Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 344 The Imminent War and the Layout of the War

Chapter 344 The Imminent War and the Layout of the War
The development of the matter was not much different from Murphy's expectation.

In the next few days, the video of Dragon Thunder Knight's advancement ceremony began to spread wildly on the Internet.

It turns out that Tongtian Peak is the area where the Dragon Thunder Knight is transferred... The players suddenly realized.

No wonder ordinary players can't get in.

Especially after seeing the scene above Tongtian Peak, the players also understood that it is meaningless for ordinary players to go there.

And after seeing the scene of dragon skeletons everywhere in Tongtian Peak, most people agree that Aidan is the vest of Storm Dragon King Aidan Delong.

It seems that it is not Aidan who has learned the ability to change into a dragon, but Aidan Delong who has learned the ability to change into a human.

Because high-level dragons already have the ability to transform into human form, this explanation also makes most players feel more logical.

There were even a large number of players who ran to play Dragon Clan and were ready to wait for the advanced BOSS before washing their hands.

Seeing the change in wind direction on the Internet, Murphy was relieved.

Things are still going on.

Just when the wind direction on the Internet began to change, the storm cubs of the Dragon Thunder Knights also began to grow steadily.

It can be said that this group of dragon and thunder knights are quite nervous about cultivating the storm hatchlings. After all, they were bought for 3 yuan, and it was the only chance. Not only did they all go to the low-level leveling area to brush day and night Blame the upgrade.

They also hired healer players to act as nurses to help increase blood to avoid the sudden death of young dragons.

The leveling on the first day was quite smooth, but I didn’t expect that tribal players who heard the news came to make trouble on the second day. A few unlucky dragon thunder knights were killed by the adopted storm dragonling without paying attention. The mission failed, and all previous efforts were wasted .

In a rage, these people summoned their friends to take revenge, and the other knights who hadn't killed the young dragons also began to call in people to strengthen their protection work.

A person who can spend [-] to [-] yuan to buy a special professional advancement is considered a kryptonite, and he still has energy, and soon thousands of adventurers gathered.

The tribe was also not to be outdone, a large number of adventurers began to gather in low-level areas, and a large-scale battle broke out between the two sides.

As a result, heroes from the Alliance and the Horde happened to be passing by near the battle area, so that a plot battle was triggered later - known as the storm drake gang fight incident in history.

In the end, the battle ended with the casualties of "some" adventurers. The two heroes of the Alliance and the Horde each played a handful of soy sauce, and did not get much plot points, but it made the existence of the class of Dragon Thunder Knight that triggered the incident Another level has risen.

Three days later, after the drakes of the storm had grown up one after another, the knights of the dragon and thunder were all the more popular for a while, riding the drakes of the storm to show off wildly, watching the knights of the dragon and thunder riding the drakes of the storm for a ride in the sky, Those Knights of Light who joined the Knights of the Silver Hand shed tears of remorse.

The Knights of the Silver Hand also give away mounts, and they give them away for free. As long as they are well-known and respected, they can get a batch, but they are just high-quality 'Silver Hand combat horses'. , but it is far worse than the Storm Drake.

After all, you can't fly.

The arcane knights of the Violet Knights are relatively calm. The mounts they send are also war horses, but it is said that after the reputation is full, the magic griffin of the Violet Knights can be unlocked. Although it is not as good as the storm drake, it can fly anyway. .

As a result, when Mo Fei's second wave of Dragon Language Stones was put up for auction, they were sold out in an instant. Someone even bought more than a dozen Dragon Language Stones and sold them again at ten times the price, and started scalpers.

Even materials such as dragon scales, dragon blood, and keel also rose a wave.

This made Murphy a little unexpected.Of course, these are things for later.

At this very moment, Mo Fei, who had returned from Tongtian Peak, was heading to the coalition camp to attend a high-level meeting with Dalabangba Sigret.

The three princes of Alterac walked out of the barracks, followed by a group of dragon knights, and walked all the way towards the camp of the coalition army. The adventurers they met on the way dodged aside like they had seen a ghost, for fear of accidentally triggering the attack. Started the BOSS battle.

