Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 376

Chapter 376 I - The Great Chief - Making Money

It was the Iron Legion commanded by Red Blackhand who received the fourth letter.

When the letter was received, Red Blackhand was at the foot of Blackstone Mountain directing his orcs to attack the huge fortress built by the Dark Iron Dwarves. Although the Alliance couldn't beat them, it was relatively easy to deal with these Dark Iron Dwarves.

After all, the Dark Iron Dwarves are a monster force, completely incomparable with an official faction like the Alliance.

Without adventurers as cannon fodder, the war of attrition is no match for the orcs.

Although Reid Blackhand has not been in charge of the Legion for a long time, he has fought against the Alliance a few times, and he is very skilled in using the skills of adventurers. He directly sent thousands of adventurers to scout the terrain, spy on information, and assassinate the little Black Iron Dwarf. BOSS.

After a wave of operations, the intelligence of the Blackstone Fortress suddenly got messed up.

The situation around Blackrock Mountain is very complicated. Deep in the bottom of Blackrock Mountain is the Molten Core, the lair of Firelord Ragnaros in the material world.

Inside Blackrock is Blackrock Abyss, a huge underground city built by Dark Iron dwarves.

Above the Blackrock Abyss is the Blackrock Spire Fortress, which also houses part of the Black Iron Dwarves' forces. On the top floor of the Blackrock Spire Fortress is the Blackwing Lair, Nefarian's old lair.

It can be described as extremely complicated.

However, Red Blackhand's ambitions are not that big, and he is not going to take down the entire Blackstone Mountain. He is going to take down the Blackstone Fortress first, and build a main base first.

Just when he was about to lead his army to attack Blackrock Tower, he received a letter from Ba Dao Wuqing.

Red Blackhand was shocked after reading the contents of the letter.

"What! The great chief died in battle—Ba Dao Wuqing became the new great chief?"

From the bottom of his heart, he still respects Orgrim very much. It is not an exaggeration to say that he can regenerate his parents by handing over half of the Blackstone clan's troops to him regardless of the past.

It is common practice to directly kill the descendants of the former great chief if it is something else that is more scheming.

After thinking for a moment, Red Blackhand quickly made a decision.

Although being ruthless to Ba Dao is not a big deal, it is the last wish of the great chief after all.

And the Iron Legion is currently inappropriate to establish an enemy.

Reid Blackhand (Chief Blackstone): "Tell Ba Dao Wuqing that my Blackstone Legion is willing to continue to serve the Great Chief, but we are too far away from the Portal of Darkness, and there are too many enemies to face, so we cannot directly obey orders. I hope the Great Chief I can understand."

To put it simply, if you listen to the announcement or not, you are still a member of the tribe in name, but if you want to order Lao Tzu, it is useless.

[World Announcement: Red Blackhand, chief of the Blackrock Clan, announced that the Iron Legion has pledged allegiance to Ba Dao Rurui. 】

Upon receiving this news, Ba Dao Wuqing was slightly relieved.

Fortunately, Reid Blackhand still knows the general idea. As for the matter of listening to the announcement or not, he can accept it. Anyway, he is about to blow up the Dark Portal later. Whether you like it or not.

But for the last dragon army, he was completely at a loss.

The Tyrannosaurus Clan and the Dragonmaw Clan really don't have much to do with each other, and the Dragon Legion can be said to be the most powerful of the six legions. Will Necrus be loyal to him?It feels completely impossible.

However, to his surprise, a new world announcement sounded soon.

[World Announcement: The chief of the Dragonmaw clan, Necrus, declared his allegiance to Ba Dao Ruthless, and the authority of the great chief of Ba Dao Ruthless has been strengthened. 】

[World Announcement: Because Ba Dao ruthlessly won the support of most of the legions, he was officially succeeded as the third chief of the tribe, thus - the Ba Dao clan became the orthodoxy of the tribe. 】

[System prompt: Since you have completed the story mission [Road to the Great Chief], you have obtained 3850 story points, your rank has increased, and you have obtained a new hero specialty...

You get the special template of 'Faction Leader', which increases your maximum health by 1000%.

You have activated the faction building system...]

A series of system prompts directly blinded Ba Dao Wuqing, and he fell into ecstasy.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, I, Ba Dao Wuqing, would actually one day become a great chief.

