Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 339 Bilgewater Plutocrat and Ravenholdt Manor

Chapter 339 Bilgewater Plutocrat and Ravenholdt Manor

The giant dragon blood warriors walked neatly, lined up in a row, and slowly pressed towards the field. The bulging muscles were full of pressure, and the giant swords in the hands of a group of shirtless men were like a forest of giant swords. .

In the sky, the dragon-controlling sky patrollers hovered and danced, almost covering the sun, and continuously dived and bombed, shooting out thunderbolts one after another.

The dragon-suited heavy cavalry fought back and forth among the crowd against the fireball and lightning of the mages.

And their leader, the Storm Dragon King, spread destruction and death to his heart's content.

When the battlefield fell into a one-sided massacre and Mo Fei frantically harvested the experience of these adventurers, the heroes who watched the excitement were all dumbfounded.

Glorious Years (Paladin): "Are you kidding me? Isn't this too OP? One-on-one singled out more than 1000 high-end adventurers... and finally won the fucking fight! Holy Light, this is science. "A Bronze Five paladin shouted. He is one of the new hero players who joined the Knights of the Silver Hand. He was just an unknown soldier. He thought he could finally take off with his thigh, but seeing Prince Aidan's Strength, directly frightened and froze.

The gap is too big, is this guy really promoted from the first level of bronze?

If it were him, let alone 1000 people, any small team of 20 people would be able to beat him to death.

Against the firepower of more than 1000 adventurers, even a real boss would not dare to do this.

Spencer (Lord of Silvershield Castle): "He is not alone, so there is a large group of soldiers to help him, I want so many extraordinary troops, I can also kill a thousand adventurers alone." Some people are not convinced Said.

Someone interrupted right away, "But those soldiers are also his direct subordinates...and they really caught up at the beginning."


The scene became silent for a while.

In fact, Murphy was also a little surprised by his current strength. If it was Murphys back then, facing more than 1000 high-level adventurers, he would have to use tactics to win. It was impossible for him to be so strong.

But after carefully thinking about his current combination of skills and talents, he was relieved.

Among the more than 1000 adventurers, at least half of the melee and healing should be divided. There are only five to six hundred remote occupations, and about 600 of them are shooters. The long-range attacks of these people are all blocked by the hurricane armor. More than half of it was scrapped.

Among the remaining three or four hundred spellcasters, dozens are responsible for supporting the cover, and dozens are storm servants, thunder mages, etc. who use lightning spells, which have no effect on him at all.

In other words, there were no more than two hundred people who could really harm him, and he still had 33% magic resistance, and his ice resistance and fire resistance were also quite high.

No wonder these people couldn't impress him.

Not to mention, Murphy also has a 'Gift of Atreus' Life' that allows him to quickly recover his health.

The following output is not as fast as his response.The adventurer's control skills are useless to him at all, with dozens of debuffs on his body, and relying on the strong resilience of the dragon clan, it has almost no effect.

It's nothing to ride a big face.

Of course, my subordinates also helped a lot. With such a powerful Dragon Knights, what kind of monster servants do you need? Sure enough, it is right not to choose the dragon lord.

With the rise of killing, Murphy's feeling came up again.

Aidan Delong (Storm Dragon King): "Stupid mortals, you have no idea what a powerful existence you are facing! Humble ants, tremble before the power of the Storm Dragon King! Witness the storm with your blood and bones The moment of the rise of the Dragon King!"

He roared, and let out another breath of thunder.

As the dragon blood giant warriors surrounded the battlefield, the giant sword slashed wildly...

Finally, the battlefield calmed down, and there were adventurer corpses and scattered equipment everywhere.

The quality of the equipment released this time is much higher. Not only are there a lot of blue and green equipment, but Mo Fei even saw a few purple equipment. Unfortunately, he was flying in the sky and had no chance to make a move. picked it up.

Some adventurers found that they couldn't beat the boss, so they simply became a corpse-hunting team. Anyway, they came for equipment, and touching someone's corpse is not touching.

This is also one of the major reasons for the rapid collapse of late adventurers.

