Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 37 Murphy's Plan

Chapter 37 Murphy's Plan

Back home, Murphy immediately took out a bottle of cold beer from the refrigerator and took a big gulp.

Feeling the cold liquid flowing in the stomach and intestines, the trembling hands finally calmed down.

He took a deep breath, sat on the sofa and began to review the things that happened tonight.

It was a really crazy night.

His first consideration was Wang Ziheng's affairs.
Was Wang Ziheng frightened?no doubt.

Will he call the police?Most likely not. I didn't really do anything to him. Instead, I was injured. It's hard to tell who is right and who is wrong when I really get into a situation.

But will Wang Ziheng accept his proposal?Murphy is pessimistic about this.The other party seems to be soft on the surface, but everything is based on the environment under which he has absolute control. If the other party recovers, can he still accept such an agreement?

Even if you want to threaten with force, it must be effective under the premise that you can threaten the other party. Previously, I was able to succeed entirely because of suddenness. The other party probably did not expect that I would be so crazy. In fact, he himself did not expect it.

But now that the other party is prepared, it will not be so easy to threaten the other party's life. At that time, Wang Ziheng only needs to call a few security guards to escort him, and then talk to himself, and he will be completely out of control. If you really dare to do it, no matter if you succeed or fail, you will be sent to the police. One charge of attempted murder is enough to send you to prison for several years.

He sighed, rather pessimistic about what would happen tomorrow.

What made him feel even more desperate was the appearance of the black dragon. At first he had a little bit of luck, thinking that the black dragon might be his cheat, a golden finger bestowed on him by the gods, but judging from the few trials tonight, it didn't look like that at all. thing.

This thing wants to take his life and take his own home. When Mo Fei thinks of the feeling of being strangled by the black dragon before, he is afraid for a while. That thing is too weird, whether it is hallucination or subconsciousness, but the suffocating The feeling can't be faked.

Thinking of this, he looked at the surrounding window glass with some fear, and finally he simply closed the curtains to feel a little more secure.

He continued to think.

It would be great if Wang Ziheng could really pay according to today's agreement. He would not only be able to get rid of the big trouble of Murphys, but also earn a settling fee and get out of the company smoothly.

But can things really go so smoothly?Murphy didn't dare to bet.

(Why don't you just give them your account number, even if you don't have 1000 million, you'll have to go crazy if you keep playing.)
But Mo Fei immediately vetoed this idea. This was his half a year's hard work and the largest wealth he had accumulated in his life. He must not just give it away like this. Even if the black dragon is a scourge, it is also his own scourge.

1000 million, not even a word less!
But what should Wang Ziheng do if he refuses to pay?
Murphy had no choice but to start planning for the worst for tomorrow.

He listed the difficulties he faced and the goals he wanted to achieve one by one on paper.


1. Wang Ziheng's contract trap.

2. The game helmet bound to the account is in the hands of the company. If the negotiation fails, the company will not be able to get the game characters, and it will be difficult for the company to get them.

3. The black dragon threatens his own life.


1. Get back as much as possible, preferably 1000 million or more.

2. Get rid of the threat of the black dragon.

3. Get away from Shining Star Company smoothly.

Mo Fei looked at the content on the paper and scratched his head. There were too many difficulties and the goals were too big, and it might be useless to just work hard.

But what else can you do besides desperately?I am just an ordinary person, and my only specialty is probably playing games. It would be fine if I could use the power of the black dragon in reality, but unfortunately I can only think about it.

As Murphy thought about it, he suddenly stood up—"The ancient black dragon—transform!"

Unsurprisingly, nothing happened. He laughed at himself and sat back on the sofa. It's a pity that the game is just a game after all...

wrong!Mo Fei suddenly thought of something, and stood up suddenly. If he was playing those ordinary games in the past, he would really have to resign himself to fate, but the sky world is not an ordinary game, maybe he can do this... this... it again!

A plan quickly took shape in his mind, and he took another look at the difficulties and goals listed on the paper. He continued to deduce and plan, and the more he thought about it, the more feasible he felt. That's right, that's it, hahahaha, I'm such a fucking genius!

Mo Fei suddenly understood.

Wang Ziheng, Wang Ziheng, don't you just want my game account, so why not give it to you, I really can't beat you in capital games, but when it comes to playing Sky World, that's my home field!
Murphys, Murphys, you want to mess with me, right? I'll let you know who the fuck is the boss. If you want me to die, let's see who dies first!

Murphy made up his mind, picked up his phone, and quickly dialed a number.

"Hey, is the shadow there?"

"Here, Brother Long, why have you changed your mind? Let me tell you that the previous buyer raised the price again. The Dragon Slaying Sword and the Balrog Scepter are packaged for 350 million. If you ask me, it's almost the same, and it's sold."

"One price of 500 million, tell them to take it away, if not, I will put 500 million on the auction house, but this is just one of them, I have another task for you, if you do it well, you will spend the rest of your life Enough to eat, but it takes a little courage and acting skills to do this, how about it, do you have confidence?"

"Don't worry, Brother Long, don't you feel relieved when I do things? When have you been disappointed after working together for such a long time? Tell me what you need me to do."

"The plan is a bit complicated. I will explain it to you later. You will pick me up in your car tomorrow. I need you to do something for me."

At noon the next day, Murphy came to Shining Star Company again. As soon as he entered the company's gate, he felt that the company's atmosphere was a bit strange.

As soon as the front desk saw him, he asked him to go to the supervisor's office to report. Along the way, the anchors he knew all winked at him.

Murphy did not go to the office, but went to his live broadcast room first. As expected, the door was locked. It seemed that the company had already started to guard against him.

Murphy was not surprised. He turned around and walked into the supervisor's office, only to find that Wang Ziheng was not here. The supervisor was sitting on the sofa beside him, and a middle-aged man in his 30s was sitting behind the desk. Wearing gold-rimmed glasses, well-maintained, it looks like a city man. He was playing with a pen at this time, and nodded slightly when he came in.

There were a few security guards standing next to them, and Murphy sighed as they looked like they were facing a formidable enemy.

Well, it seems that the most worrying thing really happened.

"Please sit down." The middle-aged man said, pushing a document to Murphy, and handing over the pen along with it.

(End of this chapter)

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