Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 389 The Choice of Plot Identity

Chapter 389 The Choice of Plot Identity
Murphy hurried, but was still a step too late, watching Borelius fly into the entrance of the dungeon.

The rest of the people also looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking that this guy was decisive enough to run away.

A group of people all landed at the entrance of the cave.

At this time, the monster servants on the ground had been killed by the adventurers, and the adventurers also arrived at the entrance of the dungeon one after another. Hundreds of people from Wuyang Wuyang blocked the entrance of the dungeon tightly, but no one dared to enter easily .

Murphy stepped forward to check the dungeon information.

[Frost Dragon Nest (100-person guild-level dungeon)

Challenge Level: Level 60-80.

Introduction to the dungeon: The lair of Bolelius, the king of white dragons, and its collections are buried deep in the cave. Bolelius' control of the power of frost makes this cave extremely cold And dangerous, it is said that no one has ever been able to escape from the cave alive.

Any act of breaking into this cave is extremely stupid, and no one has been able to break through this dragon's lair for tens of thousands of years...]

Just looking at the introduction of the dungeon, everyone felt a burst of pressure, the challenge level was 60-80.

It means that a team of adventurers with an average level of 60 or above is needed to have a chance to attack. For those below this level, it is best not to even try.

Generally speaking, this kind of data in the system is relatively reliable.

Of course, miracles always exist, and the game of Firmament World strives to simulate reality. In theory, even if it is a level 1 trumpet, there is a chance to kill the boss with a fatal blow-but this is only in theory.

However, with a hero leading the team, the difficulty will undoubtedly be much lower, and the success rate of leapfrog challenges will be higher.

Mengmeng Big Tits (Holy Priest): "Have you noticed the level of the BOSS just now? I didn't see clearly the ones in the distance."

Phoenix (Messenger of the Holy Light): "'Frozen Flame' Borelius (White Dragon King), the world's third-order boss, level 90, HP 340000."

Kaya Windrunner (Bright Ranger): "This dragon is a bit fierce, with a blood volume of 34... This is still outside, and there will definitely be an upward adjustment in the dungeon. I'm afraid it will be close to 50 by then. It's bloody." His tone was quite worried.

Everyone was discussing, and they were all a little tangled.

If you want to run outside, you still have a chance to run, but once you enter the dungeon and start the story battle, you have no choice. Once the story battle is triggered, you have to decide the winner, although the drop rate of the White Dragon King is definitely good. Things, but such a risky thing always makes everyone feel worried.

Morgan Lisa has always been optimistic, "What are you afraid of, we have already severely injured him, it is a good time to take advantage of his illness to kill him, besides, we still have the humanoid plug-in of brother Aidan, when the time comes, we will directly kill the khaki dragon." Form, he goes up to hold the boss, Mengmeng and Phoenix are good friends, the rest of us are crazy output, how can we lose."

These words cheered up everyone's morale, yes, the most feared thing about fighting a boss is that no one can resist monsters, now there is a dragon to be a tank, so what are you afraid of.

However, Murphy is not so optimistic. He is not sure whether he can use the dragon form in the dungeon.

When he was in Karazhan, he was forced to choose a plot identity by the system. Obviously, in the dungeon, the identity and ability are limited.

Murphy walked to the light curtain and tried to reach out his hand.

[System prompt: You are about to enter the dungeon [Frost Dragon Nest]. Since you have a plot identity, once you enter this dungeon, you will automatically trigger the plot battle [The Elegy of the Dragon Slayer Warrior/The Ambition of the Dragon Feast] Please choose your Identity in the sub-story campaign.

Identity 1: A warrior who hunts down dragons.Choosing this identity will automatically trigger the story campaign [Elegy of the Dragon Slayer Warrior]. Under this identity, you can only fight side by side with other heroes and adventurers in human form.

Introduction: The brave Prince Aidan and his companions came to this icy and dead land to slay the dragon, where they encountered the White Dragon King Bolelius, and a battle between justice and evil was about to begin. Expand.

Plot objective: Kill the evil White Dragon King Bolelius and seize its treasure.

Identity 2: A dragon feaster who devours a white dragon.Choosing this identity will automatically trigger the storyline campaign [Ambition of the Man of Dragon Feast].Under this identity, you can freely use human form and dragon form to fight, and you can also command your subordinates to join the battle, but you cannot fight side by side with other heroes.

Introduction: The greedy dragon eater Aidan Delong led his men to this strange continent. In order to seek power, Aidan Delong vowed to devour other ancient dragons and seize their original power. A war between dragon kings in search of power is about to begin.