Especially Dalabunba and Sigret, who picked up a lot of money.

Dalabon (Prince of Alterac): "Hahaha, brother, come down quickly, let's send it now, these adventurers thought our Alterac brothers were easy to bully, good kill, look They dare to be arrogant in the future."

Murphy landed slowly and turned back into a human form.

As for the equipment that Dalabonba and Sigret offered to share with him, he shook his head, "No need, let's keep it, we are all brothers, so don't treat others like this."

These two are helping him in the fight anyway, and they still have to share the benefits.

And he is not bad at this thing now.

Sigret (Prince of Alterac): "Haha, brother, you are open enough, thank you. By the way, someone came to see you today, and they are waiting in the barracks now. Do you want to go and see me?"

Murphy nodded. He probably had a guess in his mind, either Booty Bay or Ravenholdt Manor.

"Here I will teach you."

He glanced at the battlefield, just in time to see a few dragon blood giant fighters stealthily picking up equipment.

He was a little speechless in his heart. There must have been a lot of players in his Dragon Sorrow Knights. When Godwin gave him the five hundred knights, there must have been a lot of players.

The remnants of the Northern Wind Knights after the Battle of the Ice Wolf Field also had many players.

The reason for this is largely related to the fact that players are better at saving their lives. When fighting, NPCs rush forward foolishly, shouting for the kingdom and the king.

The players are much more skilled, each of them is working without any effort, so it is not easy to hang up.

This is also a helpless thing, after all, for the player, the player's subordinates are not as reliable as the NPC.

But after training during this period, I feel pretty good.

There is nothing wrong with it except that it is relatively wretched when fighting. When you are on the battlefield, you can see that those who shouted very loudly in the second line but hid behind the first row and did not go up, most of them were players.

Moreover, most of these players are acting school, shouting various slogans with a unique flavor, almost indistinguishable from NPCs.

Murphy walked into Alterac's barracks, and when he came to the command hall, he saw a green-skinned goblin waiting there, followed by a tauren bodyguard.

Mo Fei didn't go up to say hello, but first summoned the evil dragon's magic eye, manipulated the huge green dragon's eye to search around the hall, and made sure there were no invisible assassins before coming to the goblin.

Jamie Bigstick (Goblin Commissioner): "Ah, honorable Prince Aidan, you are finally back, I am Jamie Bigstick of the Bilgewater Plutocracy, it's an honor to meet you.

We hope you can deposit your money in the bank of our Bilgewater Plutocrat. We not only provide absolutely safe security services, but also provide bank interest rates as high as 7.5%, so that you don’t need to do anything to just sit and wait to make money. This is definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity.

And our Booty Bay Bank recently launched a special event, as long as you deposit enough gold coins, you can get special gifts - such as this one! "

He took out a mechanical monkey doll, and handed it to Murphy as if offering a treasure. The monkey's eyes were made of crystal, glistening.

What the hell is Murphy talking?Picked it up and took a look.

【Suspicious Monkey Doll (Mechanical)
Item introduction: The monkey doll made with goblin technology seems to be some kind of special engineering creation, which looks very suspicious. 】

This thing is suspicious...

Throwing it back casually, he said lightly: "Didn't your Rustwater chaebol turn to the orcs? How dare you come to me for investment?"

Jamie Big Stick (Goblin Commissioner): "Ah, that's definitely a misunderstanding. As a permanently neutral business organization, we will never take sides. Those who turn to the orcs are only some personal actions of the Bilgewater Plutocrats, and that It is not counted as refuge at all, at most it can only be regarded as investment, as long as it is a helpless move for the convenience of business."

Murphy chuckled, "Tsk tsk tsk, don't you want to say that the orcs are all temporary workers hired by you? And I guess they have left their jobs now, right?"

"Ah, yes, yes, Prince Aidan, you are very knowledgeable, how do you know?"

"Hehe, I guessed it." Mo Feixin asked if Nima should be in the same line like this, this familiar feeling, the profiteers in the world are indeed a family.

