Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 380 Purchase Fleet Summon Heroes

Chapter 380 Purchase Fleet Summon Heroes
Just do what you say, anyway, if you want to hunt other ancient dragons and run around the world in the future, you will definitely need a fleet.

Alterac's little broken fleet is gone, it's not a good ship anyway.

Mo Fei comforted himself, and went directly to the auction house to search for the prices of the blueprints and materials of the battleship.

Warship blueprints are engineering items, which often require high engineering skills to build. In theory, players can knock out one by themselves after learning the blueprints, but it takes a long time.

If the player has craftsman NPC assistance, the construction time can be greatly shortened. There is no upper limit to this shortening. The more craftsmen, the faster the construction speed. Therefore, in theory, if you gather 1 craftsmen, you can build a warship in [-] minute. come out.

Mo Fei searched and suddenly found that something was wrong. He didn't know engineering, and he couldn't use the blueprint after buying it. Why bother?Just hire people directly.

Murphy went directly to the forum to search for relevant information, and he really found it.

Battle-type players have their own circles, lord-type players have their own circles, and professional players have their own circles.

There is a corresponding section in the forum dedicated to discussing similar issues.

Blacksmithing, alchemy, leatherworking... etc. Of course, the category of engineering is also indispensable.

Murphy went to the forum to check, and soon locked on a 'great craftsman' named Luban No.[-].

Great craftsman is also a kind of hero profession, which is generally unique to the dwarves. It is not surprising that Luban No. [-] heard Murphy's request.

Luban No. [-] (Great Craftsman): "Do you want to build a warship?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Yes, how can it be made?"

"Of course, this is what I do professionally, but let me tell you in advance that warships are not cheap, and if you have less money, you can't do it."

"Don't worry, money is not a problem. How do you sell this warship? Is it a finished product or a new one?"

"Of course it is manufactured now. There are two trading modes. One is that you order the ship directly and ship the goods at the price of the finished product. This way the price is higher, but it can save you a lot of things.

Of course, you can also buy the materials yourself, and we will do the OEM for you, so we only charge the OEM fee, but you have to pay for the dock. "


"Yeah, I'm from the studio. You don't think that shipbuilding can be played by a single player. How can there be so much capital?"

As Luban No. [-] spoke, he gave Murphy a popular science.

Although the battleship belongs to engineering creations, it is different from general engineering creations. Small objects such as dwarf bombs, dwarf mortars, and dwarf shrinking ray launchers are all single items, and the cost is very low. One person can Done.

But warships are huge monsters with hundreds of thousands of tons, involving various factions of engineering. It is almost impossible for one person to get it done. It requires several engineering masters to jointly build, and the materials consumed are extremely amazing. Small sailboats can't play with such big guys.

Moreover, the more advanced the battleship blueprint, the more difficult it is to obtain. Although it is not as expensive as real shipbuilding, it is not a small amount.

And in order to reduce the construction time, there must be enough craftsmen to assist, so only the studio can handle such a troublesome project.

"We currently have drawings of more than a dozen warships in our hands, depending on what you need. In addition, we also provide DIY services. As long as you ask, we can find a way to complete them. Of course, we can't guarantee the power of your own DIY warships. up.

Some time ago, a pirate guild ordered a Black Pearl for us, and it can be reproduced as long as there are blueprints. "

Murphy is not interested in DIYing his own battleship. He can't play with it, so he should buy a ready-made one.

"What is the best warship in the alliance countries at present?
"The best is of course the King Power battleship of the Kul Tiras Navy, the Kul Tiras Navy is the overlord of the sea, and the naval strength ranks first in the alliance.

This is what Admiral Proudmoore drives, with a displacement of 1500 tons, equipped with 104 cannons, and has the characteristics of two warships: [Heavy Cannon Salvo] and [Unsinkable Huge Ship]. The cost is 45 gold coins or 450 million points. "

My day, 450 million!Mo Fei called it a good guy, a legendary weapon is only two to three million.This thing can almost match the price of two legendary weapons.

Luban No. [-] said: "Don't think it's expensive, this blueprint is very difficult to get, we specially found a prince of Kul Tiras to get it for the blueprint, and spent a lot of money.

Moreover, the materials for shipbuilding are also a lot of money. The cost alone is about 400 million. We also need to spend money to rent the dock, which is actually a hard-earned money. "

Murphy didn't believe this, but he also knew that there was no practical point in dwelling on this issue.

