Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 364 Ganesmar

Chapter 364 Ganis Marr

The speaker was none other than Prince Lawrence.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Prince Lawrence, why are you so sure."

Lawrence (Prince of Lordaeron): "Isn't it obvious that the Horde has lost their biggest hole card. They are now attacking but unable to win quickly, retreating but unwilling to reconcile, logistics supplies can only be supplemented by the Dun Morogh Tunnel , If you continue to consume in vain, you will inevitably sink deeper and deeper.

If Orgrim is a decisive person, he will definitely choose to retreat as soon as possible, shorten the supply line and continue to fight the war of attrition with us, instead of wasting his troops in this muddy wilderness with no strategic value. "

Although this Lawrence's character is not very good, he can analyze the situation of the battle well.

Everyone whispered for a while, but there were not many objections.

Uther (Paladin Lord): "It is indeed impossible for the Horde to defeat us. The results of the Knights of the Silver Hand have proved that those brutal orcs are by no means opponents of noble knights."

Mograine (Great Lord): "That's right, as long as we fight steadily, we will definitely be able to defeat those orcs. If I were the chieftain of the orcs, I might really consider running away, hahahaha."

This remark elicited a burst of laughter.

Today's successful raid undoubtedly brought a huge morale boost to the stalemate battlefield.

Blackbeard (Brigadier General of Kul Tiras): "If you want me to say, why don't we launch a surprise attack on the enemy's back tomorrow, if we can cut off the enemy's retreat, we can leave all these hundreds of thousands of orcs in the wetlands."

"No, the enemy still has an army of 10,000+ in the Angry Fang Plain. It is not so easy to cut off the retreat route."

"It's better to mobilize the cavalry to monitor the enemy, and launch a pursuit if the enemy retreats."

"I think it's better not to be too happy. The enemy may not retreat. Those orcs have stone heads. They won't retreat so easily without hitting their heads and bleeding."

Listening to everyone's discussion, Godwin quickly made a decision.

"Regardless of whether the tribe is attacking or retreating, we must prepare for battle tomorrow. Pass my order and all the ministries will enter the frontline positions. We will launch a full-line attack tomorrow morning. Everyone, it's time to drive these beasts out of our land."

"That's right!"

"Without the Fire Demon King, we will definitely be able to beat those orcs into pigs' heads."

Meanwhile - Tribal Barracks:
"Great Chief, we must retreat!"

"That's right, Great Chief, without the Firelord, we are no match for the alliance."

"Let's withdraw, great chief, and leave the green hills without worrying about no firewood."

In the big tent, the small chiefs who attended the meeting proposed to withdraw their troops one after another.

These little chieftains could tell that the level gap between the heroes of the Alliance and the Horde was a bit big, and relying on these NPCs alone was not enough.

It's better to withdraw the army first, go back and practice more to increase the rank, and after a few months and a half, wait for the strength to improve and go to war.

Otherwise, if the fight continues, it is uncertain whether the tribe will lose, and the chiefs and warlords who lead their troops will all end up in the end.

"Enough!" Orgrim roared suddenly, staring at the orcs in front of him with wide eyes, "Look at you, you are so cowardly, so timid, are you still the warriors of the tribe? We came to this world In order to conquer this continent, I have just suffered a little setback and let you show your prototype, which really disappoints me.

No, we will never retreat, the drums of the orcs will sound once more, and the banners of the Horde will be leveled for those who stand in our way.

Today's defeat is only temporary. Yes, we lost the opportunity to summon the Balrog Lord to join the battle, but the self-destruction of the Balrog Lord also killed a large number of alliance elites. Now the alliance is at its weakest time.

Tomorrow, I will personally lead the tribe's army and sweep away those enemies who dare to fight against the tribe!
I shouldn't have left you useless scum, but I'm still willing to give you a chance to fight to the end for the Horde, or let me give you a happy death now! "

The hall was extremely quiet for a while, and the next second.

"Great chief, don't say anything, you will never frown when you say a word."

"That's a great chief, I've long been disgusted with their trash, and I'm going to take the lead tomorrow!"

"Great Chief, just look at me, our Jagged Clan was born to fight."


"For the tribe!"

