Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 367 The traitor of the tribe must die

Chapter 367 The traitor of the tribe must die
Orgrim stood on the balcony of the fortress, looking at the densely packed orc soldiers below. Those were disorganized soldiers who had withdrawn from the battlefield.

Usually, the orc infantry went out with the clan, or organized into different legions. There were usually only two cases of loss of organization. One was that the legion they belonged to was wiped out, and the other was that they ran away completely and lost the team due to the collapse of morale.

Orcs have high morale and usually rarely break down.

So many orc chaos soldiers also confirmed from the side how serious this fiasco was.

Since the establishment of the tribe, it was the first time to suffer such a major defeat.

Why is this happening!why?

Looking at the orc chaos below, Orgrim couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

This war made him feel an inexplicable uneasiness everywhere, a feeling of being shrouded in conspiracy, every attack, every military order, seemed to be predicted by the other party, every troop he sent out, They all fell into each other's pockets just right.

Military predictions do exist. When Orgrim was still in Draenor, he had predicted the enemy's movements many times in wars. It is not impossible for human beings to have some military geniuses.

But like yesterday's battle, it can't be explained by strategy. Every move I take seems to be seen by the opponent. No matter what strategy I use or what kind of surprise soldiers I send, the opponent can perfectly respond to it.

This made him deeply vigilant and afraid.

Could it be that... a suspicion suddenly came to his mind, could it be that there are spies from the alliance in the tribe?And it's not just an ordinary spy, he must die a spy who can get in touch with all the military orders he issued.

But what kind of person can do this?

Herald!Orgrim suddenly thought of a possibility.

It's unbelievable, but there's no other way.

But how is this possible?Orgrim thought suspiciously, he had four high-ranking heralds under him, who directly issued his orders to the various chiefs and warlords below, all of whom were carefully selected orc warriors with the highest loyalty, And in order to ensure loyalty, they all chose direct descendants from the Blackstone clan.

Most of them have followed Draenor through life and death, and even fought alongside him as a child.

But this is the only possibility, and the truth must be clarified.

"Saurfang, go and summon all my heralds."

Soon the four high-ranking heralds were brought in.

Orgrim paced slowly in front of the four of them, his eyes swept over each other's faces one by one, and when he saw each face, the past experience of these heralds instantly appeared in his mind.

The true color of the bear, an excellent hunter from the Blackstone Wasteland, began to participate in hunting at the age of eight, personally hunted and killed an adult thunder elephant at the age of ten, became a warrior in the clan, once defeated the draenei in a battle The Avengers, protected the village.

Imperial Warblade, an excellent hunter from the Blackstone Wasteland, began to participate in hunting at the age of eight, and personally hunted and killed a male clefthoof at the age of ten, becoming a warrior in the clan.Once personally defeated the ogre marauders in a battle and protected the village.

Iron-Blooded Remnant Wolf, an excellent hunter from the Blackstone Wasteland, began to participate in hunting at the age of eight. At the age of ten, he personally hunted down a wyvern and became a warrior in the clan.He once personally defeated the arakkoa marauders in a battle and protected the village.

Uruk Blacktooth...huh?

He didn't know much about this orc Orgrim, but he remembered that he was an orc warrior from Black Tooth Village, which was the village where the previous great chief, Blackhand, was born.

After he became the new chief, Orgrim vigorously promoted his cronies, but in order to appease Blackhand's old army, he also retained some old officers, and Uruk Blacktooth was one of them.

Although both of them belonged to a big clan, they belonged to different villages. Orgrim knew nothing about Black Tooth's past experiences.

Orgrim's eyes fixed on Uruk Blacktooth decisively.

But he didn't make a rash decision.

"Among you, someone betrayed the tribe. Every action I took in yesterday's war was predicted by humans. The only explanation is that someone leaked the information.

Tell me, my loyal warriors, have any of you seen anything unusual happen between you? "

The four heralds look at me and I look at you, staring wide-eyed.

Gou Xiong Bense suddenly stood up.

"Great Chief, I remembered what you said. When I was passing the order yesterday, I saw Uruk Black Tooth running to the top of the mountain by himself and releasing a white pigeon."

Imperial Warblade (Horde Herald): "That's right, I saw it too, and he tied something to that pigeon."

Iron Blooded Wolf (Tribal Herald): "Great Chief, I seem to have seen it too."

Sure enough!Orgrim's eyes suddenly revealed a trace of killing intent.

He even made up the cause and effect in an instant. It must be because he took away the position of the great chief, which made the subordinates of the black hand feel dissatisfied.

It is intolerable to conspire to collude with the alliance to betray the tribe!

Uruk looked at his companions in surprise, his face flushed red.

"What nonsense are you talking about, I don't have any! What kind of pigeons, I don't even know!"

"We orcs must be brave, don't quibble about Uruk, you know what you did."

"That's right. Usually, you always run around quietly by yourself. I wonder why you never act with us. It turns out that you have become a traitor."