Luban No. 1250 said again: "Of course there are also cheaper ones. The royal-class battleships are slightly inferior to the royal-class battleships. The main battleship of the Royal Navy of Lordaeron has a displacement of 88 tons and 350 artillery pieces. Features, the cost of a ship is [-] million, how about it, it is much cheaper.

One more point, the capital ship of the Gilneas Navy, Terror class, has a displacement of 800 tons, 54 cannons, and two skills of [Critical Strike] and [Extreme Shooting]. Just in case.

A little more, the Black Sail class, the main battleship of the seven pirate fleets, has a displacement of 550 tons and 24 cannons. It has two characteristics of [springboard projection] and [fast sailing]. It is also relatively fast, and the cost is 150 million.

Of course, if you really have no money, there is a cheaper one, the Warrior class, the battleship of the Alterac Navy, with a displacement of 450 tons, equipped with only sixteen cannons, without any skills, but the price is very affordable, only 80 yuan ship.

Good guy, Murphy called him straight. He only knew that Alterac's navy was relatively backward, but he didn't expect that Alterac's navy was so backward that it was actually weaker than pirate ships.

No wonder the pirate fleets I encountered in the Naga Sea were not afraid of their majestic and regular fleet at all.

No wonder the entire fleet, including the soldiers and sailors on board, was sold for 2000 million.

Murphy shook his head speechlessly.

Since you want to build a fleet for yourself, then naturally you have to build the best one - King Quan, that's you.

But he doesn't plan to spend too much money, the cost of this thing is too scary, just have one as the flagship.

Then equip four Black Sails. Although the firepower of the Black Sails is a bit weaker, they are cheaper. They are quite good for pulling people in. Moreover, the skill of springboard projection can make full use of the combat power of adventurers to fight against enemy ships.

Five warships, a total of 1050 million.

1050 million, all of the huge sum of money that Murphy earned before was thrown into it, but for Taikoo Long, everything is worth it.

The plan has been made, Murphy gritted his teeth, "That's it, five warships, how long will it take to get it done? I'm in a hurry to use it."

"It's done in a day."

"Okay, let's sign the contract."

Mo Fei opened the trading function of the game, and soon a contract was drawn up. Mo Fei checked repeatedly and signed his name. He chose to buy the whole ship directly. Time was tight, and he didn't have so much time to buy materials slowly. .

The location of the construction is chosen at the dock in South Sea Town (warships can only be built in the dock).

With the money in place, Luban No. [-] immediately took action.

It was also at this time that Murphy saw the true strength of this studio.

The strength of this studio is not weak, not only seven or eight great craftsmen and engineering masters, but also thousands of dwarf craftsmen, it can be seen that this is not the first time they have taken on this kind of work, it only took less than an hour, A battleship has already appeared in the dock.

The keels of the other four battleships were gradually taking shape.

Looking at the five warships that were gradually taking shape, Murphy felt that it was worth it, especially the King Quan class, with a towering ship building, a huge hull, rows of artillery, mighty and domineering.

If you drive such a warship on the sea in the future, it will be much more majestic.

This thing is much more attractive than the two legendary weapons. The key is that it looks big enough.

Next, Murphy spent more than 100 million to hire the captain and sailors in the tavern in Nanhai Town. Now he completely spent the more than 1000 million he earned before, and now his assets are only less than 1000 million. It looks like it's arrived.

The formation of the fleet was completed, but it was only the beginning. Next, it was time to recruit heroes and adventurers.

Murphy didn't have any confidence in fighting the ancient dragon solo, and mainly relied on group fights. Although there was an army of the Dragon Sorrow Knights, it was probably enough to surround and beat a great ancient dragon to death, but how many people would be killed in that way, it was better to use the adventurer as a Cannon fodder came well.

Then use the hero's hammer to determine the tone and kill it, which is the kingly way.

As for the price, some of the ancient dragon's drop must be distributed. Mo Fei's main target is the dragon's heart, so he doesn't care much about equipment.

Murphy directly issued a faction announcement—to be exact, a kingdom edict, which can be seen by players in the same faction at the same time. Only the king, or a powerful figure like him, a member of the council, is eligible to issue this .

[Decree of the Republic of Alterac: Prince Aidan of Alterac issued this decree. The content of the decree is as follows——

The Northrend Tourist Group is leaving tonight. The fleet is ready. It is currently preparing to sail in South Sea Town. Adventurers who want to take a ride to Northrend should pay attention. Recruit adventurers above level 40 to go with the fleet. A total of 1000 places, until full.