Encouraged by Orgrim, the chiefs and warlords immediately became excited again.

Orgrim looked at the group of orcs who were performing hard, with a cloudy expression, but he felt a little uncertain.

These guys really made him lose his way.

When the meeting ended, the high-level tribesmen left one after another.

"Saurfang." He called his only trusted deputy over,
"Are you really going to fight the alliance to the end? Although those trash are useless, they are right about one thing. We really don't have the advantage now."

Orgrim nodded, "I know, and the alliance also knows this. Because of this, we can't retreat tomorrow. We have to gain an advantage before we can find a chance to retreat. Otherwise, the knights of the alliance will be haunted." follow us loosely.

With 50 orcs, it is not an easy task to withdraw Dun Morogh. "

Having said that, he whispered.

"Tomorrow you will personally go to the Angry Tooth Plain to gather the army, and kill any chieftains and warlords who dare to retreat from the front line privately. It's time, it's time to clean up these damned waste."

Grogo Xieyan walked among the crowd leaving the big tent. Their warlock army performed well in this morning's battle, so they won some trust from the chief and gave them [-] orc recruits.

However, Grogo Xieyan was not very optimistic about Orgrim's continued war.

"It's crazy, Orgrim has no idea what he's doing."

Grogo Xieyan walked out of the tent and muttered to himself.

The true power of the Horde remains, but the world won't be won by brute force, but by true strength, Pava.

The reason why the Horde was so fierce and swept away all monsters and monsters in Draenor was because of the blood of demons provided by Gul'dan.

The orcs who drank the blood of the demons seemed to be on the hook, but since Gul'dan left, the blood of the demons has been discontinued, and now the power of the blood of the demons has gradually declined from the orcs' bodies, and the orcs no longer have the original power. Rampage and bloodthirsty.

Although it can still fight, it is just a large human infantry.

The power of the Balrog summoned by Ner'zhul temporarily provided a new source of power, but the power of the Balrog can only be used by shamans. For ordinary orcs, at most they can enjoy weapon enchanting. It has nothing to do with the blood of demons. Comparable.

Ner'zhul wanted to summon the Balrog Lord to come to this world in order to reverse this situation.

But now even the power of the Balrog can no longer be counted on. If no new motivation for war can be found, the war machine of the Horde will only gradually decline.

But such a critical moment, isn't it our opportunity!
There was a gleam of ambition in Grogo Xieyan's eyes.

The Horde is just the vanguard of the Burning Legion to conquer the world, and it must be impossible to succeed. Instead of wasting energy on the Horde, it is better to contact the Burning Legion as soon as possible and be a good leader.

With [-] new recruits, just take out hundreds of orc souls as sacrifices, and summon a big demon to guide the work, isn't that all right?

Thinking of this, Grogo Xieyan hastily sent invitations to several other high-ranking orc warlocks.

Half an hour later, a group of orc warlocks met in a dark underground cave.

The gloomy green fire illuminated the small cave, and five orc warlocks formed a circle. The people present were the last five high-level warlocks of the Shadow Council.

In fact, two of them were temporarily promoted by Gul'dan when he left.

Ulu Madman (high-level warlock): "Didn't Nekros come?"

Grogo Xieyan (high-level warlock): "I didn't invite him, that guy has never been with us."

Poldock Deathskull (high-level warlock): "That's right, Nekros is obsessed with the power of the dragon, and he is not willing to serve our great demon master piously."

Grogo Xieyan (Senior Warlock): "Everyone, don't waste any more time. The tribe has already fallen into a disadvantage. If it continues like this, it will fail sooner or later. It's time to fight for our power and status.

Do you still remember how prominent our status was in the past, the entire tribe was in our hands, the Shadow Council controlled everything, and even black hands had to follow our rules.

But since Orgrim came to power and Gul'dan left, our status has gone from bad to worse, and I don't want to be buried with the Horde. "

Cypros (high-ranking warlock): "That's right, the victory or defeat of the tribe doesn't matter to us, only our strength and status are the most important. What's your plan, Grogo?"

Grogo Xieyan (high-level warlock): "We want to summon a special demon, not for fighting, but for contacting the Burning Legion. Everyone, I recently felt an unusual demon when I was researching summoning spells. The demon that lives in this world may be able to help us."