"It turns out that you are a traitor, Uruk, but we still treat you as a brother."

"Warchief—I don't!"

"Enough!" Orgrim roared. On the one hand, he was his old subordinate who followed him from the village, and on the other hand, he was a suspicious element left by the previous chief, so it goes without saying.

"Drag him down and cut him down, the traitor of the tribe must die!"

Watching Uruk Blacktooth being dragged down, Orgrim took a deep breath, and nodded to the three remaining heralds, "You are doing well, you are worthy of being the warriors who came out of the Blackstone Plain , keep working hard, the tribe will surely conquer the world.

You will see that day with your own eyes. "

The three left immediately patted their chests.

Wait until you get out of the fort.

The Imperial Warblade looked scared, "I said, isn't it good for us to bully the chief like this? So many brothers died yesterday..."

"Damn, the money is already in hand, what are you talking about now, we spent a lot of money to get a background with the fellow chief, isn't it just for this day."

"It's more than 100 million, but that's enough to buy a suite."

These three have been planning for a long time. When the account was first established, the tribe was still a monster force. The three of them joined the orc clan in the Blackstone Plains early on. This kind of prestige and favorability, he finally became Orgrim's direct descendant, and got mixed up with the key position of tribal herald.

Those rich local tyrants all stared at high-ranking officials like chiefs and warlords. They spent a lot of money, and all they played were heroes.

The three of them took a different approach and built an elite template. After all, only an elite template can serve as Orgrim's subordinates, and they are not afraid of being sent out to lead the army.

As expected, it was sold for a good price yesterday, and all the previous investment was recovered with interest, and a big profit was made.

Speaking of which, that Godwin was really generous, the three of them gave a full 500 million for information, no wonder they became kings.

It's just a bit ashamed of trusting the great chief.

But don't be afraid, the big deal is that when the tribe is defeated in the future, it's enough to fight and die with the chief.

Watching the herald leave, Orgrim still frowned. He has a very keen sense of war. At this moment, he has a feeling that the crisis has not been lifted, and the invisible shadow still hangs over the tribe.

Even though the Horde still has a massive army, enough to continue fighting the Alliance, Orgrim has absolutely no chance of winning the next war.

For every traitor there is a second.

Moreover, the tribe's interior is not stable. Several clans retreated inexplicably yesterday.

"Saurfang, do you think the tribe can win this war?"

Saurfang was silent for a moment, and said in a muffled voice, "Orcs will not accept failure."

Orgrim sighed, "That's right, the orcs can't accept a failed warchief. The war has been engraved in the soul of the orcs. It's either conquer or fail, there is no doubt about it."

There was news from the guard outside the door.

"Great Chief, Master Ner'zhul is here."

Orgrim snorted coldly. The shaman legion of the Shadowmoon Clan performed very poorly yesterday, so it's time to question them.

"Let him in."

I don't know if it was because of the defeat, but Ner'zhul looked particularly gloomy.

He was wearing a hood, which covered the face of the chief squad leader. Under the dark hood, his eyes showed a strange light.

Behind Ner'zhul, there was an orc with an unusually tall figure. Orgrim himself was tall, but the orc was a head taller than him, and his cloaked body looked extremely heavy.

Ner'zhul (Shadowmoon Chief): "Great Chief, I think you have already felt it, right? The shadow of failure is hanging over the tribe's head. Failure is inevitable. The enemy has more powerful power. Holy light, magic, A dragon... that's not something the flesh and blood of an orc can fight.

Only by seeking a more extraordinary power can the tribe be saved and the world conquered.

I bring you a piece of good news, a gift, a brand new power, an existence more extraordinary than the gods of this world, in the depths of that dark abyss, I found a greatness that can completely change everything life……"

Ner'zhul's goddamn words made Orgrim a little annoyed.

Before he could get angry, Ner'zhul stretched out his hand and removed the cloak from the orc behind him, "Look, this is the result of my transformation with this power!

The orc in front of him was a head taller than ordinary orcs. His body was full of muscles and knuckles, almost deformed. His back looked a little hunched, and one arm became extremely huge. On the shoulder, a huge eyeball grew. Blinking, it looked very strange, the huge palm became raised and sharp, almost like a monster's claw.

The other hand turned into a degenerated tentacle.

He had to admit that although the orc in front of him looked disgusting, his aura was astonishing.

If Orgrim could see the unit attributes, he would be surprised to find that the original third-level infantry has become a fourth-level infantry, and there are a lot of unit specialties.

[Abyssal Orc Warrior: Level 48 infantry, HP 980.

Troop characteristics: fast self-healing, magic resistance, super strong, immune to curse...

Troop introduction: Orc warriors corroded and transformed by the power of the abyss. After undergoing the curse of flesh and blood, their bodies are extremely strong and hard to kill. However, they have also become very blind and mentally handicapped.

The whispers of the abyss echoing in the mind make it difficult to control, and when facing the faceless, it will automatically transform into the opponent's minion unit. 】

(End of this chapter)

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