And as soon as this announcement came out, the players in the entire game were all in shock.

This Ba Dao is ruthless is too fucking lucky.

Although there were some players who became faction leaders before, whether it was Emperor Shenwu or Godwin, they spent hundreds of millions of money, a huge amount of manpower and financial resources, and various schemes to get to the top.

Moreover, Emperor Shenwu is only one of the camp leaders of the Night Alliance, and the boss is Malfurion.

Although Godwin has assumed the position of leader of the alliance, the alliance is a loose covenant group, and his leader is similar to the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains. He has a nice name but he does not have the power to make a promise. Even in the Kingdom of Lordaeron, he has to face A confrontation between a bunch of disobedient younger siblings.

In contrast, the great chief of this tribe is really dominating one side with all his promises. The key is that Ba Dao Wuqing didn't invest much money in the game at all. When he established the Ba Dao Clan, he still used the official game to carry out activities— —Recharge 50 to send the orc clan.

The background of his appearance is nothing more than a silver-one orc chieftain.

I didn't expect to mix up and become a great chief, so there's no reason for this.

It seems that burning cold stoves also has the benefits of burning cold stoves. There are not many krypton gold masters in the tribal camp, and a 'pseudo' local tyrant succeeded in taking the position.

This made those local tyrants who spent millions and tens of millions in the alliance feel disappointed that they didn't even get a king - I would have gone to join the tribe if I knew it.

Murphy didn't pay much attention to this result.

Whether it's a king or a great chief, it just sounds majestic. What's really worth pursuing is your own power.

Speaking of which, during this period of time, relying on killing the orcs, his level has risen rapidly. He has already risen to level 66, and his rank has also been raised to the third level of gold, so his strength can be regarded as very strong.

Now that Stormwind City has been recovered, since the Alliance and the Horde will not be able to fight in a short time, it is time for him to hunt more ancient dragons and complete the task of the ancient dragon road.

So after the celebration banquet in Stormwind City, Murphy bid farewell to Lothar and the others, and led the army back to Algranque.

However, Murphy never stopped paying attention to the tribe.

In the next few days, the game was calm, the tribe fell apart, the alliance lost its enemy, and also lost the goal of the war.

But in the forum, it was surging.

Ba Dao Wuqing obviously didn't waste the amazing news of becoming the Great Chief this time.

It didn't take long to get things done online.

The first is to release a [Letter to Horde Players].

There is a lot going on in this open letter.

There are self-introductions, explanations of his legitimacy as the chief of the tribe, introductions of his development plan to grow in the Draenor enclosure, and warnings to the Alliance not to attack Draenor in vain, or they will directly blow up the Dark Portal claims.

At the end of this letter, Ba Dao Ruqing also called on the old players of the tribe to return, and even had an advertisement to attract investment.

The content of the advertisement can probably be summed up in one sentence.

I am ruthless - the chief of the tribe - to play money.

As soon as the letter was withdrawn, it caused a lot of discussion.

According to Ba Dao Wuqing, he, the great chief of the tribe, will be Draenor's ball leader in the future. Although Draenor has been plagued by orcs, it is still a whole planet, and there are still some places where people can live.

Nagrand, Shattrath, Zangarmarsh, Farren...

In addition, those poor mountains and rivers polluted by evil energy look terrible, but they are actually treasures for refreshing high-level monsters.

As long as the development is good, it will definitely make a lot of money.

Ba Dao Ruthless directly invites major game studios to settle in Draenor. As long as they are willing to invest, chiefs, warlords, territories, clans, whatever they want, they are guaranteed to make a lot of money.

At the same time, brick-moving parties are also invited. The resources and materials in this game are very valuable. Although the environment of Draenor is a bit harsh, there are few players and the competition is not so fierce. It is definitely worth moving.

Needless to say, this letter really attracted many players.

There are not only game studios and brick-moving parties, but also many old tribal players from World of Warcraft...


[To the tribal player book:
Presumably everyone already knows that our tribe is being bullied by the alliance.

The great chief is so embarrassing, I can't bear it, absolutely can't bear it.

Why are the men of our tribe so cowardly?No way, our tribe must stand up.

