Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 382 The Hero Razidanan

Chapter 382 The Hero Razidanan
The majestic battleship splits the waves and sails on the boundless sea.

Standing on the ship tower, Murphy looked at the sea in front of him. The ambition he had when he first set out to sea had long since disappeared.

Just feeling bored for a while.

It's really boring, and the game map is too big to be a good thing. It takes at least a few days to sail from South Seaport to Northrend. If Murphy can fly over quickly by himself, now with Such a fleet can only go slowly.

There were a few women chatting happily behind them. Girls seemed to have a natural ability to communicate. It hasn't been a day yet, and the four of them have become good sisters who talk about everything.

On the contrary, the leader, Mo Fei, couldn't get into the conversation. Mo Fei thought that he should not have chosen four female teammates if he had known earlier.

He turned his attention to the sea in front of him.

There are not no monsters in the sea. From time to time, you can see murlocs, sea monsters, and naga swimming in the sea, either in groups or alone. Silly, know what kind of enemy can't provoke.

Murphy also had nothing to do with these diving monsters, he could only watch them disappear from sight.

At this time, there was a sudden commotion from the Dragon Tooth sailing on the left, but it was the watching sailors who spotted an approaching sea beast.

Through the telescope, it can be seen that it is a rare elite.

Vegetir (Megalodon) is a rare elite/ocean monster with a level of 80 and a HP of 25000.

With a body of more than 30 meters long, it can barely be considered a giant in the sea, but it still can't pose any threat in front of a fleet full of people.

There was a rumbling sound of gunfire, and a few rounds of volleys ripped apart the giant tooth shark's skin, blood stained the sea, and the adventurers on the ship cheered, and even a few swimmers risked being swallowed. Jumped into the sea, and quickly touched the monster's drop after the megalodon was shot on the sea.

This kind of episode has happened several times, because there are no bosses, not even plot events, and Mo Fei doesn't care. The rare elves will drop a blue outfit at most, and he doesn't bother to do it.

All of a sudden, a dragon-controller landed quickly.

Dragon Patrolman: "Your Highness, a pirate fleet has been spotted fifteen nautical miles ahead, and the flag should be the plundering fleet of Raging Tide Pirates."

Murphy immediately became interested.

There are seven major pirate fleets in the firmament world, and the Raging Tide pirates are one of them. The so-called plundering fleets are mostly small fleets formed to raid merchant fleets. Generally, the number of warships will not exceed ten, and there will be no boss-level warships. , is suitable for brushing the plot.

Murphy immediately ordered to the captain, "Target northwest, Raging Tide Pirate Fleet, advance at full speed!"

As soon as they heard that there was going to be a fight, the heroines immediately stopped chatting and joined together.

Morgan Lisa (Great Arcanist): "Are you going to fight Aidan? What is the origin of the other party?"

Kaya Windrunner (Ranger of Light): "Okay, okay, it's been a long time since we fought!"

Mengmeng Big Tits (Holy Priest): "Brother Aidan, you must protect the world."

Phoenix (Messenger of the Light): "Do you need to prepare anything, Captain Aidan?"

"Don't be nervous, everyone, it should be just a pirate's plundering fleet, there is no threat, just make some money by the way."

Fifteen nautical miles away, because it was facing each other, in less than half an hour, I saw a pirate fleet approaching from a distance. When I saw this fleet from this side, the opponent didn't dodge, but directly greeted it.

This pirate fleet probably also has a reason to be confident. They have a total of nine warships, which is almost twice the number of Murphy's fleet. From the perspective of the lineup alone, there is no advantage.

Moreover, fleets, like players, have battle levels. The more battles they experience, the richer their battle experience will be, and the more powerful their battleships will be.

At this point, Murphy's 'cute new' fleet is even worse, but Murphy is not nervous, what we are playing is dimensionality reduction strike.

[System prompt: The plot event [Raging Tide Sea Battle] is triggered. Your fleet has encountered the squadron of Raging Tide Pirates. An encounter at sea seems inevitable. The outcome of this battle will be revealed by fate... 】

Captain Shandel, who was driving the boat, came over, "Your Highness, the other side is sending out flags. They demand that we surrender immediately, otherwise we will be killed."

Aidan (Leader of Dragonslayer Knights): "Tell them to surrender immediately, and then we will kill them all."

Captain Shandel: "Your Highness, are you wrong?"

"No, that's right, just send it like this."

Not long after the semaphore was played, the opposing fleet raised the skull flag.

Murphy still understands this semaphore, so it doesn't matter if you shoot or kill.

The two fleets are constantly approaching. Murphy's fleet is in a column, ready to seize the T-head, but the opponent's fleet is divided into two, and it seems that they are preparing to be sandwiched between the two. Due to the slow speed of the King Quan class battleship, there is a vague tendency to be double-teamed .

Murphy did not panic, and ordered: "We also raise the flag, the storm dragon flag."

