and get exclusive and unique products..."

Goblin Ralph was talking, but a system voice sounded in Murphy's ear.

[System prompt: You have turned on the venture capital system. This function is a hidden function built into the game, and it needs to meet special conditions to trigger it.

You can invest gold coins in venture capital companies and get rich returns. Of course, this kind of investment is also accompanied by huge risks. Please choose carefully.

You can also directly intervene in investment projects to increase the success rate of investment. 】

Hey, it is still a hidden function, which is interesting.

If it was just a goblin talking nonsense, Mo Fei would not believe it, but since the system has endorsed it, it means that this investment can still be studied.

"Oh, then let's hear about any investment projects."

Ralph (manager of the venture capital company): "This is a lot to say, I have specially prepared a list of investment projects for you, please read it, and then handed over a document.

Murphy took the document, and the current optional investment projects immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

[Investment Project 1: Stranglethorn Valley Oil Development Plan: Some jungle explorers discovered a huge potential oil field in the swamp of Stranglethorn Valley. This black substance can be used to refine gasoline, provide power for construction machinery, and can also be used for For the production of alchemy weapons, the Bilgewater Plutocrats who have joined the Horde and the gnome technology companies of the Alliance are buying related products at high prices.

However, the ferocious crocodiles in the swamp and the local troll aborigines have become the biggest problems, and venture capital companies urgently need more investment to add more drilling equipment and hire security teams.

Major risks of investing: Troll natives, lots of beasts.

Investment products: oil.

ROI: 400%.

Investment failure rate: 73%. 】

[Investment project 2: Whaling plan in the Northrend waters.There are a large number of killer whales swimming in the icy ocean near the Northrend continent. The oil and meat of these whales have huge economic value. Venture capital companies urgently need additional investment to add more whaling ships and frigates to deal with the local Naga raiders of the sea, tribes of murlocs, and terrifying North Sea monsters.

Major investment risks: Naga raiders, murloc tribes, sea monsters.

Investment products: whale oil, whale meat, and those weird things in the sea.

ROI: 300%.

Investment failure rate: 69%. 】

【Investment Project 3: Titan Ruins Excavation Plan.Some archaeologists have discovered mysterious ancient ruins suspected to be built by Titans in the depths of the Khaz Modan Mountains in the barren land. Titan treasures and Titan technological artifacts are likely buried in them. Venture capital companies urgently need a lot of investment to hire mercenaries and Purchase excavation machines to dig out the ruins and fight against the titan guards in the ruins.

It is reported that the Dark Iron Dwarves have discovered this ruin and started to intervene, so preparations must be made early.

Major investment risks: cavemen, black iron dwarves, guardians of relics.

Investment products: Titan technology drawings, Titan treasures, rare ores.

ROI: ? ? ? ? .

Investment failure rate: ? ? ? ? 】

Looking at these investment projects, Murphy thought to himself that this venture capital company's development projects are all based on financing, which is completely empty-handed.

He was somewhat tempted, although the risk was a bit high, but the rate of return was indeed high, and he could also choose to settle the payment by producing products, some things could not be bought even with gold coins.

The best thing is that players can directly intervene, that is to say, if you lead your own troops to participate in the development, it will be easier to succeed.

It's just that there is a war going on right now, so I can't get away.

After thinking about it, I still can't miss such a good opportunity, but I can't invest too much, if I am cheated, I will be in trouble.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "I voted for all of these projects."

Ralph (manager of venture capital company): "Hahaha, great Prince Aidan, I know your generosity is unparalleled, so how much do you want to invest?"

"Let's invest a thousand gold coins in each project first."

The goblin was dumbfounded, "Ah, such an amount doesn't seem to be in line with your noble status?"

Hehe, I still think the money is low, Mo Feixin said that I am not stupid, this kind of risky investment must be tested with less investment first, even if it loses, I don't feel bad.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "We haven't established complete trust with each other, and I don't know much about your venture capital company, and I'm not very interested in your projects, so I can only With so much investment, if there is a better project, I can naturally invest more.”

The goblin hurriedly asked, "Then what kind of projects is Prince Aidan interested in? Our venture capital company has a lot of projects, and I can make a special inquiry for you after I return to the headquarters."

"Well, projects related to dragons, especially projects related to ancient dragons, ancestor dragons, and even ancient dragons."

The goblin was a little confused, "I know the ancient dragon, and I have heard about the ancestor dragon, but what is the ancient dragon?"

Mo Feixin said that it seems that this ancient dragon is still very mysterious, and this guy has never heard of it.

He deliberately showed a displeased expression, "Even Gu Long doesn't know? The intelligence capabilities of your organization make me doubt the strength of your venture capital company."

Ralph the Goblin rushed to make amends, "Ah, although I don't know, the intelligence department of our venture capital company is very powerful. Presumably there must be relevant information, but I'm not an expert in this field. Please don't mind Prince Aidan. I will go back to the experts in the company for consultation, and I will definitely bring you relevant information next time."

"Hehe, so be it."

Murphy gave the goblin [-] gold coins as an investment, and we'll see the situation later.

Send this goblin away.

Murphy sat on a chair and fiddled with the two trophies he got today.

Eranikus' dragon heart, he will go to Tongtian Peak to eat this thing later.

If you want to come to the ancient dragon, you should be able to give it a very powerful skill.

As far as the power of Longxiang's skills is concerned, he is very satisfied now. Although the cooling time of each skill is relatively long, the power is really not enough. The key is that humans and dragons can work together, which is very powerful.

As for Eranikus' Eye of Fel Energy, it doesn't mean much to him, and there is no way to equip the key off-hand items.

Mo Fei was playing with the huge green eyeball in his hand. The crystallized eyeball had the dragon's iconic vertical pupils, emitting evil light like a crystal ball.