No ticket required.

In addition, recruit 4 heroes above the gold level to form a team to slay the dragon - the target is a great dragon boss, professional requirements, 1-2 strong supporters, 2-3 long-range occupations such as fort mages and powerful shooters.

Equipment allocation: Dragon hearts are not divided, and the rest are all ROLL. One needs more greed, and each person drops at least one piece.

PS: I am going with the army, so safety can be guaranteed, if you want to come, please private message me. 】

As soon as the faction announcement was sent out, the content of the private chat immediately frantically swiped up the screen.

Murphy glanced at it, and was speechless to find that most of the people who chatted with him in private were adventurers.

Mo Fei was a little speechless. Why did this group of people privately message him after they all mentioned the meeting place.

He couldn't reply one by one, so he directly set the adventurer's private messages to be automatically blocked, which was much more refreshing.

However, there are quite a few hero players.

Morgan Lisa (Grand Arcanist): "I said Aidan, are you going to Northrend to slay dragons? Take me one, I'm so bored now."

Qingfeng Lanhuai (Master Ranger): "Baiyin Tier [-] Ranger Master applied for the battle. Brother Aidan, do you still remember me? We have worked together before, can you give me a chance, brother."

Mengmeng Big Tits (Holy Priest): "Golden first-level professional treatment, descendant of the God of Light, with sufficient milk, please take her in."

Frenzied Gandalf (battle mage): "Would you like a battle mage? My long-range spells are a bit weak, but I know the sword of the arcane, and I can output long-range basic attacks. The damage is absolutely powerful."

Dalabon (Prince of Alterac): "I said, brother, you are going to Northrend, why don't you call me one, I'm already silver five, just a little bit away from the gold rank, can you Give me some plot points."

Phoenix (Holy Light Messenger): "Prince Aidan, do you still remember me? Thanks to you for saving my life on Brokenspear Peak. Count me in if you need it. I can fight in melee and heal. I just upgraded to Epic recently. , I think it can provide some help."

Kaya Windrunner (Bright Ranger): "Golden third-tier ranger master, dual extraordinary combat skills, legendary weapons, understand everything."

Wuchenzi (priest of the Goddess of Life): "Professional treatment, whoever uses it will know."

Mo Fei was a little surprised when he saw these private messages. He didn't expect to attract so many people. It seems that his appeal is still quite high.

In fact, this is indeed the case. After the second orc war, the name of the Storm Dragon King Aidan Delong is already well-known. After all, the hero who can change into a dragon is too recognizable.

At this time, there were more than a dozen heroes who had signed up, some of whom he knew and some of whom he didn't, which made Mo Fei feel a little troublesome.

Murphy didn't plan to group too many people. After all, there are only so many boss drops, and there are too many people and there are not enough points.

Besides, with the army around, Murphy the Dragon Slayer was quite sure. The main purpose of recruiting a few heroes was to reserve insurance to ensure that the losses would not be too large.

In fact, Murphy still has another choice, which is to form a team with NPCs. The characters and abilities of NPCs are very intuitive, and the outstanding characters in the general plot are quite powerful.

Like Muradin and Alleria, they have fought side by side with Murphy, and the cooperation is also very cooperative.

It's a pity that most of the characters in the plot have their own plots to develop, and it is impossible to leave things behind and go to Northrend to slay the dragon with him.

After thinking about it, Morgan Lisa definitely wants it. This girl is very qualified as a fortress, and the two of them are old friends. Tulong must be brought along.

Support? Let’s choose Phoenix. He remembers that this girl was a gold four or five gold back then. She was not weak when she was selected to attack the Balrog lord. I didn’t expect her to be promoted to epic now. It sounds like an epic hero. Still great.

The shooter should choose Kaya Windrunner. The name seems to have the background of the Windrunner family. It must have special talents and specialties, and it is more powerful than ordinary rangers.

And extraordinary combat skills + legendary weapons, Mo Feike knows very well that this combination is powerful, much better than that parallel importer Qingfeng Lanhuai.

The last place, hesitating again and again, Mo Fei gave Mengmeng big tits, it would be good if the nanny had one more, after he transforms into a dragon, if he has enough milk, he can definitely fight Taigulong.

(End of this chapter)

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