"But I can't complete the ceremony alone, I must have you to assist me."

"What are you waiting for."

Several high-level warlocks took out the soul stones that they had painstakingly accumulated during this period of time from their bags. Since Gul'dan ran away, the warlocks could no longer draw souls from the wounded and the living as unscrupulously as before. It took these two days of fighting to save a batch of soul stones.

"That's enough, let's start the ritual, I've prepared the spell."

Five orc warlocks formed a circle and began the summoning ceremony.

"Evil beings from the Twisting Nether."

"Cunning mind, cruel demon, demon who is good at playing with mortal souls."

"I summon you in the name of an orc, I sacrifice my soul fragments to you, and my pious heart is waiting for you."

"In the name of the contract between our warlocks and the Burning Legion."

"Come—the great dreadlord!"

The green fel flames roamed the ground, drawing demonic runes, one after another, and finally, the magic circle was completed.

A cloud of black smoke gathered in the magic circle and circled. The black smoke turned into a pair of huge wings, which slowly spread out, revealing the body of the demon under the wings.

It worked!Grog Evileye was agitated.

In fact, he was not completely sure. He had never summoned the Dreadlord before. It was entirely based on his understanding of the Dreadlord and the research on the rules of summoning demons. The summoning spell produced by DLY was unexpectedly successful.

The demon in front of them surprised several orc warlocks. They had never seen this kind of demon before. It had huge bat-like wings, and a sinister and cunning face. The powerful evil energy on it made people subconsciously feel fear .

The demon in front of him looked at the five orc warlocks curiously.

The name on its head made Grog Evileye excited.

Mal'Ganis (Dreadlord), world-class boss level 90, level 145000, HP: [-].

Mal'Ganis (Dreadlord): "Look who summoned me here, a bunch of stupid orc warlocks, it's funny, you know about the existence of our Dreadlord, who told you this? Gul'dan? Huh Hey troops, your master has already..."

Grogo Evil Eye (Senior Warlock): "Ah, great demon, our master Gul'dan is missing, he..."

Mal'Ganis (Dreadlord): "Gul'dan has been captured by our great master. This stupid traitor tried to meddle with power that does not belong to him, so he ended up with his soul stripped."

As the Dread Demon King said, he looked at several orc warlocks with warning eyes. To summon the Dread Demon King, strictly speaking, he was meddling with power that did not belong to them.

"Ah, great demon, we have summoned you for the cause of the Legion. Stupid Orgrim has gone mad. He cannot defeat the Alliance. Without the power of demon blood, the defeat of the Horde is only a matter of time. We do not want to disappoint Legion’s trust, so you are specially summoned here to guide us and tell us what to do.”

"Hmph, the legion has never taken you useless orcs seriously. Even if you fail, it won't have the slightest impact on the legion's plan."

In fact, the dreadlord really didn't care much about the orcs.

There are also factions within the Burning Legion. The two most powerful factions, one is Archimonde the Polluter, and his subordinates are mainly the Abyss Demon King. It is they who led the invasion of the orcs. The blood of the demons that the orcs drink is the abyss. Provided by the devil.

The other faction is Kil'jaeden the Deceiver, mainly the Dreadlords, they don't care so much about the orcs, and the main plan in history is to come up with the Scourge.

But in the final analysis, everyone is serving the legion, and if they really ask for it, it's not good to not help at all.

"Hmph, originally I shouldn't have helped you bastards, but who told us that the Dread Demon King is a benevolent race by nature. It just so happens that I'm free recently, so let me help you."

As he said that, the light flickered on his body, and he turned into a green-skinned orc.

The name on the head also changed - Ganis Marr (orc warlock).

Grogo Xieyan reminded: "Orgrim is very vigilant against demons, and he will not let the Horde fall into the hands of demons no matter what."

Ganis Marr (Orc Warlock): "Oh is that? Heh, that's because he still has hope, and soon he will fall into despair. By that time, the Burning Legion will be his only choice, and when that At that time, you will also become the most powerful figures in the tribe.

After hearing this, several orc warlocks laughed proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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