Semaphore: Dragon Rider - lift off!
The black dragon-controlling sky patrollers flew into the sky one after another.

Five hundred storm dragons flew into the sky, almost covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

Facing the incoming dragon group, the nine pirate ships on the opposite side immediately adjusted their formation in a panic, connecting end to end, forming a circular anti-aircraft formation, and the ballistas, bows and arrows, and muskets on the ship frantically fired into the air.

Oh, the anti-aircraft firepower is quite strong.

Murphy was a little surprised.

What he didn't know was that since the Alliance and the Horde used air force to fight on a large scale, the air defense weapons of various navies and pirates have been put on the agenda.

Nowadays, in addition to artillery used in naval warfare, various long-range weapons used in air defense are indispensable.

Naturally, the range of these anti-aircraft weapons cannot be compared with the anti-aircraft guns of World War II, which is only a range of 200 meters.

However, the breath of the storm drake is also only about 100 meters, so the two sides can be regarded as restraining each other.

At this moment, [-] storm drakes hovered over the pirate fleet, and from time to time they launched a fierce attack of diving-breathing-climbing.

Murphy looked at it, and suddenly felt that the Storm Dragon King was a bit like an aircraft carrier in this situation, and these Storm Dragon Knights were carrier-based aircraft.

However, the Storm Drake's ability to attack the ground is still weak.

A bolt of lightning struck the battleship. From time to time, pirates who were blown into the sea by the lightning could be seen, and occasionally a dragon-controller who was shot down could be seen.

Murphy felt distressed for a while, it was all money.

"Send a semaphore to Polk and Moon, let the air force take it easy, don't lose too much, and the fleet will attack!"

This is, after all, a naval battle.

There are a total of fourteen knight leaders in the Dragon Sorrow Knights, thirteen of them are the original dragon and thunder knights, and only Razidanan was promoted later.

At this time, the leaders leading the Dragon Knight's attack were two of them, Polk and Munn.

The fleet quickly approached the pirate fleet. The pirate fleet was still in an anti-aircraft formation. It was unprepared for the approaching fleet. As the fleet entered the shelling position, a pirate ship that was bombarded by a salvo caught fire.

Several pirate ships that were attacked immediately began to fight back.

The two sides came and went, and the shells roared and flew back and forth.

While dealing with the attack from the air, they had to fire artillery at the same time. The pirate fleet was obviously a little bit overwhelmed.

However, Murphy did not turn into a giant dragon and went straight ahead. There will be naval battles to be fought in the future, so it is better to familiarize yourself with the experience of naval battles first.

Another round of volleys was fired, and Morgan Lisa even released a meteor burst, setting a warship on fire.

Seeing that the morale of the enemy was about to collapse, Murphy ordered the four Black Sail-class battleships to launch the battleship skill at the same time - springboard projection!
There is a springboard on the side of each of the four Black Sail-class warships. Players step on it and can eject directly. The ejection distance is 100 yards, which is much better than the 30-yard distance swung by a rope.

As the two fleets approached each other, the adventurers on the four black-sail battleships immediately started shooting one after another, and the gang battle began!
This is Mo Fei's real goal. These ships are all money, and one is worth more than 100 million. If they can snatch a few ships, it can be regarded as a small profit.

Razidanan watched with excitement.

"It's just a few days before the big man makes great achievements!" Grabbing a cable suddenly, he swung over, and a dozen dragon blood giant fighters also jumped over with a greeting.

At this time, on the few pirate ships that were on the edge, adventurers and pirates were already fighting everywhere.

Most of the adventurers on the battleship showed a crushing trend. After all, they were all high-level players, and participated in the battle in the form of a guild team, with tacit cooperation and excellent equipment.

Brushing these pirates at level [-] or [-] is just like playing.

The only thing that is more difficult is the pirate leader on the flagship, a terrifying first-order boss.

Barakren (pirate captain) is level 65 and has 45000 HP.

With a scimitar in one hand and a musket in the other, the damage is very fierce.

The adventurers who boarded this ship were obviously not from the same guild, and some of them missed their aim and fell into the sea when they were ejected, but a few useful tanks were among them.

Suddenly being beaten was a little overwhelmed.

"The idea is tricky!"

"Hold on, hold on, this is a plot battle, kill them all, you must hold on."

Razidanan became excited when he saw it, "Let me do it."

"I said brother, don't go too far."

"I don't want equipment, just a head."

"Haha, everyone is a brother, yours and mine, come here, there are tanks."

Immediately gave way to a path, and several buffs were instantly blessed on Razidanan.

Razidanan is an elite template, and his health is about twice that of ordinary adventurers. Although he doesn't have many skills, his damage resistance is definitely enough.

Razidanan also fought hard, waving the knight sword and rushed up, fighting with the pirate captain, a group of healers added blood behind him, and a group of mage hunters frantically output, and quickly killed the pirate captain.

Several other pirate ships started to flee when they saw that the situation was not good, but under the siege of the storm drakes, two more ships sank soon.