He smiled, "Sorry, I don't have any interest in saving money."

Mo Fei thought that I might as well save it in a real bank.

But if you think about it carefully, considering the current exchange rate between game gold coins and RMB, depositing money in the bank of the Rustwater Conglomerate is really a high interest rate—provided that the handling fee is not considered.

The sky company charges a handling fee of up to 10% for the exchange of gold coins for vouchers, which is not enough to pay the handling fee.

The goblin nodded embarrassingly, "Ah, that's really a pity."

Murphy changed the subject, "Of course, if you can provide me with information about the orcs, I can pay you a generous reward."

The goblin immediately shook his head and said, "Sorry, our Bilgewater chaebol is a commercial organization, and we would never do such a thing of selling customer information—of course I just asked casually, Prince Aidan, how much gold do you plan to pay for information?"

"How about a thousand gold coins?" Mo Fei casually offered a price.

The goblin was furious, "You are an insult to the Bilgewater Conglomerate, as I said before, our Bilgewater Conglomerate will never sell customer information, we have business principles, and we bid farewell to Prince Aidan—this is My business card, if you change your mind, you can contact us at any time, we Bilgewater Group has an office in Menethil Harbor."

After speaking, he left angrily.

Murphy was angry and funny, but he could tell that this guy obviously thought he was short of money.

If you spend more money yourself, maybe you can really buy information about the tribe.

However, he is not the boss of the alliance, but just a small shareholder of a member country, so he doesn't need to be too concerned.

Let Godwin spend this kind of money.

Just as he was thinking, suddenly, a lazy voice sounded behind Mo Fei.

"His Royal Highness Aidan is really loyal to the Alliance, and never forgets to work hard for the Alliance's victory."

Murphy was taken aback!who!

He turned around suddenly, and saw ordinary men sitting on his chair, playing with the monkey doll.

Glancing at the name above his head, his heart tensed up.

Jian Wuhen (Shadow of Death) is level 90, epic level 7950, and HP [-].

At the same time, I felt a burst of surprise, how did this guy come in, and I didn't notice it at all, even the evil dragon's magic eye didn't notice his existence.

The man stood up, stroked his chest and gave a salute.

Jian Wuhen (Shadow of Death): "Hi Prince Aidan, on behalf of Ravenholdt Manor, I would like to pay tribute to you."

Murphy nodded calmly and did not sit down.

"It's easy to talk, I think it's time for you to send someone here, do you have something to do with me?"

"Of course, Prince Aidan's feat of spending a lot of money has attracted the attention of many people. As an intelligence organization, our Ravenhold Manor is no exception. His Royal Highness is not only a royal family of the alliance, but also a wealthy family. It is Laven The most ideal client of Hodder Manor, the Duke asked me to contact the prince to see if we can expand related business. Doesn’t the prince want to buy information? The intelligence capabilities of our Ravenhold Manor can be said to be the Eastern Continent First, if you need anything, just ask.

Or if your Highness wants to kill anyone, you can also come to us, and we are willing to provide relevant services for customers. "

Mo Feixin said that he was here to attract clients, and the expertise of this wealthy prince really attracted many people.

"You are Jian Wuhen, the third hero on the list, right? I heard that you can kill anything as long as you give me money, even gods?"

Jian Wuhen smiled, "Haha, it's just a bit of fame, just practice makes perfect. Of course, killing a god is still a bit difficult, but if you just kill a king or a chief, it's not too difficult."

With this tone, Mo Feixin said that you are better at acting than me.

"Would you like to kill Orgrim?" he asked tentatively.

"Yes, why don't you accept it, but the price of this job must be high, [-] million, and it will be done for you within half a month."

Murphy was a little unconvinced, "Are you sure? That's the great chief of the tribe, surrounded by heroes like clouds and rain of heroes, can you kill him?"

"Hahaha, heroes are like clouds—I think it's 90-year-olds like clouds, I can tell you responsibly, as long as they can afford the money, [-]% of the player heroes around him will be willing to betray."

"What about the remaining 10%?"