Murphy was very satisfied with the results of the boss battle a few days ago. This group of greedy adventurers would never end without letting them suffer.

It's much cleaner now.

As soon as the three of them walked into the camp of the coalition forces, they immediately noticed the heavily guarded knights, with swords and guns like a forest, and the sun's light reflected by their armor was cold and bright.

The most eye-catching ones are the bright knights in golden armor, each of them has a special effect of holy light, shining golden. I have to say, from the appearance alone, the bright knights are really handsome.

A body of thick armor made of steel, as short as tin cans, was the guard of the dwarf king of Ironforge.

In magnificent feathered armor, that is the ranger archer of Quel'Thalas...

At this time, this place is simply an exhibition of various top arms.

Murphy asked his Dragon Knights to stay outside. As soon as the three of them entered the headquarters, they saw the heroes of the alliance gathered around the sand table with serious expressions, muttering something in a low voice, and some were discussing in small groups. .

As the leader of the alliance, Godwin was sitting on the throne thinking hard at this moment, with a worried expression on his face.

The three of Murphy were not in a hurry to ask what happened, they found a corner and waited.

People were still coming in from outside the camp. Almost all the high-ranking leaders of various countries had arrived, and four or five of the kings alone came.

What he didn't expect was to meet an old acquaintance.

God of War Lu Bu (Lord of War): "I'm going, brother, I didn't expect it, your Dragon Slayer Knights are a bit powerful, how about it, yesterday's wave did not make less money, I heard that Dragon Thunder Knight transfer materials are expensive I'm going to die, I'm afraid it didn't let you harvest a wave."

Mo Fei looked at Lu Bu, God of War, a little surprised, "Why are you here? Aren't you a garrison officer in Lordaeron?"

God of War Lu Bu (Lord of War): "Don't mention it, that bastard Garithos doesn't like him, he thinks being a general is great, and dares to yell at me, let me listen to his command, I almost fucked him.

Think about it, don't stay there, let's come to the front line to kill the enemy, there just happens to be a group of well-trained infantry to be sent to increase the number of troops, so I want to come as an infantry commander.

Alas, the old guy Tenaris died at such an inappropriate time, why did you die? "

This old man is really miserable. He thought he could take off as the godson of Tenaris, but he didn't expect Daddy Cheap to die within a few days. His status as an adopted son is very embarrassing.

Fortunately, he still has shares in Alterac, so it can't be considered as nothing, and now he is waiting to see if he can make some achievements in the war between the Alliance and the Horde.

A few people exchanged a few pleasantries, and almost everyone came.

Seeing Godwin, he stood up from the throne.

Godwin (Regent of Lordaeron): "Everyone, I summoned you today because I have received an important piece of information. The Horde army has arrived in Loch Modan, and the vanguard has occupied the dwarves around the Dun Algaz tunnel. Stronghold. A large-scale attack on the wetland is about to be launched, everyone, please look at the map, the latest military situation changes below."

Immediately, a magician used illusion to simulate the tribe's military deployment on the sand table.

It turns out that in the recent period, the alliance has won a series of victories in the mini-battles in the wetlands, basically controlling 70% of the military points in the wetlands.

The outpost battle with the tribe can be said to be a complete victory, but the tribe is also carrying out their plan. The troops they sent to the wetlands are actually just a containment force, composed of the Dragonmaw clan and several small clans, the real main force However, they are attacking Dun Morogh with all their strength. The tribe's army has swept all the dwarf cities and fortresses in Dun Morogh. Now all the dwarves have retreated to Ironforge to defend.

It can be said that he lost sight of the other.

Fortunately, Ironforge, a powerful fortress city, is extremely strong, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and a large number of excellent engineering masters have recently been born among dwarves and gnomes. Various war weapons emerge in endlessly, such as the T59 steam siege tank, and the 152 dwarf Artillery, what B52 dwarf bomber.

In particular, a Gustav cannon deployed on the top of Ironforge, built by the great dwarf craftsman 'Gustav Thunderhammer', can fire half a ton of thorium shells, which is extremely powerful. Going down, even Goron's siege monsters were able to kill them in seconds, and the orc's siege troops suffered heavy losses.