Why did the second orc war lose because our soldiers were not brave?Is it because our warchief's strategy is not clever enough?
No, absolutely not, the reason for the loss is because there are too many people in the alliance, and they entered the game two years earlier than us, can this win?Definitely can't win.

Orgrim didn't understand these things, so he sent it. Fortunately, he had a good eye for talents and appointed me, Ba Dao Wuqing, to take over the position of the chief.

Many people are not convinced that I am the great chief, you—Badao Wuqing, who is it?Never heard of it.

Let me tell you, it's because you don't understand war.

As the chief of the Badao clan, he has participated in more than a dozen battles with the alliance in person, which is definitely a great achievement.

In the Battle of Dagger Ridge, Lao Hou and I attacked the Western Wilderness together. This Hellscream did not listen to my advice, and was almost wiped out by the group in the past. I cleaned up the mess and saved the remaining orcs to go back. The alliance's 10,000+ army was in ambush I was killed by me in a daze.

In the Battle of Stormwind City, I personally went to the battle formation, led the troops to attack the city, and participated in the killing of King Ryan.

In the Battle of the Wetlands, I killed several alliance lords and generals, and even beheaded the King of Gilneas with my own hands.

Just ask the chiefs of the tribe, who has the most credit for me, and who will be the chief if I am not the chief?
So those who doubt me, the pattern is broken.

Now that I have become the great chief, I must get the tribe up.

I have already sent people to install alchemy bombs at the Dark Portal, and I blew up the Dark Portal when I turned around. We need to develop well in Draenor, open the door a year later, and launch the third Orc War. At that time, the Alliance must be wiped out Can't do it.

Adventurers in our tribe should not be discouraged. Although the main force of our tribe has retreated to Draenor, my brother is not in the Jianghu. There are still legends about my brother in the Jianghu. The Dragonmaw Clan and the Blackstone Clan support me, and the Frostwolf Clan, Are you still fighting?

We still have many strongholds in Azeroth. If you need supplies or learn skills, don't worry.

Everyone leveled up slowly, and waited for it first, and opened the door to welcome Master Wang after a year.

And those veteran Warcraft players back then, the Horde was obviously the dominant camp back then, why are there so few Horde people now?

Old players, where are you all now?Is the blood in your heart already cold?

It's time to get back your lost youth and complete your unfinished dreams.

Come on, join us, join the tribe, let's make the tribe great again!

For the tribe!

The great chief of the tribe—Ba Dao Ruruthless. 】

Lin Hao looked at the content on the computer screen, and his old face couldn't help revealing the look of memory.

Old memories came to mind again, it was his passionate youth.

World of Warcraft, what a distant memory. At that time, he was just a young man in his 30s, obsessed with the mysterious world on the computer screen. He fought all night with his friends in the guild for the dungeon. After successfully defeating the Cheers in the voice after the final boss.

I was also dejected because of my friend's AFK.

What a wonderful time those were.

But now he is already an old man in his 60s.

Once the nostalgia hits, it can't be stopped.

Lin Hao couldn't help but opened the locker, and found a small box from the depths of the locker, with three lines printed on the box.

【World of Warcraft

Burning Crusade

Old World Classics]

Open it, and there is a metal sign inside.

This is a commemorative identity card launched by World of Warcraft that year, with each player's character name, occupation, and race engraved on it.

He looked at the sign, which recorded his lost youth.

Laugh wildly

Orcs - Warriors

The Burning Crusade Sector V Patchwick

Served for 12 years and five months
NO. 081121955
Lin Hao's fingers lightly brushed over the sign.

Ah, I really miss it.

Looking at the identity card in his hand, Lin Hao couldn't help but think of his experience in the game again, and couldn't help feeling sad, but unfortunately he was no longer that young man.

For his life, for his family, and for his children, he hasn't played games for many years.

Hehe, what are you thinking about, I am already old, even if I want to play, I can't keep up.

His memory is still stuck in the era of operating with a mouse and keyboard.

However, even though he thought so, Lin Hao couldn't help but opened the official game website of Sky World, and checked the game introduction with the background of Warcraft.

What?Gaming headset, virtual reality?
I haven't played games for so many years, has the game developed so advanced?

Lin Hao looked at it in a daze.