It is somewhat similar to Sargeras' Ring of Command, but the energy level is much worse.

Murphy fixed his eyes on a chair in front of him.

Evil eyes!

Phew—a green light beam shot out, instantly burning the chair to ashes.

This skill is instant, and it can be used for precise strikes, like a laser.

Then Murphy used the second special effect - Evil Dragon Eye.

Eyeballs are shining,

A huge eyeball with the same shape as the eye of evil energy but with a diameter of one meter floated out of nowhere.

This is the evil dragon demon eye.

Murphy found that there was an extra angle of view in his field of vision at this time. This feeling was very strange, as if he had a third eye, and this eye could still move.

He is quite familiar with the shape of this eyeball, and Warlock seems to have a similar skill - the Eye of Kilrogg.

Only the shape of the eye pupils is slightly different, and the rest are almost exactly the same.

Mo Fei controlled the eyeballs to circle around, and then flew out of the barracks, patrolling the sky around the barracks, feeling that it would be useful to be a guard, and suddenly, a few translucent figures appeared in the In his sight, just outside the barracks, a group of adventurers in a stealth state were slowly sneaking towards his position along the gap between the guards.

My day!Be a greedy adventurer!
Murphy was startled suddenly, and he was both shocked and angry. This nima came to him as soon as he got a yellow name. Do you want to be so realistic?

He carefully identified the professions of these adventurers.

Rogues, Assassins, Shadow Dancers, Wild Virtue, and even a rare professional Shadow Blade Guard. There are a total of three, no.

Fortunately, I found out in advance, otherwise they would come in and stab me with a knife, maybe I could really give it to them.

Mo Fei hurriedly took back the evil dragon's demon eye and let the evil dragon's demon eye stand by on the roof of the hall. This thing only has 300 health points and can be easily killed.

He himself sat on the seat, pretending to study the map, and at the same time sent a message to Dalabun and Sigret, asking them to summon soldiers to close the door and beat dogs.

Soon a few thieves came in from the entrance of the hall, and there was no way to escape from the evil dragon's eyes, but these few didn't realize that they had been seen, and they were sneaking quietly.

Several people didn't make a move immediately, but stopped a dozen meters away from Murphy, probably because they were spotted when they got close.

In fact, they were overthinking. Mo Fei only had 10 points of perception. If he hadn't encountered the evil dragon's eye, he probably wouldn't even know he was touched behind him.

Soon the hall was filled with stealthy thieves, assassins, shadow dancers and other professional adventurers.

These people are obviously not from a guild.

Murphy saw that it was almost time for people to come.

Pretending to stretch, he stood up, took a deep breath, and suddenly it was a big move.

The pure flame of Arundel!

A huge black dragon's head appeared in front of him in an instant, with the dragon's mouth opened, hot flames spewed out towards the surrounding adventurers.

This puff was very sudden, and the distance was well grasped, and six or seven unlucky people were burned to death in an instant.

However, these adventurers who dared to come in for an assassination were naturally savvy, and when they saw that the assassination was not enough, they immediately began to attack.

Xiao Dao pulls his butt (Assassin): "Wo Cao, what's going on!"

Ga you waist (thief): "Not good, I was discovered."

The short mother (thief) was bored: "Do it!"

Zhu Youlei (Shadow Dancer): "Up, Up, Up! Together!"

First, there was a dense rain of flying knives, and all kinds of hidden weapons of flying knives greeted Mo Fei's face.

Murphy had prepared long ago. The assassination-type professional combat routines of thief assassins were just three or five times. It was nothing more than throwing hidden weapons at a long distance, hitting a sap at close range, stabbing his waist in the back, and stabbing a knife in front of him.

Poisoning and powdering are all similar things.

Hurricane armor!A whirling wind shield emerged around Murphy.

Whoosh, whoosh, all the flying knives were deflected away.

The next second there was a sudden chill behind him, but it was a shadow dancer who used the shadow step to teleport directly behind him, and stabbed him in the back with a knife.


However, before Murphy had time to dodge, he swiped!In an instant, there were three more shadow dancers behind them, and the four of them were almost on top of each other.

However, this game has a collision volume. When there are too many people, they will be squeezed into a group, and they will not be able to stand still. How can they fight.

Murphy was secretly happy.

"Get out of here!"

Rex's Dragon Claw!
A wave of the dragon claw directly swept away several shadow dancers.

Other assassins and thieves were still rushing towards them, some flying and jumping, some sprinting, and some turning somersaults to rush forward.

All kinds of control skills greeted Murphy.

"Stun him! Hit him with a sap."

"Use the paralyzing poison!"

"Don't attack, wait until I use Blind!"

However, Murphy's physique was as high as 80, and his toughness was so high that ordinary control skills were of no use to him.

This kind of assassin group is also more effective against those legal professions with weak physiques. They can often kill one in seconds with a wave of fire. Failed to get the upper hand, basically stopped cooking.

But this group of people still didn't give up. Seeing that the control skills didn't work, they went straight up with their knives. Murphy had no intention of entangled with them. The hero is not a boss, and his HP is only a few thousand, so it won't gain any advantage if he continues to fight.

Thundercloud incarnation!

He turned into a crimson thundercloud and flew outside the door. These players obviously didn't expect to have this kind of skill, and they all forgot to attack. In fact, they will also receive physical attacks when they are in the thundercloud state, but they will only be reduced. 50% damage only.

After Murphy flew to the door and regained his human form, he immediately fired another shot at the inside—the pure flame of Arundel!

At this time, Dalabang and Sigret also felt it with their soldiers. A group of giant dragon blood warriors with big arms and round waists and two-handed swords poured in together, slashing wildly, and all the remaining adventurers were cut down in the blink of an eye. Earth, dead.

(End of this chapter)

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