After paying heavy casualties, the tribe had to terminate the attack plan.

Orgrim saw that there was nothing he could do about Latte Forge. In the end, he could only leave the Blood Ring clan to continue the siege, while he led the main force to the wetlands to defeat the main force of the coalition forces first.

Today, more than 50 troops of the Horde have passed through the Dun Algaz Tunnel and are gathering in large numbers in the area around the Wrathfang Plain.

Muradin Bronzebeard (King of the Hill): "Well done, I want them to know how powerful we dwarves are!"

Uther (Paladin Lord): "For justice and honor, these savage orcs must be destroyed."

Genn Greenmane (King of Gilneas): "A brave Gilnean warrior never backs down."

Daelin Proudmoore (Admiral): "The fleet of Kul Tiras has been assembled, and the marines are ready to go into battle!"

Antonidas (Dalaran Archmage): "Dalaran will also fight with all its strength to let these bloodthirsty orcs understand that the power of magic is by no means what their simple brains and brute force can resist."

Leaders from all over the world expressed their views.

The three of Mo Fei looked at each other, and Mo Fei also stood up.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "The mountain warriors of Alterac, and the fearless knights of the Knights of the Dragon, will fight to the end for the victory of the alliance."

Godwin (Regent of Lordaeron): "Well said, everyone, this war is a war between the Alliance and the Horde, between civilization and barbarism, I believe that with the leadership of the kings and leaders, we will surely win the final victory.

For the alliance!For Azeroth!Let's win this war! "

For the league!

For Azeroth!

The knights from various countries outside shouted for it.

The atmosphere suddenly ignited

Seeing the high morale of the heroes, Godwin felt complacent for a while. Although he was only the regent, Lordaeron made him the leader of the coalition with the absolute main force of an army of 20. This feeling of commanding the heroes is really not bad. .

Now that the goal of the war and internal unity are determined, the next step is to arrange the strategic layout.

Of course, the alliance's 50 troops cannot be piled up in one group, and the front must be launched.

The left wing consists of the Kul Tiras Legion, the Gilnean Legion, the Quel'Thalas Legion, and the Ironforge dwarven artillery.A total of [-] troops.

The right wing is composed of Stromgarde Legion, Alterac Legion, Storm Legion, and Dalaran Battle Mage Troops, with a total strength of [-] troops.

In the middle, the army of 12 Lordaeron is the main force, the gnome technology troop, and the eagle's nest mountain griffin knights are the support troops, with a total of [-] troops.

In addition, there are 10,000+ reserve troops, which can be added at any time.

Seeing the densely packed flags representing the numbers of the legions all over the map, everyone started talking.

Wetlands is a general term that includes the entire swamp area, the west coast, and the mountains in the east.

The coastal area on the west is close to the sea, with criss-cross rivers and deep inland. The Kul Tiras Legion supported by the navy fleet is very suitable for fighting in this generation. Small naval warships can go deep into the river directly and provide artillery support near the river.

To the east is a large area of ​​mountains. The Alterac Legion is very good at fighting in the mountains, while the cavalry and infantry of Stromgarde are mainly light-armed, which is also more suitable for fighting in the mountains. In addition, the mages of Dalaran provide fire support. Also both offensive and defensive.

In the center is a large swamp area with open terrain, where Lordaeron's army will face the main force of the Horde.

From this layout, it is not difficult to see that Godwin is really quite confident in his own strength.

Now that he dares to be the main force.

The leaders of the other kingdoms naturally had nothing to say.

They expressed their support for this military arrangement.

King Greenmane even sighed, "Your Majesty Godwin, you are worthy of being your father's son."

This sentence of His Majesty did not make Godwin feel elated, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He dealt with the leaders of various countries for a few words, but walked up to Murphy.

"Prince Aidan, I know that there was some rift between us in the past, but this war will determine the future of the Alliance and the Horde, the direction of the epic, and the lives and deaths of countless people. I hope we can put aside the dispute and fight side by side."