Plot objective: lead the legion to kill the White Dragon King Boleius, and devour the White Dragon King's dragon heart. 】

This... Murphy thought it was really troublesome, this Bolelius is too ghostly, if only he didn't run away, I just happened to give you a righteous beating.

Now I can only choose one of two routes.

When it comes to single-handedly fighting the White Dragon King, he really doesn't have much confidence, even with an army. His little brother is all trained with real gold and silver. If he really wants to fight, even if he wins, it will be a miserable victory.

If you want to fight like this every time in the future, no amount of money will be enough.

Why don't you join the battle in human form? Although we can't change into dragons, our human form is also very powerful, and there are so many powerful heroes to assist in the battle, the chance of winning is undoubtedly higher.

Thinking of this, Murphy quickly glanced at the crowd, circling the lineup needed to conquer this dungeon.

Morgan Lisa and Kaya Windrunner are powerful outputs, and their hero skills are enough to cause fatal damage to the White Dragon King.

Mengmeng Datui and Phoenix can be responsible for the treatment. Their milk volume is enough to keep the tank standing upright. As for the tank, it can only be he and Varian.

Six heroes, plus 70 adventurers, these adventurers are all very high-level, and the best are selected. If you can make up a high-end team with all levels above 55, it should be no problem.

As for the others, they can't be idle, so let them test the waters first, and collect information.

Now there are six to seven hundred adventurers on the scene, and after removing the 70 masters, the hundred-member group can form five or six, let's brush up first and then talk.

Murphy immediately revealed his plan.

Everyone agrees with this plan. In case the enemy is too strong, they can know the information in advance.

"Since this is the case, let the adventurers go first—everyone, let's start forming a group. Don't be afraid of being destroyed. You will wear store clothes and go in to fight. You will share the equipment you have earned. If you destroy the repair fee, I will reimburse you for the potion. .”

Store decorations are not worth a lot of money. Even if it is a large group of 10 people, [-] yuan per group is almost enough.

Five times of destruction is only 50 yuan, which is nothing compared to the money for building the city.

But if you can collect first-hand copy information, the money is worth it.

"In addition, I also want to recruit 70 adventurers to join us in a story battle. They must wear the best equipment. The level must be above level 55, and the professional talent should be matched according to my requirements."

As soon as these words came out, the adventurers who were preparing to form a group stopped immediately.

In the plot battle, although adventurers cannot get plot points, everyone knows that the success rate of the plot battle is 100%, and the key is to experience the plot, which is very worth looking forward to.

"How to calculate the reward?" Someone couldn't help asking.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "All the drops before the final BOSS belong to the adventurers. I don't care whether you guys are ROLL points or internal auctions, and the final BOSS drops go to our six heroes. What's the problem?"

As Murphy spoke, he looked at the adventurers as well as several heroes.

As soon as these words came out, the adventurers all exclaimed in unison.

A 100-person guild-level dungeon is still a story battle, so the drops will definitely not be bad, epic equipment is absolutely indispensable, and there are six heroes leading the team, the success rate is still very high.

After all, someone with an account worth tens of millions of dollars must have confidence.

Not to mention that there is Varian, who has the aura of the protagonist, participating in the battle. At present, there is a general opinion in the game circle, that is, Varian, Arthas, and Thrall are important characters in the plot. The protagonist will not die easily, and can often create miracles by defeating the strong with the weak.

There is something similar to the protagonist's halo.

Now with such a luxurious hero configuration, and Varian is here, no matter how you look at it, it is a good time to hug your thigh.

Although the equipment of the final boss is not divided, the first few bosses will definitely not be bad, and there may be plot equipment.

Immediately there was a large group of people who wanted to sign up.

Murphy is also welcome, occupation, level, talent, all are indispensable.

Just like a real interview.

I can't tolerate him being lax. He has never played this kind of guild-level dungeon. There are countless monsters in the dungeon. It is very troublesome to fight with only six heroes. This is a life-and-death battle, and the requirements for adventurers Naturally it is extremely high.

Considering that it is a copy of the ice dragon, the monsters inside must have various ice damage skills, especially the final boss, the frost breath is not a joke.

Therefore, the elementalists and mages who know the "Frost Protection Barrier" must be brought, and ten of them are directly pulled in, and then the cover will be opened together.