Murphy didn't mean to chase after him.

In the end, two pirate ships were captured, four were sunk, and three were lost.

[System prompt: The plot event [Raging Tide Sea Battle] has ended. According to your performance in this plot event, you have obtained 255 plot points. 】

Really boring.

Murphy thought.

On the other side, "Haha, I'm promoted, I'm promoted!" Razidanan stood on the corpse of the pirate captain, eager to jump up excitedly.

After playing the game for more than a year, he finally rose to the hero template.

This year's hard work was immediately worth it. You must know that buying a first-level bronze hero template costs [-] coupons.

This is equivalent to earning 10 yuan, how can you be unhappy.

How many players of the soldier template died silently on the road to upgrade without leaving a trace. If it is not a hero, there is no need to record it. History will only record the stories of heroes.

Razidanan deeply understands this point. Even if he dies immediately, it can at least be regarded as a plot event, and he can leave a few words in the chronicles of the sky.


"Okay boy, elite advanced heroes, there are you."

"Welcome to the ranks of heroes."

Several girls who didn't take part in the battle congratulated him.

Razidanan cupped his hands, but moved closer to Murphy.

"Your Highness, which one do you think I should choose for this specialty?"

He directly showed Murphy the three generated hero specialties.

Feat 1, Commander of the Praetorian Guard (military feat).Your service in the Royal Guard of Alterac has given you the experience of training and commanding the Guards. King, glory, courage and unity are the professional codes of being a Guardsman.

Special effect: Get the training skill [Royal Guard Infantry], you can train human infantry in any kingdom into [Royal Guard Infantry], the upgrade cost is reduced by 50%, and when you lead the Royal Guard Infantry to fight, you will get [No Collapse] effect.

Feat 2, Spearmaster (combat feat).During your long-term use of long spears to fight, you have an unparalleled ability to understand and use long spears, so you have mastered the skills of using long spears to fight.

Feat effect: You have a higher chance to hit a critical blow when fighting with a polearm, and the power of all your spear combat skills is increased by 10%.

Feat 3, Friend of the Dragon (Behavior feat).During your long service to Aidandron, the Storm Dragon King, you have learned about the habits of dragons and mastered the knack of friendly communication with them.

Special effect: When dragon creatures come into contact with you, there is a higher probability of being friendly and can communicate directly. You can accept tasks issued by dragon NPCs. When you ride a dragon mount, the riding skill requirement is reduced by 1 level.

Murphy said, "This is your own specialty, of course you choose the one that you think is useful."

Razidanan shook his head, "I can't say that. I will follow His Royal Highness in the future. Since I am the prince's subordinate, the choice of ability must be in line with His Highness's strategic arrangement, so it is up to His Highness to decide."

Mo Feixin said that this person is quite good.

Thinking about it, it is very dangerous for a hero with a bronze template to participate in plot events, but it is much better to mix with yourself. With the support of the Knights, you can naturally get better plot points.

In this case, Murphy is not polite.

At present, the demand for Razidanan's combat power is not high. The heroes of the bronze template have limited strength no matter how they are strengthened, so the spear master is fine.

The commander of the imperial guards is also useless. Now that Murphy has the Knights in his hands, there is no shortage of senior soldiers.

In contrast, the friend of the dragon may be more useful. In case of encountering a great dragon that cannot be defeated in the future, maybe Razidanan can be used as a spy to find out the truth.

"Choose Dragon Friend. I will be slaying dragons for a long time in the future. You have this hero specialty, and you can play some role in these plot battles and have a little more presence."

Heroes naturally need a sense of presence if they want to advance, otherwise they won't get any plot points if they don't do anything.

Razidanan also understood this truth, nodded, and pressed it without hesitation.

This【When riding a dragon mount, the riding skill requirement is reduced by 1 level. ] is also very good. Generally speaking, flying mounts require at least expert-level riding skills to ride, and individual flying creatures require master-level riding skills to ride.

Now with this specialty, it is equivalent to advanced riding skills.

Razidanan obtained advanced riding skills when he advanced to the North Wind Knight, and now it is just right for him to ride the Storm Drake.

Murphy was still very generous to his own people. He directly gave him a young storm dragon, and gave him a few blue outfits. They were all picked up when Brokenspear Peak exploded. Because they were not worth much, when they were sold I didn't count it in, and now it's a good time to give it away.

Razidanan changed into blue equipment and summoned the Storm Drake again, feeling like the shotgun had changed.

There is a big difference between the hero template and the elite template. First of all, the attributes are increased by 2.5 times. There is no limit.

And there is also a hero's soul, which can advance a hero's skill. This is the most powerful part of a hero. A good hero's skill can directly change the battle mode.

However, Razidanan doesn't have any powerful skills at present, only a few common combat skills that the system gives away for free when he advances to the North Wind Knight, so we can only talk about it later.

Murphy was quite satisfied with the result of this battle, picked up two pirate ships for nothing, and trained a bronze hero by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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