Murphy was a little surprised. In fact, there was nothing wrong between the two of them. At most, there was some conflict of interest. I didn't expect Godwin to be so low-profile, and he didn't expect him to take the initiative to find himself for reconciliation.

But it is not difficult to understand after thinking about it. Although this war is important to Murphy, it is not a matter of life and death. Winning or losing will not affect his interests.

But for Godwin, it was related to whether he could become king in a legitimate way, so he naturally had to lower his profile.

Murphy didn't take the other party's thoughts into consideration, and nodded, "Don't worry, as a member of the alliance, I am duty-bound to fight the orcs."

Although the decisive battle between the millions of troops of the two sides, the Alterac Kingdom seems to have no sense of existence, but what really determines the outcome of the war depends on the high-end combat power, hero lineup, and use of extraordinary units of both sides.

Regardless of the 50 troops in the Alliance, the number of extraordinary units is only 2 to [-].

The more than 1000 extraordinary units in Mo Fei's hands will directly affect the situation on the battlefield, not to mention his humanoid boss, who will definitely have the ability to affect the situation on the battlefield.

It's no wonder that Godwin wanted to win him over in advance.

With Murphy's guarantee, Godwin was relieved.

He was really afraid that some kind of moth would appear in this war, and he had to try any method that could increase his chances of winning.

Historically, the alliance and the tribe did not gather all their forces in the early stage of the war, resulting in consecutive defeats. It was not until the military forces of various countries mobilized in the later stage that they began to launch counterattacks.

Now that the alliance has assembled a large-scale force in advance, everything will be fine if it wins, but if it loses, it will ruin this wave of main forces. It is really hard to say whether it will win in the later stage.

That's the bad thing about changing history, no one knows what the future will hold.

After the meeting was over, Godwin returned to his tent.

As soon as he entered the camp, he saw an ordinary man sitting on his throne drinking wine.

He wasn't surprised.

"Jian Wuhen, does what you said before still count?"

"Of course, as long as you can afford the money, tell me, who do you want to do?"

"I want you to help me kill Orgrim."

Without further ado, Jian Wuhen said, "Okay, one hundred million, I'll fuck him for you within a month."

Godwin shook his head, "No, I won't pay you, but I can help you, I'm the leader now, you can choose any assassin hero of the alliance.

Three days later, the Alliance and the Horde will start a war. If the heroes of both sides are dispatched, you have a great chance to succeed in the assassination. Once you succeed in the assassination, you will not only get a lot of plot points, but also Orgrim’s equipment drops. It's all yours, no matter how you look at it, you are making a lot of money. If you don't take this job, I will hand it over to others. This kind of opportunity to become famous in the world is full of people rushing to do it.

Isn't that what being an assassin does. "

Jian Wuhen was a little speechless when he heard that, he wanted to prostitute me for nothing without spending money, what a beautiful thing he was thinking, but he was really moved.

Assassinate the great chief of the tribe—once this is successful, the plot points given may make him a legend.

The key is that you can mobilize the alliance's assassin heroes to help. This is very attractive. Orgrim must have a large number of elite troops to protect him, including the sword master of the Burning Blade clan. .

If you have a group of strong teammates, it will be different.

It's just that the risk is a bit high.

Just as he was hesitating, Godwin suddenly said: "How about this, you take this job first, and if it's difficult to do it, you can give up the action.

If you succeed, I won't pay you, but if you die, I will pay you 1000 million - how? "

Jian Wuhen was stunned for a moment, his number is definitely more than 1000 million, and the two orange weapons in his hand are at least 600 million, but 1000 million can dilute a lot of risks after all.

And if it's not easy to start, you can give up. If you just look at it, it doesn't matter...

After hesitating for a moment, "Okay, that's it."

After Jian Wuhen left, Heidao Dixi showed his figure in the darkness.

"The conditions you gave him are too loose, right? What if he really gives up?"

"No." Godwin said confidently: "I know a person like him very well. The more confident he is in his skills, the more he will be unable to help himself when the time comes. He will never give up."

(End of this chapter)

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