The more I look at it, the more itchy I become.

If you can really enter the haunted Azeroth, Draenor, and Outland in person, what a happy thing it would be.

Finally, Lin Hao couldn't help but bought a gaming helmet.

Isn't it just 8 yuan?

after one day--

Looking at the game helmet in his hand, Lin Hao was full of excitement, but also a little apprehensive. What if the game is not as good as described?
There are too many things like wrong goods in reality.

But in order to regain the lost youth, let's try anyway.

Feeling anxious, Lin Hao lay on the bed and put on his helmet.

Following a burst of dizziness when using the game helmet for the first time, Lin Hao entered the game.

Lin Hao was at a loss for choosing a template. He didn't expect this game to be so sophisticated, but he could still play monsters?Small animals?civilian?Can you still be a hero or a lord?
However, Lin Hao has no interest in these messy templates. As an old player, of course he wants to be a greedy adventurer.

After choosing the adventurer template, there are actually three optional camps.

Human Alliance: The alliance composed of humans, elves, dwarves, and gnomes is the ruler of the eastern continent. They unite in the name of justice and glory. After defeating the tribes, the alliance's rule over the eastern continent has become more and more stable.

Night Alliance: An ancient alliance composed of night elves, centaurs, tauren, and dryads, jointly defending the order and security of the Kalimdor continent. Although there have been a series of conflicts within the alliance, the increasingly serious external threats In front of them, all races are closely united.

Orc tribe: A war alliance composed of orcs, ogres, trolls, and goblins. In order to obtain a new home, the orcs from the planet Draenor launched a war of conquest on the eastern continent. Although they were defeated by the alliance, the orc tribe was still strong. There is a possibility of a comeback at any time.

This is really weird. I didn't expect that the night elves and the centaur tauren could form an official camp. This is different from the plot of World of Warcraft.

At this time, he discovered that the game had a Sky Chronicle function, which could query a series of major events that occurred in the game.

I couldn't help being curious, and I was shocked when I saw it.

My God, players can still participate in the plot, change history, and become the leader of the faction!

It turns out that the status quo of the three major camps in the current game is all caused by the influence of players.

Lin Hao couldn't help being amazed.

He became more and more interested.

But although it sounds good to be a hero, he decided to try it with the adventurer template first.

He chose the orc tribe without hesitation.

Race orc—professional fighter—role name: laughing wildly for a lifetime.

With a flash of white light, the orc laughed wildly and entered the game.

When Lin Hao opened his eyes, what he saw was a familiar yet unfamiliar scene.

The crimson mountains and open wilderness, the simple fences and animal skin tents, the rough orc architectural style is very familiar and friendly.

This is - Hellfire Peninsula!That's right, when he was in AFK, he played the Warcraft nostalgic server - The Burning Crusade, and he was too familiar with the place of Hellfire Peninsula.

It's just that I didn't expect that this place would become a novice village for orcs.

Behind him, new orc players, shirtless and wearing only fur shorts, sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Lin Hao stomped the ground with his feet, walked a few more steps, and jumped twice.

In reality, the old body of more than 60 years old, but in the game is a muscular and burly orc warrior.

Such a powerful force!He clenched his fists and watched the muscles in his arms burst into excitement.

It was so real, so shocking, he couldn't help but roar to the sky, and let out a roar unique to orcs.

Feel the dry hot wind blowing on your face, and feel the smell of sulfur and soil in the air.

For a moment, it seemed that he had really traveled to the planet Draenor.

No, this is not just regaining the lost youth, but fulfilling the unfulfilled dream.

At this time, a rough voice suddenly came from behind.

Kartuk (Head of Chiyan Village): "You are finally here - laughing wildly all your life, I guess you must have gone through many difficulties and obstacles to get here.

Worry no more, you've arrived home.

Now you come at the right time, the Horde has just experienced a fiasco, is facing a huge threat, and needs the bravest fighters to save the situation.

Are you ready to fight for the Horde Warriors!Are you ready to shed blood and die for the glory of the Horde once again? "

Listening to the orc's words, Lin Hao couldn't help but feel his blood boil.

That's right, I am a warrior of the tribe, and I want to fight for the glory of the tribe!

For the tribe!

(End of the eighth volume)

(End of this chapter)

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