"The remaining 10% are willing to betray even if they don't spend money. There are many people in the tribe who want to kill Orgrim and enjoy themselves as the great chief. To tell you the truth, I opened this 5000 million of the [-] million is intended to be used to buy internal agents. As long as the internal agents are dealt with, it is not difficult to kill Orgrim. Orgrim is a semi-dominant character, and there are not many combat specialties. Just find the right opportunity , let me approach him within ten steps, it is not difficult to kill at all."

Seeing that what Jian Wuhen said was decent, Mo Fei couldn't help but nodded, which sounded reasonable.

With King Aiden and King Tenaris in front of him, it's hard to say whether Orgrim can survive the betrayal and assassination.

But of course he wouldn't spend [-] million to kill Orgrim, his heart moved.

"Can the five dragon kings be killed?"

Jian Wuhen suddenly showed a playful expression, "You don't want to kill Murphys, do you?"

Murphy shook his head; "On the contrary, what I asked was another one. Among the five dragon kings, I am the only one who is not interested in Murphys."

Murphys is not the first generation of the ancient dragon, and even if he kills it, he will not have the original power to explode.

"Wait a minute, you said 'also' want to kill, does anyone else want to kill Murphys?"

"Sorry, I can't disclose the client's information."

Looking at him, Murphy suddenly had a flash of inspiration, remembering that Wang Ziheng asked him to kill Murphys before.

Could it be Wang Ziheng that Jian Wuhen was talking about.

But he didn't break it.

"Then what about the other Dragon Kings? How much are the prices?"

"Kalecgos, the king of the blue dragon, and Murphys, one price, [-] million, will be settled within three months. Alexstrasza, the queen of the red dragon, and Ysera, the queen of the green dragon, are a little more expensive, [-] million, the same price. Get it done in three months.

As for the bronze dragon king Nozdormu - [-] million, and there is no upper limit on time.

Of course, considering the strength of these guardian dragon kings, the success rate of the assassination cannot be said to be 100%. If it fails, I will refund the money to you, but of course the funeral expenses will be deducted. "

Although Jian Wuhen said that there was no guarantee that the assassination would be successful, his tone alone left Mo Fei speechless.

"Aren't you bragging? You can kill the Guardian Dragon King, but tell me what you plan to do."

The guardian dragon kings are all world-class fourth- and fifth-tier top bosses, with blood volumes starting at hundreds of thousands, and their bodies are extremely tyrannical. If they gather a team of powerful heroes and a few hundred adventurers to help them, they may be able to succeed. But you are an assassin, and the weapon in your hand is not as big as a fingernail. How can you kill the Dragon King.

Jian Wuhen smiled, turned his neck sideways, looked at Mo Fei's neck, heart and other parts, and said lazily: "Although the Dragon King is powerful, their human form is much more fragile. Finding the right opportunity is a matter of one knife.

And most of the dragons have the habit of turning into human form. When they relax, they often turn into human form. That's when I start. "

When Jian Wuhen stared at him, Mo Fei felt an inexplicable chill in his heart.

A feeling of imminent death made his nerves tense instantly.

He silently put his hand on the hilt of his sword.

Jian Wuhen laughed. "Don't be nervous, Prince Aidan, your strength is so strong, more than 1000 adventurers have been wiped out by you, how dare I fight with you, besides, no one will spend money to buy your head, I am stupid to fight with you Enemy, I just want to show you a little bit of my strength. After all, killing the guardian dragon king is really unbelievable for ordinary people.

But I can say responsibly, as long as you can afford the money, I am willing to do it for you, and there is definitely a possibility of success. "

The awe-inspiring killing intent disappeared instantly while speaking, and Mo Fei heaved a sigh of relief, but he didn't let go of the hand holding the sword.

"Hehe, that's how it is. It's a pity that I don't have the financial resources. One or two hundred million is still too much for me."

Jian Wuhen didn't say anything, "It's okay, let's leave a contact information, and if you want to kill anyone in the future, just tell me, as long as the money is in place, anyone can be killed."

(End of this chapter)

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