Healing is naturally indispensable. Although there are already two big breasts, the more high-end the game, the more the fault tolerance rate must be improved. Therefore, Mo Fei has formed a full 20 healing support jobs, and all the priests and priests of the gods are fully equipped. , Don't look at it as a healer, but there are many mixed professions among them, and the level is high enough, they can also hit people.

Naturally, I have to do some melee combat. The task of melee adventurers is not to fight against bosses. There are heroes in this world, and adventurers will definitely not be able to do so. Their main task is to protect the back row, resist the line, and fight against mobs. Heroes alone can Can't hold all monsters.

So I chose 15 advanced melee occupations such as Paladin, Dragon Thunder Knight, Arcane Knight, Berserker, Weapon Master, Dwarf Defender, and Monk.

A few tool people also had to come, singing bards, pathfinding thief assassins, so five more positions were arranged.

The remaining 20 positions are all arranged as output positions, among which are mainly long-range, mages and warlocks (after the second orc war, because the warlocks who captured the orcs were captured and some fel grimoires were captured, humans can also The warlock has been built, and after completing the task, the mage can be directly transferred to the warlock), hunter, ranger, sharpshooter, storm attendant, etc.

All are elite adventurers, the kind who have experienced many battles.

All the people have just been recruited here, and other adventurers over there have also formed five full-staffed guild groups, and began to drive into the instance one by one.

Not all adventurers want to hug their thighs. Some guilds are still very ambitious. If this kind of out-of-print dungeon can overthrow a few bosses, brush some equipment and bring them back, it will definitely make a lot of money, so some guilds will The boss didn't even consider mixing with Mo Fei, but took the initiative to form his own guild group.

When most of the adventurers entered the dungeon, everyone waited patiently, and everyone else was fine. To Murphy's surprise, Varian didn't seem to be surprised by this scene at all, and looked at it calmly. Follow those adventurers into the dungeon to find their way.

But it's not hard to understand when you think about it, the relationship between Varian and adventurers has a long history. Before the door of darkness opened, he took a large number of adventurers all over the world to take risks. You're probably used to it by now.

It was Murphy who became curious about Varian's experience in Northrend.

If he did find Frostmourne, why wasn't he controlled?Just because of strong will?That's too arrogant.

wrong!Murphy suddenly thought of something. The first Lich King in history should be Ner'zhul. Ner'zhul failed to escape and blew up Draenor. He also found a door and jumped in. Unexpectedly, he just ran into the burning headquarters of the legion,

Kil'jaeden tortured Ner'zhul's soul crazily, and finally sealed his soul in the crown of domination and threw it to Northrend, thus the Lich King was born.

Later, Kel'Thuzad went to Northrend to search for necromantic magic, but met Ner'zhul, and under Ner'zhul's order, he bewitched Arthas...

But that's all old history.

On this timeline, Ner'zhul is still alive and well, and is leading an army of orcs to dig out the ancient gods.

In this way, does it mean that there is no Lich King at all now?So Varian wasn't under control?

Murphy thought it was really possible.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and soon various news came out from the dungeon.

The first group - destroyed.

The second regiment - destroyed.

The third group successfully killed the No. 1 boss, but chose to quit the instance due to too many downsizing.

The fourth group - destroyed.

The fifth regiment was exceptionally brave, defeated two bosses in a row, and even brought out the screenshot of the No. 3 boss...

Murphy summarized the information. According to the collected information, there are at least four bosses in this dungeon.

Boss No. 1, the Frost Giant Earthshaker, is a level 80 super-large Frost Giant, a typical stake-shaped boss, with a Frost Stomp skill, super high attack power, and ignores the target's defense. It was destroyed because of the inverted T.

Fortunately, the frequency of this boss's attack is not high, as long as it is not killed in seconds, it will be easy to pass.

The third and fifth regiments were all tanks with super high blood volume, so they beat this boss.

Boss No. 2, White Dragon Aixil, is an adult white dragon.

There is nothing to say about this BOSS. The standard Dragon BOSS, because it is a 100-person guild group, the attributes have been adjusted a bit exaggerated, but there is nothing else. Although Frost Breath is annoying, but there are enough Frost In the case of the enchantment, it is simpler than the No. 1 boss.

Boss No. 3, Angus, the priest of the Dragon Cult, is a humanoid boss with the least HP among the three bosses, "only" more than 20, and the specific ability is unknown.

As for whether the next No. 4 boss is Bolelius, the king of white dragons, no one knows.

Although there is no time limit, Murphy is not prepared to waste too much time.

Today we will take down the White Dragon King.

"Let's go in."

(End of this chapter)

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